To manage all functions related to the cleanliness of the hotel, including guest rooms, public areas, and back-of-house non-kitchen areas
§ 确保所有客房部员工遵循品牌承诺并始终提供优异的对客服务。
Ensures all Housekeeping employees deliver the brand promise and provide exceptional guest service at all times.
§ 确保客房部员工适时的为其他部门员工同样提供优质的服务。
Ensures Housekeeping employees also provide excellent service to internal customers in other departments as appropriate.
§ 礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。
Handles all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily.
§ 保持与顾客和同事的良好合作关系。
Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.
§ 经常性的亲自确认客人在入住酒店的过程中得到尽善尽美的服务。
Personally and frequently verifies that guests are receiving the best possible in-room service