The basic responsibilities of the AccountsReceivable Supervisor is to keep a proper record of all amounts due to thehotel from guests, concessionaires, tenants, credit card companies andemployees. It will be necessary to work closely with Operation Manager togetherin following up on overdue accounts.
一、Account Receivable Charges Processing:
1. Work closely with Guest Service Officer and Front Desk to ensure thatguest folios are properly maintained and outstanding balances are undercontrol.
2. Ensure all folios are settled or transferred (with proper supportingdocument or authorization) upon guest checkout.
3. Follow up with late charges and pending accounts
4. Inform Operation Manager and AssistantController of problem account.s
5. To reconcilethe credit card transmissions to the PMS and POS on a daily basis.
二、Billing andCollections and Others
1. Ensure allbillings and monthly statements are sent timely and accurately,to check back updocumentation against invoices to ensure the accuracy of all information priorto it been sent out. 确保所有帐单和月结单及时准确的发出,检查账单的支持文件,确保在单发出前,所有信息均准确.
2. Ensures thatthe necessary documentation is submitted with invoices to substantiate chargesand to ensure payment is made on a timely basis.
3. 确保递交账单和必要文件以证明收费并确保及时付款.
4. Make calls on all current and delinquentaccounts and maintain call log.
5. 打电话问询当月及延迟的应收款情况并做电话记录.
6. Reply to allthe customers’ enquiries relating to payment terms and request for specialbilling.
7. 解答所有客人关于付款和帐单的问题.
8. Ensure thatthe necessary information in regard to overdue accounts is supplied to theproper persons for follow up (i.e. Operation Manager or Director of Finance).
9. 确保有关拖欠帐款的必要信息已提供给适当的人负责跟进(比如,运作经理或财务总监).
10. Maintainall files and records updated and intact.
11. 维护所有文件并记录更新以及保证完整无缺.
12. Isflexible in relation to working hours, particularly around month end.
13. 灵活的工作时间,特别是在月末.
14. Handlesall requests and enquiries in a timely, efficient and friendly manner.
15. 及时、有效、友好地处理所有要求和询问.
16. Toperform any additional tasks assigned to ensure that the hotel functionssmoothly.
17. 执行一切额外的工作,以确保酒店顺利运作.
18. Toprovide courteous and professional service and to maintain good workingrelationships with all hotel associates。
19. 与酒店所有同事提供得体和专业的服务并与之保持良好的关系。
20. Tohave a complete understanding of the hotel associate handbook and to adhere tothe regulations contained therein.
21. 充分了解酒店与员工手册内容和遵守其中的要求。
22. Tohave a complete understanding of the hotel policies relating to fire, safetyand hygiene.
23. 充分了解酒店关于防火,安全以及卫生方面的相关政策。
24. Minimisesthe risks of accidents and workers compensation costs by ensuring the correctwork practises are used and that the area is safe from hazards.
25. 确保正确的工作实践及该工作区域的安全不受危害,使得意外的风险和员工赔偿费用最小化。