In conjunction with the AP Manager,develop, update as required and implement the departmental operations manualincluding policies, procedures, and task lists in line with the overall Resortpolicies and procedures and relevant Government Regulations.
Ensure all subordinates are aware ofand follow the operations manual, providing training as appropriate.
Ensure all Suppliers are set up in theaccounting system once approved and are kept up to date.
Ensure all Receiving Records and attachedInvoices / other documentation are received intact daily, reviewed, and processedin Accounts Payable.
Ensure all Invoices are appropriatelyapproved and have the required supporting documentation to facilitate payment.
Ensure any queries on prices, extensionsetc. are followed-up and cleared prior to final acceptance for payment.
Ensure Invoices match the Purchase Orderand/or other documentation including, where there is no PO, test-checking of pricingagainst Contracts etc.
Ensure payments are made in accordancewith agreed credit terms.
Ensure payment runs are prepared in accordancewith agreed credit terms, with all supporting documentation attached, and are checkedand approved, prior to sending for signature by the approved signatories.
Ensure reconciliations are completedbetween the Suppliers Statements and the Resort records monthly and that reconcilingitems are followed-up and cleared on a timely basis, with any items remaining outstandingfor more than 90 days or which are of concern are brought to the attention of theAP Manager / Director of Finance.
Ensure reconciliations are maintainedas appropriate for any sponsorship etc. arrangements and are reported on a timelybasis to the AP Manager / Director of Finance.
Ensure regular follow-up with the mainSuppliers to maintain a good working relationship for the overall benefit of theResort.
Ensure ongoing negotiation with the Suppliersto improve credit terms, which may include shorter or extended terms.
Ensure all payments required by a certaindate are paid on time and that a trace system is implemented and followed accordingly.
Ensure all advance or progress paymentsare appropriately recorded and matched against subsequent payments and liaise withProcurement to prepare a monthly report of advance payments, reconciled betweenProcurement and Accounts Payable records.
Ensure various systems and reports aremaintained and highlighted for key performance indicators.
Use initiative to query and follow throughon unusual transactions and undertake other audit techniques to assist with verifyingthe completeness and accuracy of the payments.
Bring to the immediate attention of theAP Manager / Director of Finance (or more senior person) any matters which appearto represent a material non-compliance with contractual agreements, possible fraudor irregularity, violation of laws or regulations, or significant deficiencies ininternal control.
Ensure any required General Ledger postingsare prepared on a timely basis.
Assist as required with the month-endAccounts process to ensure the Accounts are prepared within the required timetableand are as accurate as possible.
Ensure all records are appropriatelyfiled for ease of future reference, tidiness and for audit purposes, and utilizeelectronic storage as much as possible taking into consideration all relevant GovernmentRegulations.
Liaise with other departments as appropriateto ensure the smooth running of the Resort operations, that there is complete communicationflow and a positive working environment for the overall Resort.
Undertake any other assignments as reasonablyissued by the AP Manager and/or Director of Finance.
Ensure there is an emphasis on continuousimprovement and the bottom line.
To carry out any additional duties withinthe work scope as requested by the Manager.