1.To ensure that all local and national statutoryregulations pertaining to engineering practices and related codes, as well asemployment practices are adhered and compliance.
2.To ensure effective communication between the management and the departmentand to provide a professional, advisory and executive support service to theGeneral Manager to assist in formulating strategic goals and plan.
3.To establish contact and good rapport with local authorities; fire bureau,health & hygiene, environment protection, AV control, gas supply, steamsupply, electricity, water supply, labor bureau etc.
4.To determine and maintain organizational structure, job descriptions andstandards & procedures for the department and to update and reviewannually.
5.To recruit, institute and develop training programs for all associates.
6.To prepare and manage a cost effective operating budget to cover cost ofall maintenance, utilities within the financial parameters set down by thehotel budget.
7.To made recommendation to management a special capital budget to includeall changes, replacement and upgrade of equipment required.
8.To maintain spare parts, materials and supplies inventory control system soas to allow for procurement of parts with adequate lead times with adequateminimum inventory stock levels to minimum down time and economical prices.Items must be administered and controlled to allow for proper requisition,procurement, receipts, issuance, and returns. All items to be accounted for inbudget control procedures.