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    黄山 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    • 投递简历
    【职位描述】 黄山横江湾凯悦酒店将于2024年第四季度开业 您的职责是在遵循凯悦酒店集团的企业战略及品牌标准的前提下,保持所在部门的高效营运,并满足员工、客人及酒店业主的期望。 通过适当的销售和营销计划确定酒店在当地市场中的定位,并确保酒店产品和服务同营销企划所创建的定位及品牌承诺相一致。 【任职要求】 营运 Operational  负责酒店广告、宣传印刷品和其他项目的制作 Undertakes production of advertisements, hotel collateral and other projects.  负责酒店广告、宣传印刷品和其他项目的版面和设计 Oversees layout and design of advertisements, collateral and any other projects.  提交具有创意的新理念以提高宣传印刷品的整体标准 Proposes new and creative ideas/concepts to improve overall collateral standards.  研究和准备方案、设计样稿和相关物料,熟悉指派的项目 Studies and prepares layouts, sketches of proposed illustrations, and related materials to become familiar with assignment.  确定最适合制作符合要求效果和适合再生产要求的产品形式、方式和媒介,或获取关于以上要求的具体的指示 Determines style, techniques, and medium best suited to produce desired effects and conform to reproduction requirements, or receives specific instructions regarding these variables.  制定概念、递交样稿和详细的模型,草图和设想等 Formulates concept and renders illustration and detail from models, sketches, memory, and imagination.  在完成的不同阶段讨论设计样稿并作必要修改 Discusses illustration at various stages of completion and makes changes as necessary.  选择类型、绘字、选择材料或其它相应的职责 Selects type, draws lettering, lays out material, or performs related duties.  联络物料部并与供应商和其他部门合作,专业的完成所有项目 Liaises with Materials Department and works with suppliers and other departments to professionally and competently execute all projects.  协助酒店内部宴会和活动的摄影,包括员工活动或重要客户到达时的拍摄 Assists with internal photography of events, including employee related events, or VIP arrivals where required.  在具体的指导原则下制作房务部和餐饮部的所有推广活动的宣传印刷品 Produces within the specified guidelines all promotional collateral required for both Rooms and Food & Beverage.  负责在酒店举办的婚宴、研讨会、会议等的道具制作和安装 Produces and installs props and materials required for weddings, seminars, meetings and other events.
  • 黄山 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【职位描述】 黄山横江湾凯悦酒店将于2024年第四季度开业 您的职责是在遵循凯悦酒店集团的企业战略及品牌标准的前提下,保持所在部门的高效营运,并满足员工、客人及酒店业主的期望。 通过适当的销售和营销计划确定酒店在当地市场中的定位,并确保酒店产品和服务同营销企划所创建的定位及品牌承诺相一致。 【任职要求】 制定和执行酒店市场传讯政策程序。 Plans and implements hotel’s Marketing Communications policies and procedures. 主导媒体关系,包括:新闻发布和主要文章的准备,以及各媒体对酒店的采访、摄影和录像的安排等。 Directs press relations including preparation of news releases and feature articles, making arrangements for interviews and photo and video shootings between company and press, radio, and television representatives. 协助酒店员工在对外讲话、信函和文章方面的准备。 Provides assistance to hotel personnel in writing speeches, preparing letters and drafting articles that are to be made public. 为酒店产品展览的准备和演示提供建议。 Advises on the preparation and presentation of product shows, displays and exhibits. 与营销和广告相关的员工协调准备一切与公共关系相关的广告和销售推广资料。 Coordinates with marketing and advertising personnel the advertising and sales promotion material with public relations objectives. 为社会团体项目和活动管理提供相关建议。 Advises management on community relations’ projects and activities.
  • 黄山 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    您如果拥有大专以上学历,或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。 拥有与他人交往的沟通技能; 愿意代表酒店,品牌和公司的利益; 乐于成为彰显古徽州的形象代表; 十分乐意把个人技能和您的热情融入到工作中。 我们期待您的加入,开启职业新境界!   我们将为您提供学习新技能和拓展职业生涯的际遇; 提供富有市场竞争力的薪酬; 您选择的不仅仅是一个注重卓越品质的服务团队; 同时拥有顶级度假酒店的品牌; 而且需要富有热情的你,引领客人探索黄山胜景,与客人共享古徽州文化,为客人营造难忘体验。 最重要的是,我们会为您提供一个“身随简单,顺其自然”的发展空间。
  • 黄山 | 3年以上 | 学历不限



    • 岗前培训
    美容院/会所/养生馆/SPA | 1-49 人
    发布于 03-16
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    【职责内容】 职责:就近安排,时间实际安排,档期自己决定             负责到店做销售,压单成交。              任职标准:有销售经验强,或压单能力强                     有3年美业经验                     沟通谈判能力强  福利:业绩的10%提点              包食宿和差旅费用
  • 黄山 | 2年以上 | 中专



    • 提供饭餐
    • 提供交通费
    • 公司产品福利
    • 岗前培训
    • 带薪年假
    药品/医疗器械 | 1000-2000人
    发布于 03-18
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    【职责内容】 1、负责开拓客户群,维护客户关系 2、负责在目标区域开展产品的推广销售工作,完成销售目标,实现产品的销售增长及市场占有率的提高      职位要求:    1、二年以上美业行业从业经验,丰富的专业线品牌销售经验;  2、具有市场开发工作的能力;   3、具有制定营销策略、及具体实施、并积极达成的能力;   4、优秀的沟通谈判能力和良好的客户关系。
  • 黄山 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【职位描述】 运营 Operational  确保拜访客人的专业性,运用凯悦的顾问式销售原则、技巧和销售锦囊理念。 Ensures professional Sales Calls using Hyatt’s Consultative Selling principles, Hyatt Sales Skill and SMART Selling philosophies.  根据既定目标来计划拜访客人。 Carefully plans Sales Calls into defined objectives.  保持对酒店的设施设备、特征和服务的具体了解。 Maintains a detailed knowledge of hotel facilities, features and services.  对竞争对手进行密集的调查,对其酒店产品知识有这透彻的了解。 Conducts extensive competitor researches and maintains excellent product knowledge of the Hotel.  系统有效的在指定的范围内拜访客户,进行帐户分类,把所得的发现和机会整合成报表并上交给销售经理/销售部副总监. Systematically and efficiently calls on allocated Accounts within assigned sector and reports findings and opportunities to the Sales Manager / Associate Director of Sales.  跟进销售咨询,并确定潜在生意的意向。 Follows up sales leads to identify prospects.  通过直接的销售电话接触或书信沟通,维持酒店高度的公众知名度。 Ensures a high level of exposure for hotel through direct sales solicitation of telephone contact and written communications.  专业地进行日常电话销售,寻求并确定新的商机。 Professionally conducts routine telemarketing activities to identify new accounts.  必要时,宴请或带领客人参观酒店。 Entertains and conducts hotel inspections to clients whenever required.  建立和维护已有客户群,并不断发展新的商机。 Establishes and maintains strong relationship with the established clientele and constantly explores new business opportunities.  完成并超越每月和年度个人目标、公司客户房晚数和客房收入指标。同时协助餐饮收入以及其他产生利润部门收入达到并超越指标。 Achieves the monthly and annual personal target and the corporate segment target room night production and room revenue. To assist to achieve and Food and Beverage, and all other revenue generating departments.  与相关的运营部门保持良好的协调和合作关系,确保满足客人的要求和期望。 Liaises and works closely with the related operation departments ensuring guests requests and expectation are being met.  准备并确保所有的宴会预订及时传达给相关部门。 Prepares and ensures all Events Orders are distributed to concerned departments on a timely manner.  在高级销售经理/销售经理不在时,协助跟进所有相关工作。 Assists the Senior Sales Manager / Sales Managers to follow up on all matters in the absence of the Sales Manager. 行政 Administration  确保一个有效且准确的手动和电子文件归档系统。 Ensures that an efficient and accurate filing system, both manually as well as electronically is maintained at all times.  维护所有完整和附属的酒店销售协议书、合同和报价书的归档。 Maintains complete and supported records of all Sales Agreements, Contracts and Quotations for the Hotel.  建立有效的档案跟踪系统,确保所有预订完全地被跟踪处理。 Establishes an efficient Trace File to ensure that all business booked is properly tracked.  按时向销售部副总监上交销售报表。 Submits Sales report to Associate Director of Sales in a timely manner.  为销售部总监提供每月生意报告所需的确切相关信息 Provides accurate reporting of business booked to Director of Sales for monthly consolidation. 【任职要求】 总则 General  确保部门的服务一贯按照部门营运手册的标准,高效、一致和礼貌的完成。 Ensures services provided by the department are always available and are always carried out to define Standard with the utmost efficiency, consistency and courtesy as detailed in the Department Operations Manual.  按要求出席所有会议并作出贡献。 Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required.  确保所有员工始终提供礼貌和专业的服务。 Ensures all associates provide courteous and professional service at all times.  礼貌而高效的处理客人和员工询问,对不能立即解决的投诉和问题进行汇报,并及时回馈和跟进。 Handles guest and associate enquiries in a courteous and efficient manger, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found, whilst feeding back a prompt follow up.  了解关于员工及行业关系的法律、法规,理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。 Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in associate and industrial relations, understanding and strictly adhering to Rules & Regulations established in the Associate Handbook and the Hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health & safety.  积极参与员工福利、安全、发展及健康的活动,并给予建议、咨询和真实、恰当的反馈。 Is actively involved in the welfare, safety, development and well-being of associates providing advice, counselling and truthful, diplomatic feedback.  确保高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。 Ensures high standards of personal presentation & grooming.  与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的接触。 Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.  始终展现负责的管理和行为,并以积极的形象代表酒店管理团队和凯悦酒店集团。 Exercises responsible management and behavior at all times and positively representing the Hotel Management Team and Hyatt Hotels Corporation.  通过“灵活处理工作”(适当情况下)和简化工作流程,来回顾和不断探索所有员工的生产力水平改善。 Reviews and constantly seeks productivity level improvements through the process of “taking work out of the system” (when appropriate) and through streamlining of work process.  根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。 Responds to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the Hotel, industry and company.
  • 黄山 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【职位描述】 与市场销售总监紧密合作并与媒体保持良好的关系;在遵循凯悦标准的前提下,确保酒店在公众中的高度曝光率以迎合商业需要。 To ensure high level exposure and public awareness of the hotel to meet business needs according to high standard while working closely with Director of Sales and maintaining good relationship with media 【任职要求】 数字营销 Digital Marketing  Develops and implements digital marketing strategies in line with the hotel’s overall goal on online business. 根据酒店总体在线商务目标发展及完善电子商务营销战略。  Assist the Director of Marketing Communications to execute and monitor all online advertising campaigns for optimal results. 协助市场传讯总监监控网络广告以达到最佳效果。  Management of search engine marketing campaigns to drive online exposure to hotel website. 搜索引擎营销活动的管理以达酒店网络的线上暴光。  Monitors the hotel’s online presence in major search engines and works closely with the Hyatt Digital Marketing team as well as the group’s appointed search marketing agency to ensure optimal results through search.  监控酒店在主要搜索引擎上的出现率,并同时与凯悦数字化营销团队及集团指定的搜索市场代理紧密合作确保通过搜索达到最佳效果。  Monitors the hotel’s website traffic analytics to identify trends and opportunities to grow online business 监控酒店网络通信量分析以确定线上商务增长的趋势及机会。  Keeps abreast of current and future competitors’ digital marketing activities. 与目前和未来的竞争者的电子商务营销活动保持一致。  Ensures that hotel presence in all approved online distribution websites are up to date and in line with the hotel branding 确保酒店在所有已批准的线上网站的信息更新,并与酒店品牌保持一致。  Explores new online business opportunities with third party sites, for rooms, F&B. 与第三方网站为客房、餐饮寻求新的网上商务机会。  Maintains positive communication and builds close rapport with the Corporate Digital Marketing Team, Corporate Partner and Loyalty Team, Corporate appointed Search Marketing Agency, external online partners. 保持积极的沟通及集团电子商务营销团队、集团伙伴、忠实团队、集团指定搜索代理商、外部网络合作伙伴保持密切联系。 行政 Administration  In coordination with the Hotel’s Communications team, ensure that the hotel’s key communication messages are optimally distributed on the internet for maximum exposure. 与酒店市场传媒团队协作确保酒店为了最大量曝光的主要通信信息在网络上是最佳分布的。  Manages the hotel’s social media engagement in the approved social media platforms in accordance to Hyatt corporate policies and guidelines. 根据凯悦集团政策及指导原则,管理酒店的社会媒体批准的社会网络平台上社会媒体参与。  Manages the hotel’s electronic direct marketing efforts to ensure that all electronic marketing messages are on brand and in line with corporate guidelines 管理酒店的电子邮件营销以确保所有电子营销信息带有商标并同时符合集团指导原则。  Monitors and manages the hotel’s online brand sentiment using the reputation monitoring tool to identify operational challenges that affect ratings and report them to management team for action. 通过使用信誉监控工具监控并管理酒店的网络品牌意见,确定影响评分的运营挑战并报告给管理层跟进行动。  Sits in and actively participates in the regular meetings, and implement actions relevant to the strategies set. 积极准备参加日常会议同时完成相关战略设置的行动。  With the guidance from the Director of Marketing Communications establishes position description, specifications and performance standards (PDR) for digital marketing team personnel (if applicable) within Hyatt guidelines. 根据市场传讯总监的指导,建立职位描述,根据凯悦集团的指导原则对电子商务营销团队进行说明及业绩评估。  Maintains active communications and builds teamwork amongst the key players instrumental in the achievement of the overall online objective of the hotel. 保持积极沟通,同时与有帮助的核心成员建立合作达到酒店整体网络目标。  Build positive working relationship with all departments of the hotel, ensuring the understanding of the concept of digital marketing. 与酒店所有部门建立积极的工作关系,确保对电子商务营销了解。
  • 渠道销售

    黄山 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    有限服务中档酒店 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-24
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
  • 黄山 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【职位描述】 黄山横江湾凯悦酒店将于2024年第四季度开业 您的职责是在遵循凯悦酒店集团的企业战略及品牌标准的前提下,保持所在部门的高效营运,并满足员工、客人及酒店业主的期望。 通过适当的销售和营销计划确定酒店在当地市场中的定位,并确保酒店产品和服务同营销企划所创建的定位及品牌承诺相一致。 【任职要求】  根据凯悦会议宴会标准回答所有电话询问、处理电邮询问、准备提案和合同、主持酒店参观活动、策划会议宴会、创建会议宴会确认单、执行并跟踪会议宴会。  To follow all Hyatt Events Standards for answering phone enquiries, handling email enquiries, preparing proposals and contracts, conducting Hotel Tours, planning Events, creating Event Confirmations, Event execution and Event follow-up.  充分、正确地使用Envision, Opera, EMS/EAS, Socialtable等所有相关系统和线上工具。 To fully and correctly use Envision, Opera, EMS/EAS, Socialtable and all related systems and online tools.  根据凯悦的政策和程序维护酒店全部销售协议、合同和报价的完整记录。  To maintain complete records of all sales agreements, contracts and quotes for the hotel as per Hyatt’s Policies & Procedures.  确保遵守所有与财务记录维护、资金处理和授权相关的酒店、公司和地方章程、政策和法规,包括及时准确地报告财务信息。 To ensure that all hotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to financial record keeping, money handling and licensing are adhered to, including the timely and accurate reporting of financial information.
  • 销售部总监

    黄山 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    【职位描述】 黄山横江湾凯悦酒店将于2024年第四季度开业 您的职责是在遵循凯悦酒店集团的企业战略及品牌标准的前提下,保持所在部门的高效营运,并满足员工、客人及酒店业主的期望。 通过适当的销售和营销计划确定酒店在当地市场中的定位,并确保酒店产品和服务同营销企划所创建的定位及品牌承诺相一致。 【任职要求】 领导所有酒店销售活动,与客房部、餐饮部和其他营业部门紧密合作,扩大销售收入。 To provide leadership in all selling activities within the hotel, working closely with the Rooms, Food and Beverage and other revenue-generating departments to maximise sales through the activities of the Sales Department and other associates. 开发制定、执行、并监督酒店的销售策略(目标,战略和行动),从而达到并超越预算的房间收入。同时协助餐饮收入以及其他产生利润部门收入达到并超越指标。 To develop, implement, maximise, monitor and evaluate the hotel’s Sales Strategy (goals, tactics and actions) to achieve and exceed forecasted revenue figures in Rooms. To assist to achieve and Food and Beverage, and all other revenue generating departments. 协助准备年度商业计划,确保部门目标充分体现酒店目标并满足员工需要。 Assists with the preparation of the annual Marketing Business Plan, ensuring Divisional Objectives fully address business objectives of the Hotel and needs of associates. 确定酒店进行的销售活动与企业行销策略一致,在适宜的地方开展酒店行销活动。 To ensure Sales activities are aligned with the Corporate Marketing Strategy, and Hotel Actions have been implemented where appropriate. 在酒店行政委员中作为销售部门的代表。 To represent the Sales function on the hotel's Leadership Committee. 负责准备和更新部门运作守则。 To oversee the preparation and update of the Departmental Operations Manuals. 安排日常部门沟通会议,确保部门会议的有效性而必要性。 To conduct regular departmental communications meetings and ensure departmental briefings and meetings are effective and conducted as necessary. 检查销售文件存档系统,确保正确的预定流程,包括团队以及会议的历史记录、合同合约、房间预留分析、信用和支付凭证文件等等。 To review sales files and systems to ensure correct booking procedures, including group room and meeting programme history, contractual agreements, room block analysis, credit and payment documents, etc. 确保电子型和纸张型文件系统随时处于有效准确的管理状态(Opera销售和宴会销售)。 Ensures that an efficient and accurate filing system, both manually as well as electronically is maintained at all times (Opera Sales & Catering Sales). 建立有效的档案跟踪系统,确保所有预订完全地被跟踪处理。 Establishes an efficient Trace File to ensure that all business booked is properly tracked. 为市场销售总监提供每月团队生意报告所需的确切相关信息。 Provides accurate reporting of Group business booked to the Director of Sales & Marketing for monthly consolidation.
  • 黄山 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    • 投递简历
    【职位描述】 黄山横江湾凯悦酒店将于2024年第四季度开业 您的职责是在遵循凯悦酒店集团的企业战略及品牌标准的前提下,保持所在部门的高效营运,并满足员工、客人及酒店业主的期望。 通过适当的销售和营销计划确定酒店在当地市场中的定位,并确保酒店产品和服务同营销企划所创建的定位及品牌承诺相一致。 【任职要求】  当销售部总监缺席时,在酒店行政委员会上代表市场销售部,确保市场销售部顺利和有效的运营,并在需要时为其他部门提供服务及支持。 In the absence of the Director of Sales, represents Sales & Marketing Division on the Hotel Leadership Committee, ensures the efficient & smooth operation of the Sales & Marketing Division, providing services and support to other Divisions as required.  按要求出席所有会议并作出贡献。 Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required.  确保所有员工始终提供礼貌和专业的服务。 Ensures all associates provide courteous and professional service at all times.  礼貌而高效的处理客人和员工询问,对不能立即解决的投诉和问题进行汇报。 Handles guest and associate enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found.  了解关于员工及行业关系的法律、法规,理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。 Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in associate and industrial relations, understanding and strictly adhering to Rules & Regulations established in the Associate handbook and the Hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health & safety.  积极参与员工福利、安全、发展及健康的活动,并给予建议、咨询和真实、恰当的反馈。 Is actively involved in the welfare, safety, development and well-being of associates providing advice, counselling and truthful, diplomatic feedback.  确保高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。 Ensures high standards of personal presentation & grooming.  与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的接触。 Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.  始终展现负责的管理和行为,并以积极的形象代表酒店管理团队和凯悦酒店集团。 Exercises responsible management and behaviour at all times and positively representing the Hotel Management Team and Hyatt Hotels Corporation.  根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。 Responds to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the Hotel, industry and company.
  • 黄山 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【职位描述】 黄山横江湾凯悦酒店于2024年第四季度开业 您的职责是在遵循凯悦酒店集团的企业战略及品牌标准的前提下,保持所在部门的高效营运,并满足员工、客人及酒店业主的期望。 通过适当的销售和营销计划确定酒店在当地市场中的定位,并确保酒店产品和服务同营销企划所创建的定位及品牌承诺相一致。 【任职要求】 运用所有的市场工具,准备每周和每月的房间占有率和平均房价的营业预测报告。 To prepare weekly and monthly rooms occupancy and average rate forecast through the use of Business Intelligence and Revenue Management applications (IDeaS software where available). 协助管理团队和散客的房间状态,确保使用最佳的策略和控制使利润最大化。 To assist with inventory and forecasting methods of both FIT and group business, to ensure optimal strategies and controls are in place to minimise displacement and maximise total hotel revenues. 通过房态使用情况和价格管理为有效实现利润目标的过程提供战略性建议。 To provide strategic consultation on effective revenue generating processes through Spirit / Reserve inventory usage, rate control management, pricing and distribution. 确保最佳的房态控制给团队和散客销售。 To ensure optimal inventory controls are in place for FIT / Group and for the hotel as a whole. 详细说明所有折扣策略符合客户需求的套餐产品信息。 To define discounting strategies and adapt product packaging according to customer needs and consistency of product delivery. 组织每周收益会议,讲解即将到来的收益管理策略和挑战。 To conduct Weekly Yield / Revenue Meeting, presenting the upcoming revenue management tactics and challenges. 紧密检测竞争对手及市场波动的所有价格信息。 To monitor and constantly adapt pricing tactics in the context of competitor strategies and market fluctuations. 检测及确保所有分销渠道是符合凯悦国际的价格策略。 To ensure the inventory distribution through all channels is in line with Hyatt’s distribution strategy and closely monitor business shifts between channels (Channel Management). 优化并监控酒店搜索优化策略(SEO) To optimize and monitor the hotels search optimization strategies (SEO). 根据凯悦集团的政策和指导,协助市场行销部总监寻找并评估销售渠道。 To find and evaluate new channels of distribution in liaison with the hotel’s Director of Sales & Marketing / Sales and in-line the Hyatt’s Corporate policies and guidelines. 管理第三方零售分销渠道,确保以优化的方式出现在他们的网站上。定期联系第三方在线供应商并创建不同的生产和市场份额的目标。 To manage the 3rd party retail channels of distribution and ensure optimal presence on their sites. Liaise with 3rd party on-line vendors on a regular basis and create distinct production and market share goals. 联系销售部门寻找传统销售的机会,并使用新的B2B和B2C在线销售渠道。 Liaise with the Sales department in finding opportunities to convert traditional wholesale business to and be present on existing and new B2B and B2C on-line distribution channels. 根据凯悦集团的政策和指导,在价格谈判时确保现有的联系是可用的,以及灵活定价方式,。 Ensure existing connectivity is utilized and dynamic pricing forms the bas when negotiating margins, in line with Hyatt’s Corporate policies and guidelines. 确保每日定价策略(DPS)的优化,必要时审查并协助重新定价策略(在酒店,已转化为DPS,适用每日房价优化率)。 To ensure Daily Pricing Strategies (DPS) are optimized and to review and assist in the re-design of the pricing strategies if necessary (in hotels that have converted to DPS, otherwise Rate of the Day optimization is applicable). 为Hyatt.com建议并实施酒店的定价和分销策略,确保房价和优惠活动符合酒店整体的定价策略。
  • 黄山 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 2024-12-18
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、鼓励预定团队实现一贯的Reservation高分。 2、实施宾客意见调查问卷,提高部门服务质量。 3、熟悉处理房间预订的程序,给宾客提供最新和最准确的房况信息。 4、落实”预订未到宾客”的名单和每日团队取消情况。 5、为所有的预订部员工准备工作时间和日程表。 6、管理每日/每月/每年的所有的日常通信的书写。 7、根据预订情况更改现有的预订并且预测现有的和未来的预订情况。 【岗位要求】 1、大专以上学历,有同岗位工作经验2年以上。 2、普通话清晰。 3、具有良好的产品电话销售技能,能够实现酒店客房预订率最大化。 4、具有销售业务谈判能力,能合理调配酒店产品,分清先后,实现客房销售目标。 5、具有良好的语言组织和文字表达能力,清楚,条理地表达销售意向。 6、能够督导团队成员的预订工作,指导下级提高电话销售能力。
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