Angsana Leishan
1. Contributes to the morale and team spirit of the hotel by maintaining effective relationships with hotel colleagues.
2. Performs any additional duties as directed by the General Manager
3. Stays current with developments in the field of Engineering, and makes appropriate suggestions and recommendations to the General Manager
4. Is fully conversant with all health and safety, fire and emergency procedures.
全面的熟悉健康安全, 消防和应急程序.
5. Maintains a high standard of personal hygiene, dress, uniform, and body language.
保持一个高标准的个人卫生, 衣着, 制服和身体语言.
6. Is polite and professional in any situation where the image or regulation of the hotel is represented.
在任何情形下, 酒店的形象和规章被展现得专业而彬彬有礼.
7. Attends meetings and training as required by supervisors.
8. Ensures that all activities are carried out honestly, ethically, and within the parameters of Law.
确保所有的活动能公正, 合理合法的开展