Taking orders given by the manager, make the property secure.
认真执行部门经理的工作指令,带领属下员工做好公寓内的各项安全防范工作。 Do the security job according to the security and fire safety management system, help and supervise other departments to do their job in a security context. 根据治安消防安全管理制度,经常督促和帮助各部门抓好岗位工作中的各个安全环节,切实做好安全防范工作。 Assist the manager to do training on security and fire control safety awareness.
协助部门经理做好“防火、防盗、防破坏、防爆、防突发事故”的“五防”宣传工作,增强全公寓员工的法制观念和消防安全意识。 Arrange the shifts; supervise the security officer’s daily work.
全面负责本班次各岗位的工作安排,督促、检查保安员的日常工作。 Check the appearance of security guards, If there is any problem, corrected immediately.
及时检查保安员的仪容仪表及工作状态,如有问题,及时纠正并处理。 To detect hidden dangers and vulnerabilities, and to take effective measures to make up for it, to avoid accidents. 及时发现不安全隐患和漏洞,并采取有效措施加以弥补,避免事故的发生。 Deal with the complaints, report to the manager in time.
妥善处理客人的投诉,并及时向部门经理汇报。 Deal with general security incidents and accidents, report to the manager in time. 处理一般治安事件和意外事件,并及时向部门经理汇报。 If there’s any action against the company policy, stop it politely. 对客人出现的违反公司规定、损害公司利益和财物的行为,及时礼貌地给予制止。