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  • 全国 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
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    • 美女多
    中式餐饮 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-16
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    【岗位职责】 1.熟悉吧台客存酒的品种及数量,积极配合服务员领取物品并做好登记; 2.具备一定的沟通能力和营销能力; 3.为客人提供和推销优质的酒水及服务; 4.检杳己开封酒水是否变质; 5.做好下班前的善后工作,认真核对库存进行盘点、记录; 6.熟悉各种酒水的香型,价位及饮用方式,与前厅服务员保持良好的合作关系,做好酒水的推销工作; 7.每日盘点吧台内的酒水数量; 8.做好酒水摆放柜的陈列; 9.检查酒的库存,及时通知补货; 10.随时检查冷藏柜的温度在指定范围内。 【岗位要求】 1. 具备卓越的人际交往能力及观察能力; 2. 具备酒水食物知识与服务意识; 3. 具备两年以上同等职位的工作经验; 该职位为项目储备,项目地点为山西太原、广东珠海、浙江杭州、陕西西安
  • 绵阳 | 3年以上 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 人性化管理
    精品酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-17
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责餐饮部的整体经营和运作;分配督导员工工作,制定工作计划。 2、确保部门成本及各项费用,得以良好的控制。 3、根据酒店的运营标准,随时对餐饮部设施设备及各项物品进行检查。 4、制定部门的年度预算,并确保部门的经营费用控制在预算之内。 5、检查餐饮部的设施和管理,抽查及提升本部门整体工作质量及工作效率。 6、督导执行部门工作程序及工作考评。 【岗位要求】 1、高中毕业学历或同等以上。 2、有3-5年以上同星级餐饮管理工作经验。 3、熟悉餐饮部专业知识,熟练使用电脑。 4、掌握熟悉餐饮管理、服务流程和质量标准。 5、具有组织协调能力、应变能力、经营能力以及文字表达能力和信息管理能力。
  • 中餐厅主管

    绵阳 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 14:26
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    【岗位职责】 确保执行酒店政策方针和公司的品牌标准。 对于认可的员工实施培训课程,进行全体员工的培训和评估他们的能力 提前意识到缺少服务标准的对客服务并及时制定发展计划,跟踪和执行改变 在工作中和下属员工沟通,维护已确定的政策和方针。 在用餐期间确保及时纠正错误的餐位。 保持操作台的干净和整齐。 和厨房保持有效的沟通。 为团队准备培训课题。 在培训中借助餐厅经理。 良好的工作氛围和下属员工良好的工作关系。 在团队中展现个人精神和严守时间。 问候客人,处理评论和问题,无论何时都要在用餐中提高销售关注收入。 向客人推荐菜单的食品和酒水,适当的为客人点单和服务食品和酒水。 维护良好的客户关系和提高个人的修养。 依据库存的要求来采购物品。 准备每周排班。 在经理缺席期间负责运营。 接受餐厅经理安排的其它工作。 为客人服务酒水和食品。 提出好的主意和建议在设计菜单和食品促销的时候。 实施培训课程和时间表格。 全面的食品和酒水知识。 熟练运用客人维护技能。 领导素能。 【岗位要求】 全面的餐饮服务经验和时尚的管理主义。 至少5年的餐饮运营经验。 至少2年以上的同岗位工作经验。 良好的运营和管理技能。 良好的仪容仪表。 积极主动。 团队有良好的沟通才能,监督和刺激员工的积极性。 良好的英文书面和口语能力。
  • 绵阳 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-02
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    Responsible for the service of all catering food and beverage. Direct all catering service efforts toward guest satisfaction, the achievement/maintenance of division stands, and profit maximization.  负责宴会服务,为了满足客人直接参与服务工作,保证部门达到标准和使利润最大化。 OPERATIONS运营 1. Maintain organization of banquet service areas. 维护宴会厅区域的整齐有序。 2. Support banquet assist manage review menu/service (BEO) with  banquet chef and event team on a daily basis. 积极与宴会厅厨师团队和宴会统筹团队每天核对菜单和接待通知单。 3. Co-ordinate all food requirements with the kitchen, including accurate counts for preparation and plating. 与厨房协调所有有关食品的要求,包括数量和出品方式。 4. Personally observe the performance of all Banquet service associates.       观察所有员工的工作表现。 5. Directly responsible for the grooming standards and appearance of all Banquet service associates. 负责所有宴会厅员工的仪容仪表。 6. Insure that all schedule Banquet functions take place on time and according to plan and make last minute change if in need. 确保宴会会议按照计划准时开始及预计可能的最后变化如果客人需要的话。 7. Make personal contact with guests an assist them with any requests.       与顾客建立个人联系,帮助他们解决任何问题。 8. Supervise proper tabulation of all banquet checks and be responsible for insuring that all checks are presented to guest for signature. 负责所有宴会账单的准备工作和确保所有账单送交客人签字。 9. Prepare or review a critique made of every function. All problem areas should be noted and either corrected or a proposed solution should be forwarded to the Banquet Operation Manager and Assistant F&B Manager. 准备/复阅每次宴会活动的批评意见,所有的确问题都要表明,要么纠正,要么提供建议给。 10. Keep copies of all BEO’s, along with beverage requisitions. 复印和保存所有BEO单据。 11. Responsible for control and maintenance of all service equipment. Write work orders as necessary. 负责所有服务设备的控制和维护工作。必要的时候填写工作申请单。 12. Bring to the attention of the Banquet Operation Manager for all materials and equipment that required re-ordering or need to be replaced. 对于需要维修或更换的设备,向上级提出建议。 13. Assist the follow-up after the maintenance inspection on a weekly basis. 做好每月预防性的维修检查。 Profile of Competency 工作能力: Minimum of two years of banquet supervisory experience 最少两年宴会厅管理经验 Demonstrated excellent communication and hospitality skills 出色的社交能力 Demonstrated leadership qualities 领导能力 Demonstrated an aptitude to details 注重细节 Demonstrated excellent organization and planning skills 杰出的组织和计划能力
  • 宴会厅主管

    绵阳 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 14:26
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    岗位职责: (1)配合销售接待会议与宴会客户,根据具体会议需求,制定会场与宴会布置方案,组织完成提前布置,具体落实会议、宴会接待等事项。 (2)协调保洁组维护会议区与宴会区域公区卫生,适时检查公区清洁及设施设备的使用和保养情况,提出改进意见,提前跟进BEO的所有细节工作。 (3)了解营业收入情况、控制用品、费用消耗。分析存在的问题,提出改进意见,保证预算指标顺利完成。 (4)指导、监督宴会日常工作、会议预定制定排班表,安排员工工作。 (5)完成上级领导交办的其他工作。 任职条 件: 男女不限,35岁以下,大专及以上学历,2年以上同岗位工作经验。个人能力及其他特殊要求:具有良好的工作计划能力、信息沟通能力、处理顾客投诉和解决问题的能力。
  • 绵阳 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-02
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    1、根据各餐厅餐具的盘点情况,负责于采购部门沟通,提出器具购置计划,保证及时补充餐具用具。 2、检查和管理各点餐具的使用情况,分析造成损耗的原因,提出降低损耗的建议。 3、负责安排管事部员工的工作班次。 4、负责做好餐具用具的保管、发放、回收工作,负责厨房区域的环境卫生。 5、负责对下属员工的考勤考核工作,督导员工做好安全工作。
  • 绵阳 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-17
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    工作任务: 1.掌握所负责楼层的住客状况,提供对客服务。 2.管理好楼层定额物品,严格控制客用品消耗,做好废品回收。 3.负责对结帐房间的查房工作。 4.负责查收宾客洗衣、酒水的送回和补充工作。 5.负责楼层公共区域卫生的清洁工作和部分房间的清洁工作。 6.负责杯具的清洁与消毒工作。 7.负责脏布草的收集、更换与新布草的折叠、摆放工作。 8.完成易耗品的每期盘点工作。 职位要求: 1.有1年以上客房工作经验; 2.身体健康,相貌端正。
  • 绵阳 | 5年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-02
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    楼层经理 Assigned daily work fairly and equal. 负责合理、公平地安排每日员工工作。 Held daily meeting to the floor staff and training them for 15min. 召开每日楼层员工简会及15分钟培训。   Supervise rooms, follow up the hotel’s standard strictly, ensure the rooms are clean and equipment’s are in good condition. 负责检查所负责的客房,严格按照酒店的标准,保证房间清洁,设备设施良好。   Inspect all check-out rooms and room condition immediately, ensure the front office can lent. 及时检查所有退客房,更改房态,以保证前台及时出租。   Inspect all VIP rooms. 检查所有VIP房间。   Supervise job instruction and training for the staff and supervisors. 负责员工和主管的培训及工作指导。   Check and ensure staffs follow the instructions to work. 检查保证员工按照程序进行客房操作。   Find and inform the maintain, and follow the repair result. 发现维修项目及时报修,并跟进维修结果。 Supervise the inventory and make a requisition monthly and weekly. Ensure all the things neatly. 负责每周每月客用品盘点及申领,保证客用品存放整齐。   Ensure Lost & Found be picked up to the Housekeeping Office immediately and never to delivery it the next day. 保证拾获的客人遗留物品必须在当日交到管家部办公室,禁止任何遗留物品放在楼层隔夜 上交。   Handle the guest complaints satisfaction important. Check again at the same time and response the requisition. 处理客人投诉,让客人满意是首要选择,同时要及时核查,回应客人的要求。   Coordinate Engineering Department with the room maintains. 和工程部协调,安排房间的维修及大保养。   Note down the unusual thing on the log-book. Unfinished job delivered to the shift. 将每日特殊事情记录在办公室Log Book上,未完成的事项交接给下一个班次。   Evaluate the performance of the staff. 评估员工工作表现。   Finished job which Executive Housekeeper to assign. 完成行政管家指派的其它工作。
  • 绵阳 | 3年以上 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 人性化管理
    精品酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-17
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责客房部的整体经营和运作;分配督导员工工作,制定工作计划。 2、确保部门成本及各项费用,得以良好的控制。 3、根据酒店的运营标准,随时对房间和设施设备及各项物品进行检查。 4、制定部门的年度预算,并确保部门的经营费用控制在预算之内。 5、检查客房部的设施和管理,抽查及提升本部门整体工作质量及工作效率。 6、督导执行部门工作程序及工作考评。 【岗位要求】 1、高中毕业学历或同等以上。 2、有3-5年以上同星级客房管理工作经验。 3、熟悉客房部专业知识,熟练使用电脑,持有客房部经理上岗证或资格证书。 4、掌握熟悉客房管理、服务流程和质量标准。 5、具有组织协调能力、应变能力、经营能力以及文字表达能力和信息管理能力。
  • 绵阳 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-02
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    MAJOR FUNCTION 主要功能 : Complete the assigned culinary task in a safe and professional manner. Be responsible for the daily production of high-quality food for a given station or outlet. 以专业和安全的方法完成工作任务。为每日餐厅提供高质量的食品。 Maintain sanitation standards to optimum conditions. Utilize at all times Marriott recipes, use records and production charts. 将卫生标准维持在最佳状态。运用所有万豪的烹饪配方和产品图。 MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 责任概要 : 1. Follow the posted schedule and report at workstation on time. 根据排班表准时出勤。 2. Follow set up and break down procedure that was set by the kitchen management. 服从厨房相关的布置程序。 3. Maintain good quality and presentations by follow the use record and recipes. 依照配方表和烹饪说明保持食品的高质量和出品。 4. Follow safety and energy conservation procedure. 执行安全和和节能规程。 5. Report any hazard condition to supervisor or manager. 一旦发生事故或险情立即报告主管或经理。 6. Follow food protection techniques, to include keep hot food at 60 ℃, cold food at 4 ℃ or below, cover, dating and rotation. 执行食品安全卫生程序,包括热食温度保持在60摄氏度以上,冷食温度保持在4摄氏度以下,密闭保存等。 7. Assist attendant to complete the assigned tasks. 协助服务员完成工作。 8. Be able to operate kitchen equipment and tools. 能够使用厨房设备和工具。 9. Perform any reasonable request made of management which is not life threatening or against the law. 在不违法的前提下,完成管理层的指示。 SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任务 : 1. Maintain food quality and service in accordance with standardized company recipes and procedures. 依照酒店的标准和程序,保持高质量的食品和优质的服务。 2. Keep the executive chef informed of all pertinent information regarding the preparation kitchen, through the sous chef or chef de partie. 通过厨师长或厨师主管向总厨汇报相关厨房工作。 3. Keep all production charts properly filled out and use all charts as per SOP. 根据运作标准,确保所有相关记录表格都填写无误。 4. Conduct daily taste panel with the first cook 和第一个厨师一起进行每日的味觉测试。 5. Attend all associate meeting, and come up with suggestion for solving problems 出席所有的员工会议,并为解决问题提出建议。 6. Strictly practices and enforces the “clean as you go” policy. 严格遵守并执行“及时清理”政策。 Profile of Competency 工作能力:  Minimum 2- 3years experience working in a similar position of a sizeable organization. 至少2-3年以上工作经验 Basic cooking skills. 基本的烹调技能 Neat in appearance and well groomed. 整洁的仪表 Able to work with little supervision. 较强的自我管理能力 Able to lift heavy objects. 能胜任体力工作 Must work quickly and safety. 能迅速安全的工作 The consciousness and ability of continuous innovation. 具有不断创新的意识和能力
  • 绵阳 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-02
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    • 投递简历
    Planning, organizing, coordinating, staffing, and known well all culinary operations. The chef de partie must develop long-range plans while resolving daily challenges across the entire spectrum of the department. The chef de partie must thoroughly understand the basic management principles for each component of the culinary operations. 计划、组织、配合、安排员工, 熟悉所有厨房营运. 西厨主管在每天处理日常工作时, 同样要有对所有分部门的长远发展计划. 西厨主管必须对各分部门的食品和酒水营运方面的基本原则有全面的了解. MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 责任概要 : 1. Directly responsible for all daily social culinary areas, ensuring a smooth running, profitable operation within the framework of the Hotel. 直接对整个食光厨房所有区域负责, 保证一切正常, 并有利酒店营运 2. Maintain the hotel’s culinary concepts and standards for food preparation & presentation. 维持酒店对厨房的食品准备和摆盘标准 3. Maintain food cost by ensuring that proper preparation, inventory, requisition, food parts and control systems are in place in all food operations areas. 在保证正确的出品,库存和需求的前提下控制好食品成本 4. Enforce the Marriott food preparation and presentation guidelines to ensure consistent quality culinary offerings to our guests. 坚持万豪集团的领导方针和营运标准, 保证出品质量 5. Maintain food safety & protection. All food in working areas should be in compliance with food handling techniques, to include dating, proper storage, rotation, etc. Maintain basic food safety & sanitation in accordance with the company policies. Maintain Marriott Brand Standard (control form A1, A2, A3 are filled up on a daily basis. 保证食品卫生并且安全, 在工作区域内所有食品使用和储藏都必须严格按照食品要求, 包括日期, 储藏. 每天基本食品安全卫生必须根据集团政策, 遵守万豪的品牌标准(每天必须填写A1, A2, A3表格) 6. Enforce Marriott’s 49 point Sanitation checklist by having all culinary areas inspected on a monthly basis. 每月对厨房区域进行执行万豪49点卫生检查 7. Achieve departmental budget goals by maintaining efficient cost expenditure. 有效的控制开支以达到部门预算目标 8. To accurately forecast business demands on a weekly basis to ensure efficient staffing & food production. 以每周为一阶段真实的预测营运需求来保证有足够的员工和食品 9. To supervise the completion of the wage progress report on a weekly basis and critique discrepancies. 监督每周考勤报告,并对差异进行处理。 10. Assist the chef de cuisine in food promotion, menus, pricing. 协助西厨厨师长进行食品推广, 菜单推广及定价 11. Together with chef de cuisine to create new dish and recipes, including picture taking which should be displayed in the respective kitchen. 与西厨厨师长共同创造新菜和研究新配方, 包括对成品菜拍照并陈列到各个厨房 12. Prepares market list, indicating type of food items quality and quantity. 填写采购单,注明食物的名称质量和数量。 13. Controls costs by: 控制成本:  Minimising spoilage. 尽量减少腐败。  Maintaining adequate inventory of food. 维持足够的库存食物。  Utilising food surpluses. 利用剩余原料。  Controlling portion. 控制份量。 14. Complete tasks delegated from the chef de cuisine 完成西厨厨师长安排的任务 15. To notify the chef de cuisine of any unusual occurrences in the food production area 通知西厨厨师长在食品加工时出现的异常 16. Brief chef de cuisine on kitchen operations during his absence. Making use of daily diary 西厨厨师长不在时向行政总厨报告营运情况,记录厨房日志。 SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任务 : 1. Responsible to maintain the overall welfare of our associates by providing them with the training and resources to take care of our guests. 安排适当的培训和并提供客人所需要的原料 2. Ensure the awareness & enforcement of all Marriott S.O.P.’s & Property L.S.O.P.’s. 保证执行所有万豪集团的SOP和当地的LSOP 3. To enforce operational Standards that are reviewed periodically and then updated and improved. 坚持定期回顾营运标准并更新和改进 4. To ensure the efficient scheduling of management and associates. 保证有效安排并管理人员 5. To be responsible for the accurate supervision of the associate time control and payroll systems by working with accounting and HRD. 负责准确监督员工工作时间并同财务部和人事部完善工资体系 6. To develop and implement manager, supervisor & associate training plans on a quarterly basis in conjunction with HRD. 与人力资源总监合作每季度制定并执行经理, 主管和员工的培训计划 7. To implement a departmental daily “15 Minute” training program and conduct it. 安排并执行部门每日15分钟培训计划 8. To assist in the execution of culinary management & associate reviews, ensuring appraisals in a professional and timely manner. 协助厨房和员工的管理, 回顾并进行专业的评估 9. To supervise all aspects of associate management including hiring and discipline in conjunction with the chef de cuisine. 同西厨厨师长联合共同管理员工的所有方面, 包括聘用, 惩罚 10. To train subordinate cook and training in effective “coaching and counseling” and the correct process of progressive discipline method. 有效培训下属厨师和实习生 11. To practice “open door” policy to all Associates. 对所有员工采取公开政策 12. Periodically plan outside Associates activity to promote teamwork. 阶段性带领员工进行户外活动, 增强团队合作精神 13. To be responsible for maintaining outlet safety at all times. 随时保持各部门安全 14. To be responsible for asset management of all outlet property and facilities. 管理所有分部门的财产, 设备 15. Conduct a preventative maintenance inspection on a weekly basis. 每周进行预防性的设备检查 16. Promote positive inter-departmental relations through candid communication and cooperation. 通过公平公正的沟通与合作, 建立与酒店其他部门的良好合作关系 17. To respond to guest inquiries or concerns within 24 hours in what is deemed the appropriate manner and communicate this issue immediately to Executive Chef. 正确回应客人的需要应该在24小时内回复并立即报告给行政总厨 18. Ensure all Managers and Associates follow all job safety regulations and all hazards are reported to Loss Prevention and Engineering with appropriate documents. 保证所有经理和员工遵循安全工作条例并通过书面形式报告所有安全隐患 Profile of Competency 工作能力: Minimum 4-5 years kitchen experience and at least 1years international brand hotel ADD chef de partie experience. 至少4-5年工作经验及1年国际品牌全日制厨房主管经验 Strong organization skills excellent western hot or cold food skills; 强大的组织技巧及完美的西厨热菜或者冷菜制作技巧 possesses the ability to perform all functions in the daily social kitchen operation 在西厨房的运营中履行职责 Food and Beverage culinary management experience with demonstrated leadership 餐饮管理经验 Extensive knowledge of food handling and sanitation standards 全面的食品加工及卫生标准知识
  • 绵阳 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-11
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    • 投递简历
    • To be responsible for all guest service activities in the executive floor and provide supervision in executive lounge with objective, performance and quality standard established by Marriott International to drive elite member satisfaction score. 服务行政楼层客人,按照万豪国际酒店的标准,客观、友好、高质量地为行政楼层的客人提供管理服务来提高精英会员的宾客满意度。 • Responsible for hiring, training and development of all associates working for the executive floor area.  负责行政楼层区域员工的招聘、培训、及其职业发展。
  • 绵阳 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-11
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    • 投递简历
    MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 责任概要 : To provide leadership and direction for the AYS Department, for training, motivating and managing the AYS staff. The manager will ensure that each associate has sufficient resources to perform his or her job well and constantly seek to improve the methods to meet the guest’s need. The manager will manage daily operational tasks in and efficient and regular manner by coordination the shift operations in accordance to the corporate and LSOP’s and emphasizing guest hospitality. The manager will direct associates to work together as a professional team for hotel. 为部门提供大的领导方向,为员工提供培训,激励和管理。确保员工有充足的资源来出色的完成工作,并坚持不懈地寻找能更好满足客人需要的方法。通过班次任务的调整,与当地服务标准一致,强调殷勤好客等方式,使部门正常高效的运作. 部门经理将专注于引导员工形成一支专业的团队为酒店提供服务。 Supervision of all activities pertaining to AYS&RSVN department in order to achieve the highest possible occupancy levels for the purpose of maximizing room revenues and profit. 监督为您服务中心及预订部的所有活动,以达到最高的可能入住率的目的,最大限度地提高房间的收入和利润 SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任务 :  To coordinate functions of supervising, assigning tasks and monitoring work load of each agent to ensure smooth operation of reservations office. 协调功能的监控、任务分配、监控工作以保证预订办公室运行平稳。  To provide guidance and assistance to reservations agents in special requests or problems that may arise in the department. 提供指导和协助预订代理商在特殊要求或可能出现的问题。  To handle staff scheduling and administrative report requirements. 处理人员的调度和管理报告的要求。  Executing AYS training from the manuals. 根据培训指南执行AYS的培训。  Maintained work area is cleanliness and staff working is efficiency. 维护工作区域的整洁和员工工作的高效。  Maintain the inventory and stationery use and consume of all AYS equipments. 维护AYS 的库存和文具的使用和消耗。  Prepare and post weekly schedules in accordance to guest needs and staff availability,include system, telephone etiquette, room service menu,make reservation and so on 根据客人和员工的需求准备每周的培训计划,包括系统,电话礼仪,客房送餐菜单和做预定等。  Resolves system problems and can operate the system manually. Can lead the smooth work through a down time. 解决系统问题并能够操作系统。在系统停机期间能够有效领导使平顺工作。  Ensure the staff are conducting themselves in the manner appropriate for the department; Ensure Service Excellence Standards are in place 确认员工是在做出合乎部门需求的自我管理行为,确认正在提供杰出的服务。  Work shifts are covered with adequate staff, activity and review any variations with the team daily. Ensure the team operate within guideline and the pertinent information is passed on time. 每班次安排适当的人手,了解整个团队每天的任何变化。确认团队的运作是在大方针下,相关的信息在被准时地传达。  Monitor the report of GXP and Mobile Guest Service daily to ensure it achieves goals set by Marriott. 每天监测GXP 和Mobile guest service的报表数据保证达成集团设置的目标。  Well know about Brand Standard Audit and make sure that all behaviour of service is based on BSA. 全面了解品牌标准审计,确保所有服务行为都符合品牌标准。  Complete self-audit once every week, and submit the report to FOM. 每周至少完成一次内部BSA 测试,并提交报表给FOM。  Supervise the staff and handle any associate situation 督导员工,处理各种环境下遇到的问题.。  Produce, distribute and analyze reports on a daily, weekly, and period basis 制作,分发并分析每天,每周和定期基本的报表。  Monthly check the Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment List. Make sure all fixed assets are in good condition. Report immediately if any loss or damage. 每月检查部门固定资产清单,以确保所有物品使用正常。如果有任何破损需要立刻报告  Identify and develop leadership qualities among staff in order to guide them towards a path of career enrichment with hotel and reduce withdrawal rate. 领导管理员工,引导员工在酒店的工作中取得成绩,并降低部门离职率。  Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time. 承担其他实时被分配的职责。 Profile of Competency 工作能力: Minimum 3 years of relative area work experience; minimum 1 years of management experience. 至少3年相关领域工作经验;至少1年管理经验 Knowledge of F&B, Problem-solving tools, Techniques, Training tools 餐饮知识,问题处理,技能技巧,培训知识等 Ability of Foundations of Leadership 领导管理能力
  • 绵阳 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-02
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  • GRO

    绵阳 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-02
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    • 投递简历
    1.掌握当日客情及餐饮活动。 2.参与各项前台的工作。发现并上报工作中出现的问题。 3.掌握当天到店及离店的重要宾客,回头宾客。 4.在宾客到店之前准备好登记表、钥匙卡等以确保入住手续方便、快捷。 5.与住店宾客保持良好沟通以了解宾客之喜恶(喜好),协助宾客解决疑难事宜。 6.做好每日对住店宾客的电话拜访工作,搜集宾客意见并及时采取跟进措施与向上级反映。 7.在前台及大堂接待及迎送住离店的宾客。 8.协助宾客办理登记入住及离店手续。 岗位要求 1.有良好英文沟通能力。 2.具有良好的服务意识,团队协作精神以及良好的沟通、协调和应变能力。 3.注重细节,工作有责任心,敢于承担责任,执行力较强。 4.有上进心和良好的学习能力和抗压能力。
  • 绵阳 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-11
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    • 投递简历
    MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 责任概要 : To supervise Front Desk associate to ensure that they are adhering to all hotel policies, procedures, regulations and standards, while striving towards total guest satisfaction. To ensure that Front Desk operations is working in a professional manner always. Will perform Front Desk associate and cashier responsibilities and duties when assigned, and assume assist front desk manager’s responsibilities when needed. To train Front Desk associates on a daily basis, on-the-job and during 15 minutes training. Assist the GSM in all areas to ensure a correct and smoothly-operating department. 监督、领导前台员工共同遵守酒店的规定,程序,守则和标准,全力使得我们的客人感到全心全意地满意服务。保证前台任何时间一切运转顺利,并且在员工下班之前协助员工顺利关帐,协助经理顺利的完成每日工作。与此同时,要对员工进行培训,包括每天的服务精神基本须知和15分钟工作培训,而且要协助宾客服务经理顺利的完成工作。 SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任务 : 1. Staff Management 员工管理  Hold a pre-shift meeting with associate prior to reporting to stations. 每班例会,确保运作的稳定及标准。  Be prepared for each daily activity(VIP & House Use & Comp Room) and review any variations with manager and associate. 与员工和经理一起准备日常的工作内容 (重要客人 & 自用房 & 免费房),共同分享信息及任何信息改变。  Work shifts are covered with adequate staffing, ensure correct staffing during peak periods and during high occupancy. 在酒店旺季和高出租率的情况下,确保有足够的员工工作,并做到合理安排  Ensure all associates are aware of role and responsibilities and operate within their guidelines. 确保所有员工在酒店的规定下有意识和责任感共同运转前台工作  Consistently document variations in associates performance and counseling in such cases. 如有员工违规,给于适当的警告  Ensure associate is properly groomed and uniformed at all times. 员工的仪容仪表保证一直最佳状态  Ensure department cleanliness is maintained at all times. 保持部门卫生清洁  Each associate is expected to carry out all reasonable requests by management, which the associate is capable of performing. 每个有能力的员工都可以有进一步发展的合理要求。  Maintain efficiency in the operation of the associate in a high standard of quality of service and courtesy, bringing total satisfaction to our guests and the hotel. 确保每个员工具有高水平和高效率的服务,给予客人最大的满意  Maintain close control and inventory, supplies and equipment on hand. 确保库存设备完善,充足。  Prepare and post weekly schedules in accordance to guest needs and associate availability. 根据客人和内部员工的需求制定并公布每周计划。  Conduct frequent hospitality audits to ensure the associate are conducting themselves in the manner appropriate for the department. Ensure Service Excellence Standards are in place. 引导员工能够在部门内部呈现最适合的状态。保证拥有良好的服务准则。  Maintain a complete and accurate set of logs (pass-on, management roaster, emergency procedures, etc) 保存一套完整准确地工作日志。(工作进度,管理细则,紧急事件处理方法等等)  Maintain a good working relationship with the associate and other departments. 与员工与其它部门间维持良好的工作关系。  Determine the requirements for, and the follow-up on, special groups or VIPs. 确定客人的要求并及时跟进,尤其是对团队和VIP客人。  Constantly stress to the associate that they are the most effective tools in merchandising the hotel. Establish a “sales pitch” for the associate to use when assisting guests. 时常督促员工,因为他们才是酒店经营的最有效的工具,为员工制定一套销售技巧以便于为客人提供服务。  Ensure all guests experiencing a problem receive an appropriate response, any promised compensation is delivered and all guest receive appropriate follow up in a timely and professional manner. 确保每一位遇到问题的客人都能得到令他们满意的答复,并以专业的态度及时跟进做出合理的补偿。  Establish effective communication with associates to gain their trust and respect. 与员工进行良好的沟通以获取他们的信任和尊敬。  Maintain fair and consistent counseling and disciplinary procedures in accordance with Marriott’s Guarantee of Fair Treatment Policy. 保持公平一致的心态和处理准则以实现万豪承诺的公平对待的政策。 2. Train 培训  Ensure all associates are safety conscious and trained in safe work practices. 确保所有员工的安全意识并通过培训使他们养成安全操作的习惯。  Implement an effective training program for new and current associates using records, menus and appropriate reference manuals. 对新入职和在职员工在使用报表,列表和手工操作等方面进行有效的培训计划  Implement proper training program and control the training of the associate to top efficiency and in accordance with Marriott policies 执行合理的培训计划并通过培训提高员工的工作效率以实现万豪的政策。  Encourage problems solving by associates through proper training and empowerment. 通过适当的培训鼓励员工独自处理问题。  Provide job descriptions and an updated training manual. 为员工提供工作职责描述和最新的培训手册。  Have a thorough knowledge of hotel fire regulations and policy, accident reports, safety programs, and what the direct duties are in relation to each. Ensure that all associates are properly trained in these procedures. 在酒店火灾预防,事故报告,安全操作以及管理职责等方面有丰富的知识。确保所有员工在有关的方面得到合理的培训。  Have accurate and complete guest assistance information available regarding events taking place in town, restaurants, athletic events, etc. 掌握各种关于在市内举办活动的完整准确的信息,餐厅,运动会等。  Facilitate departmental training modules. Continually monitor, evaluate and revise training content to reflect changes in the process and address the needs identified by associates and your manager. 组织部门间的培训。持续监督,评估以及修改培训内容来反映出员工和经理在处理过程中提出的改变。  Follow up regularly with GSM regarding the Front Desk process and the performance of their department responsibilities along with the department’s function. 关于部门的职责职能以及在前台的操作程序定期与宾客服务经理进行沟通。 3. Administrative 行政管理  Hold monthly department meetings. 每个月定期召开部门会议。  Establish goals and objectives to improve the department. 制定目标和计划来提升整个部门。 4. Additional Responsibilities 补充职责  Responsible for the efficient and professional running of the Front Desk, including relationships with other departments. 保证前台专业高效的运行,包括与其它部门间的关系。  Ensure smooth check-in and check-out of all guests, through properly handling guest accounts. 通过正确合理操作客人信息确保顺利地为所有客人办理入住、离店手续。  Deal with any guest requests and problems and satisfy their needs within acceptable guidelines. 处理每一位客人的要求与问题并且在可接受的范围内给予令客人满意的补偿。  Lead by example: Provide a gracious and aggressive hospitality towards all customers. Be highly familiar and adhere to all policies, procedures and standards. 举例说明:时刻保持亲切富有朝气的态度对待每一位客人。熟知集团内部所有的政策,操作守则以及品牌标准。  Recommend to the Management changes in procedures likely to improve the standard of services. 适当的向领导提出可能提高服务标准的建议。  Responsible to up sell the hotel rooms and facilities and achieve the highest possible occupancy. 尽可能推销酒店房间和设施已达到最大的销售比率。  Keep update and necessary information of Hotel and city to answer or provide services to inquiry guests. 随时更新有关酒店和城市内的各种信息以便于为有需要的客人提供服务。  During peak hours, be at the Front Desk to ensure efficient and smooth service is provided to all customers. 在营业高峰时期,确保在前台高效顺利地为所有客人提供服务。  Create a productive and positive atmosphere at the desk; have a good relationship with all associates and other departments. 创造积极向上的氛围,与其他同事和部门保持良好的关系。  Be problem seeker and solver. 做一个善于发现和解决问题的人。  Bank out cashiers at the end of each shift according to the blind drop procedures. 在每个班次结束时按规定检查帐目的交接。  Be prepared to work the night shift when needed. 随时做好上夜班的准备。  Review discrepant rooms regularly. 定期检查差异房。  Ensure that all Marriott Rewards guests, VIP guest and repeat guests are identified, recognized, pre-blocked and amenity are arranged is brought to the room. 确保所有的万豪礼赏会员,VIP客人以及再次入住的客人都被熟知,提前准备好房间和特别准备的礼品。  Review credit report and take appropriate action to resolve all problems 检查会员积分报表,遇到问题采取合理的解决办法。  Ensure that master account do not carry any unusual outstanding balances. 确保总账中没有任何的异常帐目。  Complete work or special projects as assigned and make sure to meet due dates. 在规定的期限内完成相应的工作和计划。  Work together with associate on the same level, train and retrain on aggressive hospitality skills, technical skills and communication skills. 与员工一同参加有关服务技能,操作技能以及沟通技巧的培训。  Check the information board, daily event sheet, be up to date and informed about daily operations. 查看当天的信息并下达到员工。  Have knowledge about sales strategy, packages, promotions, discounts and know how to handle these and how they relate to other departments. 掌握酒店内有关销售策略,优惠活动,打折的信息并要知道如何处理和与其它部门进行沟通。  Develop a thorough knowledge of the products, including hotel rooms, type of rooms, amenities, services of the hotel. 熟练掌握酒店有关操作方面的知识,如酒店房间,房型,礼品,酒店内提供的服务等等。  Develop knowledge about frequent guests and their special requests and needs. 熟知酒店的常客和他们的特殊要求和需要。  Also, be familiar with cultural differences to meet all different customer needs. 同时要熟悉不同的文化习俗以便接待不同文化背景的客人的需要。  Have PMS and MARSHA skills. 要掌握PMS 和MARSHA的操作技能。  Be knowledgeable about etiquette and protocols. 拥有关于礼仪方面的知识。  Be familiar with all emergency plans and can act upon them. 熟悉一切紧急情况处理预案并能够掌握操作要领。  At all times strive to represent Marriott in the most professional, courteous manner. 永远以礼貌专业的态度努力宣传万豪文化。  Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time. 承担其他实时被分配的职责。 JOB SPECIFICATION职位要求 : Profile of Competency 工作能力: At least 3 years working experience of senior receptionist,at least 2 years of Front Desk Supervisory experience 3 年以上前台工作经验包括2年以上前台主管经验 Demonstrated excellent communication and hospitality skills. 具备优秀的沟通能力及酒店管理能力 Language 语言能力: Demonstrated good communication skills in English. Mandarin preferred. 熟练标准的英语和普通话 Education 教育: Graduated from College or Vocational School. 大专以上学历
  • 绵阳 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-02
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    • 投递简历
    Creates an environment that allows colleagues to achieve job fulfillment and provides a path for career development with Brand.  Develops strong teams through active involvement in the operations and through the development and support of a continually evolving team. 为所有同事创造出一个可以完成工作任务并在品牌内得到提升与发展的工作环境。通过积极参与运营以及对同事的支持与发展来建立一个持续进步的团队。 Provides guidance and motivation to the Front Office Team. Establishes and communicates on a daily basis with the Front Office Team. A strong commitment to Colleague and guest satisfaction. 指引并激励前厅部团队,与团队建立实时的沟通,并且对人才和宾客满意度负责。 Supports the Front Office team to be consistent in service, use a collaborative, enabling leadership style, have regular team meeting. 通过协作与授权相结合的领导方式,与定期召开部门会议的方法相结合,确保前厅部保持始终如一的服务质量。 Profile of Competency 工作能力: 1.Minimum three (3) years relevant experience in a similar position in a renowned international hotel brand(s) 在知名国际酒店内从事至少三年类似岗位的经验 2.PMS and Office software knowledge 熟悉并掌握Opera酒店管理系统和各类办公软件 3.Excellent oral and written skills in Mandarin and English 优秀的中英文听说读写能力
  • 酒店总监

    绵阳 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    景区 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-15
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    • 投递简历
    (一)岗位职责: 1、全面负责酒店的统筹工作,包括住宿、餐饮、厨房; 2、围绕公司下达的利润指标和各项工作,领导各部门员工完成酒店的各项计划目标,编制酒店的预算和决算,严格控制经营成本和各种费用开支; 3、根据市场变化和发展,制定切实可行的市场营销工作策略,并组织实施; 4、负责做好酒店与各界人士的公共关系,抓好重要客人的接待工作,塑造良好的内、外部形象; 5、负责培养、管理和提高整个酒店的服务质量和员工素质; 6、全面负责安全管理、食品卫生、治安安全等工作,确保客人和员工的人身、财产安全; 7、完成公司交办的其他工作。 (二)任职要求: 1、酒店管理、旅游管理或相关专业全日制专科以上学历; 2、3年以上酒店、景区从业经验,1年以上相关岗位经验;
  • 店总经理

    绵阳 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 人性化管理
    精品酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-17
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    【岗位职责】 1、 全面负责酒店的经营管理。 2、 建立、健全酒店的组织管理系统,使之合理化、精简化、高效化。 3、 负责实现酒店的营业收入指标和利润指标。 4、 负责制定酒店的经营预算和决算,提出更新改造和投资计划。 5、 落实酒店年度财务预算,向各部门下达年度工作指标。 6、 督促酒店维修保养工作和酒店安全管理工作。 7、 负责做好酒店与各界人士的公共关系,树立酒店良好形象。 8、 做好酒店机构设置、员工编制及重要人事变更。 9、 指导培训工作,培养人才,提高整个酒店的服务质量和员工素质。 【岗位要求】 1、 大专以上学历,相关管理专业。 2、 从事酒店工作10年以上,具有3年以上相关高层管理工作经验。 3、 熟悉酒店各部门服务及管理流程。 4、 善于管理和经营团队,事业心强。 5、 有较强的沟通、计划、决策和综合判断能力。
  • 绵阳 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-03
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    • 投递简历
    1. 根据万豪和喜来登品牌标准开展工作 2. 负责酒店VI体系并执行和督导集团标准 3. 负责节假日策划方案制定,并与运营部门研讨产品包装和推广 4. 制定年度和月度的市场推预算,并有效地执行 5. 与外部媒体或流量个人或公司保持联系,建立关系,利用资源,提升酒店曝光率,核算最终的转化率 6. 适时组织媒体会、推广会、产品发布会、婚庆等活动,提升酒店知名度和美誉度,提升市场和网络的好评率,最终实现收益 7. 与销售部及其它运营部门保持沟通,提升市场传讯的工作效率和转化率 8. 督促内部和外部广告的内容,审核其是否符合品牌标准,提供专业建议 9. 负责美工的工作,并指导其工作
  • 绵阳 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 04-02
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 责任概要: This position is designed to maximize revenues in all areas of the hotel and maintain high standards of service. Also to ensure effective communications with clients and efficient coordination with departments concerned. 主要职责是以高标准的服务,确保与客户的有效沟通,及与各部门的有效协调,使酒店各方面的收入最大化。   SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任务: 1. Become familiar with any assigned sales file, review proposal, and discuss profile on group with the appropriate sales personnel. 熟知所有支配的合同、报价书等,并与相关销售人员讨论跟进。         2. Contact the client / meeting planner by phone to introduce and follow up with a  letter. 主动联系客户/会议策划者,并作出相应的报价跟进。 3. Customize selling approach to the client’s / meeting planner’s needs to maximize sales. 根据客户/会议组织者的需求,做出个性化的方案,以达到最大化销售。          4. Specialize Food and Beverage programs by tailoring to fit client’s needs. 以专业、个性化的宴会方案,满足客户的需求。 5. Always ready to anticipate client and guest needs well in advance. 时刻关注客人的需求。 6. Use only hotel approved vendors. 只使用酒店批准的供应商。 7. Acts as a liaison between client / meeting planner and all hotel operations  department. 充当客户/会议策划者和所有酒店运营部门之间的联络者。 8. Always maintain a professional image both in appearance/attire and conduct  when dealing with the client/meeting planner and fellow hotel employees. 始终保持专业形象外观/着装和行为在处理客户端/会议规划者和其他酒店员工问题时。 9. Demonstrate appropriate timeliness in preparing contract to client/meeting  planner within 48hours. 确保在48小时内发送书面的报价书给客户/会议策划人。 10. Return all phone calls the same day 回复所有的电话。 11. Prepare all BEOs and Group Resumes no later than 07 days prior to the group’s arrival. 所有BEO和团队接待通知书必须在团队抵达前7天发送给酒店各运营部门。 12. Ensure all information is detailed, correct and all billing arrangements are   specified. 确保所有的信息是详细的、正确的和所有费用准确性。 13. Adhere to mandatory attend the weekly Resume Meeting when a group is   in-house. 坚持强制参加每周内部沟通会议。 14. Follow up on all changes, deletions, additions, and special requests through     telephone and amendments. 通过电话跟进和修改所有更改、删除、添加和特殊请求。 15. Adhere to hotel policies and procedures. 遵守酒店的政策和程序。 16. Maintain costs and hotel labor.  维护酒店劳动力成本。 17. Keep the DOM and Event Management Leader informed of any complaint of problem. Resolve function space concerns well in advance of group arrival. 确保市场销售总监和会议统筹总监了解团队任何的投诉问题,并在团队抵达前解决有关会议场地问题。 18. Meet or exceed monthly Catering Forecast. 完成或超过每月餐饮预算。 19. Make sure that all billing is correct and current prior to a group’s departure; no  adjustments to the Master account. 确保所有账单是正确的。 20. Work within each group’s budget when required. 做好每个团队的收入预测。 21. Provide the highest standards of service without sacrificing quality 在质量保证下提供最高标准的服务。 22. Provide a defect free meeting experience for our clients/meeting planner, to be known as the best company with which to do business. 为我们的客户/会议策划者提供完美的会议体验,成为最好的合作伙伴。 Profile of Competency 工作能力: • Ability to communicate effectively in English with guests and hotel staff to their understanding. 用英语与客人和酒店员工有效沟通的能力。 • Good health、Physically active、Good presentation、Neat, well groomed 身体健康,性格活跃,形象好气质佳。 • Computer literate   熟练的电脑操作技能 • Minimum of Two years’ experience in hotel sales field; with 5-star hotel experience preferred. 至少两年的酒店销售经验,五星级酒店工作经验的优先考虑。
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