This position is concerned with supervisor roleover all Front Office team members within the hotel and a liaison role with allother departments.
1. Communicateseffectively both orally and in writing to provide clear direction to teammember. Observes performance and encourages improvement. Interviews, selects,trains, supervises, evaluates, counsels, and administers disciplinaryprocedures for front office team member. Monitors lobby traffic and makes teamMemering adjustments as required.
2. Reviews VIPreservations and ensures proper handling of VIPs and groups, administersamenity orders, and resumes for incoming guests. Updates system by inputtinginventory and non-inventory groups. Monitors special reservation requestshandling and oversees rate changes on in-house guests.
3. Computesdaily payroll, schedules, and other reports. Analyses data and makes decisionsbased on prior experiences and knowledge of circumstances to prepare daily andweekly forecast of expected arrivals and departures.
4. Managesfront office team member, resolves guest concerns, and implements resolutionsby using discretion and judgment.
5.Leads andmotivates team members by leading by example and employing competent andconsistent management practices.
6.Takesresponsibility of the hotel as the Duty Manager in the absence of the AssistantFront Office / Front Office Manager.
7. Activelytakes part in training the team, facilitating formal training sessions and onthe job training to ensure that all team members are of the same standard. Alsoattends training where and when required.
8. Acts as acoach and mentor to team members, reinforcing standards and expectations andmotivating team members to strive for established targets.
9. Maintainsdiscipline amongst team members, ensuring consistency in accordance with theteam member handbook, Chinese Labour Law and HR guidelines. Distributesappropriate discipline when and where required.
10. ConductsPDR’s, 1:1 meetings throughout the year, ensuring that the feedback given toteam members is fair, unbiased and provides a platform for continuedimprovement, according to the Hilton standards.
11.Is involvedwith succession planning and development of high potential team members toensure that all team members are trained to progress to the next level of theircareer.
12. Contributesto the hotel and team by sharing new ideas and suggestions for improvements,being innovative and creative to provide quality service and customer care toteam members and guests.
13.Responsiblefor the smooth induction and facilitation of training for new team members,ensuring that they are trained to the minimum level standard and that they cancompetently complete their job and that they know what is expected of them.
14.Creating awarm and welcoming arrival for guests, ensuring that they feel expected andimmediately “at-home” when they arrive.
15. Checking-inguests in accordance with their reservation details, ensuring that theregistration card is completed, reservation information confirmed, Hilton Honoursand Frequent Flyer Number enquire about, and method of payment secured.
16.Ensuringthat guests are escorted to their room that the hotel facilities and roomfeatures are explained, and that luggage is delivered in a prompt manner.
17. Handlescomplaints promptly and efficiently, taking the necessary action, and informingthe Guest Relations Manager for follow up, where appropriate. Follows up withall guests to ensure satisfaction with problem resolution.
18. Maintainsawareness of guest’s profile and specific preferences, ensuring that they areacted upon for each reservation.
19.Acts as thefirst point of contact and liaison for VIP guests, ensuring that they aretreated personally and recognized as an individual.
20. Allocatesrooms in accordance to the guests reservation, preference and remarks,maintaining a systemized and sales focused approach to room inventorymanagement.
21. PromotesHonours and its associated benefits to guests who are not already enrolled inthe program. Ensures that existing Honours members receive personal andprofessional service that recognizes them as important guests and that theirbenefits are received.
22. Liaises withSales, Reservations and the Business Development team to handle corporate.
23. Ensures thatguests profiles and information is input in to the Police Report system in atimely and accurate way.
24. AppliesHilton Brand Standards in each and every action, acting as a role model and exampleof how the standards should be carried out in a practical setting.
25. Hasknowledge of the hotels facilities and services as well as basic knowledge ofHilton International, MEAP & other properties in China.
26. Is up todate with information on facilities, attractions, places of interest, sightsand activities in and around hotel.
27. Ensurescommunication, coordination and cooperation between the front desk and otheroperating departments, specifically Housekeeping, F&B and Accounts.
28. Maintainsthe hotel systems to ensure accuracy of information and data, and that it iseasy to use and operated in an organized and system way. Also Ensures that theFront Desk equipment and systems are functioning at all times, and that thearea is maintained in a clean, tidy and organized way.
29. Passes oninformation effectively, ensuring that all necessary details are communicatedto the intended person and that any pending action is completed and guestsatisfaction confirmed. Conducts daily briefings, shift handovers, attendsmeetings and effectively communicates information to team members.
30. Ensures thatthe Front Office Manager is kept aware and up to date of operational issues.
31. Ensures thatthe day-to-day functions of the front desk are completed. Including but notlimited to Guest Services Manager’s checklist, trace reports, credit limitchecks, online back-up, allocation of rooms, Lost Interface, Pay-Masters,Discount and rate discrepancies, and registration cards.
32. ChecksRegistration cards, meeting and function information, billing instructions,financial records and reservation backup to ensure that all informationreceived is action-ed upon.
33. Completesreports where and when requested, ensuring that they are complete and deliveredon time to the respected party.
34. Keeps up todate and aware of competitor activities in order to be proactive and create marketadvantage.
35. Adheres tothe hotel selling strategy of Demand Based Pricing and maintains rate integrityby offering clear, transparent, and value for money rates to guests.
36. Complieswith Health & Safety, Emergency Management, disaster Manual, and Fireprocedures and regulations. Is a part of the Fire Team ands takes actionaccordingly.
37. Adheresstrictly to standard cash handling procedures amongst team members, ensuringthat all team members balance their float and drop the required amount.
38. Adheres tothe company credit policy at all times when handling cash, credit card transactions,city ledger, providing currency exchange services, LPO and third party paymentsfor rooms, meetings, F&B and any other charges that may be incurred byguests.
39. Follows upon outstanding accounts to ensure no loss of revenue and secures method ofpayment for upcoming reservations.
40. Maintainsthe efficiency of departure by checking all guests folios to ensure accuracy ofcharges.
41. Managescosts effectively by minimizing and controlling expenses.
42. Managers andapproves rebates, refunds and discounts where applicable.
43. Maintainsawareness of sales opportunities within the hotel, maximizing revenue in anethical and responsible manner, ensuring the guests receive value for money andadhering to Hilton Brand Standards.
44.Adhere to thehotel’s security and emergency policies and procedures.
45.Themanagement reserves the right to change / extend this job description ifnecessary at any point of time during her / his employment.
46.Carries outany other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.