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    伊犁 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    1、清洁餐具、厨具; 2、清洁自助餐台、厨房;
  • 管事部主管

    伊犁 | 1年以上 | 初中 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责编制餐饮部所需餐具和用具的年度预算。 2、根据各餐厅餐具的盘点情况,负责于采购部门沟通,提出器具购置计划,保证及时补充餐具用具。 3、检查和管理各点餐具的使用情况,分析造成损耗的原因,提出降低损耗的建议。 4、负责安排管事部员工的工作班次。 5、负责做好餐具用具的保管、发放、回收工作,负责厨房区域的环境卫生。 6、负责对下属员工的考勤考核工作,督导员工做好安全工作。 【岗位要求】 1、有较强的责任心,工作认真踏实。 2、熟悉各种餐具用具的牌号、产地、特性及价格,懂得餐具用具的分类和保管方法。 3、熟悉各种洗涤剂和清洁剂的使用方法,熟悉常用的餐具洗涤设备及其操作方法,了解它们的维修保养方法。 4、具有XX以上的文化程度或同等学历。 5、身体健康,精力充沛。
  • 宴会厅服务员

    伊犁 | 经验不限 | 初中 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    ·       Deliver Food and Beverageservice of high standard and in accordance with departmental standards andprocedures ·       按照部门的规范和程序提供高标准的餐饮服务。 ·       Communicates to his/hersuperior any difficulties, guest comments and other relevant information  ·       与上级领导交流有关疑难,客人意见和其它相关信息。 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships ·       与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系。 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled ·       参加和参与每日的例会和其它计划好的会议。 ·       Attends and participates intraining sessions as scheduled ·       参加和参与计划好的培训课程。 ·       Prepares for service byensuring: ·       确保部门的以下各项工作就绪为客人提供服务: o   Grooming is impeccable and inaccordance with ICHG personal presentation standards o   遵守洲际酒店集团的个人仪表仪容规范著装无可挑剔 o   Outlet equipment is clean o   设备干净 o   Equipment is sorted and stored o   设备分类且存放好 o   Glassware is polished o   玻璃器皿擦亮 o   Flatware is polished o   擦亮餐具 o   China is clean o   清洁瓷器 o   Waiter stations are prepared o   准备好服务台 o   Cutlery is placed for buffetand table service o   摆放好自助餐桌上的餐具 o   Tables are set o   摆设好餐台 o   Reservations are read andfamiliarized o   阅读并熟悉预订 o   Special occasions are ready o   准备好特别活动 o   Music is on o   放音乐 o   Lighting is on o   开灯 o   Outlet is ready for service andguest comfort o   部门准备就绪为客人提供舒适的服务。 o   Carries out effective serviceby ensuring: o   高效的提供服务: o   Guests are greeted and seated o   迎宾并安排客人就坐 o   Daily specials are explainedand upsold o   说明并推销每日特价 o   Food orders are processedaccurately o   准确的下餐单 o   Trays and tray jacks areeffectively used o   有效的利用托盘和托盘架 o   Food orders are taken quickly o   快速的为客人写餐单 o   Payment methods are handledaccurately o   确的处理付款方法 o   Working areas are cleaned andre-set quickly o   快速的清洁工作区和重新布置 o   Bar is clean o   清洁的酒吧 o   Used ashtrays are regularlycleaned o   定时清理用过的烟灰缸 o   Guests are conversed with inrelation to the food and beverage products o   与客人谈论有关的餐饮产品 ·       Carries out effective beverageservice by ensuring: ·       通过确保以下内容高效的提供饮品服务: o   Beverages are upsold andregularly replenished, abiding by responsible alcohol service regulations o   遵守酒精饮料服务归定,推销饮料并定时为客人续酒。 o   Converse with Guests aboutwine, advising the types and styles of wine, taking wine orders and servingwine o   与客人谈论葡萄酒,建意葡萄酒的品种和风格,写单和为客人送酒 o   Promoting and selling cocktailsto guests o   向客人推销鸡尾酒 o   Making and presenting cocktails o   调配和装饰鸡尾酒 o   Coffee and tea is served hotand in accordance with standard o   按规范提供热的咖啡和茶 ·       Take appropriate action toresolve guest complaints ·       正确处理客人的投诉。 ·       Food and beverage stock isstored in relation to hotel procedures ·       按照酒店的规定存储餐饮存货。 ·       Performs related duties andspecial projects as assigned ·       承担相关的职责和安排的特别项目。
  • 伊犁 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    ·       Deliver Food and Beverageservice of high standard and in accordance with departmental standards andprocedures ·       按照部门的规范和程序提供高标准的餐饮服务。 ·       Communicates to his/hersuperior any difficulties, guest comments and other relevant information  ·       与上级领导交流有关疑难,客人意见和其它相关信息。 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships ·       与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系。 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled ·       参加和参与每日的例会和其它计划好的会议。 ·       Attends and participates intraining sessions as scheduled ·       参加和参与计划好的培训课程。 ·       Prepares for service byensuring: ·       确保部门的以下各项工作就绪为客人提供服务: o   Grooming is impeccable and inaccordance with ICHG personal presentation standards o   遵守洲际酒店集团的个人仪表仪容规范著装无可挑剔 o   Confidently knowing the Banquet function room and capacities and be ableto explain them in detail to guests. o   熟悉掌握各个宴会厅及容量,并可以详细的给客人做出解释。 o    Understand meeting requirements and offer appropriate suggestions. o   了解会议的要求,并可以给出适当的建议。 o    To actively check staff product knowledge on each shift. o   在工作中随时检查员工的产品知识。 o    Check all the function rooms to make sure that the room set up arecompleted according to event order requirement and clean o   检查所有会议室的摆台是按照宴会单里所要求的。 o   Always be available to meet the organizers needs and last minute requestduring the operation of function o   在宴会中经常去需问组织者有无其它需求。 o   Follow up any guest questions or queries immediately and if you don’tknow the answer, check with your Manager. o   满足客人的各项要求,如不能立即回答客人的问题请与经理联系。 o   Positively dealing with and learning from customer complaints andcomments with follow up and feedback to the Manager. o   以积极的态度处理客人的投诉和建议,并及时的把反馈意见回报给经理 o   To supervise the restaurant roster on a daily basis and ensure it is inline with the changing business levels. Make any changes in order to achievethe F&B Teams service standards and budget goals. o   在生意变化的基础上调整员工排班,做任何变化要确保餐饮部服务质量及财务预算。 o   Guests are conversed with inrelation to the food and beverage products o   与客人谈论有关的餐饮产品 ·       Carries out effective beverageservice by ensuring: ·       通过确保以下内容高效的提供饮品服务: o   Do not use cell phones, IPODS,or PDA’s in guest view (unless business related). o   在客人视野范围内不准使用手机、mp3或掌上电脑(有商务需求时除外)。 o   To maintain high team focus byshowing co-operation and support to colleagues in the pursuit of team goals. o   具有极强的团队精神,通过合作及对同事工作的支持达到团队的共同目标。能够提出对酒店的运作及环境有益的意见或建议。 o   To be flexible, respondingquickly and positively to changing requirements including the performance ofany tasks requested of you. o   具有极强的应变能力。反应迅速并以积极的态面对需求的改变, 包括任何工作要求的改变。 o   To be motivated and committed,approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and seizing opportunities to learn newskills or knowledge in order to improve your personal performance. o   具有积极合作的精神。以热心的态度对待所有的工作, 并乐于借助一切机会学习技能以便于改进自己的工作表现。 ·       Take appropriate action toresolve guest complaints ·       正确处理客人的投诉。 ·       Food and beverage stock isstored in relation to hotel procedures ·       按照酒店的规定存储餐饮存货。 ·       Performs related duties andspecial projects as assigned ·       承担相关的职责和安排的特别项目。
  • 伊犁 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    ·       Deliver Food and Beverageservice of high standard and in accordance with departmental standards andprocedures ·       按照部门的规范和程序提供高标准的餐饮服务。 ·       Develop departmental standardsand procedures to promote salesmanship, beverage creativity and profit ·       为销售,饮品创新和利润制定部门的规范和程序。 ·       Communicates to his/hersuperior any difficulties, guest comments and other relevant information  ·       与上级领导交流有关疑难,客人意见和其它相关信息。 ·       Delivers daily briefings andattends other Food and Beverage meetings as scheduled ·       召开每日例会和参加计划好的餐饮部会议。 ·       Delivers prepared trainingsessions in line with a departmental monthly calender ·       按照部们的月度活动日历提供制定的培训课程。 ·       Prepares for service byensuring the department’s: ·       确保部门的以下各项工作就绪为客人提供服务: o   Grooming is impeccable and inaccordance with ICHG personal presentation standards o   遵守洲际酒店集团的个人仪表仪容规范著装无可挑剔 o   Equipment is clean o   设备干净 o   Equipment is sorted and stored o   设备分类且存放好 o   Glassware is polished o   玻璃器皿擦亮 o   Requirements for specialoccasions are ready o   特别活动的要求准备就绪 o   Music is on o   放音乐 o   Lighting is on o   开灯 o   Outlet is ready for service andguest comfort o   酒吧准备就绪为客人提供舒适的服务。 ·       Carries out effective serviceby ensuring all staff are aware of their role in: ·       确保所有员工了解自己的职责高效的提供服务: o   Greeting and seating guests o   迎宾并安排客人就坐 o   Explaining and up-selling dailybeverage specials o   说明并推销每日的特价饮料 o   Processing food ordersaccurately o   准确的下食品单 o   Using trays and tray jackseffectively o   有效的利用托盘和托盘架 o   Quickly taking food and beverageorders o   快速的为客人写餐饮订单 o   Ensuring payment methods arehandled accurately o   确保准确的处理付款方式 o   Ensuring working areas arecleaned and re-set quickly o   确保工作区快速的清洁和重新摆放整齐 o   Ensuring the bar is clean o   确保吧台干净 o   Regularly cleaning ashtrays o   定时清理烟灰缸 o   Conversing with Guests in relationto the food and beverage products o   与客人交谈有关的餐饮产品 ·       Carries out effective beverageservice by ensuring: ·       通过确保以下内容高效的提供饮品服务: o   Beverages are up-sold andregularly replenished, abiding by responsible alcohol service regulations o   遵守酒精饮料服务归定,推销饮料并定时为客人续酒。 o   Converse with Guests aboutwine, advising the types and styles of wine, taking wine orders and servingwine o   与客人谈论葡萄酒,建意葡萄酒的品种和风格,写单和为客人送酒 o   Promoting and selling cocktailsto guests o   向客人推销鸡尾酒 o   Making and presenting cocktails o   调配和装饰鸡尾酒 o   Coffee and tea is served hotand in accordance with standard o   按规范提供热的咖啡和茶 ·       Patron care standards areadhered to by ensuring: ·       通过确保以下方面遵守宾客服务规范: o   Guests are advised on alcoholicbeverages o   给予客人有关酒精饮料的建议 o   The strengths of alcohol isadvised and guests are advised as to their effect o   告知客人酒精强度,并告诉客人对他们的影响。 o   Compliance with legalprovisions of local liquor codes o   遵守法律规定和地方酒精饮品条例 o   Level of intoxication of guestsis assessed and appropriate action taken o   评定客人的醉酒程度并采取必要的措施 o   Advise guest on the hotel’spolicy of smoking o   通知客人酒店的吸烟规定 o   Monitor factors which interferewith the total experience of the guest o   监测影响客人总体体验的各方面工作 ·       Cellar operations are carriedout including: ·       酒窖管理包括: o   Correct use of refrigerationsystem o   正确的使用冰箱系统 o   Effective operation of thepost-mix syrups bulk dispense system o   有效的使用后混合桶装糖浆分装设备 o   Operating the beer reticulationsystem o   使用啤酒过滤裝置 o   Adhering to stock controlprocedures o   遵循存货管理程序 ·       Take appropriate action toresolve guest complaints ·       正确处理客人的投诉。 ·       Requisition bar items accordingto bar stocks ·       根据酒吧存货量领取酒吧物品。 ·       Train bar attendant, wait helpand bus help in basic beverage knowledge and beverage service ·       为酒吧侍应生提供基本的饮料知识和饮料服务的培训。 ·       Complete spillage report andsubmit to Food and Beverage manager at the Conclusion of each shift ·       填写洒酒单并在每班结束后交给餐饮经理。 ·       Assist the Food and BeverageManager to source and review outlet musicians ·       协助餐饮经理寻找和审评音乐师。 ·       Assist to promote the musicians ·       协助乐师的推广工作。 ·       Design promotional materialwhich is aimed at increasing revenue, covers and profit for the Bar with theapproval of the Food and Beverage Manager ·       设计以增加收入,人数和利润为目的的酒吧宣传材料,然后由餐饮经理审批。 ·       Works with Superior on manpowerplanning and management needs ·       和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 ·       Works with Superior in thepreparation and management of the Department’s budget ·       和上级领导一起编制和管理部门预算。
  • 伊犁 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    ·       Meet and greet all guests, andpotential guests, at the front of the Restaurant by ensuring the following: ·       在餐厅的前部迎接所有宾客和有可能的宾客,确保完成以下工作: o   Ensure the restaurant is readyto receive guests prior to opening and that both wait staff and tables areready in line with opening standards o   确保在开始营业前餐厅准备就绪,侍应生和餐桌服务员都遵守开始营业规范。 o   Ensure restaurant operatingequipment is clean and in working order o   确保餐厅运营设备的清洁并正常工作。 o   Maintaining impeccable uniformand personal presentation standards in accordance with hotel policy o   按照酒店的规定保持工服和个人仪表的高标准。 o   Welcoming guests to theRestaurant, by using the Restaurant name o   迎客人光临餐厅,使用餐厅的名称。 o   Inquiring if they have areservation and noting it in the reservation book if they do o   询问客人是否有预订,如有预定在预订册上做记录。 o   Creating a reservation for themwith their dining preferences if they do not and noting it in the reservationbook o   为客人登记预订并注有用餐喜好,如客人没有预订则在预订册上记录。 o   Being attentive to guestrequests o   周到的满足客人要求。 ·       Escort guests to theirpreferred table or reserved table and seat guests according to restaurantstandards ·       陪同客人前往喜欢的餐台或预订的餐台,按餐厅标准安排客人就坐。 ·       Take telephone bookings anddocument in the Reservation book according to restaurant standards ·       接听电话订位并按餐厅的规范在预订冊上记录。 ·       Train wait staff and bus staffin hostess standards ·       按领位员的标准培训员工。 ·       Be attentive to guests andresolve their complaints where possible, reporting all incidents to yourSupervisor ·       周到的为客人服务,并尽可能解决客人的投诉,向上级领到报告所有事件。 ·       Maintain responsibility ofcleanliness of hostess stations ·       保持迎宾台的清洁。 ·       Maintain responsibility ofcleanliness of all menus and drink menus ·       保持所有菜单和饮料单的清洁。 ·       Assist with beverage service ·       协助饮料服务。 ·       Assist with food service ·       协助食品服务。 ·       Maintain detailed knowledge ofmenu, including daily specials ·       对菜单有具体的了解,包括每日特价。 ·       Ensure tables are clearedquietly and efficiently ·       确保迅速且高效的清理餐桌。 ·       Carry food and beverage traysin a safe manner to minimize breakages ·       安全的举餐盘使破损将到最低。 ·       Complete dockets accurately andclearly ·       准确和清楚的填写收据。 ·       Maintain current information onall general activities of the hotel ·       了解当前酒店所有的活动。 ·       Provide leadership and direction for all staff while on duty by offeringprofessional skills and leading by example. 通过体现自身的专业素质,为餐厅的其他员工树立良好榜样。 ·       Being aware of potential highs and lows in the business. 了解生意潜在的增长或减低的态势。 ·       Identify and communicate potential sales leads to manager. 能够意识到潜在的销售并向经理汇报。
  • 伊犁 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    【岗位职责】 ·       Effectively manage the restaurantoperation by implementing the following: ·       有效的管理餐厅的日常工作,确保如下工作的执行: o    Oversee the Implementation of standards as detailed in thedepartmental standards and procedures manual o    监督部门工作程序手册中列出的各项规范的贯彻执行。 o    Enforce shift hand over procedures o    执行交接班程序。 o    Enforce correct bill paying procedures o    遵守正确的结账程序。 o    Conduct effective shift briefings ensuring all staff are aware ofVIPs, special occasions, daily specials; emphasis on up-selling certainproducts; etc o    有效的进行交接班说明会,确保所有员工了解重要客人,特殊活动,每日特价,重点是推销某些产品等。 o    Encourage and motivate staff to provide optimum service during allshifts o    激励在岗员工为客人提供卓越的服务。 ·       Share recommendations and guestcomments to Chef and Food and Beverage Manager to reflect current customerprofile ·       与厨师和餐饮经理交流意见和客人的建议从而反应当前客人的情况。 ·       Manage special amenities andspecial events ·       特殊设施和活动的管理工作。 ·       Anticipate market changes andreview operations when necessary ·       有效的预测市场的变化,并在必要时审评运营工作。 ·       Conduct competitor analysis ·       对竞争对手进行分析。 ·       Manage customer database andutilize effectively ·       管理顾客数据库并有效的加以使用。 ·       Up-sell property facilities ·       推销酒店的设施。 ·       Actively pursue cost savingmeasures ·       积极的实行节约成本的措施。 ·       Recycle wherever possible ·       尽可能再利用能源。 ·       Manage wage and beverage cost ·       管理工资和饮料成本。 ·       Forecasting ·       进行预测工作。 ·       Stock control ·       有效的控制存货。 ·       Analyze statistics and changeyour operations to reflect customer preferences ·       分析统计数据,按照客人的喜好改变运营方法。 ·       Mix your own shift hours toensure you know what is happening in your department at all times (i.e. nights,days, week-ends and during the week, break, lunch and evening shifts) ·       混合自己的轮班时间确保随时了解部门内发生的事情(如夜班,白班,周末和周一至周五班,间休,午餐时间和晚班)。 ·       Conduct monthly staff meetingto ensure all management projects, policies, new product, staff movement …etc.are notified and documented.  During thistime, encourage comments and ideas from staff for the interest of room servicedepartment ·       召开月度员工会议确保通知所有管理项目,规章,新产品,员工变动并记录在案。 ·       Enforce cleanliness of RoomService area and kitchen equipment and maintenance ·       执行客房送餐服务区域和厨房的清洁标准,并予以保持。 ·       Make conversation to guestsduring their order and find out their likes and dislikes as well as buildingrapport ·       在客人点餐时与客人交谈,发现客人的喜好,同时建立友善的关系。 ·       Maintain good relations withother members of Food and Beverage including Kitchen, Stewarding and ServiceOperations ·       与餐饮部其它部分保持良好的工作关系,包括厨房,管事部和服务部门。 ·       Actively participate indepartmental training and give support and feedback ·       积极的参加部门培训并给予支持和反馈。 ·       Ensure sufficient operationalequipment and linen ·       确保备有充足的运营设备和布巾。 ·       Handle guest’s complaintsprofessionally ·       专业的处理客人的投诉。 ·       Handle guest’s complaintsprofessionally ·       Report and document everysingle glitch in food and beverage immediately, to superiors, Executive Chefand other related Managers ·       及时向上级领导,行政总厨和相关经理汇报餐饮工作中发生的每次事故并予以记录。 ·       Works with Superior on manpower planning and managementneeds ·       和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 ·       Works with Superior in the preparation and management ofthe Department’s budget ·       和上级领导一起编制和管理部门预算。 ·       To maintain a high customer service focus by approaching your job withthe customers always in mind. 在整个工作过程中,始终保持高度的客户服务意识。 ·       To be flexible, responding quickly and positively to changingrequirements including the performance. 具有极强的应变能力, 反映迅速并以积极的态度面对要求的改变,包括任何工作要求的改变。 ·       To maintain high team focus by showing co-operation and support tocolleagues in the pursuit of team goals. 具有极强的团队精神, 通过合作及对同事工作的支持达到团队的目标。       ·       To contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmentalprocedures in the Hotel. 能够提出对酒店的运作及环境有益的意见或建议。 ·       To actively promote the service and facilities of the Ramada Hotels toguests and suppliers of the hotel. 能够积极的向客人及供应商推荐酒店的服务及设施。 ·       To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures yoursafety and that of others in your workplace. 在工作过程中能够做好本职工作,保证自己及其他人的安全。 ·       To supervise the Catering roster on a daily basis and ensure it is inline with the changing business levels. Make any changes in order to achievethe F&B Team service standards and budget goals. 在生意变化的基础上调整员工排班,同时人员的配置也需确保服务质量及财务预算。 ·       Control the allocated labour for each shift to ensure that customerexpectations are met whilst achieving the desired labour cost. 管理每个班次所安排的人力资源,在一定人力资源的基础上满足客人的期望。 ·       Assist the restaurant managers with training all staff for ‘inductiontraining’ and ‘on the job training’. 协助餐厅经理进行就职培训,及在职培训。 ·       Offer staff constructive feedback about their performance after everyshift in an aim to develop their skills and confidence. 为了提高员工的工作技能及自信心,在每个班次的工作之后总结他们的工作表现。 ·       Provide leadership and direction for all staff while on duty by offeringprofessional skills and leading by example. 通过体现自身的专业素质,为餐厅的其他员工树立良好榜样。 ·       Be aware of the restaurant & overall F&B targets for food,beverage, payroll & general expense costs. 了解整个餐饮部的食品,饮料,工资成本及其他杂项目成本的预算。
  • 餐厅领班

    伊犁 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供吃



    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 企业规模
    发布于 03-18
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    - 协助主管进行员工排班和考勤记录,确保餐厅人员配备充足且合理。 - 带领并指导服务员开展工作,及时纠正不规范的服务行为,对新员工进行岗位培训和传帮带。 服务管理 - 在餐厅营业期间,监督服务流程的执行,确保服务员按照标准为客人提供高效、优质的服务,包括迎送客人、点菜、上菜、酒水服务等环节。 - 关注客人的用餐需求和反馈,及时处理客人的投诉和特殊要求,不能解决的问题及时上报主管。 菜品管理 - 了解当日菜品供应情况,包括特色菜、沽清菜等,向服务员传达相关信息,以便准确为客人介绍。 - 检查菜品的质量和外观,确保上桌的菜品符合酒店的标准,如有问题及时与厨房沟通解决。 运营管理 - 负责餐厅的物资管理,包括餐具、布草、酒水等的盘点、补充和保管,确保物资充足且无浪费。 - 协助主管完成餐厅的清洁卫生和安全检查工作,包括餐前、餐后的卫生清理,以及电器设备、消防设施等的检查,保障餐厅环境整洁、安全。 - 参与餐厅的营业数据统计和分析,如客流量、菜品销售情况等,为餐厅的经营决策提供数据支持。
  • 伊犁 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    工作职责 ·       Effectively manage therestaurant by ensuring the following: ·       有效管理餐厅的日常工作,确保日下工作正常进行: o   Oversee the Implementation ofstandards as detailed in the departmental standards and procedures manual o   监督部门工作标准和程序手册中列出的各项规范的贯彻执行。 o   Adhere to opening and closingprocedures o   遵守开始营业和结束营业的程序。 o   Adhere to bill payingprocedures o   遵守规定的结账程序。 o   Conduct effective shiftbriefings ensuring all staff are aware of VIPs, special occasions, dailyspecials; emphasis on upselling certain products; etc. o   有效的进行交接班说明会,确保所有员工了解重要客人,特殊活动,每日特价,重点是推销某些产品等。 o   Personally meet and farewell aminimum of 80% of your customers o   亲自迎送80%以上的客人。 o   Encourage and motivate staff toprovide optimum service during all shifts o   激励在岗员工为客人提供卓越的服务。 ·       Share recommendations and guestcomments to Chef and Food and Beverage Manager to reflect current customerprofile ·       与厨师和餐饮经理交流意见和客人的建议从而反应当前客人的情况。 ·       Develop and implementPromotions Calendar for F&B products in restaurant ·       在餐厅制定和执行餐饮产品促销活动日历。 ·       Manage special event concepts ·       特别活动的概念管理工作。 ·       Anticipate market changes andreview operations when necessary ·       善于预测市场的变化情况,并在必要时审评运营工作。 ·       Conduct competitor analysis ·       对竞争对手进行分析。 ·       Create positive publicityopportunities ·       创造良好的公众宣传机会。 ·       Manage customer database andutilize effectively ·       管理顾客数据库并有效的加以使用。 ·       Up-sell property facilities ·       推销酒店的设施。 ·       Actively pursue cost savingmeasures ·       积极的实行节约成本的方法。 ·       Recycle wherever possible ·       尽可能再利用能源。 ·       Liaise with Sales Managerduring tender process to obtain new accounts; Food and Beverage specific ·       在竞标过程中与销售经理密切合作争取新的客户;特别是餐饮部门的客户。 ·       Manage wage and beverage cost ·       管理工资和饮料成本。 ·       Forecasting ·       进行预测工作。 ·       Stock control ·       有效的控制存货。 ·       Analyse food and beveragestatistics through point of sale system ·       通过销售点销售系统分析餐饮统计数据。 ·       Works with Superior on manpower planning and managementneeds ·       和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 ·       Works with Superior in the preparation and management ofthe Department’s budget ·       和上级领导一起编制和管理部门预算。 ·       Moves throughout facility and kitchen areas to visually monitor and takecorrective action to ensure food quality and service standards are met.Verifies temperatures, judges’ appearance and taste of products, and checkspreparation methods to determine quality. Provides guidance for improvement andimplements necessary adjustments for consistency. 注意监测所有设施和整个厨房区域,并采取适当的行动以确保食品质量和服务水平得到满足。保证产品的温度,出品和口感,制备方法和检查,以确定品质。 ·       Responsible for ensuring compliance with all policies and proceduresthat relate to the restaurant as well as all local, state and federal laws andregulations; responsible for ensuring cleanliness and proper sanitationof all work and service areas. 有责任确保餐厅所有的政策和程序都符合当地政府乃至国家的规定。负责确保餐厅的清洁和所有工作和服务区域的卫生。 ·       To maintain a high customer service focus by approaching your job withthe customers always in mind. 在整个工作过程中,始终保持高度的客户服务意识 ·       To have a positive impact, taking personal responsibility and initiativeto resolve issues, always clearly communicating with both customers andcolleagues. 保持积极的工作态度,做好本职工作,并且主动解决问题,能够始终清晰的与客人或同事进行交流。 ·       To be motivated and committed, approaching all tasks with enthusiasm andseizing opportunities to learn new skills or knowledge in order to improve yourpersonal performance. 具有积极合作的精神, 以极其热心的态度对待所有的工作,并且乐于借助一切机会学习新技能以便于改进自己的工作表现。 ·       To be flexible, responding quickly and positively to changingrequirements including the performance. 具有极强的应变能力, 反映迅速并以积极的态度面对要求的改变,包括任何工作要求的改变。 ·       To maintain high team focus by showing co-operation and support tocolleagues in the pursuit of team goals. 具有极强的团队精神, 通过合作及对同事工作的支持达到团队的目标。 ·       To contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmentalprocedures in the Hotel. 能够提出对酒店的运作及环境有益的意见或建议。 ·       To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures yoursafety and that of others in your workplace. 在工作过程中能够做好本职工作,保证自己及其他人的安全。
  • 伊犁 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    ·       Effectively manage the restaurantoperation by implementing the following: ·       有效的管理餐厅的日常工作,确保如下工作的执行: o    Oversee the Implementation of standards as detailed in thedepartmental standards and procedures manual o    监督部门工作程序手册中列出的各项规范的贯彻执行。 o    Enforce shift hand over procedures o    执行交接班程序。 o    Enforce correct bill paying procedures o    遵守正确的结账程序。 o    Conduct effective shift briefings ensuring all staff are aware ofVIPs, special occasions, daily specials; emphasis on up-selling certainproducts; etc o    有效的进行交接班说明会,确保所有员工了解重要客人,特殊活动,每日特价,重点是推销某些产品等。 o    Encourage and motivate staff to provide optimum service during allshifts o    激励在岗员工为客人提供卓越的服务。 ·       Share recommendations and guestcomments to Chef and Food and Beverage Manager to reflect current customerprofile ·       与厨师和餐饮经理交流意见和客人的建议从而反应当前客人的情况。 ·       Manage special amenities andspecial events ·       特殊设施和活动的管理工作。 ·       Anticipate market changes andreview operations when necessary ·       有效的预测市场的变化,并在必要时审评运营工作。 ·       Conduct competitor analysis ·       对竞争对手进行分析。 ·       Manage customer database andutilize effectively ·       管理顾客数据库并有效的加以使用。 ·       Up-sell property facilities ·       推销酒店的设施。 ·       Actively pursue cost savingmeasures ·       积极的实行节约成本的措施。 ·       Recycle wherever possible ·       尽可能再利用能源。 ·       Manage wage and beverage cost ·       管理工资和饮料成本。 ·       Forecasting ·       进行预测工作。 ·       Stock control ·       有效的控制存货。 ·       Analyze statistics and changeyour operations to reflect customer preferences ·       分析统计数据,按照客人的喜好改变运营方法。 ·       Mix your own shift hours toensure you know what is happening in your department at all times (i.e. nights,days, week-ends and during the week, break, lunch and evening shifts) ·       混合自己的轮班时间确保随时了解部门内发生的事情(如夜班,白班,周末和周一至周五班,间休,午餐时间和晚班)。 ·       Conduct monthly staff meetingto ensure all management projects, policies, new product, staff movement …etc.are notified and documented.  During thistime, encourage comments and ideas from staff for the interest of room servicedepartment ·       召开月度员工会议确保通知所有管理项目,规章,新产品,员工变动并记录在案。 ·       Enforce cleanliness of RoomService area and kitchen equipment and maintenance ·       执行客房送餐服务区域和厨房的清洁标准,并予以保持。 ·       Make conversation to guestsduring their order and find out their likes and dislikes as well as buildingrapport ·       在客人点餐时与客人交谈,发现客人的喜好,同时建立友善的关系。 ·       Maintain good relations withother members of Food and Beverage including Kitchen, Stewarding and ServiceOperations ·       与餐饮部其它部分保持良好的工作关系,包括厨房,管事部和服务部门。 ·       Actively participate indepartmental training and give support and feedback ·       积极的参加部门培训并给予支持和反馈。 ·       Ensure sufficient operationalequipment and linen ·       确保备有充足的运营设备和布巾。 ·       Handle guest’s complaintsprofessionally ·       专业的处理客人的投诉。 ·       Handle guest’s complaintsprofessionally ·       Report and document everysingle glitch in food and beverage immediately, to superiors, Executive Chefand other related Managers ·       及时向上级领导,行政总厨和相关经理汇报餐饮工作中发生的每次事故并予以记录。 ·       Works with Superior on manpower planning and managementneeds ·       和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 ·       Works with Superior in the preparation and management ofthe Department’s budget ·       和上级领导一起编制和管理部门预算。 ·       To maintain a high customer service focus by approaching your job withthe customers always in mind. 在整个工作过程中,始终保持高度的客户服务意识。 ·       To be flexible, responding quickly and positively to changingrequirements including the performance. 具有极强的应变能力, 反映迅速并以积极的态度面对要求的改变,包括任何工作要求的改变。 ·       To maintain high team focus by showing co-operation and support tocolleagues in the pursuit of team goals. 具有极强的团队精神, 通过合作及对同事工作的支持达到团队的目标。       ·       To contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmentalprocedures in the Hotel. 能够提出对酒店的运作及环境有益的意见或建议。 ·       To actively promote the service and facilities of the Ramada Hotels toguests and suppliers of the hotel. 能够积极的向客人及供应商推荐酒店的服务及设施。 ·       To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures yoursafety and that of others in your workplace. 在工作过程中能够做好本职工作,保证自己及其他人的安全。 ·       To supervise the Catering roster on a daily basis and ensure it is inline with the changing business levels. Make any changes in order to achievethe F&B Team service standards and budget goals. 在生意变化的基础上调整员工排班,同时人员的配置也需确保服务质量及财务预算。 ·       Control the allocated labour for each shift to ensure that customerexpectations are met whilst achieving the desired labour cost. 管理每个班次所安排的人力资源,在一定人力资源的基础上满足客人的期望。 ·       Assist the restaurant managers with training all staff for ‘inductiontraining’ and ‘on the job training’. 协助餐厅经理进行就职培训,及在职培训。 ·       Offer staff constructive feedback about their performance after everyshift in an aim to develop their skills and confidence. 为了提高员工的工作技能及自信心,在每个班次的工作之后总结他们的工作表现。 ·       Provide leadership and direction for all staff while on duty by offeringprofessional skills and leading by example. 通过体现自身的专业素质,为餐厅的其他员工树立良好榜样。 ·       Be aware of the restaurant & overall F&B targets for food,beverage, payroll & general expense costs. 了解整个餐饮部的食品,饮料,工资成本及其他杂项目成本的预算。
  • 中餐厅迎宾员

    伊犁 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    • 投递简历
    ·       Meet and greet all guests, andpotential guests, at the front of the Restaurant by ensuring the following: ·       在餐厅的前部迎接所有宾客和有可能的宾客,确保完成以下工作: o   Ensure the restaurant is readyto receive guests prior to opening and that both wait staff and tables areready in line with opening standards o   确保在开始营业前餐厅准备就绪,侍应生和餐桌服务员都遵守开始营业规范。 o   Ensure restaurant operatingequipment is clean and in working order o   确保餐厅运营设备的清洁并正常工作。 o   Maintaining impeccable uniformand personal presentation standards in accordance with hotel policy o   按照酒店的规定保持工服和个人仪表的高标准。 o   Welcoming guests to theRestaurant, by using the Restaurant name o   迎客人光临餐厅,使用餐厅的名称。 o   Inquiring if they have areservation and noting it in the reservation book if they do o   询问客人是否有预订,如有预定在预订册上做记录。 o   Creating a reservation for themwith their dining preferences if they do not and noting it in the reservationbook o   为客人登记预订并注有用餐喜好,如客人没有预订则在预订册上记录。 o   Being attentive to guestrequests o   周到的满足客人要求。 ·       Escort guests to theirpreferred table or reserved table and seat guests according to restaurantstandards ·       陪同客人前往喜欢的餐台或预订的餐台,按餐厅标准安排客人就坐。 ·       Take telephone bookings anddocument in the Reservation book according to restaurant standards ·       接听电话订位并按餐厅的规范在预订冊上记录。 ·       Train wait staff and bus staffin hostess standards ·       按领位员的标准培训员工。 ·       Be attentive to guests andresolve their complaints where possible, reporting all incidents to yourSupervisor ·       周到的为客人服务,并尽可能解决客人的投诉,向上级领到报告所有事件。 ·       Maintain responsibility ofcleanliness of hostess stations ·       保持迎宾台的清洁。 ·       Maintain responsibility ofcleanliness of all menus and drink menus ·       保持所有菜单和饮料单的清洁。 ·       Assist with beverage service ·       协助饮料服务。 ·       Assist with food service ·       协助食品服务。 ·       Maintain detailed knowledge ofmenu, including daily specials ·       对菜单有具体的了解,包括每日特价。 ·       Ensure tables are clearedquietly and efficiently ·       确保迅速且高效的清理餐桌。 ·       Carry food and beverage traysin a safe manner to minimize breakages ·       安全的举餐盘使破损将到最低。 ·       Complete dockets accurately andclearly ·       准确和清楚的填写收据。 ·       Maintain current information onall general activities of the hotel ·       了解当前酒店所有的活动。 ·       Provide leadership and direction for all staff while on duty by offeringprofessional skills and leading by example. 通过体现自身的专业素质,为餐厅的其他员工树立良好榜样。 ·       Being aware of potential highs and lows in the business. 了解生意潜在的增长或减低的态势。 ·       Identify and communicate potential sales leads to manager. 能够意识到潜在的销售并向经理汇报。
  • 中餐厅服务员

    伊犁 | 经验不限 | 初中 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    • 投递简历
    ·       Deliver Food and Beverageservice of high standard and in accordance with departmental standards andprocedures ·       按照部门的规范和程序提供高标准的餐饮服务。 ·       Communicates to his/hersuperior any difficulties, guest comments and other relevant information  ·       与上级领导交流有关疑难,客人意见和其它相关信息。 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships ·       与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系。 ·       Show commitment and ability to develop into Food& Beverage Department as next role 展示自己的能力并设定发展的目标 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled ·       参加和参与每日的例会和其它计划好的会议。 ·       Attends and participates intraining sessions as scheduled ·       参加和参与计划好的培训课程。 ·       Prepares for service byensuring: ·       确保部门的以下各项工作就绪为客人提供服务: o   Grooming is impeccable and inaccordance with ICHG personal presentation standards o   遵守洲际酒店集团的个人仪表仪容规范著装无可挑剔 o   Outlet equipment is clean o   设备干净 o   Equipment is sorted and stored o   设备分类且存放好 o   Glassware is polished o   玻璃器皿擦亮 o   Flatware is polished o   擦亮餐具 o   China is clean o   清洁瓷器 o   Waiter stations are prepared o   准备好服务台 o   Cutlery is placed for buffetand table service o   摆放好自助餐桌上的餐具 o   Tables are set o   摆设好餐台 o   Reservations are read andfamiliarized o   阅读并熟悉预订 o   Special occasions are ready o   准备好特别活动 o   Music is on o   放音乐 o   Lighting is on o   开灯 o   Outlet is ready for service andguest comfort o   酒吧准备就绪为客人提供舒适的服务。 o   Carries out effective serviceby ensuring: o   高效的提供服务: o   Guests are greeted and seated o   迎宾并安排客人就坐 o   Daily specials are explainedand upsold o   说明并推销每日特价 o   Food orders are processedaccurately o   准确的下餐单 o   Trays and tray jacks areeffectively used o   有效的利用托盘和托盘架 o   Food orders are taken quickly o   快速的为客人写餐单 o   Payment methods are handledaccurately o   确的处理付款方法 o   Working areas are cleaned andre-set quickly o   快速的清洁工作区和重新布置 o   Bar is clean o   清洁的酒吧 o   Used ashtrays are regularlycleaned o   定时清理用过的烟灰缸 o   Guests are conversed with inrelation to the food and beverage products o   与客人谈论有关的餐饮产品 ·       Carries out effective beverageservice by ensuring: ·       通过确保以下内容高效的提供饮品服务: o   Beverages are upsold andregularly replenished, abiding by responsible alcohol service regulations o   遵守酒精饮料服务归定,推销饮料并定时为客人续酒。 o   Converse with Guests aboutwine, advising the types and styles of wine, taking wine orders and servingwine o   与客人谈论葡萄酒,建意葡萄酒的品种和风格,写单和为客人送酒 o   Promoting and selling cocktailsto guests o   向客人推销鸡尾酒 o   Making and presenting cocktails o   调配和装饰鸡尾酒 o   Coffee and tea is served hotand in accordance with standard o   按规范提供热的咖啡和茶 ·       Take appropriate action toresolve guest complaints ·       正确处理客人的投诉。 ·       Food and beverage stock isstored in relation to hotel procedures ·       按照酒店的规定存储餐饮存货。 ·       Performs related duties andspecial projects as assigned ·       承担相关的职责和安排的特别项目。
  • 大堂吧服务员

    伊犁 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    • 投递简历
    ·       Greet all guests and takebeverage and food orders in a prompt and professional manner. ·       快速和专业的迎接所有客人,为客人点餐。 ·       Serve cocktails and/or menuitems to bar guests; up-sell when taking orders. ·       为酒吧客人提供鸡尾酒和餐单上的项目;点单时向客人推销。 ·       Perform pre- and post-shiftside-work.  Stock service station.  Fold and stack cocktail napkins and preparebowls of bar snacks. ·       工作前后的准备和收尾工作。清点服务站。折叠鸡尾酒餐巾和准备酒吧零食。 ·       Record order on guest check andring up on pre-check register or according to hotel procedures.  Complete customer payment transactionsaccording to cash and charge procedures. ·       在客人帐单上进行记录,登录帐号或按酒店程序进行工作。按现金收款程序完成顾客的付款。 ·       Clear and clean tables in aprompt and efficient manner.  Cleanand/or wipe down stools, tables, chairs, walls, windows, mirrors, and floors asnecessary.  Empty trash and ashtrays. ·       高效快速的清理和清洁餐台。需要时清理和抹擦废物,桌椅,墙壁,窗户,镜子和地面。清倒垃圾。 ·       Assist Bartender in preparationof fruits and garnishes; may assist Bartender in setup and replenishment ofappetizers or “happy hour” buffet, if applicable. ·       协助吧台侍应生准备水果和装饰品;必要的话,协助吧台侍应生摆放和补充开胃品或“快乐时光”的自助餐台。 ·       Monitor guest behavior andamount of alcohol consumption to determine when alcohol service to the guestshould cease; notify management of incidents involving excessive alcoholconsumption or impaired condition of customers; check identification wheneverage of a guest requesting an alcoholic beverage service is questionable. ·       监督客人的行为和酒精饮品消耗量从而决定什么时候应控制客人的酒精量;将因酒精过量而引发的事故或客人的受伤程度汇报给管理层;在对饮用酒精饮品的客人的年龄有质疑时检查客人的身份证。 ·       Alert Management of any serviceand/or safety issues. Make appropriate service recovery gestures according toestablished guidelines in order to ensure total guest satisfaction.    ·       警告管理层有关服务或安全的事宜。按照设定的指导纲要进行适当的补救服务以确保客人的满意度。 ·       Perform other duties asassigned ·       完成分配给的其它工作。
  • 伊犁 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供吃



    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 企业规模
    发布于 03-18
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    • 投递简历
    酒店餐厅服务员主要负责为客人提供优质的餐饮服务,其岗位职责如下: 餐前准备 - 按照餐厅规定的标准和流程,布置餐厅环境,包括摆放桌椅、餐具、餐巾等,确保餐厅整洁、美观。 - 了解当日菜品供应情况及特别推荐,熟悉菜品的口味、配料、烹饪方法等信息,以便准确向客人介绍。 - 检查餐厅设备设施是否正常运行,如灯光、空调、音响等,如有问题及时报告上级。 餐中服务 - 热情礼貌地迎接客人,引导客人就座,根据客人人数和需求合理安排座位。 - 为客人提供点菜服务,耐心解答客人关于菜品、酒水的疑问,根据客人喜好和需求给予合理建议。 - 及时为客人提供酒水和菜品服务,确保上菜顺序和时间合理,注意菜品的摆放和展示。 - 关注客人用餐需求,及时为客人添加茶水、更换骨碟、清理桌面等,提供周到细致的服务。 - 处理客人在用餐过程中的特殊要求和问题,如客人对菜品有特殊要求或投诉,要积极协调解决,尽量满足客人的合理需求。 餐后服务 - 客人用餐结束后,及时清理餐桌,收拾餐具、垃圾,将桌椅摆放整齐,恢复餐厅整洁的环境。 - 检查餐厅内是否有客人遗留的物品,如有发现及时上交。 - 协助收银员为客人结账,确保账单准确无误,为客人提供良好的结账体验。 其他工作 - 参与餐厅的日常清洁和卫生维护工作,包括地面清洁、餐具清洗消毒、餐厅设备擦拭等。 - 完成上级领导交办的其他临时性任务,积极配合餐厅团队的工作,共同提升餐厅的服务质量和运营效率。
  • 伊犁 | 经验不限 | 初中 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    ·       Deliver Food and Beverageservice of high standard and in accordance with departmental standards andprocedures ·       按照部门的规范和程序提供高标准的餐饮服务。 ·       Communicates to his/hersuperior any difficulties, guest comments and other relevant information  ·       与上级领导交流有关疑难,客人意见和其它相关信息。 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships ·       与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系。 ·       Show commitment and ability to develop into Food& Beverage Department as next role 展示自己的能力并设定发展的目标 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled ·       参加和参与每日的例会和其它计划好的会议。 ·       Attends and participates intraining sessions as scheduled ·       参加和参与计划好的培训课程。 ·       Prepares for service byensuring: ·       确保部门的以下各项工作就绪为客人提供服务: o   Grooming is impeccable and inaccordance with ICHG personal presentation standards o   遵守洲际酒店集团的个人仪表仪容规范著装无可挑剔 o   Outlet equipment is clean o   设备干净 o   Equipment is sorted and stored o   设备分类且存放好 o   Glassware is polished o   玻璃器皿擦亮 o   Flatware is polished o   擦亮餐具 o   China is clean o   清洁瓷器 o   Waiter stations are prepared o   准备好服务台 o   Cutlery is placed for buffetand table service o   摆放好自助餐桌上的餐具 o   Tables are set o   摆设好餐台 o   Reservations are read andfamiliarized o   阅读并熟悉预订 o   Special occasions are ready o   准备好特别活动 o   Music is on o   放音乐 o   Lighting is on o   开灯 o   Outlet is ready for service andguest comfort o   酒吧准备就绪为客人提供舒适的服务。 o   Carries out effective serviceby ensuring: o   高效的提供服务: o   Guests are greeted and seated o   迎宾并安排客人就坐 o   Daily specials are explainedand upsold o   说明并推销每日特价 o   Food orders are processedaccurately o   准确的下餐单 o   Trays and tray jacks areeffectively used o   有效的利用托盘和托盘架 o   Food orders are taken quickly o   快速的为客人写餐单 o   Payment methods are handledaccurately o   确的处理付款方法 o   Working areas are cleaned andre-set quickly o   快速的清洁工作区和重新布置 o   Bar is clean o   清洁的酒吧 o   Used ashtrays are regularlycleaned o   定时清理用过的烟灰缸 o   Guests are conversed with inrelation to the food and beverage products o   与客人谈论有关的餐饮产品 ·       Carries out effective beverageservice by ensuring: ·       通过确保以下内容高效的提供饮品服务: o   Beverages are upsold andregularly replenished, abiding by responsible alcohol service regulations o   遵守酒精饮料服务归定,推销饮料并定时为客人续酒。 o   Converse with Guests aboutwine, advising the types and styles of wine, taking wine orders and servingwine o   与客人谈论葡萄酒,建意葡萄酒的品种和风格,写单和为客人送酒 o   Promoting and selling cocktailsto guests o   向客人推销鸡尾酒 o   Making and presenting cocktails o   调配和装饰鸡尾酒 o   Coffee and tea is served hotand in accordance with standard o   按规范提供热的咖啡和茶 ·       Take appropriate action toresolve guest complaints ·       正确处理客人的投诉。 ·       Food and beverage stock isstored in relation to hotel procedures ·       按照酒店的规定存储餐饮存货。 ·       Performs related duties andspecial projects as assigned ·       承担相关的职责和安排的特别项目。
  • 餐厅主管

    伊犁 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 企业规模
    发布于 03-18
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    • 投递简历
    主要职责 - 人员管理:负责餐厅员工的排班、考勤,组织员工培训,包括服务技巧、菜品知识等方面,提升员工整体素质和服务水平。同时,监督员工的工作表现,进行绩效评估和激励,处理员工的日常问题和纠纷。 - 服务管理:确保餐厅提供优质的服务,制定并执行服务标准和流程。在营业期间,巡视餐厅,及时发现并解决客人的问题和投诉,保证客人有良好的用餐体验。 - 菜品管理:熟悉菜品的制作流程、口味特点和原材料供应情况。与厨师团队密切合作,根据客人反馈和市场需求,对菜品进行调整和创新。监督菜品的质量和出餐速度,确保客人能及时享用到美味可口的饭菜。 - 运营管理:负责餐厅的日常运营,包括制定营业计划、控制成本、管理库存等。合理安排餐厅的资源,提高餐厅的运营效率和经济效益。同时,与其他部门如客房部、前台等协调合作,共同完成酒店的整体经营目标。 任职要求 - 教育背景:通常要求酒店管理、餐饮管理等相关专业大专及以上学历。 - 工作经验:具备一定年限的酒店餐厅工作经验,其中有担任管理岗位的经验者优先。 - 专业技能:熟悉餐饮服务流程和标准,掌握一定的食品营养与卫生知识、酒水知识。具备良好的沟通能力、组织协调能力和问题解决能力,能够熟练使用办公软件。 - 素质要求:具备较强的责任心和服务意识,有良好的团队合作精神和抗压能力,能够适应餐饮行业的工作时间和节奏。
  • 全日餐厅厨师

    伊犁 | 经验不限 | 中专



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    ·       Prepares kitchen equipment foruse ·       准备厨房设备以便使用 ·       Assembles and prepareingredients for menu items ·       为菜单上的项目安排准备原料 ·       Prepares simple food items ·       准备简单的食品 ·       Prepares food for service ·       准备食品为客人服务 ·       Portions and plates food ·       将食品切片并置于盘子上 ·       Assists with checking andreceiving goods ·       协助检查和接收货物 ·       Store goods ·       储存货物 ·       Maintain storage areas ·       管理储存区 ·       Clean and store equipment ·       清洁和储存设备 ·       Clean premises ·       清洁房屋 ·       Handle waste and linen ·       处理垃圾和布草 ·       Maintain a hygienic kitchen ·       保持厨房卫生 ·       Cleans kitchen and equipment ·       清洁厨房和设备 ·       Maintain high standards ofpersonal hygiene ·       保持高度的个人卫生 ·       Attends to all briefings ·       参加所有说明会 ·       Participates in training ·       参加培训活动
  • 饼房厨师帮工

    伊犁 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    • 投递简历
    ·       Cleaning, checking andmaintaining of dishwashing machines to a good condition and in continualworking order ·       对洗碗机进行清洁和检查,并保持其良好状况和正常运转。 ·   Have general knowledge of food technique. 据有常规的烹饪技能和知识。 ·       Assist bakery chef in cakemaking and general kitchen work ·       协助饼房厨师进行蛋糕面包制作工作和一般性的厨房工作。 ·       Assist to make, plate, decorateand store the following desserts (bread) ·       协助进行以下甜品(面包)的制作、装盘、装饰和存储工作: §   各种牛角面包 §   Allkinds of croissant §   各种丹麦面包 §   VariousDanish bread §   各种吐司面包 §   Varioustoast §   日式软面包 §   Japanesesoft bread §   各种磅蛋糕 §   Variouspound cakes §   各种马芬蛋糕 §   Variousmuffin cakes §   华夫饼 §   waffle §   煎饼 §   grilledsavory crepe §   法棍 §   Baguette §   法式硬包 §   Frenchhard package §   芝士蛋糕 §   CheeseCake §   慕斯蛋糕 §   MousseCake §   各种法式甜点 §   VariousFrench desserts §   苹果派 §   ApplePie §   核桃派 §   Walnutpie §   坚果派 §   Nutpie §   拿破仑蛋 §   NapoleonCake §   布朗尼蛋 §   Browniecake §   提拉米苏蛋 §   Tiramisucak §   各种炖蛋 §   Stewedeggs §   各种奶冻 §   Allkinds of milk jelly §   歌剧蛋糕 §   operacake ·       Work in accordance with thedaily production schedule ·       按照每日生产量计划进行工作。 ·       Ensure a constant andsufficient supply of equipment and clean utensils to all outlets at all times ·       确保始终向所有营业场所提供足够的设备和干净的器皿。 ·       Collection of all garbage andmaintain the cleanliness of bins and garbage room at all times ·       收集垃圾并保持垃圾桶和废物间的清洁。 ·       Maintain the cleanliness andconduct regular checks on the staff dining area to ensure it is clean, tidy andreplenished ·       保持清洁,并定期对员工就餐区域进行检查,以确保其整洁和物品供应。 ·       Meal preparation and open filemeal ·       开餐准备和明档看餐 ·       Assist in setting up the dishes ·       协助出餐摆盘工作。 ·       Assist with the receival andstorage of goods ·       协助接收和储存货物 。 ·       Maintain hygienic standards andpractices ·       坚持卫生标准和规定。 ·       Actively pursuing cost savingmeasures ·       积极采取节省成本的措施。 ·       Recycle where-ever possible ·       尽可能进行资源再利用。 ·       Work in line with businessneeds ·       按业务要求开展工作。 ·     Ensuremise-en-place is completed prior to service. ·   确保所有的准备工作已经在开餐之前准备到位。 ·   Ensure that minimum brand standards have been implemented. 确保酒店所有的乃至最细小的品牌标准都要被贯彻执行。
  • 伊犁 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    • 投递简历
    ·       Cleaning, checking andmaintaining of dishwashing machines to a good condition and in continualworking order ·       对洗碗机进行清洁和检查,并保持其良好状况和正常运转。 ·       Assist the chefs withpreparation and/or general kitchen duties ·       协助厨师进行饭菜烹调工作和一般性的厨房工作。 ·       Work in accordance with thedaily production schedule ·       按照每日生产量计划进行工作。 ·       Ensure a constant andsufficient supply of equipment and clean utensils to all outlets at all times ·       确保始终向所有营业场所提供足够的设备和干净的器皿。 ·       Collection of all garbage andmaintain the cleanliness of bins and garbage room at all times ·       收集垃圾并保持垃圾桶和废物间的清洁。 ·       Maintain the cleanliness andconduct regular checks on the staff dining area to ensure it is clean, tidy andreplenished ·       保持清洁,并定期对员工就餐区域进行检查,以确保其整洁和物品供应。 ·       Mise en Place and foodpreparation ·       开餐准备和饭菜烹调。 ·       Assist with Food presentation ·       协助食物装盘工作。 ·       Assist with the receival andstorage of goods ·       协助接收和储存货物 。 ·       Maintain hygienic standards andpractices ·       坚持卫生标准和规定。 ·       Actively pursuing cost savingmeasures ·       积极采取节省成本的措施。 ·       Recycle where-ever possible ·       尽可能进行资源再利用。 ·       Work in line with businessneeds ·       按业务要求开展工作。
  • 特色餐厅厨师

    伊犁 | 1年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-25
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    • 投递简历
    ·       Prepares, cooks, serves andstores the following dishes: ·       进行以下饭菜的制作、烹饪、上餐和存储工作: o   Appetizers, Savories, Saladsand Sandwiches o   开胃菜、小菜、沙拉和三明治 o   Sauces o   调味汁 o   hot and cold o   热的和冷的 o   Eggs, Vegetables, Fruit, Riceand Farinaceous Dishes o   蛋、蔬菜、水果、米饭和谷粉制品 o   Poultry and Game dishes o   禽类和野味 ·       Meat dishes ·       荤菜 o   meat marinades o   腌肉 o   carve meats o   割肉 ·       Fish and shell fish ·       水产品 o   sauces for fish and shell fish o   水产品用酱 o   garnishing  techniques and methods of service for fish o   对鱼进行装饰的技巧和方法 ·       Pastry, cakes and yeast goods ·       面点、蛋糕和发酵食品 o   petits fours o   法式小点心 o   desserts o   甜点 ·       Hot and cold deserts ·       冷、热甜点 o   Decorate, portion and present o   装饰、切片和装盘 ·       Plates and Terrines ·       肝酱和肉酱 ·       Chinese Regional Dishes ·       中国地方菜 ·       Asian Desserts ·       亚洲甜点 o   Produces a range of liquid andsolid deserts o   制作各种液体和固定甜点 o   Produces and presents a rangeof steamed sweet rice based desserts o   制作各种蒸甜米饭和甜点并装盘 o   Produces baked desserts o   制作烤制甜点 ·       Dim Sum ·       点心 o   Produces sweet and savoury dimsum o   制作甜咸点心 o   Produces deep fried dim sum o   制作油炸点心 o   Produces baked dumpling o   制作烤制的饺子 o   Produces a range of bakeddesserts o   制作各种烘烤甜点 ·       Buffet Food ·       自助餐 o   Prepares and presents food forbuffets o   制作和摆放自助餐 o   Prepares and presents dessertsfor buffets o   制作和摆放自助餐甜品 o   Stores buffet items o   储存自助餐食品 ·       Communicates politely anddisplay courtesy to guests and internal customers ·       与客人和内部客户礼貌、友好的交流 。 ·       Provides direction to theKitchen helpers, including Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards ·       指导厨房帮手,包括厨师、厨房服务员和管事的工作。 ·       Communicates to his/hersuperior any difficulties, guest or internal customer comment and otherrelevant information  ·       与上级交流疑难问题,客人或内部客户的意见以及其它相关信息 。 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships ·       与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系 。 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled ·       按计划参加并参与每日例会及其它会议。 ·       Attends and participates intraining sessions as scheduled ·       按计划参加培训活动 。 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service ·       事先准备服务所需的食品、饮料、材料和设备。 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area ·       清洁并整理工作区域。 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: ·       实施酒店和部门的规定、政策和工作程序,包括但不限于:   o   House Rules and Regulation o   酒店的规则和规定 o   Health and Safety o   健康和安全 o   Grooming o   仪表仪容 o   Quality o   质量 o   Hygiene and Cleanliness o   卫生和清洁 ·       Performs related duties andspecial projects as assigned 执行被分派的相关任务和特殊项目
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  • 中国大陆0086
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  • 泰国0066
  • 柬埔寨00855
  • 阿联酋00971
  • 卡塔尔00974



  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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