§ 无论何时尽可能地购买(使用)当地新鲜产品,通过有限的菜单的频繁更换,确保总能为客人提供花样繁多的菜肴。根据四季冷暖,每个季度出不同菜品不可以低于三个,
Uses locally availablefresh products whenever possible and has limited menus which are changedfrequently to ensure the guest is always offered a variety of food items. No fewer than three different dishes per season, depending on theseasons.
§ 拥有足够的工作技巧和能力按照各工作点要求,监督、纠正和演示所有工作。 定期审核修改工作程序,反映变化趋势,宾客满意和经营理念。
To have a full workingknowledge and capability to supervise, correct and demonstrate all duties andtasks in the assigned Place of Work to the standard set. Please note thatMaster Task Lists are reviewed and changed on a regular basis reflecting changein trends, guest expectations and operating philosophies.
§ 按凯悦酒店服务标准,为客人提供一贯的高质量食物出品,随时提供礼貌、专业、高效及灵活的服务。
To produce a consistentand high quality product, provide a courteous, professional, efficient andflexible service at all times, following HyattStandardsof Performance.
§ 工作需要时,非常灵活的在各厨房间调转。
To be entirely flexibleand adapt to rotate within the different sub departments of the Food ProductionDivision of the company as assigned.
§ 被指派或轮换至其他部门,按其部门工作程序履行工作职责任务 。
To perform all duties andtasks when rotated or assigned to another Department as per Master Task Listfor that Department.
§ 按所在厨房要求,执行开、收餐程序。
To perform opening andclosing procedures established for the Place of Work as assigned.
§ 监督营运用品使用,降低物品破损。
To monitor operatingsupplies and reduce spoilage and wastage.
§ 协助执行季度、半年度和年度营运设备用品盘点。
To assist in carrying outquarterly, bi-yearly, yearly inventory of operating equipment.
§ 履行任何其他合理的工作职责与义务。
To carry out any otherreasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.
§ 确保厨房前区和后区干净,有序。
To ensure that the outletis kept clean and organized, both at the front as well as the back of house.
§ 联系安排餐务部员工和厨师,严格执行既定的清洁计划。
To liaise and organizewith assigned Stewards and the Chefs that the established cleaning schedulesare strictly adhered to.
§ 协调维修保养工作和维修保养申请单确保厨房和厨房设备的适当养护。
To coordinate all Repairand Maintenance and issues repair and maintenance job orders to ensure theproper maintenance of the Kitchen and the Kitchen Equipment.
§ 考虑客人人数,市场环境及菜式的受欢迎程度和菜单使用率,与餐厅经理一起计划或参与菜单设计和尽量利用库存和现有食物,
Participates in planningmenus and utilisation of food surpluses and leftovers, taking into accountprobable number of guests, market conditions, and popularity of various dishesand frequency of menu.
§ 回顾菜单,分析烹饪配方,确定选材,进行人员分配,计算管理费用的成本及菜式定价。
Reviews menus, analysesrecipes, determines food, labour, overhead costs and assigns prices to menuitems.
§ 指导食物配置来控制成本。
Directs and strictlyadheres to food apportionment policy to control costs.
§ 根据市场导向的价格及产品,引进及尝试市场中出现的新产品。