Directes and co-ordinates all subordinate Front
Office staff to ensure that all day to day operational matters are handled
on time and guest expectations are met.
2. Co-ordinates with housekeeping to ensure that
rooms are serviced according to guest requirements and vacant rooms are
cleaned according to arrival schedules.
3. Control and monitors the room inventory to
maximize the hotel yield ensuring strategically controlled overbooking
during peak periods.
4. Liaises with engineering to ensure swift response
to any maintenance problems.
5. Liaises with Sales Offices and Reservation
Offices to maximize business opportunities and ensure efficient handling of room reservations.
6. Prepares, monitors and controls the hotel’s
annual Front Office budget.
7. Is responsible for the implementation and
co-ordination of all Front Office related aspects within the Group’s
Balanced Scorecard programmer and for the Group’s profit chain efforts.
负责实施与协调集团平衡计分卡计划、以及针对集团利润链计划的所有前厅相关方面的行动。8. Ensures that employees are selected, trained,
evaluated, and rewarded in compliance with existing associates management