1. To establish an annual andfully integrated communications programme with measurable objectives,strategies and action steps, and monitor progress on a monthly basis.
建立年度完整的整合市场传讯计划,包括可测量的目标、策略和执行计划, 并每月检测其执行情况
2. To assist in the preparation,utilisation and update of an Annual Marketing Plan, broken down as necessary bydivision and/or department.
3. To measure, interpret,prioritise and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing communicationsactivities through an ROI analysis and adjust as necessary.
4. To develop and maintain activecontacts with the press and key media people, and evaluate all mediasolicitations and exposures.
5. To monitor all currentattitudes and public statements concerning the hotel/complex in foreign andlocal media.
6. To maximise targeted publicityand coverage of the hotel/complex’s positioning, promotional programmes,corporate image building and other relevant activities.
7. To assess advertising needs andopportunities for the hotel and obtain initial approval of local media campaignproposals from the Director of Marketing and Chief Operating Officer.