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  • 伊犁 | 1年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    ·       协助中餐总厨传达有关砧板线的日常工作,服从总厨的督导,完成砧板岗位的各项出品工作。 ·       负责跟进粘板所有物料的质量。 ·       负责安排粘板线工作。 ·       跟进好早,晚市粘板线配菜的速度与质量。 ·       每日的备货准备。 ·       负责粘板线肉食的腌制。 ·       负责厨房各种原材料的保管和使用。 ·       按照各种菜式的份量标准及搭配要求处理日常工作。 ·       掌握蔬菜像生雕刻的技巧和生动新鲜的雕刻要求。 ·       掌握凉菜的拌法,拼切造型,能快速地制作出多种熟食。 ·       负责验收各种蔬菜及食品原料的质量。 ·       跟进粘板线的卫生清洁。 ·       负责写好每日的厨师推介与楼面沟通。 ·       Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks,Kitchen Attendants and Stewards给厨房助手提供指导,包括厨工,厨什和管事员 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships建立和维持有生气的同事工作关系 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled按照预定出席和参与日常简报和其它会议 ·        Attends and participates in training sessionsas scheduled按照预定出席和参与培训课程 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service提前准备服务用的食物,饮品,原料和设备 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area清洁和重新安排你的工作区域 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 执行酒店和部门规则,政策和程序: o  House Rules and Regulation公司规则和规章 o  Health and Safety健康和安全 o  Grooming仪容 o  Quality质量 o  Hygiene and Cleanliness卫生和清洁 ·       Performs related duties and special projects asassigned完成相关职责和分派的特别任务 ·       Maintain hygienic standards and practices 维持卫生标准 ·       Maintain a hygienic kitchen维持厨房的清洁卫生 ·       Clean the kitchen and equipment 清洁厨房及设备 ·       Maintain personal hygiene保持良好的个人卫生 FinancialResponsibilities / 财务职责 ·       Works with superior inpreparing and managing departmental budget and financial goal. 协助上司准备并管理部门预算及财务目标。 ·       Educate employee torecycle where-ever possible and enforce cost saving measures. 教育同事进行资源循环利用,增强同事成本控制意识。 Occupational Healthand Safety Responsibilities / 职业健康及安全职责 ·       Understand OH&Spolicies and procedures. Educate employee to enforce OH&S guidelines. 熟悉职业健康及安全政策及流程。指导同事以确保安全贯彻实施。 ·       Understand propertysafety, first aid, fire and emergency procedures. Operate equipment safely.       熟悉财物安全、急救、火灾及紧急程序。安全使用相关设备。 ·       Correct a hazardoussituation. Report potential dangerous to related department immediately.       更正危险状况。实时向相关报门报告危险状况。 ·       Log security incidentsand accidents in accordance with hotel requirements.       根据酒店要求,记录安全事故。 ·       Ensure to implement allfire, health, and safety procedures per required by hotel.       确保实施酒店火灾、健康及安全流程。
  • 打荷

    伊犁 | 1年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:02
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    【岗位职责】 1、协助所有食品的准备工作,并作好本职工作。 2、确保食品的清洁、新鲜。 3、检查菜单与配料是否相符。 4、装好盘后送到灶上。菜做好后,立即送到出菜口。 5、协助清洗厨房用具及其它设备。 6、确保工作场地的清洁、卫生。 【岗位要求】 1、熟悉打荷台的工作规范和要求,掌握配菜的各种操作技术的质量要求; 2、了解食品卫生法; 3、能按工作规范和质量标准要求独立进行工作,并有相应的技术等级; 4、有一定的文字语言表达能力。
  • 伊犁 | 1年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    ·       尊从上级的督导,完成交付的各项工作任务,在厨师长的领导下,负责宴会厅生产的组织管理。 ·       负责宴会厅厨房员工的班次安排,考勤考核及其表现的评估。 ·       负责宴会厅厨房的生产品种的安排,检查员工的仪表仪容,督促员工遵守各项规章制度。 ·       根据客情,负责签发当日和隔天原料的计划,定购领用单。 ·       督导并带领员工,按照规格标准生产,并及时提供产品。 ·       负责宴会厅厨房机械设备的维护、保养与添置。 ·       负责宴会厅厨房产品的成本控制。 ·       负责督导员工随时保证设备、工用具的卫生清洁及搞好包干区的卫生清洁。 ·       负责宴会厅厨房员工培训计划的制定与设施。 ·       做好劳动调配,每日不定时到各生产部门巡查工作,密切联系各部门厨师,发现问题及时上报果断解决,不断改进出品质量、卫生; ·       确保出品的速度。 ·       Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks,Kitchen Attendants and Stewards给厨房助手提供指导,包括厨工,厨什和管事员 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships建立和维持有生气的同事工作关系 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled按照预定出席和参与日常简报和其它会议 ·        Attends and participates in training sessionsas scheduled按照预定出席和参与培训课程 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service提前准备服务用的食物,饮品,原料和设备 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area清洁和重新安排你的工作区域 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 执行酒店和部门规则,政策和程序: o  House Rules and Regulation公司规则和规章 o  Health and Safety健康和安全 o  Grooming仪容 o  Quality质量 o  Hygiene and Cleanliness卫生和清洁 ·       Performs related duties and special projects asassigned完成相关职责和分派的特别任务 ·       Maintain hygienic standards and practices 维持卫生标准 ·       Maintain a hygienic kitchen维持厨房的清洁卫生 ·       Clean the kitchen and equipment 清洁厨房及设备 ·       Maintain personal hygiene保持良好的个人卫生 FinancialResponsibilities / 财务职责 ·       Works with superior inpreparing and managing departmental budget and financial goal. 协助上司准备并管理部门预算及财务目标。 ·       Educate employee torecycle where-ever possible and enforce cost saving measures. 教育同事进行资源循环利用,增强同事成本控制意识。 Occupational Healthand Safety Responsibilities / 职业健康及安全职责 ·       Understand OH&Spolicies and procedures. Educate employee to enforce OH&S guidelines. 熟悉职业健康及安全政策及流程。指导同事以确保安全贯彻实施。 ·       Understand propertysafety, first aid, fire and emergency procedures. Operate equipment safely.       熟悉财物安全、急救、火灾及紧急程序。安全使用相关设备。 ·       Correct a hazardoussituation. Report potential dangerous to related department immediately.       更正危险状况。实时向相关报门报告危险状况。 ·       Log security incidentsand accidents in accordance with hotel requirements.       根据酒店要求,记录安全事故。 ·       Ensure to implement allfire, health, and safety procedures per required by hotel.       确保实施酒店火灾、健康及安全流程。
  • 烧烤厨师

    伊犁 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:02
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    ·       尊从上级的督导,完成交付的各项工作任务,在厨师长的领导下,负责烧味部生产的组织管理。 ·       负责烧味部员工的班次安排,考勤考核及其表现的评估。 ·       负责烧味部的生产品种的安排,检查员工的仪表仪容,督促员工遵守各项规章制度。 ·       根据客情,负责签发当日和隔天原料的计划,定购领用单。 ·       督导并带领员工,按照规格标准生产,并及时提供产品。 ·       负责烧味部机械设备的维护、保养与添置。 ·       负责烧味部产品的成本控制。 ·       负责督导员工随时保证设备、工用具的卫生清洁及搞好包干区的卫生清洁。 ·       负责员工培训计划的制定与设施。 ·       做好劳动调配,每日不定时到各生产部门巡查工作,密切联系各部门厨师,发现问题及时上报果断解决,不断改进出品质量、卫生; ·       确保出品的速度。 ·       Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks,Kitchen Attendants and Stewards给厨房助手提供指导,包括厨工,厨什和管事员 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships建立和维持有生气的同事工作关系 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled按照预定出席和参与日常简报和其它会议 ·        Attends and participates in training sessionsas scheduled按照预定出席和参与培训课程 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service提前准备服务用的食物,饮品,原料和设备 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area清洁和重新安排你的工作区域 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 执行酒店和部门规则,政策和程序: o  House Rules and Regulation公司规则和规章 o  Health and Safety健康和安全 o  Grooming仪容 o  Quality质量 o  Hygiene and Cleanliness卫生和清洁 ·       Performs related duties and special projects asassigned完成相关职责和分派的特别任务 ·       Maintain hygienic standards and practices 维持卫生标准 ·       Maintain a hygienic kitchen维持厨房的清洁卫生 ·       Clean the kitchen and equipment 清洁厨房及设备 ·       Maintain personal hygiene保持良好的个人卫生 FinancialResponsibilities / 财务职责 ·       Works with superior inpreparing and managing departmental budget and financial goal. 协助上司准备并管理部门预算及财务目标。 ·       Educate employee torecycle where-ever possible and enforce cost saving measures. 教育同事进行资源循环利用,增强同事成本控制意识。 Occupational Healthand Safety Responsibilities / 职业健康及安全职责 ·       Understand OH&Spolicies and procedures. Educate employee to enforce OH&S guidelines. 熟悉职业健康及安全政策及流程。指导同事以确保安全贯彻实施。 ·       Understand propertysafety, first aid, fire and emergency procedures. Operate equipment safely.       熟悉财物安全、急救、火灾及紧急程序。安全使用相关设备。 ·       Correct a hazardoussituation. Report potential dangerous to related department immediately.       更正危险状况。实时向相关报门报告危险状况。 ·       Log security incidentsand accidents in accordance with hotel requirements.       根据酒店要求,记录安全事故。 ·       Ensure to implement allfire, health, and safety procedures per required by hotel.       确保实施酒店火灾、健康及安全流程。
  • 烧烤主厨

    伊犁 | 2年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:02
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    ·       尊从上级的督导,完成交付的各项工作任务,在厨师长的领导下,负责烧味部生产的组织管理。 ·       负责烧味部员工的班次安排,考勤考核及其表现的评估。 ·       负责宴会厨房的生产品种的安排,检查员工的仪表仪容,督促员工遵守各项规章制度。 ·       根据客情,负责签发当日和隔天原料的计划,定购领用单。 ·       督导并带领员工,按照规格标准生产,并及时提供产品。 ·       负责烧味部的生产品种的安排,检查员工的仪表仪容,督促员工遵守各项规章制度。 ·       根据客情,负责签发当日和隔天原料的计划,定购领用单。 ·       督导并带领员工,按照规格标准生产,并及时提供产品。 ·       负责烧味部机械设备的维护、保养与添置。 ·       负责烧味部产品的成本控制。 ·       负责督导员工随时保证设备、工用具的卫生清洁及搞好包干区的卫生清洁。 ·       负责员工培训计划的制定与设施。 ·       做好劳动调配,每日不定时到各生产部门巡查工作,密切联系各部门厨师,发现问题及时上报果断解决,不断改进出品质量、卫生; ·       确保出品的速度。 ·       Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks,Kitchen Attendants and Stewards给厨房助手提供指导,包括厨工,厨什和管事员 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships建立和维持有生气的同事工作关系 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled按照预定出席和参与日常简报和其它会议 ·        Attends and participates in training sessionsas scheduled按照预定出席和参与培训课程 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service提前准备服务用的食物,饮品,原料和设备 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area清洁和重新安排你的工作区域 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 执行酒店和部门规则,政策和程序: o  House Rules and Regulation公司规则和规章 o  Health and Safety健康和安全 o  Grooming仪容 o  Quality质量 o  Hygiene and Cleanliness卫生和清洁 ·       Performs related duties and special projects asassigned完成相关职责和分派的特别任务 ·       Maintain hygienic standards and practices 维持卫生标准 ·       Maintain a hygienic kitchen维持厨房的清洁卫生 ·       Clean the kitchen and equipment 清洁厨房及设备 ·       Maintain personal hygiene保持良好的个人卫生 FinancialResponsibilities / 财务职责 ·       Works with superior inpreparing and managing departmental budget and financial goal. 协助上司准备并管理部门预算及财务目标。 ·       Educate employee torecycle where-ever possible and enforce cost saving measures. 教育同事进行资源循环利用,增强同事成本控制意识。 Occupational Healthand Safety Responsibilities / 职业健康及安全职责 ·       Understand OH&Spolicies and procedures. Educate employee to enforce OH&S guidelines. 熟悉职业健康及安全政策及流程。指导同事以确保安全贯彻实施。 ·       Understand propertysafety, first aid, fire and emergency procedures. Operate equipment safely.       熟悉财物安全、急救、火灾及紧急程序。安全使用相关设备。 ·       Correct a hazardoussituation. Report potential dangerous to related department immediately.       更正危险状况。实时向相关报门报告危险状况。 ·       Log security incidentsand accidents in accordance with hotel requirements.       根据酒店要求,记录安全事故。 ·       Ensure to implement allfire, health, and safety procedures per required by hotel.       确保实施酒店火灾、健康及安全流程。
  • 伊犁 | 1年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    ·       每日负责上汤和二汤的调制工作,在规定的时间交后锅使用。 ·       对所需浸发的干货(鲍鱼、鱼翅、燕窝、干贝、火腿等)正确保质的加工处理。 ·       点菜单上什加工制作的菜品,能快速的加工出来。保证出品的质量。 ·       负责宴会厨房的生产品种的安排,检查员工的仪表仪容,督促员工遵守各项规章制度。 ·       根据客情,负责签发当日和隔天原料的计划,定购领用单。 ·       督导并带领员工,按照规格标准生产,并及时提供产品。 ·       每日餐前完成对菜单、蒸制品的原料准备工作,及配汁的调制工作(姜汁、蒜泥等)。 ·       每日向主管负责人汇报当日制品的销售,剩余量情况、次日合理准备剩余物品,妥善储存严防变质。 ·       严查设备的运转情况,水电油的供给是否充足,严防蒸箱内无水,保证蒸箱的使用功能,并达到安全卫生标准要求。 ·       了解各种设备的正确操作方法,熟知隐患原因,能提前消除。 ·       熟知不同原料对火候的不同要求,掌握干货泡发,提高发货率。 ·       Provides direction to theKitchen helpers, including DemiChef de Partie, CommisChef, Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards给厨房助手提供指导,包括厨房副厨师,厨工,厨什和管事员 ·       Communicates to your superior anydifficulties, guest or internal customer comment and other relevantinformation  有关客人意见和其它相关困难时,与你的当值主管进行沟通。 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships建立和维持有生气的同事工作关系 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled按照预定出席和参与日常简报和其它会议 ·        Attends and participates in training sessionsas scheduled按照预定出席和参与培训课程 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service提前准备服务用的食物,饮品,原料和设备 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area清洁和重新安排你的工作区域 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 执行酒店和部门规则,政策和程序: o  House Rules and Regulation公司规则和规章 o  Health and Safety健康和安全 o  Grooming仪容 o  Quality质量 o  Hygiene and Cleanliness卫生和清洁 ·       Performs related duties and special projects asassigned完成相关职责和分派的特别任务 Financial Responsibilities / 财务职责 ·       Works with superior in the preparation andmanagement of the department’s budget and is aware of financial targets 协助上司准备并管理部门预算,并了解财务目标 ·       Recycles where-ever possible and enforces costsaving measures to staff 在任何可能的情况下进行资源循环利用,增强员工的成本控制意识 Occupational Health and Safety Responsibilities / 职业健康及安全职责 ·       Demonstrate Awareness of OH&S policies andprocedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safely and within OH&Sguidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same 了解职业健康及安全政策及流程,并在其指导下确保安全贯彻实施,确保直属下属的执行 ·       Be aware of duty of care and adhere tooccupational, health and safety legislation, policies and procedures 理解关怀职责,使其符合职业健康及安全法规、政策及流程 ·       Be familiar with property safety, first aid andfire and emergency procedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly        熟悉财物安全、急救、火灾及紧急程序,并确保能够安全的使用相关设备 ·       Initiate action to correct a hazardous situationand notify supervisors of potential dangers        更正危险情境,并任命潜在危险状况下的负责人 ·       Log security incidents and accidents in accordancewith hotel requirements        根据酒店要求,记录安全事故 ·       To ensure hotel's fire,health, and safety procedures are implemented 确保酒店火灾、健康及安全流程得到实施
  • 点心主厨

    伊犁 | 2年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    ·       尊从上级的督导,完成交付的各项工作任务,在厨师长的领导下,负责点心间生产的组织管理。 ·       负责点心间员工的班次安排,考勤考核及其表现的评估。 ·       负责宴会厨房的生产品种的安排,检查员工的仪表仪容,督促员工遵守各项规章制度。 ·       根据客情,负责签发当日和隔天原料的计划,定购领用单。 ·       督导并带领员工,按照规格标准生产,并及时提供产品。 ·       负责点心间的生产品种的安排,检查员工的仪表仪容,督促员工遵守各项规章制度。 ·       根据客情,负责签发当日和隔天原料的计划,定购领用单。 ·       督导并带领员工,按照规格标准生产,并及时提供产品。 ·       负责点心间机械设备的维护、保养与添置。 ·       负责点心间产品的成本控制。 ·       负责督导员工随时保证设备、工用具的卫生清洁及搞好包干区的卫生清洁。 ·       负责员工培训计划的制定与设施。 ·       做好劳动调配,每日不定时到各生产部门巡查工作,密切联系各部门厨师,发现问题及时上报果断解决,不断改进出品质量、卫生; ·       确保出品的速度。 ·       Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks,Kitchen Attendants and Stewards给厨房助手提供指导,包括厨工,厨什和管事员 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships建立和维持有生气的同事工作关系 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled按照预定出席和参与日常简报和其它会议 ·        Attends and participates in training sessionsas scheduled按照预定出席和参与培训课程 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service提前准备服务用的食物,饮品,原料和设备 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area清洁和重新安排你的工作区域 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 执行酒店和部门规则,政策和程序: o  House Rules and Regulation公司规则和规章 o  Health and Safety健康和安全 o  Grooming仪容 o  Quality质量 o  Hygiene and Cleanliness卫生和清洁 ·       Performs related duties and special projects asassigned完成相关职责和分派的特别任务 ·       Maintain hygienic standards and practices 维持卫生标准 ·       Maintain a hygienic kitchen维持厨房的清洁卫生 ·       Clean the kitchen and equipment 清洁厨房及设备 ·       Maintain personal hygiene保持良好的个人卫生 FinancialResponsibilities / 财务职责 ·       Works with superior inpreparing and managing departmental budget and financial goal. 协助上司准备并管理部门预算及财务目标。 ·       Educate employee torecycle where-ever possible and enforce cost saving measures. 教育同事进行资源循环利用,增强同事成本控制意识。 Occupational Healthand Safety Responsibilities / 职业健康及安全职责 ·       Understand OH&Spolicies and procedures. Educate employee to enforce OH&S guidelines. 熟悉职业健康及安全政策及流程。指导同事以确保安全贯彻实施。 ·       Understand propertysafety, first aid, fire and emergency procedures. Operate equipment safely.       熟悉财物安全、急救、火灾及紧急程序。安全使用相关设备。 ·       Correct a hazardoussituation. Report potential dangerous to related department immediately.       更正危险状况。实时向相关报门报告危险状况。 ·       Log security incidentsand accidents in accordance with hotel requirements.       根据酒店要求,记录安全事故。 ·       Ensure to implement allfire, health, and safety procedures per required by hotel.       确保实施酒店火灾、健康及安全流程。
  • 点心厨师

    伊犁 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:02
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    ·       尊从上级的督导,完成交付的各项工作任务。在点心主厨的领导下协助负责点心间生产的组织管理。 ·       协助点心主厨负责点心间的生产品种的安排,检查员工的仪表仪容,督促员工遵守各项规章制度。 ·       协助点心主厨督导并带领员工,按照规格标准生产,并及时提供产品。 ·       协助点心主厨负责点心间机械设备的维护、保养与添置。 ·       协助点心主厨负责点心间产品的成本控制。 ·       协助点心主厨负责督导员工随时保证设备、工用具的卫生清洁及搞好包干区的卫生清洁。 ·       协助点心主厨做好劳动调配,每日不定时到各生产部门巡查工作,密切联系各部门厨师,发现问题及时上报果断解决,不断改进出品质量、卫生; ·       确保出品的速度。 ·       Provides direction to theKitchen helpers, including DemiChef de Partie, CommisChef, Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards给厨房助手提供指导,包括厨房副厨师,厨工,厨什和管事员 ·       Communicates to your superior anydifficulties, guest or internal customer comment and other relevantinformation  有关客人意见和其它相关困难时,与你的当值主管进行沟通。 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships建立和维持有生气的同事工作关系 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled按照预定出席和参与日常简报和其它会议 ·        Attends and participates in training sessionsas scheduled按照预定出席和参与培训课程 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service提前准备服务用的食物,饮品,原料和设备 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area清洁和重新安排你的工作区域 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 执行酒店和部门规则,政策和程序: o  House Rules and Regulation公司规则和规章 o  Health and Safety健康和安全 o  Grooming仪容 o  Quality质量 o  Hygiene and Cleanliness卫生和清洁 ·       Performs related duties and special projects asassigned完成相关职责和分派的特别任务 Financial Responsibilities / 财务职责 ·       Works with superior in the preparation andmanagement of the department’s budget and is aware of financial targets 协助上司准备并管理部门预算,并了解财务目标 ·       Recycles where-ever possible and enforces costsaving measures to staff 在任何可能的情况下进行资源循环利用,增强员工的成本控制意识 Occupational Health and Safety Responsibilities / 职业健康及安全职责 ·       Demonstrate Awareness of OH&S policies andprocedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safely and within OH&Sguidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same 了解职业健康及安全政策及流程,并在其指导下确保安全贯彻实施,确保直属下属的执行 ·       Be aware of duty of care and adhere tooccupational, health and safety legislation, policies and procedures 理解关怀职责,使其符合职业健康及安全法规、政策及流程 ·       Be familiar with property safety, first aid andfire and emergency procedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly        熟悉财物安全、急救、火灾及紧急程序,并确保能够安全的使用相关设备 ·       Initiate action to correct a hazardous situationand notify supervisors of potential dangers        更正危险情境,并任命潜在危险状况下的负责人 ·       Log security incidents and accidents in accordancewith hotel requirements        根据酒店要求,记录安全事故 ·       To ensure hotel's fire,health, and safety procedures are implemented 确保酒店火灾、健康及安全流程得到实施
  • 冷菜主管

    伊犁 | 2年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:02
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    ·       协助行政总厨传达有关凉菜房及水果房的日常工作,服从总厨的督导,完成凉菜房及水果房各岗位的各项出品工作。 ·       负责宴会厨房的生产品种的安排,检查员工的仪表仪容,督促员工遵守各项规章制度。 ·       根据客情,负责签发当日和隔天原料的计划,定购领用单。 ·       督导并带领员工,按照规格标准生产,并及时提供产品。 ·       负责跟进凉菜房及水果房所有物料的质量。 ·       负责安排凉菜房及水果房工作。 ·       跟进好早,晚市凉菜房及水果房出菜的速度与质量。 ·       每日的备货准备。 ·       负责凉菜房及水果房各种原材料的保管和使用。 ·       按照各种菜式的份量标准及搭配要求处理日常工作。 ·       掌握蔬菜像生雕刻的技巧和生动新鲜的雕刻要求。 ·       掌握凉菜的拌法,拼切造型,能快速地制作出多种熟食。 ·       负责验收各种蔬菜及食品原料的质量。 ·       跟进凉菜房及水果房的卫生清洁。 ·       负责写好每日的厨师推介与楼面沟通。 ·       Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks,Kitchen Attendants and Stewards给厨房助手提供指导,包括厨工,厨什和管事员 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships建立和维持有生气的同事工作关系 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled按照预定出席和参与日常简报和其它会议 ·        Attends and participates in training sessionsas scheduled按照预定出席和参与培训课程 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service提前准备服务用的食物,饮品,原料和设备 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area清洁和重新安排你的工作区域 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 执行酒店和部门规则,政策和程序: o  House Rules and Regulation公司规则和规章 o  Health and Safety健康和安全 o  Grooming仪容 o  Quality质量 o  Hygiene and Cleanliness卫生和清洁 ·       Performs related duties and special projects asassigned完成相关职责和分派的特别任务 ·       Maintain hygienic standards and practices 维持卫生标准 ·       Maintain a hygienic kitchen维持厨房的清洁卫生 ·       Clean the kitchen and equipment 清洁厨房及设备 ·       Maintain personal hygiene保持良好的个人卫生 FinancialResponsibilities / 财务职责 ·       Works with superior inpreparing and managing departmental budget and financial goal. 协助上司准备并管理部门预算及财务目标。 ·       Educate employee torecycle where-ever possible and enforce cost saving measures. 教育同事进行资源循环利用,增强同事成本控制意识。 Occupational Healthand Safety Responsibilities / 职业健康及安全职责 ·       Understand OH&Spolicies and procedures. Educate employee to enforce OH&S guidelines. 熟悉职业健康及安全政策及流程。指导同事以确保安全贯彻实施。 ·       Understand propertysafety, first aid, fire and emergency procedures. Operate equipment safely.       熟悉财物安全、急救、火灾及紧急程序。安全使用相关设备。 ·       Correct a hazardoussituation. Report potential dangerous to related department immediately.       更正危险状况。实时向相关报门报告危险状况。 ·       Log security incidentsand accidents in accordance with hotel requirements.       根据酒店要求,记录安全事故。 ·       Ensure to implement allfire, health, and safety procedures per required by hotel.       确保实施酒店火灾、健康及安全流程。
  • 冷菜厨师

    伊犁 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:02
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    ·       协助中餐行政总厨传达有关凉菜房及水果房的日常工作,服从总厨的督导,完成凉菜房及水果房各岗位的各项出品工作。 ·       负责跟进凉菜房及水果房所有物料的质量。 ·       负责安排凉菜房及水果房工作。 ·       跟进好早,晚市凉菜房及水果房出菜的速度与质量。 ·       每日的备货准备。 ·       负责凉菜房及水果房各种原材料的保管和使用。 ·       按照各种菜式的份量标准及搭配要求处理日常工作。 ·       掌握蔬菜像生雕刻的技巧和生动新鲜的雕刻要求。 ·       掌握凉菜的拌法,拼切造型,能快速地制作出多种熟食。 ·       负责验收各种蔬菜及食品原料的质量。 ·       跟进凉菜房及水果房的卫生清洁。 ·       负责写好每日的厨师推介与楼面沟通。 ·       Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks,Kitchen Attendants and Stewards给厨房助手提供指导,包括厨工,厨什和管事员 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships建立和维持有生气的同事工作关系 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled按照预定出席和参与日常简报和其它会议 ·        Attends and participates in training sessionsas scheduled按照预定出席和参与培训课程 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service提前准备服务用的食物,饮品,原料和设备 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area清洁和重新安排你的工作区域 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 执行酒店和部门规则,政策和程序: o  House Rules and Regulation公司规则和规章 o  Health and Safety健康和安全 o  Grooming仪容 o  Quality质量 o  Hygiene and Cleanliness卫生和清洁 ·       Performs related duties and special projects asassigned完成相关职责和分派的特别任务 ·       Maintain hygienic standards and practices 维持卫生标准 ·       Maintain a hygienic kitchen维持厨房的清洁卫生 ·       Clean the kitchen and equipment 清洁厨房及设备 ·       Maintain personal hygiene保持良好的个人卫生 FinancialResponsibilities / 财务职责 ·       Works with superior inpreparing and managing departmental budget and financial goal. 协助上司准备并管理部门预算及财务目标。 ·       Educate employee torecycle where-ever possible and enforce cost saving measures. 教育同事进行资源循环利用,增强同事成本控制意识。 Occupational Healthand Safety Responsibilities / 职业健康及安全职责 ·       Understand OH&Spolicies and procedures. Educate employee to enforce OH&S guidelines. 熟悉职业健康及安全政策及流程。指导同事以确保安全贯彻实施。 ·       Understand propertysafety, first aid, fire and emergency procedures. Operate equipment safely.       熟悉财物安全、急救、火灾及紧急程序。安全使用相关设备。 ·       Correct a hazardoussituation. Report potential dangerous to related department immediately.       更正危险状况。实时向相关报门报告危险状况。 ·       Log security incidentsand accidents in accordance with hotel requirements.       根据酒店要求,记录安全事故。 ·       Ensure to implement allfire, health, and safety procedures per required by hotel.       确保实施酒店火灾、健康及安全流程。
  • 伊犁 | 2年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:02
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    ·       Take part in the planning and costing of menus. ·       参与设计菜单和成本控制。 ·       Develop and write standard recipes. ·       发展并完成标准菜单。 ·       Develop new dishes and products. ·       发展新菜肴及产品。 ·       Ensure that outstanding culinary technical skills are maintained. ·       保证出色的菜肴烹调技术。 ·       Maintain Staff Restaurant is kept to the required level of hygiene asrequired by the local health and sanitation law. ·       保证员工餐厅达到当地卫生局标准。 ·       Supervise cleaning of the kitchen, service area, storeroom and equipment. ·       保证员工餐厅达到当地卫生局标准。 ·       Take part in the preparation and planning and department/unit/outlet goalsand objectives. ·       参与准备及计划部门目标。 ·       Establish standards of food quality and preparation and ensure they arestrictly adhered to. ·       建立食品质量和展示标准,并保证严格执行。 ·       Assist with the development of new products and services. ·       协助发展新产品及服务。 ·       Ensure the service area of Staff Restaurant is clean, tidy and comfortable. ·       保证员工餐厅服务区域干净、整齐、舒适。 ·       Monitor the implementation of quality management systems. ·       监督质量管理体系的实施。 ·       Assist in the preparation and management of the unit/outlet budgets. ·       协助准备及管理部门预算。 ·       Assist with the preparation of performance report for the unit/outlet. ·       协助准备部门工作表现报告。 ·       Assist with analysis of trend data. ·       协助分析数据趋势。 ·       Develop and monitor the implementation of purchasing procedures. ·       发展及管理实施采购程序。 ·       Prepare budgets for purchases. ·       准备采购预算。 ·       Establish economical order quantities. ·       建立经济的订购数量。 ·       Develop stock control procedures. ·       管理库存管理程序。 ·       Prepare and interpret stock reports. ·       准备及解释库存报告。 ·       Purchase stock/inventory according to purchasing procedures andspecifications. ·       依照采购程序及明细采购及库存。 ·       Handle and store stock according to stock control procedures. ·       根据库存管理程序管理及储存物品。 ·       Coordinate work operations within Staff Restaurant. ·       协调员工餐厅内部运作程序。 ·       Check the quality of food prepared by team member to the required standardand make necessary adjustments. ·       检查员工准备的食品质量按需求标准和做出必要的调整。 ·       Develop performance standards for operations in the department/unit/outlet. ·       建立部门内部动作工作表现标准。 ·       Assess work operations and prepare plans to implement change when required. ·       根据需要评定运作程序并制订计划。 ·       Coordinate between other department/units. ·       协调与其他部门关系。 ·       Monitor productivity of the unit. ·       管理部门劳动生产率。 ·       Reviews all time sheets to ensure that team member working times and mealbreaks are accurate. ·       检查所有的时间表以确保所有员工的工作时间和用餐时间准确。 ·       At all times understand, practice and promote the teamwork approach toachieve missions, goals, and overall departmental standards. ·       时刻理解、实践和促进团队的工作方法,达到使命和目标和部门的总体标准。 ·       To ensure that all team members have a complete understanding of and adhereto the Hotel’s Staff Rules and Regulations. ·       确保员工充分的理解并遵守员工手册内容。 ·       The management reserves the right to change / extend this job descriptionif necessary at any point of time during her / his employment. ·       如有必要,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。 ·       Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. ·       完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。
  • 员工餐厅厨师

    伊犁 | 1年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:02
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    ·       To ensure the good co-ordinate of orders. ·       保证与上级有良好的沟通。 ·       To monitor the quality and quantity of all food items being served. ·       控制好产品的质量和数量。 ·       To monitor correct quality and quantity of all foods received for kitchen. ·       控制好厨房收货的质量和数量。 ·       To ensure that no reusable foods are not wasted. ·       保证未变质食物不被浪费。 ·       To have a complete understanding and to follow up on hotel policiesrelating to fire, hygiene, health and safety. ·       对酒店的防火措施,卫生管理,健康安全方面理解正确全面并致力去推进。 ·       To respect the Staff Restaurant Chef organization. ·       尊重员工餐厅厨师长运作方式。 ·       To check all employees regularly for cleanliness appearance and awarenessof pride in their personnel hygiene and in their uniforms.      ·       按时检查员工外表清洁,个人卫生和制服。 ·       To have cleanliness appearance as well as a good hygiene and some cleanuniform. ·       良好的个人卫生及仪容仪表和在干净的制服。 ·       To maintain a good communication with all other staff. ·       保持与其他员工良好的沟通。 ·       To keep Staff Restaurant Chef and Chef de Partie of all items of interest. ·       协助员工餐厅厨师长和主管了解所有工作项目。 ·       To complement and maintain quality standards as they relate to sanitationand cleanliness. ·       完善和维持与卫生清洁有关的质量标准。 ·       Helps wherever required as per Staff Canteen Chef. ·       在厨师长和与员工需要时提供帮助。 ·       To ensure all operating equipment / furniture are in good condition. ·       确保所有设备器运营良好。   ·       Maintains the highest standard of personal professional image, conduct,knowledge and skills related to the job responsibility. ·       维护最高的专业个人形象。 ·        Maintains professional businessconfidentiality. ·       保护商业机密。 ·       Performs any other duty as assigned by the Department manager. ·       执行任何工作任务都像执行部门经理下达的任务一样。
  • 厨师长

    伊犁 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 企业规模
    发布于 10:26
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  • 伊犁 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    ·       Based upon menu item salesfigures, review the profitability and popularity of dishes upon the menu andmake changes where applicable (this function is be carried out in conjunctionwith the General Manager) ·       在菜单菜目销售数字的基础上,检查菜单上菜目的利润情况和受欢迎的程度,并在适当时做相应调整(与总经理共同履行此项职责)。 ·       Participate in the drafting ofconcept ideas and menus for all special events and functions while encouragingall staff to put forward their ideas and utilising them wherever practical ·       参与为所有特别事件和活动起草的创意想法和菜单的工作,并鼓励所有员工提出自己的想法并尽量加以利用。 ·       Supervise the kitchen in thepreparation and presentation of all food items in accordance with the hotel’sfood and beverage standards and standardised menu guidelines ·       监管厨房工作,按照酒店的餐饮标准和标准化菜单的规定对所有菜目进行制作和装饰。 ·       Monitor standards of productionto ensure quality ·       监督制作标准以确保质量。 ·       Supervise all aspects ofkitchen cleanliness and co-ordinate the effective utilisation of all kitchenattendant within the effective manning levels, ensuring that all kitchen areasare maintained in a hygienic condition at all times and ensuring adherence tohotel standards ·       监督酒店清洁情况,在人力配置合理水平范围内协调厨房服务员的利用工作,确保厨房卫生的保持工作达到酒店标准。 ·       Control of food purchasinglevels in liaison with the Stores person ·       与库管人员一起控制食品采购水平。 ·       Control the drafting ofrosters, ensuring each area is effectively covered and within keeping of thehotel’s annual manning and payroll budgets. These guidelines to be provided bythe General Manager ·       管理排班表的起草工作,确保覆盖所有工作领域,却不超出酒店的年度人力配置和工资预算。总经理将负责制定指导方针。 ·       Maintain a sound knowledge ofthe hotel’s procedures for purchasing of food stocks, the control of purchasinglevels and ensuring all necessary measures are in place to maintain budgetedfood cost in all areas, while ensuring adequate food stocks and maintainingstandards ·       熟知酒店食品存货的采购,管理采购水平的工作程序,确保采取一切必要手段来控制食品预算成本的各方面,同时确保充足的食品库存并维持标准。 ·       Under the direction of the Foodand Beverage manager and with the stores department assist and maintain withthe continuous monitoring of all aspects pertaining to the control of thehotel’s food cost ·       在餐饮部经理的指导下,与库存部门一起协助对所有与酒店食品管理相关的各个方面进行持续性的监控。 ·       Purchase all food items fromthe hotel’s one supplier list, this supplier list is generated by the Storesperson ·       按酒店的供应商名单购买所有食品,该名单由库存人员提供。 ·       Be actively involved in thehotel’s Total Quality Management programme, having a sound knowledge andunderstanding of InterContinental Hotels TQM philosophies, ensuring itseffectiveness in the operation of the kitchen, encouraging all staff to play anactive role ·       积极参与酒店的完全质量管理活动,熟知并理解洲际酒店集团的完全质量管理理念,确保其在厨房工作中的有效性,鼓励所有员工发挥积极性。 ·       Ensure the highest standards ofpersonal presentation, hygiene and conduct in accordance with the hotelstandards ·       依照酒店标准,确保个人形象、卫生和行为的最高标准。 ·       To organize and supervise thetraining of kitchen staff, motivating all staff to increase skills in foodpreparation and kitchen management. Ensure all training given is accurately recorded and that all staff arereviewed and appraised within the necessary time frames as required by theHuman Resources Department ·       组织和监督厨房员工的培训,以增进食品制作和厨房管理的技巧。确保所有培训均得到准确记录,并且在必要的时间柜架内按照人力资源部的要求对所有员工进行检查和考核。 ·       Have a thorough knowledge ofthe labour agreement and manage staff and rosters according to them  ·       完整的了解劳动协定,管理员工并按员工意愿排班。 ·       Ensure the kitchen ismaintained to high hygiene standard at all times and safe food handlingpractices are followed ·       随时保证厨房卫生达到最高的标准,并遵守安全食品处理条例。 ·       Ensure all MAF and HACCPguidelines are achieved and maintained. Check monitoring procedures daily ·       确保遵守MAF和HACCP指导方针。每日检查监控程序。 ·        ·       Ensure all equipment isproperly maintained and stored, with all breakage’s and breakdowns being properlyreported and recorded ·       确保正确的保养和存储所有设备,正确报告和记录所有破损和故障设备。 ·       Be fully conversant with thehotel’s fire, security and emergency procedures ·       准确记录事故,确保所有隐患均得到检查,以减少未来事故的发生。 ·       Accurately maintain accidentrecords, in turn ensuring all hazardous situations are reviewed to minimize therise of future incidents ·       准确记录事故,确保所有隐患均得到检查,以减少未来事故的发生。 ·       To perform any other duties sodirected by the General Manager that affect the operation and profitability ofthe kitchen and department ·       执行其它由总经理分派的任务,以促进厨房和部门的运作和利润。 ·       Works with Executive Chef inmanpower planning and management needs ·       和行政总厨一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 ·       Works with Executive Chef inthe preparation and management of the Department’s budget ·       和行政总厨一起编制和管理部门预算。
  • 伊犁 | 1年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    ·       In absence of Manager, conductsshift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements areknown ·       在经理缺席时进行交接班说明,确保了解酒店的活动和运营要求。 ·       Prepares, cooks, serves andstores the following dishes: ·       进行以下菜肴的制作、烹饪、上餐和存储工作: o   Appetizers, Savories, Saladsand Sandwiches o   开胃菜、小菜、沙拉和三明治 o   Applies organization skills formise en place o   在开餐准备工作中发挥组织能力 o   Sauces o   调味汁 o   Produces hot and cold saucesfor menu items ensuring consistency o   制作菜单上的冷、热调味汁并保证风格一致 o   Eggs, Vegetables, Fruit, Riceand Farinaceous Dishes o   蛋、蔬菜、水果、米饭和谷粉制品 o   Poultry and Game dishes o   禽类和野味 o   Meat dishes o   荤菜 o   meat marinades o   腌肉 o   carve meats o   分割肉 o   Fish and shell fish o   水产品 o   sauces for fish and shell fish o   水产品用酱 o   garnishing  techniques and methods of service for fish o   对鱼进行装饰的技巧和方法 o   Pastry, cakes and yeast goods o   面点、蛋糕和发酵食品 o   petits fours o   法式小点心 o   desserts o   甜点 o   Hot and cold deserts o   冷、热甜点 o   Decorate, portion and present o   装饰、切片和装盘 o   Plates and Terrines o   肝酱和肉酱 o   Prepares pastries for pate encroute o   准备法式糕点 o   Chinese Regional Dishes o   中国地方菜 ·       Guangong and Chiu Chow dishes ·       粤菜及潮州菜 o   Prepares an extensive range ofmeat, vegetable, chicken and seafood dishes o   制作多种多样的肉、蔬菜、鸡肉和海鲜等菜肴 o   Prepares sauces, condiments,seasonings and flavouring agents o   制作调味汁、调味品、调料和调味剂 o   Prepares Chiu Chou braiseddishes o   制作潮州炖菜 o   Prepares Chiu Chou dehydratedproducts o   制作潮州干菜 ·       Sichuan dishes ·       川菜 o   Prepares a range of specialtychicken and duck dishes o   制作多种特色鸡肉和鸭肉菜 o   Prepares a range of specialtyseafood dishes o   制作多种特色海鲜菜 o   Prepares a range of vegetabledishes o   制作多种蔬菜菜肴 o   Prepares braised meat dishes o   制作炖肉菜 o   Prepares hot and cold noodledishes o   制作冷、热面条 ·       Beijing and North China dishes ·       北京菜和华北菜 o   Prepares specialty chicken andduck dishes o   制作特色鸡肉和鸭肉菜 o   Prepares specialty seafooddishes o   制作特色海鲜菜 o   Prepares a range of vegetabledishes using regional cooking principles and specialty food presentation o   使用地方烹饪法和特色食品外形处理,制作多种蔬菜菜肴 o   Prepares braised dishesaccording to regional style o   按照地方风味制作炖菜 o   Prepares noodle dishes o   制作面条 ·       Shanghai and East Chinadishes   ·       上海菜和华东菜 o   Prepares specialty menu itemsusing specialized and preserved commodities o   使用特别的腌制材料制作特色菜肴 o   Prepares specialty chicken andduck dishes o   制作特色鸡肉和鸭肉菜 o   Prepares specialty seafooddishes o   制作特色海鲜菜 o   Prepares a range of vegetabledishes o   制作多种蔬菜菜肴 o   Prepares braised dishesaccording to regional style o   按照地方风味制作炖菜 o   Prepares noodle dishes o   制作面条  ·       Thai Regional Dishes ·       泰国菜 o   Prepares extensive range ofregional food, including appetizers, soups, curries, sauces, dressings o   制作多种多样的地方食品,包括开胃菜、汤、咖喱、酱汁、调味品 o   Prepares regional appetizers o   制作地方口味的开胃菜 o   Prepares soups o   做汤 o   Prepares regional curries o   制作地方口味的咖喱食品 o   Prepares regional sauces, dipsand dressings o   制作地方口味的调味汁、调味酱和调味品 ·       Indian Regional Dishes ·       印度地方菜 o   Prepares extensive range ofregional food, including appetizers, soups, curries, sauces, chutneys andbreads o   制作多种多样的地方食品,包括开胃菜、汤、咖喱、调味汁、印度酸辣酱和面包 o   Prepares regional appetizers o   制作地方风味的开胃菜 o   Prepares soups o   做汤 o   Prepares regional curries o   制作地方口味的咖喱食品 o   Prepares regional breads o   制作地方口味的面包 ·       Malay and Nonya Regional Dishes ·       马来和娘惹菜 o   Prepares extensive range ofregional food, including appetizers, soups, curries, sauces, dressings, o   制作多种多样的地方食品,包括开胃菜、汤、咖喱、酱汁、调味品 o   Prepares sambas, achar, andkerabu o   制作咖喱饭调味品、开胃菜和葛拉布饭 o   Prepares soups and stocks o   做汤 o   Prepares regional curries o   制作地方口味的咖喱食品 o   Prepares regional rice dishes o   制作地方口味的米饭 o   Prepares regional noodle dishes o   制作地方口味的面条 ·       Indonesian Dishes ·       印尼菜 o   Prepares extensive range ofregional food, including sates o   制作各种各样的地方食品,包括肉串 o   Prepares regional curries o   制作地方口味的咖喱食品 o   Prepares regional rice dishes o   制作地方口味的米饭 o   Prepares regional noodle dishes o   制作地方口味的面条 ·       Japanese Dishes ·       日本菜 o   Prepares and procedures a rangeof Japanese food including sunomono, tsukemono aemono, yakimono mushimono,gohanmono and kaiseki menu items o   制作和处理各种日本菜,包括醋物、渍物、和物、烧物、蒸物、米饭和怀石菜单的菜目。 o   Prepares and procedures a rangeof aemono (dressed salads), sunomono (vinegared salads), and tsukemono(pickles) o   制作和处理各种和物(装饰用沙拉)、醋物(醋拦沙拉)和渍物(泡菜) o   Prepare and produce Sashimi o   制作刺身 o   Prepare and produce a range ofmushimono (steamed) dishes o   制作各种蒸物(蒸制食品) o   Prepare and produce a range ofyakimono  (grilled dishes) o   制作各种烧物(烤制食品) ·       Vietnamese Dishes ·       越南菜 o   Prepares extensive range ofregional food, including banquet, festive, and specialty menu items o   制作各种各样的地方风味食品,包括宴会、节日用餐和特色菜单菜目 o   Prepares and produces a rangeof salads o   制作各种沙拉 o   Prepares soups and stocks o   做汤 o   Prepares chicken, meat, seafoodand vegetable dishes o   制作鸡肉、内类、海鲜和蔬菜  o   Prepares regional rice dishes o   制作地方口味的米饭 o   Prepares regional noodle dishes o   制作地方口味的面条 ·       Asian Desserts ·       亚洲甜点 o   Produces a range of liquid andsolid deserts o   制作各种液体和固定甜点 o   Produces and presents a rangeof steamed sweet rice based desserts o   制作各种蒸甜米饭和甜点并装盘 o   Produces baked desserts o   制作烤制甜点 ·       Dim Sum ·       点心 o   Produces sweet and savoury dimsum o   制作甜咸点心 o   Produces deep fried dim sum o   制作油炸点心 o   Produces baked dumpling o   制作烤制的饺子 o   Produces a range of bakeddesserts o   制作各种烘烤甜点 ·       Buffet Food ·       自助餐 o   Prepares and presents food forbuffets o   制作和摆放自助餐 o   Prepares and presents dessertsfor buffets o   制作和摆放自助餐甜品 o   Stores buffet items o   储存自助餐食品 ·       Communicates politely anddisplay courtesy to guests and internal customers ·       与客人和内部客户礼貌、友好的交流 。 ·       Provides direction to theKitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards ·       指导厨房帮手,包括厨师、厨房服务员和管事的工作。 ·       Communicates to his/hersuperior any difficulties, guest or internal customer comment and otherrelevant information ·       与上级交流疑难问题,客人或内部客户的意见以及其它相关信息 。 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships ·       与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系 。 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled ·       按计划参加并参与每日例会及其它会议。 ·       Attends and participates intraining sessions as scheduled ·       按计划参加培训活动 。 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service ·       事先准备服务所需的食品、饮料、材料和设备。 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area ·       清洁并整理工作区域。 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: ·       实施酒店和部门的规定、政策和工作程序,包括但不限于:  o   House Rules and Regulation o   酒店的规则和规定 o   Health and Safety o   健康和安全 o   Grooming o   仪表仪容 o   Quality o   质量 o   Hygiene and Cleanliness o   卫生和清洁 ·       Workswith Supervisor in manpower planning and management needs 和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 ·       Workswith Supervisor in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget 和上级领导一起编制和管理部门预算。
  • 饼房领班

    伊犁 | 1年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    ·       Prepares, cooks, serves andstores the following dishes: ·       进行以下甜品(面包)的制作、烹饪、上餐和存储工作 ·       各种牛角面包 ·       All kinds of croissant ·       各种丹麦面包 ·       Various Danish bread ·       各种吐司面包 ·       Various toast ·       各种日式软面包 ·       Japanese soft bread ·       各种磅蛋 ·       Various pound cake ·       各种马芬蛋糕 ·       Various muffin cakes ·       华夫饼 ·       waffle ·       煎 ·       grilled savory crep ·       法棍 ·       Baguette ·       法式硬 ·       French hard packag ·       芝士蛋 ·       Cheese Cak ·       慕斯蛋 ·       Mousse Cake ·       各种法式甜点 ·       Various French desserts ·       苹果 ·       Apple Pi ·       核桃 ·       Walnut pie ·       坚果派 ·       Nut pie ·       拿破仑蛋糕 ·       Napoleon Cake ·       布朗尼蛋 ·       Brownie cake ·       提拉米苏蛋糕 ·       Tiramisu cake ·       各种炖蛋 ·       Stewed eggs ·       各种奶冻 ·       All kinds of milk jelly ·       歌剧蛋 ·       opera cake ·       日式牛乳卷 ·       Japanese milk roll ·       瑞士卷 ·       Swiss Roll ·       蛋糕的各种装饰 ·       Various decorations of cake ·       饼干 ·       Biscuits ·       雪花酥 ·       Snow crisp ·       Communicates politely anddisplay courtesy to guests and internal customers ·       与客人和内部客户礼貌、友好的交流 。 ·       Provides direction to theKitchen helpers, including Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards ·       指导厨房帮手,包括厨师、厨房服务员和管事的工作。 ·       Communicates to his/hersuperior any difficulties, guest or internal customer comment and otherrelevant information  ·       与上级交流疑难问题,客人或内部客户的意见以及其它相关信息 。 ·       To manage and supervise thehygiene of food delivery and reception ·       管理监督好出餐收餐的卫生 ·       Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships ·       与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系 。 ·       Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled ·       按计划参加并参与每日例会及其它会议。 ·       Attends and participates intraining sessions as scheduled ·       按计划参加培训活动 ·       Train new employees accordingto plan ·       按计划培训新员工 ·       Prepares in advance food,beverage, material and equipment needed for the service ·       事先准备服务所需的食品、饮料、材料和设备。 ·       Cleans and re-sets his/herworking area ·       清洁并整理工作区域 ·       Lead the staff to cleanaccording to the regulations ·       带领手下员工按规定打扫卫生 ·       Implements the hotel anddepartment regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: ·       实施酒店和部门的规定、政策和工作程序,包括但不限于:   o   House Rules and Regulation o   酒店的规则和规定 o   Health and Safety o   健康和安全 o   Grooming o   仪表仪容 o   Quality o   质量 o   Hygiene and Cleanliness o   卫生和清洁 ·       Performs related duties andspecial projects as assigned ·       执行被分派的相关任务和特殊项目
  • 饼房厨师

    伊犁 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    • Prepares kitchen equipment for use• 准备厨房设备以便使用• Assembles and prepare ingredients for menu items• 为菜单上的项目安排准备原料• Prepares simple food items• 准备简单的食品• Assist to make, plate, decorate and store the following desserts (bread)• 协助进行以下甜品(面包)的制作、装盘、装饰和存储工作: 各种牛角面包  All kinds of croissant  各种丹麦面包  Various Danish bread  各种吐司面包  Various toast  日式软面包  Japanese soft bread  各种磅蛋糕  Various pound cakes  各种马芬蛋糕  Various muffin cakes  华夫饼  waffle  煎饼  grilled savory crepe  法棍  Baguette  法式硬包  French hard package  芝士蛋糕  Cheese Cake  慕斯蛋糕  Mousse Cake  各种法式甜点  Various French desserts  苹果派  Apple Pie  核桃派  Walnut pie  坚果派  Nut pie  拿破仑蛋糕  Napoleon Cake  布朗尼蛋糕  Brownie cake  提拉米苏蛋糕  Tiramisu cake  各种炖蛋  Stewed eggs  各种奶冻  All kinds of milk jelly  歌剧蛋糕  opera cake • Deal with the hygiene of eating out and receiving• 处理好出餐收餐的卫生• Prepares food for service• 准备食品为客人服务• Assists with checking and receiving goods• 协助检查和接收货物• Store goods• 储存货物• Maintain storage areas• 管理储存区• Clean and store equipment• 清洁和储存设备• Clean premises• 清洁房屋• Handle waste and linen• 处理垃圾和布草• Maintain a hygienic kitchen• 保持厨房卫生 • Cleans kitchen and equipment• 清洁厨房和设备• Maintain high standards of personal hygiene• 保持高度的个人卫生• Attends to all briefings • 参加所有说明会• Participates in training• 参加培训活动• Have general knowledge of food technique.据有常规的烹饪技能和知识。• Ensure mise-en-place is completed prior to service.确保所有的准备工作已经在开餐之前准备到位。• Supervise and take active part in cleaning kitchen chillers to ensure that is clean and safe for operation.积极主动的监督厨房冻库卫生以确保厨房营运的卫生和安全。Ensure high standards of personal presentation and grooming.确保高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。
  • 伊犁 | 2年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:02
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    ·       Based upon menu item salesfigures, review the profitability and popularity of dishes upon the menu andmake changes where applicable (this function is be carried out in conjunctionwith the General Manager) ·       在菜单菜目销售数字的基础上,检查菜单上菜目的利润情况和受欢迎的程度,并在适当时做相应调整(与总经理共同履行此项职责)。 ·       Participate in the drafting ofconcept ideas and menus for all special events and functions while encouragingall staff to put forward their ideas and utilising them wherever practical ·       参与为所有特别事件和活动起草的创意想法和菜单的工作,并鼓励所有员工提出自己的想法并尽量加以利用。 ·       Supervise the kitchen in thepreparation and presentation of all food items in accordance with the hotel’sfood and beverage standards and standardised menu guidelines ·       监管厨房工作,按照酒店的餐饮标准和标准化菜单的规定对所有菜目进行制作和装饰。 ·       Monitor standards of productionto ensure quality ·       监督制作标准以确保质量。 ·       Supervise all aspects ofkitchen cleanliness and co-ordinate the effective utilisation of all kitchenattendant within the effective manning levels, ensuring that all kitchen areasare maintained in a hygienic condition at all times and ensuring adherence tohotel standards ·       监督酒店清洁情况,在人力配置合理水平范围内协调厨房服务员的利用工作,确保厨房卫生的保持工作达到酒店标准。 ·       Control of food purchasinglevels in liaison with the Stores person ·       与库管人员一起控制食品采购水平。 ·       Control the drafting ofrosters, ensuring each area is effectively covered and within keeping of thehotel’s annual manning and payroll budgets. These guidelines to be provided bythe General Manager ·       管理排班表的起草工作,确保覆盖所有工作领域,却不超出酒店的年度人力配置和工资预算。总经理将负责制定指导方针。 ·       Maintain a sound knowledge ofthe hotel’s procedures for purchasing of food stocks, the control of purchasinglevels and ensuring all necessary measures are in place to maintain budgetedfood cost in all areas, while ensuring adequate food stocks and maintainingstandards ·       熟知酒店食品存货的采购,管理采购水平的工作程序,确保采取一切必要手段来控制食品预算成本的各方面,同时确保充足的食品库存并维持标准。 ·       Under the direction of the Foodand Beverage manager and with the stores department assist and maintain withthe continuous monitoring of all aspects pertaining to the control of thehotel’s food cost ·       在餐饮部经理的指导下,与库存部门一起协助对所有与酒店食品管理相关的各个方面进行持续性的监控。 ·       Purchase all food items fromthe hotel’s one supplier list, this supplier list is generated by the Storesperson ·       按酒店的供应商名单购买所有食品,该名单由库存人员提供。 ·       Be actively involved in thehotel’s Total Quality Management programme, having a sound knowledge andunderstanding of InterContinental Hotels TQM philosophies, ensuring itseffectiveness in the operation of the kitchen, encouraging all staff to play anactive role ·       积极参与酒店的完全质量管理活动,熟知并理解洲际酒店集团的完全质量管理理念,确保其在厨房工作中的有效性,鼓励所有员工发挥积极性。 ·       Ensure the highest standards ofpersonal presentation, hygiene and conduct in accordance with the hotelstandards ·       依照酒店标准,确保个人形象、卫生和行为的最高标准。 ·       To organize and supervise thetraining of kitchen staff, motivating all staff to increase skills in foodpreparation and kitchen management. Ensure all training given is accurately recorded and that all staff arereviewed and appraised within the necessary time frames as required by theHuman Resources Department ·       组织和监督厨房员工的培训,以增进食品制作和厨房管理的技巧。确保所有培训均得到准确记录,并且在必要的时间柜架内按照人力资源部的要求对所有员工进行检查和考核。 ·       Have a thorough knowledge ofthe labour agreement and manage staff and rosters according to them  ·       完整的了解劳动协定,管理员工并按员工意愿排班。 ·       Ensure the kitchen ismaintained to high hygiene standard at all times and safe food handlingpractices are followed ·       随时保证厨房卫生达到最高的标准,并遵守安全食品处理条例。 ·       Ensure all MAF and HACCPguidelines are achieved and maintained. Check monitoring procedures daily ·       确保遵守MAF和HACCP指导方针。每日检查监控程序。 ·        ·       Ensure all equipment isproperly maintained and stored, with all breakage’s and breakdowns being properlyreported and recorded ·       确保正确的保养和存储所有设备,正确报告和记录所有破损和故障设备。 ·       Be fully conversant with thehotel’s fire, security and emergency procedures ·       准确记录事故,确保所有隐患均得到检查,以减少未来事故的发生。 ·       Accurately maintain accidentrecords, in turn ensuring all hazardous situations are reviewed to minimize therise of future incidents ·       准确记录事故,确保所有隐患均得到检查,以减少未来事故的发生。 ·       To perform any other duties sodirected by the General Manager that affect the operation and profitability ofthe kitchen and department ·       执行其它由总经理分派的任务,以促进厨房和部门的运作和利润。 ·       Works with Executive Chef inmanpower planning and management needs ·       和行政总厨一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 ·       Works with Executive Chef inthe preparation and management of the Department’s budget ·       和行政总厨一起编制和管理部门预算。
  • 伊犁 | 经验不限 | 初中 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 11:02
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    ·       To ensure the good co-ordinate of orders. ·       保证与上级有良好的沟通。 ·       To monitor the quality and quantity of all food items being served. ·       控制好产品的质量和数量。 ·       To monitor correct quality and quantity of all foods received for kitchen. ·       控制好厨房收货的质量和数量。 ·       To ensure that no reusable foods are not wasted. ·       保证未变质食物不被浪费。 ·       To have a complete understanding and to follow up on hotel policiesrelating to fire, hygiene, health and safety. ·       对酒店的防火措施,卫生管理,健康安全方面理解正确全面并致力去推进。 ·       To respect the Staff Restaurant Chef organization. ·       尊重员工餐厅厨师长运作方式。 ·       To check all employees regularly for cleanliness appearance and awarenessof pride in their personnel hygiene and in their uniforms.      ·       按时检查员工外表清洁,个人卫生和制服。 ·       To have cleanliness appearance as well as a good hygiene and some cleanuniform. ·       良好的个人卫生及仪容仪表和在干净的制服。 ·       To maintain a good communication with all other staff. ·       保持与其他员工良好的沟通。 ·       To keep Staff Restaurant Chef and Chef de Partie of all items of interest. ·       协助员工餐厅厨师长和主管了解所有工作项目。 ·       To complement and maintain quality standards as they relate to sanitationand cleanliness. ·       完善和维持与卫生清洁有关的质量标准。 ·       Helps wherever required as per Staff Canteen Chef. ·       在厨师长和与员工需要时提供帮助。 ·       To ensure all operating equipment / furniture are in good condition. ·       确保所有设备器运营良好。   ·       Maintains the highest standard of personal professional image, conduct,knowledge and skills related to the job responsibility. ·       维护最高的专业个人形象。 ·        Maintains professional businessconfidentiality. ·       保护商业机密。 ·       Performs any other duty as assigned by the Department manager. ·       执行任何工作任务都像执行部门经理下达的任务一样。
  • 饼房面包师

    伊犁 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    ·       Participate in the planning andcosting of menus ·       参与菜单的计划和成本核算工作。 ·       Develop and write standardrecipes ·       制订并编写标准菜谱。 ·       Develop new dishes and products ·       开发新菜和新产品。 ·       Prepares, cooks, serves andstores the following dishes: ·       进行以下菜肴的制作、烹饪、上餐、研发、和存储工作: ·       各种牛角面包 ·        ·       All kinds of croissant ·        ·       各种丹麦面包 ·        ·       Various Danish bread ·        ·       各种吐司面包 ·        ·       Various toast ·        ·       日式软面包 ·        ·       Japanese soft bread ·        ·       各种磅蛋糕 ·        ·       Various pound cakes ·        ·       各种马芬蛋糕 ·        ·       Various muffin cakes ·        ·       华夫饼 ·        ·       waffle ·        ·       煎饼 ·        ·       grilled savory crepe ·        ·       法棍 ·        ·       Baguette ·        ·       法式硬包 ·        ·       French hard package ·        ·       碱水包 ·       Excellent bread R & D skills and bread tablechanging skills ·       有优秀的面包研发技术以及面包餐台的更改技能 ·       Ensure that outstandingculinary technical skills are maintained ·       确保优秀的餐饮技巧得以保持。 ·       Assist with organizing specialevents and special food promotions ·       协助组织特别活动和特别食品促销活动。 ·       Maintain comprehensive productknowledge including ingredients, equipment, suppliers, markets, and currenttrends and make recommendations for appropriate adjustments to kitchen operationsaccordingly ·       保持对产品的综合性知识的了解,包括配料、设备、供应商、市场和当前趋势,并相应的建议厨房运作部进行适当调整。 ·   Work with all colleagues in the bakery: communicate andcoordinate with each other to solve problems in the kitchen ·   和饼房所有同事一起:相互沟通协调的解决厨房发生的问题。 ·       Maintain a hygienic kitchen ·       保持厨房的卫生。 ·       Clean the kitchen and equipment ·       清洁厨房和设备。 ·       Maintain personal hygiene ·       保持个人卫生。 ·       Supervise and Training ofassigned employees ·       管理和培训属下员工。 ·       Works with Executive Chef inmanpower planning and management needs ·       和行政总厨一起进行人力规划和管理需求。 ·       Works with Executive Chef inthe preparation and management of the Department’s budget ·       和行政总厨一起编制和管理部门预算。 ·       Have excellent bread personalskills, know how to manage their own departments. ·       有优秀的面包个人技艺,懂得管理自己的部门。 ·       According to the hotelattendance system, do the Department staff attendance on time. ·       按照酒店考勤制度,准时做好本部门员工考勤。 ·       Prepare for delivery accordingto daily quantity 按照日常用货数量做好下货准备。
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  • 柬埔寨00855
  • 阿联酋00971
  • 卡塔尔00974



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