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  • 济南 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
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    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 08-27
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    KEY RESULT AREAS 主要工作职责 1. To prepare, clean and tidy spa premises.     为水疗中心的干净整洁做好准备 2. To be fully aware of the daily booking programmed and to update any changes to the reception.     要清楚每天的预定, 根据前台更改的信息准备工作 3. To check the following day’s appointments at the end of each day and to make necessary preparations accordingly.     每天结束工作前要确认第二天的预定,根据预定做好相关的准备. 4. To provide body massages, body treatments, facials, manicures, pedicures and hair care to Spa’s guests.     为客人提供身体按摩, 身体套餐疗程, 面部护理, 手部护理, 脚部护理和头发护理等疗程 5. To check and maintain product supplies at the beginning and end of each day     每天开始和结束工作时都要做好对产品的维护和检查工作 6. To check Spa Card carefully for specific instructions or guest requests     要仔细检查每天SPA卡上是否有特殊的安排或客人的特殊要求 7. Replace soiled Linen in the pavilion with clean one     做完客人要即使更换疗程房里的脏布草, 并补上新布草 8. Check and clear all Spa fresh materials in the General Store     检查,清点储藏室里所有的新鲜材质 9. To ensure that the guest is greeted by their family name as far as possible.    确保第一时间以客人的姓名称呼他们 10. To ensure guest comfort during the treatment by monitoring room temperature, lighting, sunlight and music level.    确保客人在适当的室温, 灯光和阳光强度, 音乐音量下享受到舒服的疗程 11. To report any guest comments or complaints to the Senior Therapist as soon as convenient. In the absence of Senior Therapist, guest comments should be reported to the Spa Manager.        第一时间向资深水疗师报告客人的意见或投诉,若资深水疗程师不在时,应及时向水疗部经理汇报 GENERAL 一般要求 1. To have a complete understanding of and adhere to the Spa and hotels policy and procedures.     对酒店的政策和程序有全面的了解并遵循 2. To ensure Spa’s grooming standards are adhered to.     确保遵循水疗中心的培训工作标准 3. Ensures that all activities are carried out honestly, ethically, and within the parameters of local law. Observe the Labor Law.    确保所有行为遵守本地法规,表现诚实及有道德性。遵守劳动法有关规定。
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