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  • 电梯管理员

    张家口 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 领导好
    • 五险一金
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-18
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    入职要求:爱岗敬业、身体健康、有工作经验优先录取,可以接受倒班; 福利:带薪年假、每周公休。工资面议,联系电话:16603133582.
  • 北京-海淀区 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 五险一金
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 07:55
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    身体健康,工作认真,不计较个人得失,对钳工、管工、空调、木工、油工专业知识有一定的了解,具备综合维修能力人员优生录用。      薪酬待遇:固定工资+绩效奖励+店龄奖励+持证奖励(月收入6000-8000元) 福利待遇: 为了鼓励员工踏实工作,凡在酒店工作期间员工均可根据企业相关福利规定享受如下福利: 1.一经录用,即签订劳动合同,每周休息两天; 2.酒店提供工作服; 3.外地员工免费住宿(独立床位、宿舍区有wifi、房间有安装有线电视、宿舍区有小超市)和工作餐; 4.按规定缴纳社会保险和住房公积金及补充医疗保险。 5.根据企业情况、个人工作表现给予奖励; 6.酒店不定期的组织专业性培训、优秀员工外出培训及员工拓展活动; 7.按级别享受每月150元的店龄奖励; 8.享受酒店医药费报销政策; 9.凡符合酒店条件按照规定可享受供暖费报销; 10.凡符合酒店条件按照规定可享受独生子女费及子女医药费报销 11.同时您本人所取得与工作有关的各类操作证按酒店规定按月均有相应补贴,最高每月操作证费高达1100元。 12.享受工会互助保险
  • 维修工

    上海 | 1年以上 | 初中 | 提供食宿



    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 08:38
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    岗位职责: 1. 友好的有礼貌的问候客人,每次都要称呼客人的名字,使其感到特别的对待与认可; 2. 积极热情的为客人及同事提供高效的维修服务,确保每项报修均有结果、有回复,特别在无法立即修复的情况下,做好专业的解释工作; 3. 正确的使用工程工具、物资,确保时刻保持外观整洁,减少不必要的损耗; 4. “以一换一”的方式领取物资/工具,及时上报库存短缺问题; 5. 熟悉所有的电器线路及连接,如照明、电源、电话、电视、音响和火警系统; 6. 负责更换易耗部件、及维修其它厨房设备; 7. 确保所有的配电房,工作间,水槽区域,水泵房,设备间的干净整洁; 8. 熟悉所有的管道系统,如:冷热水管、排水系统及阀门位置; 9. 检查及维护所有的水槽、水泵、隔油池等; 10. 需维修和维护所有的污水管道、热水器、排水口及阀门; 11. 维修、维护及更换所有公寓,公共区域的水管,洗脸盆,卫生间及排水设备; 12. 维修、维护及更换公寓所有的锁,建造木制家具; 13. 维修损坏的墙纸,油漆和抛光墙面,天花板,家具,设备,机器及门; 14. 参与公寓工程部预防维护的计划并准备材料清单; 15. 维修和维护所有的空调设备,如:压缩机,风扇,冷却器,冷凝器,管道系统,轴承和控制器等; 16. 按照预防维护计划,负责清洁空调过滤器和排风口; 17. 维修和维护所有的换气设备。如:排风机、发动机、皮带装置、滑轮、控制器等; 18. 在良好的工作条件下,负责维护所有的工具,机器和设备; 19. 每日在工作交接本上记录所有完成的指定工作; 20. 严格遵从部门的SOP操作程序以及公寓的规章制度; 21. 履行相关职责,并完成上级指派的临时项目任务。 职位要求: 1、性格沉稳、细心、有责任心、吃苦耐劳、动手能力强 2、工科毕业/初级职称者优先 3、了解物业、酒店、公寓工程岗位工作; 4、有较强的沟通、管理协调能力,具备处理突发事件的应变能力 5、中文熟练(口语、听力、写作) 6、电工证
  • 三亚 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 凯悦免费房
    • 月休八至十天
    • 年终奖金
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 17:50
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    1. 本岗位目前招聘的工作方向为:电梯(持有电梯特种设备作业证)或 装饰; 2.拥有酒店或其他服务行业工程部相应领域工作经验一年以上; 3. 本岗位工作时间为三班倒,每天工作时间8小时,月休8天。 4. 对应领域经验丰富者可应聘工程主管岗位。
  • 北京-朝阳区 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    会所 | 100-499人
    发布于 2023-03-09
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    岗位要求: 1.制定所管辖设备的检修计划,按时、按质、按量地完成检修工作; 2.当班期间及时巡视、检查所辖系统设备的运转情况,并及时做好巡检记录; 3.对设备运行状况进行记录,发现问题和存在的隐患及时上报; 4.水电综合维修,主要负责室内维修,公共区域设备保养工作等; 任职要求: 1.从事物业维修工作经验者优先; 2.有电工及相关资格证书优先。
  • 综合维修员

    唐山 | 1年以上 | 中专



    • 五险一金
    • 帅哥多
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 节日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 午餐补贴
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-01
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    岗位职责 1、负责酒店的所有给排水系统的正常运转和保养维修。 2、参与蒸汽管路系统的改造和维修保养。冷热水管路的维修保养。 3、负责酒店内的所有水龙头及卫生洁具的维修保养。 4、负责对所有下水、污水道进行维护及疏通。 5、配合做好所有水系统设备的维修保养。 6、负责各区域厨房内的煤气管接口、阀门的检查保养。 7、主动向领班汇报工作中的问题及完成情况,及时记录当天维修日志。 8、除及时完成本职能组负责的各维修任务外,应服从主管和值班工程师的指派,帮助其它工种努力完成相关的维修工作。 岗位要求 1、中专及以上文化程度, 2、有同岗位工作经验1年以上。 3、能独立完成管路系统的维修和其他维修工作。 4、具有丰富的管道工经验并持有相关的上岗操作证书。
  • 电梯维修

    青岛 | 经验不限 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 人性化管理
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 通讯补贴
    • 员工餐
    • 员工宿舍
    • 高温补贴
    会展/会务 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-26
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    岗位职责 (1)认真贯彻执行公司规章和本部门的管理制度。 (2)热爱本职工作,努力学习技术,不断提高业务水平。 (3)了解电梯相关设备的原理、性能、结构、用途及受控设备的运行、保养、操作技能及维修保养知识。 (4)严格执行安全操作规程,杜绝人身及设备安全事故。 (5)按照有关规定及厂家技术要求对所辖设备进行日常维修和保养工作,并对设备的运行状况负责。 (6)准确及时完为举办各项会议活动所需要完成的工作任务,做好各项活动的保障工作。如有重大活动需根据统一安排,定人、定点对重要设备、设施、节点进行保障。 (7)完成领导交办的其他任务。 任职要求 (1)20周岁以上,高中及以上学历。 (2)设备维修相关专业,有电梯管理员证,了解电梯的基本知识,有电梯维修经验者优先。
  • 丽江 | 经验不限 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-02
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    记录日常电、蒸汽、冷热水、煤气、油的消耗量(日志)。 记录制冷机日志和相关的检查清单,设备的损耗等。 定期检查并记录水箱水位,随时保持足够的水位。 准时到达工作岗位,服从主管以及上级的调度和工作安排,按时、按质、按量地完成工作任务,不能擅自离岗和串岗。 负责填写当值时完整的值班记录。 对本专业所属设备的性能、用途、操作程序、安全规程非常熟悉。 根据预防性维修保养计划,认真完成各种设备的维修保养工作,并做好设备维修、保养的记录。 积极参加各种设备故障的抢修工作,及时排除故障。 保证设备处于良好的运行状态,做到设备干净、机房干净、工作现场干净。   Daily metering of electricity, steam, hot and cold water,gas and oil consumption (log book). Recording of chiller logs & relevant checklist, utilities consumption etc. Checking periodically and recording of fresh water tank levels ensuring that sufficient (minimum) water level is maintain at all times. Fill the shoe on time, cannot leave or go to other posts freely. Toe the line of Supervisor and have jobs done on requirements on time Fill out the complete track record when on duty. Have a good master of the major equipment with their function, operation process, and security rules. Have the facilities serviced strictly as per the protective maintenance plan, and keep the track record. Rush to repair actively with colleagues, and get rid of the trouble in time. Keep all the equipment running in order. Make the machine neat, machine room clean and workshop tidy.
  • 丽江 | 1年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 员工优惠价
    • 多彩员工活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 08:29
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    岗位职责: 1.遵守操作规程及酒店规章制度。 2.检修公共区域,根据客房损坏情况排出先后次序。 3. 完成综合性临时任务,如检查VIP房;监督客房、餐厅、大堂等外包大修工作。 4.完成宾客提出的小修工作。 5.完成维修领班安排的其它工作。 6.提供客房设施现状、公共区域现状,提出补救意见。 岗位要求: 1.中专以上文化程度;1年以上同岗位工作经验。 2.以电工优先,对钳工、管工、空调、木工、油工专业知识有一定的了解,具备一专多能,动手能力强
  • 丽江 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    • 领导好
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-19
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    • 投递简历
    Duties and Responsibilities工作职责 Financial Returns:财务回报: ·         Attends to repair and maintenance of refrigeration equipment such as centrifugal Chillers, air cooled Chillers, walk in cold room and freezer rooms and other commercial/industrial refrigeration equipment. ·         负责制冷设备的维修和保养,如,涡轮冷冻机、风冷式冷冻机、步入式冷藏室和冷冻室及其他商用/工业制冷设备。 ·         Attends to repair and maintenance of air conditioning equipment such as window units, package units and fan coil units.       . ·         负责空调设备的维修和保养,如窗式空调、柜式空调和风冷式空调等。 ·         Attends to all types of repair and maintenance work in the Hotel premises including any new additions / extensions to the Hotel or any other properties maintained by the Hotel. ·         负责酒店范围内的各类维修和保养工作,包括酒店的新增和延伸设施或由酒店提供维修保养的任何其他物业。 ·         Participates in Hotel Energy Conservation Program. ·         参加酒店节能计划 ·         Use initiative and foresight to undertake tasks outlined within the preventative maintenance program without the direction of the Shift Engineer/Chief Engineer. ·         在没有当班工程师/总工程师指导的情况下,主动并预见性地实施预防性维修计划中规定的任务。 ·         Responsible for servicing and attending to repairs on various types of equipment such as laundry equipment, kitchen equipment, heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, including motors, pumps, fans, water treatment plants, sewage treatment plant and electricity generators, electric lights & powers, CCTV, telephone, TV,  fire lives and safety equipment & system. ·         负责各类设备的检修和相关服务,如,洗衣设备、厨房设备、加热设备、通风和空调设备、包括发动机、泵、风扇、水处理装置、污水处理装置和发电机、电灯和供电、CCTV、电话、电视、消防、生命与安全设备和系统。 People:员工团队: ·         Attend all on job training in accordance with the departmental standards and procedures ·         根据部门标准和程序参加所有在职培训 ·         Attend all types of various technical skill training ·         参加各种类型的技术技能培训 ·         Ensures that house rules are followed and obeyed. ·         确保遵守和奉行内部的规定。 ·         Ensures punctual attendance and adherence to duty schedules by all subordinate staff. ·         确保所有下属员工准时出席和遵守工作日程表。 ·         Ensures that personal grooming and hygiene standards are being observed. Does spot checks in the morning. ·         确保遵守个人仪容和卫生标准。在早晨进行抽查。 ·         Ensures all Engineering Standards and Procedures as issued from time to time are followed. ·         确保遵守不定时发布的所有工程标准和程序。 ·         Insure Hotel Rules and Regulations are fully followed, avoid any of the  followings, but not limited to: ·         确保完全遵守酒店规章和规定,避免发生以下任何一种情况,但不仅限于这些: 1   Sleeping whilst on duty 当班时睡觉 2   Late arriving at beginning of shift 上班迟到 3   Early departure at the end of the shift 早退 4   Not following up on guest complaints 不跟进客人的投诉 5   Not adhering to grooming standards 不遵守仪容仪表标准 Guest Experience:宾客体验: ·         Complete work orders as requested by hotel various departments to meet customer requirements ·         完成由酒店各部门提出的工作定单,满足客户要求 ·         Interacts and cooperates with Hotel guests and outside contractors as necessary or directed by superior. ·         必要时或在上级的指导下与酒店客人和外部承包商沟通和合作。 ·         Interacts and cooperates with other departments when necessary to provide additional or specialized services for functions, promotions and festivities. ·         必要时与其他部门沟通和合作,为宴会、促销活动和节庆活动提供额外或专门的服务。 Responsible Business:企业责任: ·         Ensures proper functioning of AC and Refrigeration equipment in all areas. ·         确保所有区域的空调和制冷设备的正常运作。 ·         Add chemicals to chilled water and condenser water as necessary ·         必要时向冷冻水和冷凝水中添加化学品 ·         Carries out daily testing and water treatment of A/C water systems. ·         实施空调供水系统的日常监测和水处理 ·         Demonstrate Awareness of IHG Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safely and within PPE guidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same ·         展示对IHG个人防护装备(PPE)政策与程序的认识,确保安全地实施所有的程序并符合PPE指导准则,并确保你的直接下属同样如此。 ·         Be aware of duty of care and adhere to work place health and safety related various IHG policies and procedures ·         具备谨慎责任意识,并遵守各种与工作场所的健康与安全相关的IHG政策与程序 ·         Be familiar with property safety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly ·         熟悉物业安全、急救和消防及应急程序,安全、合理地操作设备 ·         Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers ·         主动采取行动纠正有潜在危险的情形,并将潜在危险通知主管 ·         Carries out regular fire alarm test as per IHG standard ·         根据IHG标准定期实施消防警报测试 ·         Log security incidents and accidents in accordance with hotel requirements ·         根据酒店要求记录安全事件和事故 ·         Ensures that the work shop and related areas are kept in a clean and tidy condition. ·         确保工作场所及相关区域保持干净和整洁。 ·         Complies with Hotel's Health, Safety & Hygiene Policy. ·         遵守酒店的健康、安全和卫生政策。   Perform other duties as assigned by superior. 履行上级分派的其他职责。 ACCOUNTABILITY责任 This is the top Maintenance/Engineering job in a large full-service, luxury, resort, or major flagship hotel with multiple sites and facilities, a number of major outlets, high volume catering and convention facilities, and a large number of VIP and key guests 这是大型全服务式、豪华型、度假型或大型旗舰酒店中与维修/工程相关的一个重要职位,酒店拥有多样化的场所和设施,众多大型餐饮设施,大规模的宴会和会议设施,以及众多贵宾和重要客人。
  • 丽江 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 工会福利
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 17:43
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    按照制定的计划时间表开展客房服务和维护保养工作并高质量的完成工作。 Carries out guestroom servicing/ maintenance works according to the established schedule and high quality of finishing work. 操作指派的机械设备或者主机房,确保按照营业要求持续不断的有效运作。 Operates assigned machines/ equipment or “Primary Plant” as to provide continuous and consistent utilities required for operations. 依照政策程序,处理所有燃料的运送,确认,储存和使用。 Handles the verification, storage and utilisation of all fuel deliveries to the premises as per the established Policies & Procedures. 运用适当正确的工具和物料完成工作。 Maintains trolley with proper tools and materials to complete duties. 立即报告主管工作中遇到的困难。 Reports immediately to Team Leader any difficulties in completing jobs. 确保所有的工具和设备一直处于正常而有序的状态。 Maintains and ensures all tool and equipment are in good order at all times. 保持所有工作区域的清洁卫生,并且高于客房标准。 Maintains the cleanliness and high housekeeping standards in all works areas. 落实已分配的特殊工程项目。 Carries out special projects as assigned. 开展并准时完成所有要求的维护保养工作,尤其关注与顾客密切相关的工作。 Carries out and completes all maintenance requests on time and pays particular attention to guest related jobs. 保证工程部储藏室的物资存货充足,并严格控制消耗量。 Maintains the Engineering store and keeps close control on consumption of material and inventory. 向主管 / 工程师提交零件和耗用品的采购清单。 Submits request to the Team Leader/ Engineer for the purchases of parts and consumables. 协助控制所有有效消耗,确保酒店所有部门能源的合理利用。 Assists in monitoring and controlling all utility consumption ensuring optimum energy usage by all departments of hotel. 协助监控所有设备效能,为节能减少消耗出谋划策。 Assists in monitoring energy efficiency of all equipment; makes recommendations and advises for energy saving to reduce wastage. 将所有运行设备的操作手册和备用零件的清单保存于库房。 Keeps manuals and spare parts list of all operational equipment in library. 随时随地严格遵守所有的安全规则。 Strictly adheres to all safety regulations at all times. 根据通过的功能请求表,协助处理其它部门的特殊要求。 Provides Engineering assistance for all special request from other operation departments as per approved function request sheets. 严格遵循所有工作区域的清洁程序,在工作中注意保护周围环境。 Strictly adheres to the cleanliness of all work area, protecting the surroundings when executing jobs. 一旦发现设备或安装工作出现与安全有关的反常现象,立刻报告主管和工程师。 Reports any abnormal conditions noticed at any time in line with safety related equipment or installation to Team Leader/ Engineer. 将所有的用完的工具归还到工具箱或仓库。 Returns and keeps all tools and equipment in designated cabinet or store after use.
  • 装修主管

    丽江 | 2年以上 | 初中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 节日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 员工优惠价
    • 员工生日礼物
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 15:53
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    KEY RESULT AREAS关键区域 1. Conducts routine property inspections as directed to determine maintenance requirements or upgrades and improvements to the property and its assets. 进行设备设施的日常检查, 决定对资产的维修需求升级和提高 2. Responsible for ensuring that all rules and regulations regarding safe working practices are complied with 负责确保安全操作的规章制度落到实处. 3. Handles specific job requests as directed in an efficient and timely manner 用有效和及时的方式, 有引导地处理具体的工作要求. 4. Participates in preventative maintenance programs as directed 有引导地参与预防性维护程序. 5. Assigns specific tasks and job requests to subordinate staff and supervises their day to day activity 委派具体的任务和工作要求给下属员工, 并监督他们每天的行动. 6. Co-ordinates with Department Heads regarding specific maintenance activities 和部门领导协调关于具体的维修事宜. 7. Reports any abnormal or extraordinary incidents to the Chief Engineer for his action and follow up   向总工程师汇报异常的或特别的事件, 以便其行动和跟进. 8. Assists in the maintenance of efficient administration preparing and submitting reports on time as directed 协助有效的维修管理, 准时准备并递交报告. 9. Ensures that the plant room, work shop and related areas, and tools and equipment are kept in a clean and tidy manner 确保设备房, 工作间及相关区域, 工具和设备保持清洁整齐. 10. Liaises with the Chief Engineer to order specific spare parts or equipment necessary to execute effective maintenance 和总工程师联系定购具体备件或设备必需品, 以执行有效的维修. 11. Co-ordinates with fellow duty engineers regarding engineering work in progress 和值班工程师协调关于工程进展. 12. Coaches, disciplines and develops subordinate employees   训练, 培训并发展下属员工. GENERAL概述 1.  Contributes to the morale and team spirit of the hotel by maintaining effective relationships with colleagues. 通过保持有效的同事关系为酒店贡献工作热情和团队精神. 2.  Performs additional duties as directed by supervisors. 通过监督人的引导履行额外职责. 3.  Makes appropriate suggestions and recommendations to supervisors for the general improvement of the hotel. 为了酒店总体上的提高, 作出合适的建议和推荐. 4.  Is fully conversant with all health and safety, fire and emergency procedures. 全面的熟悉健康安全, 消防和应急程序. 5.  Maintains a high standard of personal hygiene, dress, uniform, and body language. 保持一个高标准的个人卫生, 衣着, 制服和身体语言. 6.  Is polite and professional in any situation where the image or regulation of the hotel is represented. 在任何情形下, 酒店的形象和规章被展现得专业而彬彬有礼. 7.  Attends meetings and training as required by supervisors. 根据主管的要求出席会议和参加培训. 8.  Ensures that all activities are carried out honestly, ethically, and within the parameters of Law. 确保所有的活动能公正, 合理合法的开展. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA行为评估规范 1.  Achievement of the goals and objectives of the outlet 目标和目的完成 2.  Quality and condition of Hotel A/C equipment 酒店空调设备的质量和状况. 3.   Individual performance vs hotel standards     个人行为和酒店的标准. 3.  Attendance at scheduled training sessions 计划培训课程的出席.
  • 丽江 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 17:42
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    按照制定的计划时间表开展客房服务和维护保养工作并高质量的完成工作。 Carries out guestroom servicing/ maintenance works according to the established schedule and high quality of finishing work. 操作指派的机械设备或者主机房,确保按照营业要求持续不断的有效运作。 Operates assigned machines/ equipment or “Primary Plant” as to provide continuous and consistent utilities required for operations. 依照政策程序,处理所有燃料的运送,确认,储存和使用。 Handles the verification, storage and utilisation of all fuel deliveries to the premises as per the established Policies & Procedures. 运用适当正确的工具和物料完成工作。 Maintains trolley with proper tools and materials to complete duties. 立即报告主管工作中遇到的困难。 Reports immediately to Team Leader any difficulties in completing jobs. 确保所有的工具和设备一直处于正常而有序的状态。 Maintains and ensures all tool and equipment are in good order at all times. 保持所有工作区域的清洁卫生,并且高于客房标准。 Maintains the cleanliness and high housekeeping standards in all works areas. 落实已分配的特殊工程项目。 Carries out special projects as assigned. 开展并准时完成所有要求的维护保养工作,尤其关注与顾客密切相关的工作。 Carries out and completes all maintenance requests on time and pays particular attention to guest related jobs. 保证工程部储藏室的物资存货充足,并严格控制消耗量。 Maintains the Engineering store and keeps close control on consumption of material and inventory. 向主管/工程师提交零件和耗用品的采购清单。 Submits request to the Team Leader/ Engineer for the purchases of parts and consumables. 协助控制所有有效消耗,确保酒店所有部门能源的合理利用。 Assists in monitoring and controlling all utility consumption ensuring optimum energy usage by all departments of hotel. 协助监控所有设备效能,为节能减少消耗出谋划策。 Assists in monitoring energy efficiency of all equipment; makes recommendations and advises for energy saving to reduce wastage. 将所有运行设备的操作手册和备用零件的清单保存于库房。 Keeps manuals and spare parts list of all operational equipment in library. 随时随地严格遵守所有的安全规则。 Strictly adheres to all safety regulations at all times. 根据通过的功能请求表,协助处理其它部门的特殊要求。 Provides Engineering assistance for all special request from other operation departments as per approved function request sheets. 严格遵循所有工作区域的清洁程序,在工作中注意保护周围环境。 Strictly adheres to the cleanliness of all work area, protecting the surroundings when executing jobs. 一旦发现设备或安装工作出现与安全有关的反常现象,立刻报告主管和工程师。 Reports any abnormal conditions noticed at any time in line with safety related equipment or installation to Team Leader/ Engineer. 将所有的用完的工具归还到工具箱或仓库。 Returns and keeps all tools and equipment in designated cabinet or store after use.
  • 强电主管

    丽江 | 2年以上 | 初中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 节日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    • 员工优惠价
    • 员工生日礼物
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 15:53
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    主要职责: Primary responsibility (1)进行设备设施的日常检查, 决定对资产的维修需求升级和提高; Conduct daily inspections of equipment and facilities to determine the upgrading and improvement of asset maintenance requirements; (2)负责确保安全操作的规章制度落到实处; Responsible for ensuring the implementation of rules and regulations for safe operation; (3)用有效和及时的方式, 有引导地处理具体的工作要求; Handle specific job requests in an effective and timely manner with guidance (4)有引导地参与预防性维护程序; Guided participation in preventive maintenance procedures (5)委派具体的任务和工作要求给下属员工, 并监督他们每天的行动; Delegate specific tasks and job requirements to subordinates and supervise their daily actions (6)和部门领导协调关于具体的维修事宜; Coordinate with department head on specific maintenance matters (7)协助有效的维修管理, 准时准备并递交报告; Assist in effective maintenance management, prepare and submit reports on time (8)检查并保持酒店的配电室、柴油发电机组、客房楼层照明、外围园林景观灯等电路设备以确保其运行良好; Check and maintain circuit equipment such as power distribution room, diesel generator set, guest room floor lighting, external landscape lights to ensure that they are in good working order (9)确保设备房, 工作间及相关区域, 工具和设备保持清洁整齐;  Ensure that the equipment room, workshop and related areas, tools and equipment are kept clean and tidy (10)和总工程师联系定购具体备件或设备必需品, 以执行有效的维修; Liaise with the Chief Engineer to order specific spare parts or equipment necessities to carry out effective maintenance (11)和值班工程师协调关于工程进展; Coordinate with duty engineer on project progress (12)训练, 培训并发展下属员工; Train, train and develop subordinates (13)完成上级临时安排的其它工作任务。 Complete other temporary tasks assigned by superiors 5. 任职要求: Job requirements (1)监督人的引导履行额外职责; The supervisor's guidance to perform additional duties; (2)为了酒店总体上的提高, 作出合适的建议和推荐; Make suggestions and recommendations for the overall improvement of the hotel (3)全面的熟悉健康安全, 消防和应急程序; Comprehensive knowledge of health and safety, fire and emergency procedures (4)保持一个高标准的个人卫生, 衣着, 制服和身体语言; Maintain a high standard of personal hygiene, dress, uniform and body language (5)在任何情形下, 酒店的形象和规章被展现得专业而彬彬有礼; In all cases, the hotel's image and policies are presented in a professional and courteous manner (6)根据上级主管的要求出席会议和参加培训; Attend meetings and trainings as required by superior (7)确保所有的活动能公正, 合理合法的开展; Ensure that all activities are carried out fairly, reasonably and lawfully (8)通过保持有效的同事关系为酒店贡献工作热情和团队精神。 Contribute enthusiasm and team spirit to the hotel by maintaining effective relationship with colleagues 6. 行为评估规范: Behavior evaluation norms (1)目标和目的完成; Goals and objectives accomplished (2)酒店电器设施设备的质量和状况; The quality and condition of the hotel's electrical facilities and equipment (3)个人行为和酒店的标准; Personal conduct and hotel standards (4)计划培训课程的出席。 Plan attendance at training sessions
  • 丽江 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 工会福利
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 17:43
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    5年以上相关工作经验 At least 1 year similar working experience 持有空调制冷/强弱电/机修/电焊/管道或其他专业资格证书及操作证书;持有空调维修中级证书或以上 Respects guest needs; takes great interest insatisfying them by taking their interests and complaints seriously;consistently delivers professional services with high quality work standards. 尊重客人需求,认真对待客人的提问或投诉,热衷于满足客人期望,时刻提供专业和高水平的服务质量 Shows self-confidence and an optimisticoutlook; acts on own initiative and takes responsibility for own work 愿意接受轮班工作 Accepts to take shift work
  • 丽江 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 领导好
    • 人性化管理
    精品酒店 | 1-49 人
    发布于 04-24
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    此岗为储备岗 【岗位职责】 对客户服务、质量控制、培训考核、日常经营、内部管理等方面实施服务和管理工作。包含店内管家和客房的全部工作内容。有做过中端以上酒店销售经理岗位优先考虑。 【岗位要求】 1、全面负责店内的运营管理工作,根据公司要求开展门店的销售、创收、费用控制和基础运维工作; 2、根据门店经营目标,完成门店的销售业绩; 3、采取有效措施完成门店增值服务目标; 4、按照门店费用标准,控制门店运营费用; 5、根据运营的工作规定和服务标准,开展门店的日常管理和基础服务; 6、及时掌握门店的运营状态,联系安排房间维修和保养维护; 7、负责门店内下属人员工作管理; 8、建立、维护良好的公共关系(客户关系、邻里关系、社会关系),及时处理突发事件; 9、每日及时完成门店运营数据的核实工作; 10、定期进行运营状况分析,搜集整理周边市场产品价格销售策略建议(包含二销产品); 11、处理客户投诉,不断改善门店的管理工作; 12、积极完成上级指派的其他工作
  • 丽江 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 员工优惠价
    • 多彩员工活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 08:29
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    岗位职责: 1.在销售总监,高级销售经理协调管理下,在商务总监的指导下完成所有销售活动,并协助销售经理负责除宴会外至少10间客房的团队,使他/她所负责区域的住房产量和收入最大化。 2.与负责市场区域的客户建立良好关系,维持客户资料的更新。 3. 通过直接拜访,电话销售,发送邮件的方式给他/她负责区域的客户,在发现市场有任何变化时,包括竞争对手所有的信息变更,都要及时反馈信息给业务发展总监/销售部总监/高级销售经理。 4. 协助销售经理负责所有散客、团队以及协议客户参观酒店并制定后期跟进计划。 5.积极参与宴会及会议沟通协调会,并协助宴会销售部跟进宴会或会议中发生的事件。 6.在及时和高效率的一致方法上实施所有职责,根据酒店建立的政策方针保持酒店在市场的有利位置。 7.建立和维护良好的工作关系。 8.对所有酒店的客人/客户/员工保持高水准的专业性。 9.认真履行所分配的工作和特殊任务。 10.完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。 岗位要求: 1. 具有至少两年在国际连锁酒店的相关经验。 2.具有良好的沟通技巧。 3.拥有较强团队合作精神。 4.强的人际交往能力。 6.有客户资源。
  • 丽江 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 工会福利
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 17:43
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    确保对被分配到的商务合约公司在相关档案或电子数据系统中进行定期的信息更新; 在宴会销售总监/宴会销售经理/宴会销售副理都不在的时候,负责回应所有的电话和咨询,确保信息/留言能准确而及时地传达给相关的经理; 根据宴会销售经理/副理的要求或指派,跟进相应的销售交易; 准确地对活动/宴会记录文档进行保管; 协助市场调查和竞争对手调查报告的编写; 有需要时,协助把酒店相关信息传达给客户; 与相关的运营部门保持良好的协调和合作关系,确保满足客人的要求和期望; 准备并确保所有的宴会订单及时地分发给相关的部门; 管理好所有完整和附属的酒店销售协议书、合同和报价书的归档; 建立有效的宴会/活动销售交易进展纪录,确保所有的交易都有适时适合的跟进; 等等。
  • 丽江 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    • 领导好
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-19
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    • 投递简历
    job overview The Asst. Dir. of Sales will be responsible for delivering the guest experience from event planning, to handling customer requirements during meetings, to post-event follow-up with customers. Key to this role is developing expertise in understanding sector/account needs, maximising guest satisfaction, and driving incremental revenue to the hotel. Where applicable, this role will also involve management and the active coaching of assigned Events team members. At InterContinental Hotels & Resorts® we want our guests to feel special, cosmopolitan and In the Know which means we need you to: ·     Be charming by being approachable, having confidence and showing respect. ·     Stay in the moment by understanding and anticipating guests’ needs, being attentive and taking ownership of getting things done. ·     Make it memorable by being knowledgeable, sharing stories and showing your style to create moments that make people feel special. Duties and Responsibilities FINANCIAL RETURNS ·     Develop deep understanding and knowledge of key sectors targeted by hotel, and gain sectorial/account expertise when necessary to maximise guest satisfaction ·     Prepare Weekly Events Forecast and seize upselling opportunities ·     Ensure the timely follow-up and pursuit of strategic relationships with customers and stakeholders in order to drive the highest levels of conversion ·     Supervise the timely delivery of Master Invoice to customers and facilitate payment ·     Work closely with the Reservations, Sales & Marketing, and F&B departments to ensure the accounts from the events are consolidated PEOPLE ·     Team up with counterpart MICE Fulfillment staff to deliver sector/customer specific services when needed ·     Communicate to his/her superior any issues encountered and other relevant information ·     Attend and participate in and where appropriate, organise training sessions, daily briefings and other meetings as required ·     Where applicable, supervise, manage and train Events Executives and Events Coordinators in carrying out their responsibilities ·     Where applicable, act as escalation point for clients and members of the MICE Fulfillment Team when issues are not solved at a proper level GUEST EXPERIENCE ·     In the pre-event planning process, consult with the meeting planners to identify optimal meeting room configuration, recommendation on meeting/break flow, menu planning, food & beverage coordination, table arrangements, decoration options, etc. to improve meeting efficiency and productivity ·     Meet with each meeting planner daily to debrief on daily events, review consumption, bill and any exceptions to contracted billing and review estimates of final billing ·     Plan and conduct pre-event meetings with clients and catering staff to identify ways to enhance the guest experience ·     Assigned upon situation as the point-of-contact to give immediate assistance in order that customer’s needs are met quickly and their event runs smoothly ·     Supervise the organisation of post-event calls and collection of Feedback Survey and follow up with customers to obtain event feedback and identify further business opportunities RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS ·     Develop awareness and reputation of the hotel and the brand in the local community ·     Coordinate safety and security initiatives to ensure meetings flow smoothly with minimal interruptions or problems. Coach and advise clients on meeting options and alternatives that potentially reduce waste, save energy and have a minimal impact to the environment   Perform other duties as assigned. ACCOUNTABILITY This is a middle level MICE Events position in a full service luxury, resort, or major flagship hotel with high volume catering, banquet, and/or convention facilities. Performance of this role should be measured by the following key metrics: ·     Key Performance Objectives set annually (as per IHG policy) ·     Process compliance as the indicated compliance in the Standard Operating Procedures ·     Lead Handover Quality ·     Other Events KPIs ·     Repeat sale or upselling revenue ·     Customer feedback/satisfaction QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Degree or Diploma, and at least 3 years of relevant experience in meeting planning in Hospitality or a related service industry. Type and level of experience required may vary slightly based on size and complexity of operation. Expected to possess the following skills: ·     Good communication and negotiation skills ·     Ability to take initiative, meet deadlines and commitments, and complete tasks and projects as required ·     Strong organisational skills required to maintain electronic and paper filing systems ·     Maintain a high level of knowledge pertaining to policy and procedure and communicates knowledge effectively to all personnel when applicable. ·     Demonstrates clear and effective verbal and written skills for the purpose of obtaining and conveying information to clients, technicians, management and team members as well as producing reports ·     Excellent PC skills (including MS Office)
  • 丽江 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 五险
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 16:50
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    • 投递简历
    Basic Function基本职责 According to the requirements of the meeting organizers, be responsible for meeting reception arrangements, complete the reception task, and collect guests’ comments, feedback valid opinions and data timely. 按照会议承办方要求做好会议接待的工作安排,完成接待任务,收集宾客意见,及时反馈有效意见及数据。   Job Specification工作要求 1. College or above, with ambition and sense of responsibility, noble occupational ethics, good discipline. 大专以上学历,具有事业心和责任感,高尚的职业道德,良好的纪律修养。 2. More than 2 years catering sales experience, with knowledge of Catering management, marketing and so on, junior English level. 有2年以上宴会销售经验,具有餐饮管理、市场营销学等方面知识,初级英语水平。 3. Grasp the standards and requirements of restaurant service, understand the banquet, conference service procedures, and be good at dealing with the actual problems of all kinds of guests. 掌握餐厅服务的标准和要求,了解宴会、会议服务程序,善于处理客人的实际问题。 4. With strong language skills. 具有很强的语言表达能力。
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