Responsible for directing and overseeing operational activities affecting guest relations. In the absence of the Head of a unit, monitors activities of same. Represents management in the important area of guest relations with the primary role as “hotel host”, of personally welcoming as many guests as possible and offering services.
1. Acknowledges turnover by outgoing counterpart of the emergency key and the Assistant Manager’s log book.
2. Reviews log book with departmental heads to check on guest service conditions or to recommend changes on existing practices.
3. In the absence of the Departmental Head/Assistant Departmental Head. Sectional Head of an operations unit, monitors the performance of the staff, advises Head of unit of same.
4. Receives, records and acts on relays complaints and grievances as well as compliments and
5. Arranges for limousine and photo services for VIPs and dispatches all pertinent information about said persons to company executives concerned.
6. Offers assistance and provides needed/sought information to guests and VIPs upon their arrival at the lobby; escorts guests to their rooms and requests them to register in the VIP Guest Book whenever necessary.
7. Arranges accommodation of overflow guests in alternate hotel(s) and keeps record thereof; arranges for their return to the Hotel the following day or when conditions allow/exigencies require/justify.
8. Handles questions of charges, investigations of any guest comments and co-ordination with emergency plans.
9. Makes rounds/conducts inspections on the lobby, of all but not limited to other guest areas in the interest of security, safety, guest relations, economy/conservation and acts, records, monitors to officer(s) concerned and superior(s) operational activities and unusual occurrences, incidents, irregularities, illegitimate activities and significant events affecting unites/or the Hotel as a whole; handles lost-and-found matters.
在大堂里巡视监督酒店安全、客户关系、经济/对话与行为,不包括客人区域,记 录并监督相关员工指导相关工作及区域或酒店的不寻常的地方和重大事情,处理遗失事件。
10. Authorizes room or rate changes, paid-outs, rebates, cash advances, release of airline crew allowance, acceptance of personal or company checks, assumption of liabilities, “charge to” billing, etc. following or on the basis of established policies, standards and procedures.
对换房进行管理,根据酒店拟定的政策,标准和程序处理退还现金,费用修正,预 付金,机场代表费用,接受个人或公司支票,欠账处理,转账账单处理,等等。
11. Co-ordinates with line departments concerned on discrepancies in room status.
12. Does other duties assigned by the immediate superior.
Profile of Competency
· Must be familiar with Front Office operations
· 必须熟悉前厅部的操作
· Personable and charming
· 气质良好,迷人
· Verbal and written facility
· 口头表达和书面表达能力良好
· Able to relate with different types of personalities
· 能与不同个性的人交流
· Should be well versed in local city history, places of interest, shopping areas, theatres, etc. for better guest service
· 精通当地城市历史,名胜古迹,购物区,剧院,等等,以便提供给客人更好的服务
Language 語言能力:
· English, Chinese
· 英语,中文
Education 教育:
· Preferably college graduate or equivalent in experience
· 大学专科毕业以上或同等学历
Job License
資格 / 等級証:
· At least 2 years’ experience in a hotel of international standard
· 至少2年以上在国际标准酒店工作经验