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  • 全国 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    • 团建活动
    团膳 | 2000人以上
    发布于 03-07
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    德保公司属全国排名前三的餐饮行业--团餐企业,本公司与各个学校/医院/部队/社区/政府单位/银行/外企/私企等大型优质企业单位合作,驻点对方公司场地,提供时尚餐厅/标准食堂等膳食服务。 一,岗位职责(入职后老带新培训): 1、日常费用报销,固定费用申请,其他款项申请; 2、供应商往来对账、当日损益表编制、收入预测、确认及对账、现场收入开票申请; 3、索证索票:按规定落实食品及原料,食品添加剂、食品相关产品(一次性餐具、集中式消毒餐饮具等食品用具)进货查验和索证、索票,并做好台账记录; 4、食堂项目点的人员入职、离职、转岗、转正事务处理,档案管理、社保管理、考勤管理、薪资核算; 5、仓库管理:食材进销存,及保存环境、流转单据管理;每日与对采购食材进行验收与留样; 6、对接甲方接待餐跟进处理甲方客诉,以及领导交办的其他工作等。 (综合来讲:财务模块占40%,人事模块占40%,其他事务性工作占20%,包括但不限于个人工作能完成的情况下去协助餐厅其他岗位的紧急支援和日常支援) 二,任职要求: 1.全日制大专及以上学历,专业不限,接受优秀应届生; 2.男18-30岁,女18-35岁,个人形象好; 3.具有1年及以上会计、统计员、账务文员、薪资专员、人事专员、后勤、助理和行政等相关经验者可优先安排; 4.熟练掌握WORD、EXCLE、PPT、OFFICE、WPS等电脑办公软件的操作使用,对数据敏感,有文字功底; 5.具有灵活解决问题及困难的能力,具有出色的执行能力和抗压能力,具有优秀的沟通表达能力和吃苦耐劳精神,具有强烈的责任心和良好的职业道德素养。 三,薪资: 固定薪资,具体面议,4500-6000元包吃住(一年一至两次调薪机会)。 四,上班时间: 根据餐厅实际经营需要而排班,综合工作时间在8H-10H。 五,福利待遇: 1、全面且系统的入职培训,薪资于次月15-31日发放; 2、购买五险一金,享有团体商业险; 3、法定节假日休息,满一年有带薪年假5天,享有工龄奖; 4、培训期间以及工作期间免费包吃; 5、提供集体宿舍,无需租金,平摊水电费(不住宿无额外补贴); 6、部门常组织员工活动,如户外拓展、集体旅游、羽毛球比赛、篮球赛、聚餐等众多团建活动。 7、公司积极提供学历提升的优惠和体检优惠,本人和亲友可享有; 8、接受工会的加入和党组织关系的转移。 六,面试地址: 深圳北站汇德大厦15楼德保公司总部。 七,公司优势: 1,德保集团成立于2006年,注册资金1.3亿元,业务遍布全国(除青海西藏外其他省市均有覆盖),是中国团餐企业排名中稳居前三甲的企业,多年来一直处于领先地位; 2,我们主张开放、合作、共赢,以发展健康事业、服务健康生活为己任,推动膳食产业的良性发展,集团上下致力于将中餐和中国文化推广到全世界; 3,我们拥有业内领先的薪资待遇,以责任贡献来评价和选拔员工,为奋斗者提供舞台,德保人不断努力打造餐饮全产业链,携手合作伙伴为客户创造价值。
  • 全国 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 绩效奖金
    • 包吃包住
    • 节日礼物
    • 生日礼物
    • 团建活动
    团膳 | 2000人以上
    发布于 03-07
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    • 投递简历
    德保公司属全国排名前三的餐饮行业--团餐企业,本公司与各个学校/医院/部队/社区/政府单位/银行/外企/私企等大型优质企业单位合作,驻点对方公司场地,提供时尚餐厅/标准食堂等膳食服务。 一,岗位职责(入职后老带新培训): 1、日常费用报销,固定费用申请,其他款项申请; 2、供应商往来对账、当日损益表编制、收入预测、确认及对账、现场收入开票申请; 3、索证索票:按规定落实食品及原料,食品添加剂、食品相关产品(一次性餐具、集中式消毒餐饮具等食品用具)进货查验和索证、索票,并做好台账记录; 4、食堂项目点的人员入职、离职、转岗、转正事务处理,档案管理、社保管理、考勤管理、薪资核算; 5、仓库管理:食材进销存,及保存环境、流转单据管理;每日与对采购食材进行验收与留样; 6、对接甲方接待餐跟进处理甲方客诉,以及领导交办的其他工作等。 (综合来讲:财务模块占40%,人事模块占40%,其他事务性工作占20%,包括但不限于个人工作能完成的情况下去协助餐厅其他岗位的紧急支援和日常支援) 二,任职要求: 1.全日制大专及以上学历,专业不限,接受优秀应届生; 2.男18-30岁,女18-35岁,个人形象好; 3.具有1年及以上会计、统计员、账务文员、薪资专员、人事专员、后勤、助理和行政等相关经验者可优先安排; 4.熟练掌握WORD、EXCLE、PPT、OFFICE、WPS等电脑办公软件的操作使用,对数据敏感,有文字功底; 5.具有灵活解决问题及困难的能力,具有出色的执行能力和抗压能力,具有优秀的沟通表达能力和吃苦耐劳精神,具有强烈的责任心和良好的职业道德素养。 三,薪资: 固定薪资,具体面议,4500-6000元包吃住(一年一至两次调薪机会)。 四,上班时间: 根据餐厅实际经营需要而排班,综合工作时间在8H-10H。 五,福利待遇: 1、全面且系统的入职培训,薪资于次月15-31日发放; 2、购买五险一金,享有团体商业险; 3、法定节假日休息,满一年有带薪年假5天,享有工龄奖; 4、培训期间以及工作期间免费包吃; 5、提供集体宿舍,无需租金,平摊水电费(不住宿无额外补贴); 6、部门常组织员工活动,如户外拓展、集体旅游、羽毛球比赛、篮球赛、聚餐等众多团建活动。 7、公司积极提供学历提升的优惠和体检优惠,本人和亲友可享有; 8、接受工会的加入和党组织关系的转移。 六,面试地址: 深圳北站汇德大厦15楼德保公司总部。 七,公司优势: 1,德保集团成立于2006年,注册资金1.3亿元,业务遍布全国(除青海西藏外其他省市均有覆盖),是中国团餐企业排名中稳居前三甲的企业,多年来一直处于领先地位; 2,我们主张开放、合作、共赢,以发展健康事业、服务健康生活为己任,推动膳食产业的良性发展,集团上下致力于将中餐和中国文化推广到全世界; 3,我们拥有业内领先的薪资待遇,以责任贡献来评价和选拔员工,为奋斗者提供舞台,德保人不断努力打造餐饮全产业链,携手合作伙伴为客户创造价值。
  • 威海 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 免费食宿
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 免费班车接送
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-05
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    • 投递简历
    Execute marketing activities to drive revenue streams (including Rooms, Food & Beverage, Banquets & Weddings, Meetings & Events), local awareness (reputation and understanding of hotel brand in the city) and relationships (hotel guests, media companies, local community, and vendors)  执行市场推广促销活动来增长收益来源(包括客房, 餐饮,宴会和婚宴、会议与活动),本地知名度(酒店品牌在本地市场的声誉及知晓度)及维持良好关系(企业客户、酒店客人、商业伙伴、本地社区、政府和供应商); Manage the hotel’s marketing communications responsibilities according to IHG standard operating procedures including Marketing Planning, Collateral and Advertising Production, Content Management, Public Relations, Promotion and Events, and Social Media. 管理IHG市场传讯标准操作流程所描述的六大核心职责:市场推广计划、印刷品与广告的设计制作、内容管理、公共关系、酒店推广及活动和社交媒体; Collaborate with partner teams (including Food & Beverage, Meetings and Events, Sales, Revenue Management/Reservations) on marketing promotions. 与合作团队(包括餐饮、会议和活动、销售、收益管理/预订)就市场推广良好合作; • Manage the key Marketing Communication processes at hotel including Marketing Planning, Collateral and Advertising Production, Content Management, Public Relations, Promotion and Events and Social Media according to IHG Marketing Communications standard operating procedures                                                                                                                根据IHG市场传讯标准操作流程,管理酒店的重要市场传讯活动,包括:市场推广计划、印刷品与广告的设计制作、内容管理、公共关系、酒店推广及活动和社交媒体; • Deliver and execute an annual Marketing Plan for all hotel events, public and media relations, loyalty and channel marketing and other marketing activities                                                  制定并执行酒店的所有活动,公共和媒体关系,忠诚度和渠道营销以及其他市场推广活动的全年计划; • Align marketing communication activities to hotel’s key business segments to ensure clear return-on-investment (ROI) for time and budget invested in the activity                                                保持市场推广活动与酒店主要业务细分市场的一致性,确保活动中对投资回报率 (ROI) 有明确的时间和预算支持; • Develop media contacts, manage media relations, and organize media activities to promote good publicity and drive hotel awareness. 发展良好的媒体关系,策划新闻发布会以及其它公关活动。代表酒店与媒体沟通,以促进良好的公关形象,提高酒店知名度和抵销负面影响; • Build continued hotel awareness by delivering new hotel stories and press releases of promotion or event to media, trade publications and local community                                                                                                                               通过发送新的酒店报道、推广或活动的新闻稿给媒体、商业刊物和本地社区,建立持续的酒店知名度; • Manage hotel events including budgeting, guest list, agenda/programme, media participation, photography/video and gifts                                                                                                                          管理酒店的市场活动,包括预算,客人名单、议程/计划、媒体参与、摄影/视频及礼品; • Develop hotel and marketing collaterals according to Brand standards for promotions           根据品牌标准,设计并制作酒店和市场推广的宣传印刷品; • Manage IHG Hotel Content Manager system to update text and images that optimizes the content quality and best represents the Brand standards                                                                             管理IHG酒店HCM内容管理系统,更新文字和图像,优化内容质量并最好地呈现品牌标准; • Manage hotel image database from official hotel photos, event photos, staff photos to use in hotel promotion                                                                                                                                     管理酒店图像数据库包括官方酒店照片、活动照片和员工照片等,用于酒店推广; • Manage hotel social media system and processes to support tactical campaigns, engage hotel guests and build hotel client database                                                                               管理酒店社会化媒体平台,支持策略性促销活动,建立酒店客户数据库; • Manage the reputation and awareness of the hotel and Brand in the local city and key feeder markets                                                                                                                                                管理酒店和品牌在当地城市和主要客源市场中的声誉和知名度; • Monitor awareness of competitor activities and use the information to develop Marketing strategies                                                                                                                                                 关注竞争对手的知名度及推广活动并在制定策略时充分利用信息;
  • 卫生经理

    威海 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 免费食宿
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 免费班车接送
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-06
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    • 投递简历
    1. Personal Hygiene 个人卫生 Implement:  实施: · Critical Control Points System  · Control system procedures  · Evaluation of corrective actions  · Staff medical records updating system  · 关键点控制系统 · 控制系统程序 · 纠正措施的评估 · 员工医疗记录更新系统 Ensure:  确保: · Hand wash basins are available near each work area  · Staff wash their hands thoroughly and as often as necessary  · Staff report all illnesses and do visit the doctor  · Excessive jewellery are not to be worn in the kitchen  · Uniform to be changed at least on a daily basis  · All infections on the hands of the employees are covered  · Hair should always be clean and tidy and chefs to wear headgear  · Smoking is prohibited in the kitchen  · To keep changing rooms in clean and tidy condition  · To carry out training in hygiene food preparation practices  · 每个工作区域附近都配备洗手盆 · 员工视必要性经常彻底清洗双手 · 员工报告所有疾病并的确去看医生 · 厨房员工不佩戴过多首饰 · 制服至少每天更换一次 · 员工手部的所有感染均应包扎 · 头发应始终保持干净整洁,厨师应佩戴帽子 · 厨房中禁止吸烟 · 保持更衣室干净和整洁 · 进行食品制备卫生规范的培训 Report to:  汇报关系: ·  Human Resources Director and Division  · Heads for all matters related to the staff hygiene  · 向人力资源总监和部门汇报 · 向所有与员工卫生相关事务的负责人汇报 2. Premises 场地 Implement:  实施: · Critical control points  · F&B and Engineering preventive maintenance list  · Action plan rectification  · 关键控制点 · 餐饮和工程部维修保养清单 · 行动计划整改 Ensure:  确保: · As per the IHG FSMS booklet  · 参照IHG食品安全管理系统手册 Report to:  汇报关系: · Director of Engineering for all matters related to maintenance of equipment  · Executive Chef for all matters related to kitchen bad practices  · Chief Steward for all matters related to kitchen cleanliness  · 与设备维修保养相关的所有事务,向工程总监汇报 · 与厨房违规行为相关的所有事务,向行政总厨汇报 · 与厨房清洁相关的所有事务,向总管事汇报 3. Delivery and Storage 交货与货物存放 Implement:  实施: · Tracking system for control of supplier operating licenses  · Daily checklist by shift for chiller temperature control  · Control of dry store food rotation  · 控制供应商操作许可证的跟踪系统 · 冷库温度控制的每日轮班检查表 · 干货存储周转的控制 Ensure:  确保: · Specification / quality / delivery records for perishable food items  · Items to be removed from delivery packaging and transferred in washable containers  · Sufficient and well maintained refrigeration equipment functioning at correct temperatures  · Daily spot check on storage conditions and holding temperatures  · Food stock rotation practices are adhered to  · 易腐食品的规格/质量/交货记录 · 除去物品的交货包装,转移到可清洗的容器中 · 充足和妥善保养的冷冻设备,以正确的温度运作 · 每日抽查储存条件和保持的温度 · 遵守食品存货周转规范 Report to:  汇报关系: · Purchasing Manager for all matters related to suppliers storage and receiving  · Executive Chef for all matters related to quality of food items received  · Director of Engineering for all matters related to refrigeration system  · 与供应商存储和收货相关的所有事务,向采购经理汇报 · 与收到食品的质量相关的所有事务,向行政总厨汇报 · 与制冷系统相关的所有事务,向工程总监汇报 4. Preparation and storage 食品的制备和储藏 Implement:  实施: · Cooking control points  · Storage control points  · Serving control points  · 烹饪控制点 · 储藏控制点 · 供应控制点 Ensure:  确保: · Segregation of all raw and cooked food procedures are strictly observed  · To carry out sanitizing / disinfection procedures  · Temperature and time controls are in place to ensure all cooking is thorough and properly carried out  · To ensure rapid chilling after cooking  · Appropriate holding for at hot temperatures until serving  · Food not consumed must be disposed of immediately  · 严格遵守所有生食和熟食分离的程序 · 执行消毒/杀菌程序 · 落实温度和时间控制,确保所有烹饪均得到彻底、正确的实施 · 确保烹饪后的迅速冷却 · 在供应前适当的高温保温 · 残余食物必须被立即处理 Report to:  汇报关系: · Executive Chef for all matters related to food preparation  · Chief Steward for all matters related to cleanliness and sanitation of equipment and utensils  · 与食品制备相关的所有事务,向行政总厨汇报 · 与设备和器具的清洁和卫生相关的所有事务,向总管事汇报 5. Cleaning 清洁 Implement:  实施: · Regular tour of the house with Executive Chef / Chief Steward and Duty Engineer  · Monthly Hygiene Committee to review minutes and outstanding issues  · Dishwashing control points  · 与行政总厨/总管事和值班工程师定期巡视酒店 · 每月一次卫生委员会回顾会议记录和未解决的问题 · 洗碗控制点 Ensure:  确保: · Sanitation / Disinfection of all critical surfaces and utensils  · Correct concentration for chemical products  · Application of correct chemical for correct use  · Items protected from contamination after disinfection  · Suitable methods are used to make sure that cleaning is effective  · To check the temperature of wash and rinse  · All equipment used for cleaning are to be hygienically stored  · Cleaning products are to be safely stored away from food  · Cleaning products must be properly labeled and identified  · 所有关键的表面和器具的消毒/杀菌 · 化学品的正确浓度 · 正确使用正确的化学品 · 物品杀菌后避免污染 · 使用适当的方法确保清洁有效 · 检查清洗和冲洗的温度 · 所有用于清洁的设备应卫生地存放 · 清洗产品应远离食品安全存放 · 清洗产品必须有正确的标签能被适当识别 Report to:  汇报关系: · Chief Steward for all matters related to cleanliness of the food production  · Chemical Supplier for all matters related to chemical handling  · 与食品加工的清洁有关的所有事务,向总管事汇报 · 与化学品处理有关的所有事务,向化学品供应商汇报 6. Training 培训 Implement:  实施: · Involvement in Food Safety training for food handlers  · Evaluation of efficiency of training from chemical supplier  · 参与食品加工人员的食品安全培训 · 评估化学品供应商所提供培训的效果 Ensure:  确保: · Participation of all staff to the Food Safety training  · Full respect of Food Handling best practices  · 所有员工参加食品安全培训 · 全面遵守食品加工的最佳实践 Report to:  汇报关系: · Training Manager for all matters related to the content of the training  · Executive Chef for all matters related to non-participation of food production staff  · Chief Steward for all matters related to Chemical Supplier training  · 与培训内容有关的所有事务,向培训经理汇报 · 与不参加培训的食品加工员工有关的所有事务,向行政总厨汇报 · 与化学品供应商培训有关的所有事务,向总管事汇报 7. Document and Control 文档和控制 Implement:  实施: · Weekly checklist for Food Preparation / Storekeeper / Cost Control / Stewarding / Food Production  · Monthly Food Safety Training report  · Monthly Food Lab Test report  · Chemical Supplier Group Audit report  · 食品制备/仓库管理员/成本控制/管事/食品加工的每周检查清单 · 食品安全培训月度报告 · 食品实验室检测月度报告 · 化学品供应商集团审计报告 Ensure:  确保: · Top management is fully aware of high risk areas for food-borne illnesses  · Recommendation for future improvement  · High confidentiality from internal results  · Full integrity in carrying the Audits  · 最高管理层充分意识到可能引发食源性疾病的高风险领域 · 今后改进的建议 · 内部结果的高度机密性 · 实施审计过程中的充分诚信 Report to:  汇报关系: · Monthly, summary of Food Safety Management Program Checklist to / GM/ RM / DOFB / Executive Chef)  · Monthly, Minute of the Food Hygiene Committee Meeting to Resident Manager (copy RM / DFB / Executive Chef / DOE / DOHR/ Director of Finance  · 每月将食品安全管理计划检查清单总结报告给总经理/驻店经理/餐饮总监/行政总厨 · 每月将食品卫生委员会会议记录报告给驻店经理(抄送驻店经理/餐饮总监/行政总总厨/工程总监/人力资源总监/财务总监)
  • 威海 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 免费食宿
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 免费班车接送
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-19
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    · financial targets  · 协同上级准备和管理部门预算,了解财务目标 · Attends to all types of repair and maintenance work of the Hotel premises including any new additions / extensions to the Hotel or any other properties maintained by the Hotel. · 处理酒店范围内的各类维修和保养工作,包括酒店的新增和延伸设施或由酒店提供维修保养的任何其他物业。 · Advises improvements to the present system in order to optimize the operating efficiency and economy of the said system. · 对现有的系统提出改进建议,从而优化该系统的运作效率和经济节约。 · Participates in Hotel Energy Conservation Program. · 参加酒店节能计划 · Attends to all work requests and repairs and maintenance works · 处理所有工作请求和检修工作 · Provide special expertise to all repair and maintenance of various engineering equipment, plants and systems. · 为各类工程设备、机房和系统的全部检修和保养提供专业知识 · Responsible for servicing and attending to repairs on various types of equipment such as laundry equipment, kitchen equipment, heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, including motors, pumps, fans, water treatment plants, sewage treatment plant and electricity generators, electric lights & powers, CCTV, telephone, TV,  fire lives and safety equipment & system. · 负责各类设备的检修和相关服务,如,洗衣设备、厨房设备、加热设备、通风和空调设备、包括发动机、泵、风扇、水处理装置、污水处理装置和发电机、电灯和供电、CCTV、电话、电视、消防、生命与安全设备和系统。 · Prepare spare parts lists for engineering requirements. · 根据工程要求准备零部件清单 · Prepares detail annual maintenance plan and periodic maintenance requirements for each respective item of those. · 准备详细的年度维护计划和每个项目对应的定期维护要求 · Prepares monthly Maintenance Status Report. · 准备每月的维修进度报告 People:员工团队: · Works with Superior and Human Resources department to ensure the departmental performance of staff is productive. Duties include: · 与上级和人力资源部一起,确保部门员工的工作绩效和生产力。职责包括: o Conduct on the job training in accordance with the departmental standards and procedures and maintains a record of progress for each staff member o 根据部门标准和程序实施工作培训,并记录每个员工的进展情况 o Trains and develops the assigned Employees in order to improve their skills and quality of work.. o 培训和发展指定的员工,以提高他们的工作技能和质量。 o Provide input for probation and formal performance appraisal discussions in line with company guidelines o 根据公司的指导准则,为试用期和正式工作表现评估的讨论提供意见 o Ensure new staff attend Corporate Orientation within first month of hire o 确保新员工在聘用后第一个月内参加公司的入职培训 o Coach, counsel and discipline staff in breach of hotel policies and departmental procedures, providing constructive feedback to enhance performance o 对员工进行辅导、咨询和违法酒店政策和部门程序时的纪律处分,提供有建设性的反馈意见,以改善工作绩效 · Ensures that house rules are followed and obeyed. · 确保遵守和奉行内部的规定。 · Ensures punctual attendance and adherence to duty schedules by all subordinate staff. · 确保所有下属员工准时出席和遵守工作日程表。 · Ensures that personal grooming and hygiene standards are being observed. Does spot checks in the morning. · 确保遵守个人仪容和卫生标准。在早晨进行抽查。 · Ensures all subordinate personnel follow the Engineering Standards and Procedures as issued from time to time. · 确保所有下属员工遵守不定时发布的工程标准和程序。 · Is responsible issuing warnings to his subordinates for infringements of Hotel Rules and Regulations, examples are, but not limited to: · 负责向下属发布违反酒店规则和规定的警告,例如,但不仅限于: 1 Sleeping whilst on duty 当班时睡觉 2 Late arriving at beginning of shift 上班迟到 3 Early departure at the end of the shift 早退 4 Not following up on guest complaints 不跟进客人的投诉 5 Not adhering to grooming standards 不遵守仪容仪表标准 Guest Experience:宾客体验: · Coordinates with the related departments for the PM/PMM/FPMM schedule and work in the various areas. · 与相关部门协调PM/PMM/FPMM日程安排和各个领域的工作 · Interacts and cooperates with Hotel guests and outside contractors as necessary or directed by superior. · 必要时或在上级的指导下与酒店客人和外部承包商沟通和合作。 · Interacts and cooperates with other departments when necessary to provide additional or specialized services for functions, promotions and festivities. · 必要时与其他部门沟通和合作,为宴会、促销活动和节庆活动提供额外或专门的服务。 Responsible Business:企业责任: · Demonstrate Awareness of IHG Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safely and within the PPE guidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same · 展示对IHG个人防护装备(PPE)政策与程序的认识,确保安全地实施所有的程序并符合PPE指导准则,并确保你的直接下属同样如此。 · Be aware of duty of care and adhere to workplace health and safety related various IHG policies and procedures · 具备谨慎责任意识,并遵守各种与工作场所的健康与安全相关的IHG政策与程序 · Be familiar with property safety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly · 熟悉物业安全、急救和消防及应急程序,安全、合理地操作设备 · Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers · 主动采取行动纠正有潜在危险的情形,并将潜在危险通知主管 · Log security incidents and accidents in accordance with hotel requirements · 根据酒店要求记录安全事件和事故 · Carries out regular fire alarm test. . · 定期实施火灾报警检测 · Ensures that the workshop and related areas are kept in a clean and tidy condition. · 确保工作场所及相关区域保持干净和整洁。 · Complies with Hotel's Health, Safety & Hygiene Policy.. · 遵守酒店的健康、安全和卫生政策。 Perform other duties as assigned by superior. 履行上级分派的其他职责。 ACCOUNTABILITY责任 This is the top Maintenance/Engineering job in a large full-service, luxury, resort, or major flagship hotel with multiple sites and facilities, a number of major outlets, high volume catering and convention facilities, and a large number of VIP and key guests.  Supervises a staff of maintenance/engineering tradespersons and contractors. May oversees subordinate managers and supervisors. 这是大型全服务式、豪华型、度假型或大型旗舰酒店中与维修/工程相关的一个重要职位,酒店拥有多样化的场所和设施,众多大型餐饮设施,大规模的宴会和会议设施,以及众多贵宾和重要客人。管理一支维修/工程技工团队和承包商。可能需要管理经理和主管级下属。
  • 威海 | 3年以上 | 学历不限



    其他 | 1-49 人
    发布于 03-19
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    【职责内容】 职责说明: 1、对公司加盟店进行产品知识、手法技能等相关知识培训; 2、协助加盟店做好开业前的筹备、宣传及驻店扶持工作; 3、对所管理的加盟店开展技术和销售培训,提升加盟店业绩; 4、针对加盟店制定活动方案,维护所辖区域市场; 5、市场同类产品信息收集及反馈。 职位要求: 1、人品端正、皮肤好、气质佳,有美容师或者美容导师从业经历; 2、性格活泼开朗,善与沟通交流,语言表达能力强,具有良好的职业素质; 3、女士优先,年龄在20—45岁之间。 能够经常出差;  4、美容养生、市场营销等从业经验; 5、有培训及管理美容店相关经验优先。
  • 威海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 免费宿舍班车
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-20
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    岗位职责 1、负责饼房制作食品的质量,检查食品所应达到的味道、温度和成色。 2、对本区域内的各种机器和设备进行检查和管理,防止酒店财产遭受损坏和丢失。 3、经常了解可改进食品质量或降低食品成本的新产品。 4、每日准时供应不同的糕点、果仁糖和各种制品,并随时查看,短缺时予以补充。 5、经常教育和训练员工提高制作糕饼的技术及装饰的技巧,短缺时予以补充。 6、负责婚礼、生日、纪念等特式糕点的准备和装饰工作。 7、负责热菜所需的各种面包、热狗包、汉堡包和各种甜点的制作。
  • 威海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 免费宿舍班车
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-20
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    岗位职责 1、协助主管去管理楼层。 2、在主管不在的时候,全权负责楼层的运作。 3、确保顾客的需求及需要能及时地跟办,并从客人那里得到反馈。 4、在员工打扫完房间之后进行查房,并且检查一遍,确保房间物品的配置符合标准。 5、时刻给客人一种友好、整洁、热情的印象,尽量使客人的特殊要求得到满足。 6、协助主管组织员工的培训。 7、对员工的服务标准和表现做到深刻的了解,并提醒他们日常所犯的错误 8、提高员工的士气和平息员工的不满情绪。 岗位要求 1、从事同星级同岗位1年以上工作经验者优先 2、性格开朗,有良好的个人修养,工作认真负责。
  • 威海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 免费宿舍班车
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-20
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.疏导过往车辆,保障大堂门前过往车辆行人的安全,使门前畅通无阻。 2.服务周到热情,见宾客主动问好,对乘车宾客要协助迎宾员照料宾客下车。 3.保证酒店和宾客的生命财产安全。 4.保持好与大门岗及停车场岗位的联系使车辆有序出入停放。 5.加强巡逻,发现可疑情况,视情况处理或及时向上级报告。 6.一般性纠纷和事故立即按程序处理,并及时请示汇报。 7.一旦酒店发生火灾应立即报警,按火灾处理程序向有关人员进行报告。 岗位要求 1.处理事情要迅速,果断、准确。 2.具有较好的协调能力,懂得一定安全保卫知识。
  • 威海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 免费宿舍班车
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-20
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.保存有关以前、现有,具有潜力宾客的资料和档案。 2.定期安排媒体拜访。 3.记录上月所有的活动或其它相关活动。 4.向市场销售总监汇报工作。 5.联系宣传媒体,宣传酒店的最佳形象,及扩大会所知名度和影响力。 岗位要求 1.本科以上学历,有相同岗位工作经验3年以上。熟悉酒店领域的销售工作。 2.在当地有一定的客户群。 3.有较强的团队合作意识,及强的团队领导能力。 4.熟悉公关营销部的业务,能协调各岗位的工作。 5.形象气质佳。
  • 威海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 免费宿舍班车
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-20
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    岗位职责 1.熟练掌握餐厅的操作,并能迅速解决突发问题 2.严格执行卫生标准,确保食品出品符合卫生标准和公司要求 3.高效完成上级安排的工作 岗位要求 1.大学专科以上或同等学历毕业; 2.必须具备2年以上相关工作经验; 3.具有良好的外表、和开朗的性格; 4.中级韩日语水平; 5.具有较强的管理能力、及良好的人际关系。
  • 威海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 免费宿舍班车
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-20
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.了解酒店收益的组成,并以此去评估本地客户和集团的生意,便于为未来价格设置和磋商提供数据; 2.留意竞争对手所有收入部门的定价,了解本地市场的动态和需要的产生,并推荐适当有关酒店定价和市场组合策略的行动给收入室工作团队; 3.通过对历史数据和当前预订的分析,监控并确定市场需求并作出重大生意决策; 4.管理所有预订渠道。 岗位要求 1.3年以上同岗位工作经验; 2.英语口语及书面表达能力优秀; 3.具有同行酒店销售信息收集及分析能力。
  • 威海 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 免费宿舍班车
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-20
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    • 投递简历
    组织协调各部门和酒吧相关人员的事宜。 根据建立起来的规则培训其员工;内容包括食物的准备,服务,礼节和仪容仪表等。 过失单,申请单,损耗单及其他内部办公室备忘录的填写。 特殊事件,问题或投诉进行报告并采取正确的措施。各宴会由始至终的监管。 批准宴会单并及时通知各相关部门。 培训员工的各项服务标准;对于其有可能参与制定的酒店运作规则,监督其员工实行并符合标准。 确保餐饮部各部门的干净,有条理,可运作;检查柜台的摆设,包括准备工作,服务区域,客房服务及食品室等。 批准采购申请单,过失单,备忘录,损耗单及其他办公室内部备忘录.有义务使酒店各项服务的成本运作降到最低。 处理每个餐厅的客人投诉和问题.对于其不在时发生的客人投诉和问题,检查各部门每天的 根据存货情况,批准每个部门的采购申请单,确保仓库中的食品和饮料充足,批准必须的申请。 根据当天的宴会单和生意情况,制定员工的每日工作,检查员工仪容仪表。 员工的排班表;为员工培训。
  • 威海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 免费宿舍班车
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-20
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.全面负责宴会和会议,展示会等的推销、预订工作; 2.制定宴会销售的市场推销计划、简历并完善宴会销售部工作程序和标准,制定宴会销售部规章制度并指挥实施; 3.参加酒店管理人员会议、完成上传下达工作; 4.安排布置并督导下属人员的正常工作; 5.建立改善宴会日记、客户合同存档、宴会订单和预报单的存档记录,使之成为有效的工作程序和管理手段; 6.与餐饮部总监和行政总厨沟通协调,共同议定宴会菜单及价格; 7.与其他部门沟通、协调、密切配合; 8.定期对下属进行绩效评估,按奖惩制度实施奖惩,并加强对员工的培训工作、提高员工素质。 岗位要求 1.具有酒店宴会销售岗位工作经验,特别是包厢宴会的销售,能结合行业特点开展整体市场营销工作,有一定的客户积累,团队合作精神; 2.对高档宴会的组织及执行有丰富的经验; 3.具有较强的管理能力、判断和决策能力、人际沟通协调能力、计划与执行能力; 4.工作细致、严谨,并具有战略前瞻性思维。
  • 前台接待

    威海 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 免费食宿
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 免费班车接送
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-20
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    • 投递简历
    · Greets all guests at all times in a friendly and helpful manner and attempts to learn and use guest’s name at every opportunity   · 随时以友好和乐于协助的态度迎接客人,并尽量了解和称呼客人的名字。 · Registers and rooms all arrivals according to established procedures · 按照既定工作程序为所有来客登记并安排房间。 · Maintains intimate knowledge of departmental standards and procedures  · 熟知部门标准工作程序。 · Performs check in, check out and room change procedures and ensures all data are entered completely into the hotel systems in accordance with reservation · 履行入住、退房和换房手续,并确保所有资料都按照预订情况完整的输入酒店电脑系统。 · Maintains cashier float and ensures accurate daily report of all money received · 保持库存现金限额并保证每日对所收现金进行准确报告。 · Cashes hotel guest’s personal and travelers checks and assists with currency exchange · 为酒店客人的个人支票及旅行支票兑换现金,并协助进行外汇兑换。 · Keeps abreast of all modifications to accounting policies and procedures · 随时留意会计政策和工作程序的变化 。 · Responsible and attends to guest’s request of using the service of safety box at all times · 随时负责回应客人关于使用保险箱服务的要求。 · Knowledgeable of all special promotion procedures, for programs such as; Seasonal Packages, Frequent Flyers Programs, and also Intercontinental Hotels Group Loyalty programs. · 熟知所有特别促销活动,如:季节性套餐计划、常客优惠计划以及洲际酒店集团忠实方案。 · Attends to guest’s complaints, inquiries and requests, referees problems to supervisor/Assistant Manager if he/she unable to assist · 处理客人的投诉、问询和请求,如果自己无法提供协助,则将问题转给主管和经理助理 。 · Is familiar with other Intercontinental Hotels and Resorts so that guest indicating any next destination on the registration card can be “sold” an onward booking to another InterContinental Hotels · 熟悉洲际酒店和度假村集团的其它成员酒店,以便当客人在登记卡上写出以后要去的目的地时可以游说其在另一家洲际酒店集团成员酒店进行提前预订 。 · Does everything possible to ensure that the guests depart the hotel with a positive impression of hotel service · 尽一切努力确保客人在离店时会对酒店的服务有很好的印象。 · Performs the audit balances and prepares all works for audit in an orderly fashion · 执行审计结余,并为审计工作进行各项有序的准备。 · When on night shift, checks night report, prepare the morning report and prepare all necessary forms for the guest arrival · 在值班时检查夜班报告,准备早班报告,并为客人的到来准备各种必要的表格。 · Maintains comprehensive knowledge of standard reservation procedures including correct forms to use, how to read telex, e-mail, messages, and how to interpret availability sources within the reservation systems · 全面了解标准的预订工作程序,包括如何正确使用表格,如何读电传、电子邮件和留言,以及如何在预订系统内对房源情况进行解读。 · Maintains exemplary deportment standards of behavior and appearance and attitude as expected in a IHG Brand  · 按照洲际酒店集团品牌的预期保持自己行为、外表和态度的高标准。 · Takes personal interest and pride to ensure that the front desk work area is kept clean and in an orderly state al all times · 随时保持前台工作区域的整洁和有序,并以此作为自己的个人兴趣和骄傲 。 · Endeavors to maintain the high standards of the hotel with particular regard to the importance of IHG Loyalty Program member and other VIP’s and with reference to hotel and to be a health or safety hazard · 力争保持酒店的高标准,特别注意洲际酒店集团忠实计划会员及其它贵宾的重要性,并重视酒店的健康和安全隐患等问题。
  • 厨师

    威海 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 免费食宿
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 免费班车接送
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-20
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    · Prepares kitchen equipment for use · 准备厨房设备以便使用 · Assembles and prepare ingredients for menu items · 为菜单上的项目安排准备原料 · Prepares simple food items · 准备简单的食品 · Prepares food for service · 准备食品为客人服务 · Portions and plates food · 将食品切片并置于盘子上 · Assists with checking and receiving goods · 协助检查和接收货物 · Store goods · 储存货物 · Maintain storage areas · 管理储存区 · Clean and store equipment · 清洁和储存设备 · Clean premises · 清洁房屋 · Handle waste and linen · 处理垃圾和布草 · Maintain a hygienic kitchen · 保持厨房卫生  · Cleans kitchen and equipment · 清洁厨房和设备 · Maintain high standards of personal hygiene · 保持高度的个人卫生 · Attends to all briefings  · 参加所有说明会 · Participates in training · 参加培训活动
  • 前台接待

    威海 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1-49 人
    发布于 03-21
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    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、确保自己的服饰、发型整洁、淡妆等方面全部符合规定的要求。 2、查看交班记录,了解上一班的移交事项,并负责处理。 3、熟悉预订资料,了解客情,尤其要记住即将来店的贵宾、常客的姓名,了解酒店的所有活动。 4、熟悉酒店有关客房销售的各项政策,向来店宾客推销客房,努力争取最好的经济效益。 5、熟练总台各项专业业务和技能,搞好对客服务。 6、熟练掌握店内外信息,提供准确的问讯服务。 7、负责为下榻酒店的宾客办理入住登记手续。 8、负责客房钥匙的管理和发放工作并严格遵守验证制度。 9、制作有关报表,为其它部门提供准确的接待信息。 【岗位要求】 1、大专以上文化程度,懂得英语。 2、性格开朗、头脑灵活、工作踏实,具有较强的服务意识、推销意识和责任感。 3、通晓酒店各项对客政策、设施设备及服务种类以及总台工作程度和规范。 4、相貌端正,身体健康。
  • 保安员

    威海 | 经验不限 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 1-49 人
    发布于 03-21
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    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、疏导过往车辆,保障大堂门前过往车辆行人的安全,使门前畅通无阻。 2、服务周到热情,见宾客主动问好,对乘车宾客要协助迎宾员照料宾客下车。 3、保证酒店和宾客的生命财产安全。 4、保持好与大门岗及停车场岗位的联系使车辆有序出入停放。 5、加强巡逻,发现可疑情况,视情况处理或及时向上级报告。 6、一般性纠纷和事故立即按程序处理,并及时请示汇报。 7、一旦酒店发生火灾应立即报警,按火灾处理程序向有关人员进行报告。 【岗位要求】 1、高中以上学历。或退伍军人。 2、处理事情要迅速,果断、准确。 3、具有较好的协调能力,懂得一定安全保卫知识。
  • 威海 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 免费食宿
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 免费班车接送
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-06
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    • 投递简历
    · Responsible for ensuring all revenues generated in the hotel are recorded accurately and discrepancies reported on a timely basis.  The Income Auditor produces the daily revenue report and reconciles all revenues against cash banked and accounts receivable movements for each day.  The Income Auditor also ensures that all revenues are recorded and reported on a daily basis and all control procedures are in place relating to the income process. 负责确保酒店所有的营业收入被准确记录,任何账目的出入及时予以汇报。收入审计员负责制作每日的收入报告,按照营业收入核对存入的现金,每天应收账款的流动。此外,日审员还负责确保营业收入每天被记录并报告,并执行与收入程序相关的管理制度; · Enforce and maintain credit and collection policies and procedures to maximize hotel profitability through reducing bad debt exposure and improving working capital. 执行和维护信贷与收款制度和程序,通过减少坏帐的出现和提高运作资本使酒店的利润最大化; · To check all Daily Food & Beverage Revenue and front office revenue All revenue must be in accordance with Finance Policy.  审核每天的餐饮收入和前台收入,所有收入必须遵循财务制度; · Keys revenue journal and distributes to Outlet Mangers and management. 编制收入报告,然后分发给餐厅经理和管理层; · Ensure promotion related system set up must be in accordance with Finance Policy. 确保酒店所有的促销时系统的设置符合财务制度; · To prepare monthly Duty Meal Report and ENT Report at end of month. 完成每月的餐费及招待费报表; · To prepare Monthly End Closing. 完成每月的月底结账; · Review all rebates and miscellaneous charges are supported by documentation detailing the charges.  All rebate credits must be in accordance with Finance Policy.  The rebate credits, miscellaneous charges and paid outs must be summarized and sent to the Finance Manager and General Manager for review daily. 确保所有折扣和杂费项目均附有相关单据列明具体收费项目。所有折扣应遵循财务制度。折扣,杂费及垫付款项应备有总结清单,每天提交给财务经理和总经理审批; · Ensures that programs involving coupons, certificates, and vouchers are adequately controlled and safeguards are in place. 对所有涉及优惠券,证书和凭单的活动均应妥善管理,施行安全措施; · Audits daily collection of the General Cashiers Summary against the bank in slip. 审核每日总出纳的汇总表与存款单是否一致; · Audits and reconciles advance payments and ensures payments have been applied. 审查核对预付款项,确保付款到位; · Reconciles revenues on a daily basis via back up page . 核對每日收入是否与备份相符; · Ensure adherence to the hotel’s credit policy . 确保遵守酒店的信贷制度; · Reports directly to and communicates with the Director of Finance and Business Support on all matters pertaining to credit and collection of guest and city ledger accounts. 直接向财务和业务支持总监汇报并沟通所有与客户帐户和挂账有关的收款和信贷事宜; · Cooperates, coordinates and communicates with guests and other departments in matters concerning issuance of credit, follow up outstanding accounts and assisting with credit requirements. 与顾客和其它部门合作,协調和交流有关信贷发放的相关事宜,跟进欠款帐目并协助处理信贷申请; · Review  and maintain the Aged Trial Balance of Accounts Receivable. 和应收主管紧密合作,负责检查和维护应收帐款的帐龄; · Monitors the special billing arrangements for groups and conventions as required to ensure that postings are in line with customer requirements. 监控团体和会议的特殊帐目安排要求,确定入帐符合顾客的需求; · Reviews city ledger daily for correct postings of charges and take corrective action where necessary. 每天检查挂帐记录的准确性,并进行必要的纠正; · Monitor and pursue collection of overdue accounts. 监控并跟进逾期未付账户的收款; · Review bad debts listing monthly to prepare collect ability analysis for monthly provision for doubtful debts. 每月进行坏账清单审核,并为每月的坏账准备金准备坏账收回可能性分析; · Respond to and resolve account queries in conjunction with accounts receivable. 联合应收账款对账目询问进行回应和解释; · Assists in control and collection of outstanding guest and city ledger accounts. 协助对欠款的客户账号和城市分类账进行控制和收取账款; · Prepare management reports for month end analysis and provide documentation for credit meeting. 为月末分析准备管理报告,并为信贷会议提供文件; · Review provision, write-offs and other adjustments immediately prior to month end. 月底前审核当月计提的坏帐准备,坏帐注销及其它调整; · Conduct monthly credit meeting with relevant IHG team highlighting monthly performance, bad debts, staff accounts outstanding and discuss any accounts causing concern and follow up. 与洲际集团相关人员组织月度信贷会议,突出当月信贷实施情况,坏账和员工挂帐显著的情况,并对任何涉及跟进的账目进行讨论; · Assists in maintaining and preparing accurate and timely financial and operating information with emphasis on the Aged Trial Balance of Accounts Receivable. 协助准备和提供准确和最新的财务和运营信息,重点强调应收帐款的帐龄; · Assists in providing safe keeping, including proper storage and access, for all contracts, leases and other financial records. 协助安全存放所有合同,租约和其他财务记录,包括适当的存放和存取; · Maintains professional and technical competence. 保持专业技术水平; · Assists in implementing and maintaining acceptable accounting practices and procedures as required by IHG policies and procedures, generally accepted accounting practices and as affected by local conditions. 协助按照洲际酒店集团的规章制度,公共会计准则和当地适用条款的规定执行和维护认可的会计工作准则和会计程序; · Works with Superior on manpower planning and management needs. 与上级一起制定人力资源规划和管理需求; · Works with Superior in the preparation and management of the department’s budget. 与上级一起编制和管理部门预算;
  • 管事部经理

    威海 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 免费食宿
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 免费班车接送
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-10
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    · Oversees the preparation of kitchen equipment for use · 管理厨房设备使用前的准备工作; · Manage the receiving and storage of kitchen goods · 负责接收和存储厨房物品的管理工作; · Oversees the cleaning and storage of kitchen equipment · 监督厨房设备的清洁和存放; · Oversee the cleaning of the premises · 监督厨房的清洁工作; · Oversee the removal of waste · 管理废品的清除; · Oversee the handling of kitchen linen · 管理厨房布巾的处理工作; · Maintains a hygienic kitchen · 保持厨房的卫生; · Cleans the kitchen and equipment · 清洁厨房和设备; · Maintains high levels of personal hygiene for self and enforces hygiene standards for team  · 保持高度的个人卫生并在小组中执行卫生标准; · Manages all functions of the Stewarding operation to achieve the optimum departmental costs · 管理管事部的各项职责,使部门成本控制到最低; · Manages all functions of the Stewarding operation to achieve the optimum quality level of sanitation · 管理管事部的各方面职责,使满意度达到最高水平; · Controls and analyzes, on an on-going basis, the level of the following: · 持续行的控制和分析以下各方面: o Costs o 成本 o Breakage o 破损量 o Quality of support provided to other sections o 为其它部门提供我支持工作的质量 o Condition and cleanliness of facilities and equipment o 设施设备的状况和清洁度 o Guest satisfaction o 宾客满意度 · Establishes and maintains effective employee and inter-departmental working relationships · 与员工和酒店其它部门建立并保持积极的工作关系; · Assists the Director of Food and Beverage and the Executive Chef in developing training plans, develops training material in accordance with ICHG guidelines and implements training plans for the Stewarding employees and other Food and Beverage employees.  · 协助餐饮总监和行政总厨制定培训方案,按照洲际酒店集团的纲要制定培训材料,为管事部员工和餐饮部其它员工执行培训; · Conducts daily briefings and other meetings as needed to obtain optimal results · 必要时主持每体例会和其它会议,获得最佳的效果; · Handles administrative works and keeps up-dated files on the following Stewarding matters: · 处理行政工作,并更新与以下管事部相关事宜的文件; o Finance o 财务 o Standards o 标准 o Training o 培训 o Outlets o 餐厅 o Meetings o 会议 o Miscellaneous o 其它 · Assists the Director of Food and Beverage and the Executive Chef in settings Stewarding goals and developing strategies, procedures and policies  · 协助餐饮总监和行政总厨设定管事部的目标和制定策略,程序和规定; · Determines the minimum and maximum stocks and controls the par-stocks of all material and equipment · 确定库存的最多和最少量,控制所有材料和设备的标准存货量; · Liaise with the Purchasing Manager and suppliers for any purchase needed for the stewarding operation · 联络采购经理和供应商有关管事部运营所需的采购物品; · Conducts inventories in coordination with employees of the accounting division · 配合会计部门员工进行盘点库存; · Liaise with employees of the Engineering Division to schedule preventive maintenance and repairs  · 联系工程部员工安排预防性的维护维修; · Monitors local competitors and compare their operation with his operation · 监测本地竞争对手,与他们的运营进行比较; · Keeps aware of trends, systems, practices and equipment in food and beverage through trade literature, hotel show and site visits · 不断通过贸易宣传品,酒店展和现场参观了解餐饮的趋势,系统,操作和设备; · Works with Executive Chef in manpower planning and management needs · 和行政总厨一起进行人力规划和管理需求; · Works with Executive Chef in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget · 和行政总厨一起编制和管理部门预算;
  • 威海 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
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    · Develop deep understanding and knowledge of key sectors targeted by hotel and ensure products and services are ahead of competition to maximise lead conversion rate and guest satisfaction. 深入了解酒店目标市场领域的关键行业,确保酒店的产品和服务在竞争中保持领先地位,以最大化潜在客户的转化率和客户满意度; · Provide creative input into Meetings Product Development to maintain a point of differentiation by developing innovative product and revenue opportunities. 为会议产品开发提供创新性建议,通过开发创新产品和收入机会,保持酒店在市场中的差异化竞争优势; · Ensure the timely follow-up and pursuit of strategic relationships with customers and stakeholders in order to drive the highest levels of conversion and guest experience. 及时跟进并与客户及利益相关者建立战略关系,以推动最高的转化率和客户体验水平; · Contribute actively to the compilation of annual business plan and strategic sales & marketing plans. 积极参与年度商业计划和战略销售与市场推广计划的编制工作; · Conduct and/or assist the sales team with customer negotiations . 进行或协助销售团队与客户进行谈判; · Manage contract signing process. 负责合同签署流程的管理; · Ensure timely delivery of Master Invoice to customers and help with facilitating payment. 确保及时向客户发送总账单,并协助促进付款流程; · Participate in the preparation of the annual departmental operating budget and financial plans. Monitor budget and up sell products and services while minimising waste to increase revenue. 参与年度部门运营预算和财务计划的准备。监控预算执行情况,通过优化产品和服务销售、减少浪费来增加收入; · Negotiate food and beverage prices, function space, and hotel services within approved departmental booking guidelines. 在批准的部门预订指南范围内,与客户协商餐饮价格、功能空间和酒店服务; · Direct day to day conference/convention activities, plan and assign work, and establish performance and development goals for team members. 直接负责日常会议/活动的管理工作,规划和分配工作任务,并为团队成员设定绩效和发展目标; · Provide effective leadership to fulfilment and events teams, including the ability to direct activities according to the relevant detailed SOPs. 为执行和活动团队提供有效领导,包括根据相关详细标准操作程序(SOP)指导活动; · Enhance team performance through effective communication and coordination with other departments. Ensure appropriate staffing levels based on guest volume. Develop and sustain effective relationships with clients, maximizing satisfaction and on-sell opportunities. 通过与其他部门的有效沟通和协调,提升团队绩效。根据客流量确保适当的人员配置水平。与客户建立并维持良好的关系,最大化客户满意度和销售机会; · Ensure the team’s accurate and timely updating of all relevant record in the Sales and Catering System. 确保团队在销售和餐饮系统中准确、及时地更新所有相关记录; · Organise training sessions, daily briefings and other meetings as required; ensure staff has the tools, training and equipment to carry out job duties. 根据需要组织培训课程、每日简报和其他会议;确保员工具备完成工作职责所需的工具、培训和设备; · Conduct periodic formal reviews with the Crowne Meetings Fulfillment Team and Crowne Meetings Events Team on their targets and goals. 定期与皇冠会议执行团队和皇冠会议活动团队进行正式会议,讨论他们的目标和目标; · Conduct Annual Performance reviews, set Key Performance Objectives and Personal Development plans in line with IHG standards and brand standards for each member of the team. 进行年度绩效评估,根据洲际酒店集团(IHG)和品牌标准,为团队成员设定关键绩效目标和个人发展计划; · Act as escalation point for clients and members of the Crowne Meetings Fulfillment Team and Crowne Meetings Events Team and provide resolution to issues . 作为客户和皇冠会议执行团队及皇冠会议活动团队成员的升级点,提供问题解决方案; · Process customer inquiries in accordance to specified service standards. 按照规定的标准处理客户咨询; · Prepare and guide the team on site inspections, entertainment, familiarisations and other events for potential customers (when necessary); ensure all details of meetings and conventions are in compliance with hotel standards, including room set-ups, staging, lighting, audio-visual, traffic flow, menus, décor, entertainment, group room blocks, transportation, billing instructions and VIP services. 根据需要,为潜在客户准备并带领团队进行现场考察、娱乐活动、熟悉环境和其他活动;确保所有会议和活动的细节符合酒店标准,包括房间布置、舞台设置、照明、视听、交通流量、菜单、装饰、娱乐、团队房间预订、交通、账单说明和贵宾服务; · In the pre-event planning process, consult with the meeting planners to identify optimal meeting room configuration, recommendation on meeting/break flow, menu planning, food & beverage coordination, table arrangements, decoration options, etc. to improve meeting efficiency and productivity. 在活动策划过程中,与会议策划者协商,确定最佳会议室布局、会议/茶歇流程建议、菜单规划、餐饮协调、桌椅布置、装饰选项等,以提高会议效率和生产力; · Plan and conduct pre-event meetings with clients and catering staff to determine potential enhancements to the guest experience. 与客户和餐饮团队举行预活动会议,确定提升客户体验的潜在改进措施; · Analyse and action against client satisfaction surveys to improve services and identify further business opportunities. 分析客户满意度调查结果,并采取相应行动,以改进服务并发现进一步的商业机会; · Coordinate safety and security initiatives to ensure meetings flow smoothly with minimal interruptions or problems. Coach and advise clients on meeting options and alternatives that potentially reduce waste, save energy and have a minimal impact to the environment.协调安全和安保措施,确保会议顺利进行,尽量减少中断或问题。为客户提供建议和咨询,推荐可能减少浪费、节能且对环境影响最小的会议选项和替代方案;
  • 威海 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-05
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    Implement and monitor strategies to drive traffic to the hotel through direct sales channels.实施并监控策略以通过直销渠道为酒店带来流量; IHG website and App. Conduct performance audits and content refreshes on the HCM content platform. Regularly review the hotel’s introductions, images, and videos on the HCM content platform to ensure maximum natural search relevance and conversion within the booking flow.IHG 网站及 App。 HCM 内容平台的表现审计和内容刷新。定期审阅酒店在HCM 内容平台的 介绍、图片、以及视频等信息,以确保最大化自然搜索相关性及预定流内的转化; IHG Meetings WeChat Mini Program – Ensure that relevant content is always up-to-date.IHG 会议微信小程序 – 确保相关内容始终为最新的; IHG Rewards WeChat Mini Program – Increase awareness of the IHG Rewards Mini Program within relevant hotel departments. Ensure that relevant customers and sales personnel maximize the use of this tool. Ensure the completeness and accuracy of information.IHG尚悦会微信小程序–提升尚悦会小程序在酒店相关部门的认知度。确保相关客户及销售人员最大化使用此工具。确保信息的完整和准确; IHG WeChat Mall:IHG 微信商城Product submission – Collaborate closely with departments such as Revenue Management and Food & Beverage to design products that ensure competitiveness and align with the hotel’s pricing system.产品提交 – 与收益管理、餐饮等相关部门通力合作设计产品确保竞争力和并符合酒店定价体系; Product listing and delisting.产品上架与下架; Order management and verification management.订单管理、核销管理; Private domain traffic (hotel fan groups, etc.) operation.私域流量(酒店粉丝群等)运营; Performance analysis and review.业绩分析与回顾; Follow the IHG Support Center’s annual marketing calendar (including member-related, brand-related, and destination-related activities).遵循IHG支持中心年度的营销日历 (包括会员相关、品牌相关、及目的地相关;Participate in the ‘Ignite’ digital marketing project, regularly collaborating with the Support Center’s business and marketing teams to optimize the hotel’s relevant keywords.参与 ‘Ignite’ 数字营销项目,定期与支持中心的商务及营销团队共同优化酒店相关关键词;Participate in the ‘Boost’ digital marketing project as needed by the hotel, to further drive traffic through direct sales channels.根据酒店的需求参与‘boost’数字化营销项目,针对直销渠道进行进一步引流;Collaborate closely with the regional marketing team and sister hotels to enhance cross-hotel online marketing.与区域营销团队和兄弟酒店通力合作,提升跨酒店线上营销;Third-Party Channel Management管理第三方渠道Implement and monitor strategies to drive traffic to the hotel through third-party channels.实施并监控策略以通过第三方渠道为酒店带来流量Based on the hotel's actual location and composition, closely collaborate with channels such as Ctrip, Meituan, Fliggy, Booking.com, Agoda, Expedia, etc. This includes, but is not limited to, the following tasks:基于酒店的实际也位于组成,与包括携程、美团、飞猪、Booking.com、Agoda,、Expedia等渠道紧密合作。包括打但不限于以下工作:Conduct regular market reviews with the market managers of the channels, paying particular attention to the hotel's quality ratings on different platforms, and take corresponding actions to improve the scores.与渠道的市场经理进行定期的市场回顾,特别关注酒店在不同渠道的质量评分,并通过对应的行动提升分值;Regularly audit the content on the HCM or OTA backend to ensure that it is up-to-date and appealing to the target audience.定期对HCM 或者OTA后台内容进行审核,确保内容更新并对受众具有吸引力;Content rating management: Regularly conduct cross-team content discussions to identify issues across different departments highlighted in reviews and implement improvements.内容评分管理,定期进行跨团队的内容讨论,发现评论中体现的跨不同部门的问题并加以整改提升;Price consistency: Ensure that the price consistency policies confirmed by the support center are implemented.价格一致性。确保支持中心所确认的价格一致性政策得以贯彻;Direct connection: Regularly verify the accuracy of the hotel's direct connection and communicate and coordinate any issues arising from the direct connection with the relevant teams at the support center.直连。定期确认酒店的直连准确性,将直连中出现的问题与支持中心相关团队进行沟通与协调; Live Streaming, Content Platforms (e.g., Douyin and Xiaohongshu), and 'KOX' Partnerships 直播、内容平台(抖音及小红书等), 及‘KOX’合作 Accurately convey the selling points of the hotel's various product categories to platforms, KOX, and suppliers.对平台、KOX 及供应商准确传递酒店不同品类产品的卖点; Collaborate with relevant departments, such as Revenue Management and Operations, to be responsible for product generation.与相关部门,如收益管理、运营等部门协同,负责产品生成; Design a cross-channel conversion funnel for the hotel, focusing not only on one-time gains but also on long-term cross-platform effects.设计酒店跨渠道的转化漏斗设计,不仅限于一次性收益,同时也注重长期的跨平台的效应; Coordinate content production with KOX and suppliers, including but not limited to articles, live streaming, short videos, etc., in line with the above conversion funnel design.与KOX及供应商协调内容生产,包括但不限于文章、直播、短视频等,与上述转化漏斗设计相协同; Content Generation for Local Lifestyle Channels (e.g., Dianping) and Upload of Food-Related Products. Online Review Management. 本地生活渠道(如点评)的内容生成、餐饮相关产品的上传。线上评价管理 Business Insights and Data Analysis 商务洞察与数据分析 Provide cross-channel data analysis, forecasts for the next period, and business reviews of key data on a monthly and quarterly basis.每月及每季度提供跨渠道的 数据分析、下一周期预测以及对关键数据进行生意回顾; Conduct regular competitive analysis to ensure a competitive edge within the competitive set.定期的竞品分析以确保在竞争群中保持竞争优势; Introduce best practices, standards, and innovations. Identify and leverage new opportunities.引入最佳实践,标准以及创新。识别并利用新机遇;
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