Deposits payments and ensures adequate supplyof house funds and small changes for all Cashiers.
Collects, with an assigned witness, allCashiers’ remittance envelopes from the drop-safe and to verify them againstthe Cashiers’ daily witness sheet.
Counts, together with the witness, cash, checksand credit card vouchers and summarises them to theGeneral Cashiers’ report daily.
Secures approval from the Director of Financeor Assistant Director of Finance to update foreign exchange rates at the FrontOffice according to daily bank information.
Adds and balances house bank on a daily basis
Prepares the General Cashier’s Daily Report byentering the day’s detailed cash collections and all terms of payments receivedfor review and completion by both Accounts Clerk and Assistant Director ofFinance.
监督并跟进所有借条 / 借据,并确保他们在规定期限之内得到清付。
Monitors and follows up on all IOU requests andensure that they are cleared within the stipulated date.
Ensures that all hotel, company and localrules, policies and regulations relating to financial record keeping, moneyhandling and licensing are adhered to, including the timely and accuratereporting of financial information.
Assists in the inventory management and ongoingmaintenance of hotel operating equipment and other assets.
Manages costs proactively based on keyperformance indicators, works with the respective Heads of Department asappropriate.