About Club Med
A Global Leading All-Inclusive Vacation Group –
Since Club Med was founded in 1950 and we created the all-inclusivevacation concept, Club Med has been the world leader on its market, and hasdeveloped a resolutely upscale, friendly and multicultural spirit. Club Medboasts 68 resorts located in the most beautiful sites in the world, a cruiseship and Luxury Villas & Chalets and, now more than ever, is associatedwith dreams and happiness.
There are 20,000 Gentle Organizers (G.Os) andGentle Employees (G.Es) at Club Med, who work in the villages, but also at theParis, Lyon, Singapore, Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro and Miami headquarters, in thesales offices situated in dozens of countries and in travel agencies.
Why work with us?
Club Med offers the opportunity to broaden ourprofessional scope in amazing destinations all around the world, and toembrace a unique mindset and lifestyle in a company that has always beenpurposeful and committed to people and environment.
Club Med has always been, and will continue to be, an experience like noother, a life-changing experience.
Title: Head of PR, China
Working Location: Shanghai, China
Your opportunity
As the Head of PR, you will beresponsible for
· Define and shape the PR strategy toelevate Club Med’s market exposure
· Maintain and expand media relationsto build brand reputation
· Leadbrand events to enhance media and consumers brand experience and create tons ofpositive WOM on media and social platforms
· Synergize with internal andexternal team to maximize brand business and marketing impact
· Lead PR team and empowersubordinates to success
How you will contribute
· Develop and implementPR/communication strategies, leverage Fosun network, manage the overall brandimage of Club Med
· Identify partnership, crossmarketing and KOL/ celebrity endorsement opportunity with cost-efficiency
· Lead and deliver high qualityevents, media fam trip and workshops to promote Club Med brand/ product
· Manage PR agency to build strongmedia relationship, generate clippings through stories, interviews, productfeatures, and provide timely clippings.
· Support new resort opening withstrong media campaigns and PR materials.
· Drive external and internalcommunication, handle media issues/crisis communications and providing promptmedia responses
· Budget planning & control, teammanagement
Who you are?
· Minimum of eight years of marketingcommunication/PR experience in traditional and digital teams, advantageous ifexperience is in both an agency and in-house setting.
· Creative thinking and an all-roundmake-it-happen leadership attitude
· Strong story-telling experience toconsumer, corporate and media partners.
· Demonstrable experience of anintegrated approach to PR (content, social media, influencers, mediapartnership etc.)
· Strong media contacts; soundknowledge of influencers and non-traditional channels
· Crisis and issues managementexperience is a must
· Quick thinking and ability to spottrends and exploit opportunities to respond quickly to social sentiment
· Project management capabilities andexperience in managing creative and production resources
· Experience in working within amatrix organization structure, across internal business units and externalagency and media partners
· Great Chinese and English writing,editing and proof-reading skills
· Experience of managing andoptimizing budgets