Responsible for the effective operation ofall equipment in the hotel area, and assist in maintenance services and ownerasset protection, not only in the maintenance of the civil structure andequipment of the hotel but also the corresponding external facilities.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Comply with the hotel's work policies andprocedures, implement and enforce all policies and standard procedures.
Provide advice to management, mainlyincluding asset engineering support, environmental control and operationalefficiency.
Ensure effective financial management ofengineering department, develop maintenance budget, capital planning andengineering plan to ensure normal supervision and evaluation; Responsible foroverall maintenance cost control, department cost budget formulation andimplementation, and submit to management.
Negotiate with management to controlproject funds and ensure effective allocation of capital investment.
Plan, implement and implement energy-savingmanagement policies, set energy-saving targets, maintain records and daily workreports.
6.根据以往的经验、质量和价格选择合格的 顾问和供应商以确保工程队的技术能力,在工程期间为供应商设立日常施工的规范。
Select qualified consultants and suppliersbased on previous experience, quality and price to ensure the technicalcapability of the engineering team, and set up daily constructionspecifications for suppliers during the construction period.
7.通过实施日常的节能和相关有效的设备操作教育和培训, 确保员工的节能管理意识。
Ensure employees' awareness of energyconservation management by implementing daily energy conservation and relevanteffective equipment operation education and training.
Ensure the effective management of floorenvironmental control and energy saving system in order to improve the hotel'srevenue. Evaluate, control and record energy consumption and implement improvedenergy saving systems.
Improve customer satisfaction standards,ensure technical support for fast service, and anticipate customer needs asmuch as possible; Ensure the safety and comfort of customers and that anyservice requests are handled in a courteous and efficient manner.
Ensure the technical competence ofengineering staff through the selection, training and development of motivatedand well-qualified maintenance teams; Implement and study the standard of dailywork within the department and evaluate the performance and productivity ofemployees.
Establish preventive maintenance policiesthrough implementation management to ensure the effective operation of allmechanical and electronic system equipment; Strict monitoring of the conditionof physical assets and equipment through continuous inspections of buildings;Ensure maintenance is carried out and upgraded on schedule.
Ensure cost effectiveness and technicalefficiency through close supervision of contract services, and ensure that allwork is carried out in accordance with contracts, leases and serviceagreements.
Ensure that the quality of all completedwork, including work performed by employees and external suppliers, isconsistent with engineering practice standards.
Job Knowledge / Skill:
Professional engineering leadership andengineering knowledge. Caring and aware of responsibilities for compliance withoccupational, health and safety policies, regulations and procedures, familiarwith hotel safety, first aid and fire, emergency response procedures, and safeand prudent operation of equipment.
College degree or above in engineeringrelated major, more than 10 years of engineering operation managementexperience.
Proactive, goal-oriented, strongcoordination ability.
Have good organizational skills and canproperly deal with emergencies and emergencies.
5.熟练使用电脑软件word,excel, AutoCAD等。
Proficient in computer software word,excel, AutoCAD, etc.