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  • 景德镇 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-27
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    • 投递简历
    根据顾客意见调查结果,确保所有改进措施贯彻执行。 Responds to the results of the Consumer Audit and ensures that the relevant changes are implemented. 确保根据凯悦酒店标准,始终提供礼貌、专业、有效及灵活的服务。 To provide a courteous, professional, efficient and flexible service at all times, following Hyatt Standards of Performance. 负责指定工作区域的所有职责和任务。定期回顾重点任务清单,并根据行业趋势、客人期望和运营理念等对其进行修改。 To perform all duties and tasks in the assigned Place of Work to the standard set.  Please note that Master Task Lists are reviewed and changed on a regular bases reflecting change in trends, guest expectations and operating philosophies. 灵活并适应在房务部内的部门及其它部门的轮换工作。 To be entirely flexible and adept to rotate within the different sub departments of the Spa or any other Department of the hotel as assigned 熟悉酒店设施及各项服务。 To be fully conversant with all services and facilities offered by the hotel. 负责建立并负责指定区域的营业和关门程序。 To perform opening and closing procedures established for the Place of Work as assigned. 确保工作区域和周围区域始终干净且整洁有序。 To ensure that the Place of Work and surrounding area is kept clean and organized at all times. 保持所有区域的整洁。 Must keep all areas clean at all time. 保持泳池设备和周围区域设施的良好状态。 Must upkeep all pool equipment in and around the deck. 确保泳池设备的恰当使用。 Makes optimum use of the pool equipment. 完成其它与职责相关的任务。 Performs any job related duties and functions as directed. 礼貌而高效的处理客人和员工询问,对不能立即解决的投诉和问题汇报领班,并及时回馈和跟进。 Handle guest enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner and report guest complaints or problems to Team Leader if no immediate solution can be found and assure follow up with guests. 明确自身首要任务是为客人提供服务,并以客人的需求和安全为第一要务。 Realize that his/her primary role is to be of service to the guest and that their needs & safety come first 确保告知酒店客人关于酒店活动及服务的正确信息和建议。 Must impart correct information & advise the guest on the various services/activities in the hotel. 确保所有区域的整洁。 Must keep all areas clean at all time 必须完全了解急救和救生的技术。 Must be completely conversant with first aid & life saving techniques. 时刻关注客人发出的求救信号。 Must be attentive and alert for any signs from the guest. 保障客人的人生安全。 Must be ensure guest safety.
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