§ 建立完善并且维护部门营运手册,部门营运手册应当反映出酒店政策和程序以及工作过程和标准。确保每年进行回顾,反映出改变。
Develops, maintainsand updates a detailed Department Operations Manual that reflects policies& procedures, work processes and standards of performance within theDivision. Ensures annual review to accurately reflect any changes.
§ 负责准备餐饮部年度商业计划,确保部门目标充分体现酒店目标并满足员工需要。
Responsible forpreparing the annual Food and Beverage Business Plan ensuring DivisionalObjectives fully address business objectives of the hotel and needs ofassociates.
§ 与总经理和餐饮部总监密切合作准备和定期更新餐饮部预算,确保达到预算目标并且有效控制成本。
Prepares andregularly updates Food and Beverage Departmental Budget in close cooperationwith the General Manager and Director of Food and Beverage, ensuring targetsare met and costs are effectively controlled.
§ 确保厨房所有表格及报告准时上交到总部。
Ensures that allKitchen forms and reports are forwarded in time to the Corporate/ DivisionalFood and Beverage Departments.
§ 确保烹饪配方、转换烹饪配方、收益表和生产说明的准确维护。
Ensures accuratemaintenance of recipes, conversion recipes, yield tables and productspecifications.
§ 负责所有集团报告、部门报告、酒店报告及政府报告的准确性并及时提交。
Responsible forensuring that all Corporate, Divisional, Hotel and Governmental reports arecompiled accurately and submitted in a timely manner.
§ 尽可能购买当地新鲜产品,通过有限的菜单的频繁更换,确保为客人提供花样繁多的菜肴。
Buys locallyavailable fresh products wherever possible and has limited menus which arechanged frequently to ensure that the guest is always offered a variety of fooditems.
§ 考虑到正确的就餐人数、市场条件、菜肴的受欢迎程度及菜单不断更新的因素,监督菜单的设计及利用剩余的食品原料,
Oversees theplanning of menus and utilisation of food surpluses and leftovers, taking intoaccount probable number of guests, market conditions, and popularity of variousdishes and frequency of menu.
§ 回顾菜单、分析烹饪配方、确定选材、进行人员分配、计算管理费用的成本及菜式定价。
Reviews menus,analyses recipes, determines food, labour, overhead costs and assigns prices tomenu items.
§ 指导原材料分摊制度,以控制成本。
Directs foodapportionment policy to control costs.
§ 根据价格及产品的市场导向,引进及尝试市场中出现的新产品。
Introduces and teststhe market with new products which are market-orientated in terms of price andproduct.
§ 经常检查,确保餐饮准备中必须使用新鲜的食物。
Frequently verifiesthat only fresh products are used in Food & Beverage preparation.
§ 为客人提供新鲜食物,即使是最后一分钟准备,都要保证食物的高质量,并持之以恒,充分体现餐厅的风格及经营概念。
Serves fresh food toguests, which is prepared a la minute which is consistently of high quality,and which reflects the style of the outlet concept.
§ 监督各厨房厨师及中央厨房人员并协调他们的工作任务,确保经济省时的食物生产。
Supervises OutletChefs and Commissary Kitchen personnel and coordinates their assignments toensure economical and timely food production.
§ 观察食物准备及烹饪的方法、食物的大小及分量和食物的装饰,确保食物按照所规定的方式准备。
Observes methods offood preparation and cooking, sizes of portions, and garnishing of foods toensure food is prepared in prescribed manner.
§ 经常到各厨房及餐厅进行食物和饮料品尝测试,并严格要求达到质量标准。
Frequently tastesfood and beverage in all outlets and is demanding and critical in standards andquality.
§ 对食物的消费、采购、食物原材料及供应进行评估。
Estimates foodconsumption and purchases or requisitions of foodstuffs and kitchen supplies.
§ 设计特殊菜肴,以及发展革新的烹饪处方。
Devises specialdishes and develops innovative recipes.
§ 建立及加强食品营养以及各餐厅的卫生环境。
Establishes andenforces nutrition and sanitation standards for all restaurants.
§ 与餐饮部总监工作,鼓励创新,支持市场营销及促销活动。
Works together withthe Director of Food and Beverage, encouraging creativity, supporting marketingand up-selling activities.
§ 通过在整个部门内建立灵活的员工编制,实施高效的薪资管理/资源分配。 这将依据一个灵活的员工基数(全职员工和临时工)、多技能及多任务的原则。
Exercises efficientPayroll Management/ Resources allocation through the establishment of aflexible workforce throughout the Division. This will be based on theprinciples of a flexible associate base (Full Time & Part Time associates),multi-skilling and multi-tasking.
§ 指导下属确保生产力水平满足品牌标准和凯悦酒店集团餐饮部运营手册的要求。
Directs subordinatesto ensure levels of productivity meets brand and Hyatt Hotels Corporation Foodand Beverage Operations Manual requirements.
§ 关注改进生产力水平及在可接受的指引下谨慎管理用品/薪资,确保所有设备的优化部署和高效能。
Focuses attention onimproving productivity levels and the need to prudently manage food/ payrollcosts within acceptable guidelines, ensuring optimum deployment and efficiencyof all equipment.
§ 确保新技术和新设备的使用,“灵活处理工作”的同时提高生产力。
Ensures newtechnology & equipment are embraced, improving productivity whilst takingwork out of the system.
§ 建立有条理的食物库存,保持紧密的食物消费控制、储存及库存总量的控制。每月及每一季度对所有供应及设备营运情况进行合理地盘点。
Establishes awell-organised Food Store, maintaining close control on the consumption offood, stores and inventory control. Physical inventories of all supplies and operating equipment are to betaken on a monthly and a quarterly basis respectively.