Execute marketing activities to drive revenue streams (including Rooms, Food & Beverage, Banquets & Weddings, Meetings & Events), local awareness (reputation and understanding of hotel brand in the city) and relationships (hotel guests, media companies, local community, and vendors)
执行市场推广促销活动来增长收益来源(包括客房, 餐饮,宴会和婚宴、会议与活动),本地知名度(酒店品牌在本地市场的声誉及知晓度)及维持良好关系(企业客户、酒店客人、商业伙伴、本地社区、政府和供应商);
Manage the hotel’s marketing communications responsibilities according to IHG standard operating procedures including Marketing Planning, Collateral and Advertising Production, Content Management, Public Relations, Promotion and Events, and Social Media.
Collaborate with partner teams (including Food & Beverage, Meetings and Events, Sales, Revenue Management/Reservations) on marketing promotions.
• Manage the key Marketing Communication processes at hotel including Marketing Planning, Collateral and Advertising Production, Content Management, Public Relations, Promotion and Events and Social Media according to IHG Marketing Communications standard operating procedures 根据IHG市场传讯标准操作流程,管理酒店的重要市场传讯活动,包括:市场推广计划、印刷品与广告的设计制作、内容管理、公共关系、酒店推广及活动和社交媒体;
• Deliver and execute an annual Marketing Plan for all hotel events, public and media relations, loyalty and channel marketing and other marketing activities 制定并执行酒店的所有活动,公共和媒体关系,忠诚度和渠道营销以及其他市场推广活动的全年计划;
• Align marketing communication activities to hotel’s key business segments to ensure clear return-on-investment (ROI) for time and budget invested in the activity 保持市场推广活动与酒店主要业务细分市场的一致性,确保活动中对投资回报率 (ROI) 有明确的时间和预算支持;
• Develop media contacts, manage media relations, and organize media activities to promote good publicity and drive hotel awareness.
• Build continued hotel awareness by delivering new hotel stories and press releases of promotion or event to media, trade publications and local community 通过发送新的酒店报道、推广或活动的新闻稿给媒体、商业刊物和本地社区,建立持续的酒店知名度;
• Manage hotel events including budgeting, guest list, agenda/programme, media participation, photography/video and gifts 管理酒店的市场活动,包括预算,客人名单、议程/计划、媒体参与、摄影/视频及礼品;
• Develop hotel and marketing collaterals according to Brand standards for promotions 根据品牌标准,设计并制作酒店和市场推广的宣传印刷品;
• Manage IHG Hotel Content Manager system to update text and images that optimizes the content quality and best represents the Brand standards 管理IHG酒店HCM内容管理系统,更新文字和图像,优化内容质量并最好地呈现品牌标准;
• Manage hotel image database from official hotel photos, event photos, staff photos to use in hotel promotion 管理酒店图像数据库包括官方酒店照片、活动照片和员工照片等,用于酒店推广;
• Manage hotel social media system and processes to support tactical campaigns, engage hotel guests and build hotel client database 管理酒店社会化媒体平台,支持策略性促销活动,建立酒店客户数据库;
• Manage the reputation and awareness of the hotel and Brand in the local city and key feeder markets 管理酒店和品牌在当地城市和主要客源市场中的声誉和知名度;
• Monitor awareness of competitor activities and use the information to develop Marketing strategies 关注竞争对手的知名度及推广活动并在制定策略时充分利用信息;