根据凯悦标准,为客人提供顺畅、高效的服务。Provides fluent and efficient service in accordance with Hyatt standard.
为客人推荐服务,回应客人关于餐饮的要求并提供建议。Give recommendation on service and responds guest Food and Beverage request as well as provides suggestion.
根据顺序和程序为客人安排座位、点单并服务食物和饮料。Assigns seats to guest according to subsequence and procedures, takes order of food and beverage.
全面了解MICROS系统。Has a thorough knowledge to all sides of MICROS System.
根据部门营运手册的要求,确保餐厅所有食物和饮料、机器和设备的正常运作。Ensure all food and beverage, machines and equipment to be normal running according to Departmental Operation Manual.
努力使客人满意,并使客人经常光顾餐厅。Makes effort to satisfy our customers and makes them repeat to dine in the restaurant.
为客人点单和上菜,避免不必要的延误。Takes food order and delivers foods to avoid unnecessary delay.
掌握关于餐厅菜单和酒单的知识。Has thorough knowledge of menus and wine list.
促销菜单并说服客人选择价格较高的食物以增加总收入,例如:汤,饮料,沙拉,甜点,等等。Up sells menus and persuades customers to select higher price foods to increase revenue, e.g. soup, beverage, salad, dessert etc.
向餐厅经理/副理报告任何困难或问题,以便找到解决方法或进行下一步行动。Reports any difficulties and problems to Manager / Assistant Manager to find out solutions or take next action.
保持所有设备和客人需求是同等的。Maintain equality to both all equipment and customer requests.
确保根据标准及运作需要摆台。Ensures table setting to accord to standard and operational requirement.
确保在用餐结束后,所有餐桌的干净整洁。Ensures that all tables are clean and tides up after dining over.
准确为客人预定餐桌并确定用餐人数。Makes reservation accurately to customers and confirms dining pax.