Essentially, you are your own boss.
Imagine doing a job as if you were running your own business, where you get to decide and be responsible of key issues such as “who are the customers”, “how to keep them coming and loving the product”, “what kind of team do I want to build” , and essentially, “how to make sure the business is healthy and profitable?” This is in fact what being a Community Manager at Stey is all about, you are so much more than an hospitality operation manager, you are the GM of your property, you take care of every aspect of the business as it was yours.
You and I both know a JD could not cover everything this job entails, so let’s not get too hung up on having a traditional Job Responsibility checklist, but instead just know that these are the areas that you will need to master in if you want to excel in this role.
l Operation: The basic, whatever you need to do to ensure not only there is no complaints, but people have only good things to say about the place.
l 日常运营: 最基本的酒店运营管理,无论如何进行日常的运营管理,都要确保没有客诉,并且每一位来访的客人都可以留下好的评价。
l Community: How to ensure we create a strong community identity and attachment among Steyers? What is something you offer at your community that is hard to be replaced.
l 社区建立: 如何使我们的长租客户对自己所在的Stey项目建立强烈的社区认同感和归属感呢?您的社区提供了哪些东西是难以替代的?
l Facility Management: By nature there will be wear and tear in the building, although you don’t have to actually hammer things, but it comes down to you to ensure repairments are done in time, and all safety requirements are met.
l 物业设施管理: 项目上的设施设备总会有日常损耗,虽然你不必亲自动手处理,但是必须确保它们得到及时的维修,并满足所有安全的要求。
l Revenue and Finance: How to maximize your revenue, do we increase the prices? What should be the balance between long term Steyer V.S short term hotel guests? Are there any costs that can be trimmed?
l 收入与财务: 如何实现项目收入最大化,出租率高的时候我们是否要提高价格?如何平衡长租客户和短租客户的数量?如何控制项目成本?
l Sales & Marketing: What can we do to attract new Steyers to the building? Do we need to do more events in the neighborhood or do we put more focus on spreading good word of mouth recommendations? A good Community Manager actively seeks to find untapped customer pool.
l 销售和市场宣传: 我们可以做些什么来吸引新的长租客户加入社区?我们是否需要在社区内举办更多活动,还是更注重传播良好的口碑?优秀的社区经理会积极寻找尚未开发的客户群。
l Team training and building: It’s not enough to be excellent on your own, the goal is to build and train your team so that everyone is as good (and in some area, perhaps even better) as you are. This is the only way that you can move on to open more Stey, or simply just having a restful and undisturbed vacation day.
l 团队培训和建设: 仅靠自己的努力是不够的,你的目标是建立和培训你的团队并让每个人都和你一样优秀(在某些方面,也许甚至更好)。只有这样,你才能够继续在Stey完成职务上的晋升,又或者最基本的,可以保证你度过一个安逸、不受干扰的假期。
Job requirements? We promise educational background is the least of our concern.
l Work experience wise, 5-7 years of hospitality industry is preferred but not a must. If you have worked in lifestyle brands that speaks the same group of customer as Stey (Let’s say Apple, Lululemon , Starbucks) and holding a manager position where you have full responsibility on operation performance, then why not?
l 工作经验方面,有 5年酒店业工作经验者优先,但不是必要条件。如果您曾在与 Stey 拥有相同客户群的生活方式品牌(如苹果、Lululemon、星巴克)工作过,并担任过经理职位,全权负责运营业绩,何不立刻加入我们?
l Personality trumps everything, our Community Manager must be a people-person; without you turning into a social butterfly, you should be able to connect with people from all walks of life.
l 你的性格胜过一切,我们的社区经理必须善于与人沟通;在你不变成社交花蝴蝶的情况下,你应该能够与各行各业的人建立良好的联系。
l Have a genuine understanding and passion about providing “exceptional hospitality”. Because small details and extra steps make all the difference, our Community Manager should also pursue to be just a little “EXTRA” when it comes to hospitality.
l 对 "服务行业 "有真正的理解和热情,因为微小的细节和额外的步骤都会产生不同的效果,所以我们的社区经理在待客方面也应追求 "卷"。
l Ability to speak English with a lot of confidence –Don’t really care much about your TOEFL or TOEIC score, we expect our Community Manager to be able to carry out a good conversation beyond weather, nearby attractions and airport drop-off/pickup.
l 能够自信地讲英语-我们并不太在意你的托福或雅思成绩,但我们希望我们的社区经理能够跟客人在任意话题下进行良好的英文对话。
l A good team player, because when you are a community manager, most of the times it is about making your whole team shine, and less about having on the spotlight to yourself.
l 良好的团队合作精神,作为社区经理,大多数时候要做的是让整个团队大放异彩,而不是让自己成为聚光灯下的焦点。
Company Description
Stey is a new solution to urban living, offering modern urban professionals a smarter, more connected and exciting way of living. Stey delivers efficiency, flexibility and freshness via modern technology. Combining traditional hospitality with the smartest digital solutions, we have created an innovative balance of home, co-living space and hotel.
Stey 是城市生活的全新解决方案,把美好的东西融入生活的细枝末节,将私人住所与共享社区空间融为一体,为现代城市专业人士提供了一种更智能、更令人兴奋的生活方式。Stey将传统的热情好客与最新的数字解决方案相结合,提供家居,酒店,共享生活空间和灵活转租模式的创新融合。