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    阿坝州 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
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    • 人性化管理
    • 专业培训
    • 帅哥多
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    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 2024-06-24
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    岗位职责: 1、负责营业部门的经济核算业务和资产管理; 2、建立成本核算和物价的检查监督制度,做好质、量、规格的抽查核算; 3、负责营业部门的成本控制,各项消耗定额的修订、检查和分析; 4、制定酒店各类成本定额和成本标准; 5、负责编制年度、月度的成本计划和费用预算; 6、定期分析并考核各营业部门成本计划定额的执行情况,提出改进建议; 7、完成上级领导交办的其他工作任务。 岗位要求: 1.具有大专以上财务专业学历,具有中级会计师以上职称,在成本核算岗位工作3年以上。 2.具有较强的管理、沟通、协调能力和团队协作意识。 3.人品正直诚实,具备良好的职业道德和素质,责任心强。 4.能对成本核算指标进行针对分析并提供合理的建议。 5.通晓财务核算流程,能熟练运用财务软件及办公软件。 6.根据酒店经营需要,有效进行科学的成本测算。 7.对财务各项指标具有一定的敏感力。
  • 成都 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 节日礼物
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    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 六险一金
    • 纹身染发均可
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    • 投递简历
    Here at The Temple House, we don't do ordinary things. We thriveon the different and the exciting, and yes perhaps a little quirky and withoutdoubt, fun. With a dynamic culture and an open door for your feedback, you'renot just filling a role — you're owning it. We provide the training and thefreedom for you to flourish, with leaders who support and encourage you. Thedifference is you. Everyday is a fresh page in our collective story. Ready to join us at The Temple House? The Temple House celebrates Chengdu’s history and looks towardsthe future through inspired modern design and art. Our House is hidden amongstthe laneways of Taikoo Li Chengdu and set on former temple grounds, with 100intimate rooms and 42 serviced apartments, heritage courtyards, landscapedterraces and a subterranean oasis. It’s an urban sanctuary that surprises anddelights around every corner. Job Overview This role supports the to hotel policiesand procedures. Ensure that goods are in order and to quality standards andspecification. Review of operating equipment stores to avoidunnecessary/excessive purchases and to eliminate (or at least be aware) ofobsolete slow moving items. Key Responsibilities Welcome to the core of what being a Trainee-Storeman/Receiving is all about! Here's the quick lowdown on what you'll do day-to-day: ·  Check and count all goodsto be received per approved purchase order or daily market list. ·  Ensure that goods are inorder, of good quality and according to the established specifications. ·  Ensure the timely andaccuracy of receiving records, ensure proper distribution and catalogued, receivingrecords. ·  Keep good communicationwith suppliers to ensure that comply with the requirement of the goods. Requirements Here's exactly what you need to excel in this role: The Non-Negotiables (Must-Haves): ·        Know your job and continueyour self-development by self-directed learning and participation in companysponsored training programs. ·        Effective interpersonalskill. ·        Excellent oral & writtencommunication. ·        Goal drivenpersonality, willing to grow and learn. The Cherries on Top (Nice-to-Haves): ·       Undergraduate degree froman accredited university, college or hotel school. ·       Familiar with computersystem and application software. We've kept it short and sweet – just the essentials you'll need. What We're Looking For: The Soul Behind the Skillset Skills are teachable, but your spirit is what truly sets youapart. If you feel a connection with what we stand for, we're eager to meetyou. Adaptable Thinkers: You’re not just open to change; you thrive on it. The dynamic nature of our environment energizes you. Feedback Enthusiasts: You value open communication and aren’t afraid to give or receive feedback to help us all grow together. Passionate Pioneers: You bring more than skills; you bring energy and zeal to make a difference every day, connecting with a team that does the same. Pause for a second before you hit 'apply.' Do these values alignwith your own? Is this the team you've been wanting to join? If your answer isa clear 'YES,' we're excited to get to know you better. Benefits For Every Member of Our Family: ·       Dine at our teamdining hall and save on meals! ·       Enjoy COMPLIMENTARYroom nights at all of our hotels b’cause, who doesn’t love to travel? ·       Join our wellnessprogramme and healthy pantry to elevate your mental and physical wellbeing! ·       Benefit fromcomprehensive medical and dental benefits, along with annual medical check-ups. ·       Enjoy an appreciative& supportive culture that allows you to be your best self. ·       Turn up in smartcasual attires and be as comfortable as you can at work! ·       Speak up & putyour own ideas into actions. Think differently!
  • 会计

    成都 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 01-06
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责酒店的库存物资的成本核算与控制,定期与有关帐目进行核对。 2、安排每月库存盘点,组织成本、存货核算,完成成本关账,及时编制提交成本月报表。 3、做好餐饮部总监和总厨的业务沟通,对酒店饮食管理控制系统提出提出改进意见。 4、定期进行自助餐测试,抽查厨房出品标准,检查是否有浪费现象,并要求及时整改。 5、负责每月供应商货款核对、结款工作。 【岗位要求】 1、财务、会计等相关专业大专以上学历,有初会证。 2、具有一定的管理、沟通、协调能力和团队协作意识。 3、对财务各项指标具有一定的敏感力。 4、基本了解酒店所需各种物品的名称、型号、规格、单价、用途和产地。
  • 成都 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 年度旅游
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-26
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    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、负责酒店库存物资的成本核算与控制,定期与有关 账目进行核对。 2、编制配餐卡,对每一种食品菜肴按消耗量编出成本计 算单,为制定销售价格提供依据。 3、定期与采购部、餐饮部共同对市场价格进行调查,参 加供应商定价会。 4、对仓库、收货部进行工作检查,严格各种物品、食品 、酒水的购入、验收、入库、出库等有关手续和标准,定期进行相关库房的盘点工作。 5、每月根据各部门成本相关资料,完成成本分析表及费用类相关账务处理。 6、各项应付款项的对账,报销及账务处理。 7、负责申报酒店各项税费。 8、管理酒店所有资产的台账和账务处理、盘点工作。 9、完成部门领导安排的其他工作。 【岗位要求】 1、财务、会计相关专业,大专及以上学历,并持初级会计资格证。 2、具有一定的管理、沟通、协调能力和团队协作意识。 3、对酒店应付,成本,资产相关账务熟练,有从业经验者优先。
  • 成都 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 年度团建
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    职位陈述 确保所有收到的物品与采购订单和市场清单所描述的一致,并且条件可以接受;确保按酒店要求完成各部门资产盘点及统计管理工作。 我的具体职责是什么?  作为财务部实习生。您将应以最高标准完成以下任务: ·  确保所有进入仓库的货物有合适的书面文件(送货单,采购单等) ·  根据批准的采购单确保所有货物的质量和数量都经过检查 ·  确保货物被运送到仓库或直入部门 ·  根据保安部提供的出门单合理记录并计算所有出店的货物 ·  检查收入货物的截止日期以确定在酒店可接受的范围内 ·  确保进口货物有政府提供的合法证书 ·  准备收货日志和每日收货记录汇总表 ·  根据采购订单和提供的项目,检查供应商税务发票的正确性 ·  就收到货物的质量和/或数量(包括重量)差异进行跟进 ·  确保收到的物品仅为定购和批准的物品 ·  协助定期对运营设备的存货盘点 ·  对所有进出收货区域及仓库的物品保持足够的控制 ·  协助成本经理每月库存盘点流程 ·  与所有酒店部门和供应商保持良好关系 ·  确保所有文件(采购订单,发票,送货单等)及时转送给应付账款员 ·  协助准备月末报告和其他可能需要的特殊报告 ·  保持警惕性以确保收货区域和所有仓库的安全 · 维护足够的且最新的档案系统 · 灵活的工作时间,特别是在月末 · 确保正确的工作实践及该工作区域的安全不受危害,使得意外的风险和员工赔偿费用最小化 ·  执行一切额外的工作,以确保酒店职能顺利运作 我们寻找什么样的人才? 若要成功地应聘这一职位,您的态度、行为、技能和价值观应符合下列标准: · 大学及以上资历,财务、酒店旅游管理及相关专业和证书 ·  工作仔细,有良好的人际关系处理能力 · 良好的沟通技巧 ·  能灵活的工作时间 · 熟练操作系统Windows,Word, Excel等 · 希尔顿同等岗位经验的优先
  • 成都 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 六险一金
    • 纹身染发均可
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
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    • 投递简历
    Cost Control Team Leader Hereat The Temple House, we don't do ordinary things. We thrive on the differentand the exciting, and yes perhaps a little quirky and without doubt, fun. With a dynamic culture and an open door for your feedback, you'renot just filling a role — you're owning it. We provide the training and thefreedom for you to flourish, with leaders who support and encourage you. Thedifference is you. Everyday is a fresh page in our collective story. Ready to join us at The Temple House? The Temple House celebrates Chengdu’s history and looks towardsthe future through inspired modern design and art. Our House is hidden amongstthe laneways of Taikoo Li Chengdu and set on former temple grounds, with 100intimate rooms and 42 serviced apartments, heritage courtyards, landscapedterraces and a subterranean oasis. It’s an urban sanctuary that surprises anddelights around every corner. Job Overview This role supervises the management of the strict implementationof capital asserts and operating equipment in accordance with the internalpolicies. Assistance Cost control Manager provide information to managementwhile allows informed decisions to be made regarding selling prices andcosting. Ensures that accurate costing is continuously available for allrestaurant & bar items. Key Responsibilities Welcome to the core of what being a Cost Control Team Leader is all about! Here's the quick lowdown on what you'll do day-to-day: ·       Calculates F&B costs. ·       Spot checks on purchasing, receiving, storing,issuing functions and bar inventories. ·       Controls portion and minimizes- wastages andpilferages. ·       Assist Cost Controller monthly provide Marketlist, Participate in market survey, and to review the purchase price list., comparisonsof items as well as operating supplies with market. ·       Checks delivery goods from Vendor againstpurchasing record and received. ·       Makes recommendations on cost reductions. Requirements Here's exactly what you need to excel in this role: The Non-Negotiables (Must-Haves): ·       Know your job andcontinue your self-development by self-directed learning and participation incompany sponsored training programs ·       Undergraduate degreefrom an accredited university, college or hotel school. Accounting Background Familiar with computer system and application software Effective interpersonal skill Excellent oral & written communication Basic English communication skills The Cherries on Top (Nice-to-Haves): ·       Enjoy working in afast-paced and dynamic environment. We've kept it short and sweet – just the essentials you'll need. What We're Looking For: The Soul Behind the Skillset Skills are teachable, but your spirit is what truly sets youapart. If you feel a connection with what we stand for, we're eager to meetyou. Adaptable Thinkers: You’re not just open to change; you thrive on it. The dynamic nature of our environment energizes you. Feedback Enthusiasts: You value open communication and aren’t afraid to give or receive feedback to help us all grow together. Passionate Pioneers: You bring more than skills; you bring energy and zeal to make a difference every day, connecting with a team that does the same. Pause for a second before you hit 'apply.' Do these values alignwith your own? Is this the team you've been wanting to join? If your answer isa clear 'YES,' we're excited to get to know you better. Benefits For Every Member of Our Family: ·       Enjoy COMPLIMENTARYroom nights at all of our hotels b’cause, who doesn’t love to travel? ·       Join our wellnessprogramme and healthy pantry to elevate your mental and physical wellbeing! ·       Enjoy an annual, paidWell-being Leave, a day for you to look after yourself, be healthy and behappy! ·       Benefit fromcomprehensive medical and dental benefits, along with annual medical check-ups. ·       Enjoy an appreciative& supportive culture that allows you to be your best self. ·       Turn up in smartcasual attires and be as comfortable as you can at work! ·       Speak up & putyour own ideas into actions. Think differently!
  • 阿坝州 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 人性化管理
    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 节日礼物
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 03-12
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Duties and Responsibilities工作职责 To assist in implementing a system of control to avoid excessive cost by reducing waste and other losses without sacrificing quality. 协助贯彻执行成本控制体系,在不牺牲产品质量的前提下,通过减少浪费和其他损耗,避免成本过高。 To assist in identifying problems in the food and beverage operations early so that they can be resolved before they turn into major problems. 帮助尽早鉴别在餐饮营运中所发生问题的原因,以便在问题变得严重之前解决好。 To ensure that established policies are implemented in the following areas: 确保以下各部分的政策得到贯彻执行: Purchasing - Assist in the establishing and checking purchase specifications and periodically to review them to ensure that they are implemented; observe that competitive market prices are being obtained; participate in market surveys and make comparison of purchase prices with other Hotels. 采购部 - 协助建立和检查采购规范,并定期进行评估,以确保得到贯彻落实;观察是否获得有市场竞争力的价格;参与市场调查,并与其他酒店进行采购价格比较。 Receiving. 收货部 Storage and issuing 存货管理和发货 To assist in playing a positive and creative role in working with the F&B Department and to constructively assist in pricing, food testing and menu planning, as well as the actual control of the cost. 在与餐饮部工作配合过程中,发挥积极的,有创造性的作用,有建设性的帮助定价,试菜和菜谱选择,以及实际操作中的成本控制。 To ensure the establishment of records on a daily basis for both foods issued to the kitchen from the storerooms as well as perishable foods delivered directly to the kitchen. 无论是直发厨房的鲜货还是从库发放的食品,都必须确保在每日基础上做好记录。 To monitor slow moving stock items held in storage and highlight such on a timely basis; recommend methods and procedures to improve control of waste and losses within the Hotel and to investigate reasons for spoilage and wastage. 监控积压存货,并及时报警提醒;推荐改善控制浪费和损耗的方法和措施,调查损坏变质以及浪费的原因。 To perform a continually audit of actual food costs against potential costs by ensuring that standard recipe costing are updated; count and audit the inventories of all Hotel stores for pricing and quantity reasonableness. 在确保标准食谱配料成本及时更新的基础上,参考计划成本不间端的进行实际成本审计。对酒店存货进行盘点审计,了解价格和数量是否适当。 To work continually with the Executive Chef in the development of butchering tests, portion control and recipes. Generate system reports on sales analysis. 长期与行政总厨合作,开展粗加工出成率测算,份量控制以及标准食谱配料成本计算。并根据系统生成的报表进行销售分析。 To furnish the management the daily recapitulation of F&B issues, total value of storeroom inventory and sales analysis in the food and beverage operations. 为酒店管理层提供餐饮经营过程中的存货情况和销售分析,以及每日餐饮问题摘要。 To inspect and extend all store requisitions and transfers and call attention to any apparent over-issuing. 对所有仓库领料单和内部调拨单进行审核,并特别留意那些明显过多领料的单据。 To establish and conduct inventory schedules of all store items. Pre-printed Inventory List from the computer system will be used. 制定盘点时间表,使用电脑系统打印的预盘点清单对所有库存物品进行盘点。 To prepare monthly F&B Cost Report including reconciliation summaries. 准备每月餐饮成本报表和调整分析表。 To ensure update daily records of store issues and transfers made to various food services areas, bars and functions and other departments throughout the Hotel. 确保及时更新酒店各餐厅酒吧和宴会以及其他部门的领货记录和调拨记录。 To check all store issues and transfers for appropriate authorized signatures. 审核所有仓库领料单和调拨单都有授权人的签字。 To enforce a system of control over goods leaving the premises by ensuring that authorized Gate Pass for goods returned to suppliers, and also to maintain an Outgoing Record for equipment sent for repairs, and operating equipment for outside catering。 建立一套完善的物品放行强制制度,确保所有物品放行必须有授权人批准的“出门条”,如退还供货商的货品,员工自购物品或礼品,送去外修的设备,外租(借)物品和外卖用具等。并对须返还或收回的物品建立“放行记录”以便追踪。 To pre-cost all daily and function menus for the purpose of determining the proper selling price for the various items. 对宴会菜单进行成本预核算,以便对不同标准和要求进行恰当的定价。 To ensure that goods received by Receiving and Store personnel are checked for weights, quality and extensions. 确保所有收货部人员和仓管员收到的货品都仔细核查了重量,数量以及其他有关项目要求。 To check that all details on the invoice or delivery orders match with the Purchase Orders and other purchasing documents and that food are correctly received. 审核发票或送货单上的明细内容是否与采购申请单和其他采购文件相符,是否是所订购的货品。 To make periodic check of butcher shop areas to determine if fabrication and production are being maintained according to specifications. 对粗加工间进行定期检查,以确定成品和半成品的制作是否保持了制定的标准。 To ensure a breakdown of sales, food and beverage discounts, house-use checks and entertainment of the previous day has been received daily from Income Auditor and the correctness of computation of daily cost percentages. 确保所有前一天的食品,酒水折扣单,职员工作餐单和宴请帐单等都完整从收入审计转交成本部,以便正确计算每日成本率。 To verify the daily record of staff meals, inter-kitchen transfers, complimentary, etc. and allot proper credits to the respective kitchens. 复核每日员工用餐记录,厨房内部调拨单,免费赠送记录等,以便正确扣减相关厨房的成本。 To ensure that meat-tagging policy and procedures are implemented and followed through. 确保“肉签”管理制度被贯彻执行,并得到坚持。 To establish par stock levels of all store inventories with considerations for consumption and seasonal trends and purchasing lead times. Also in collaboration with the Beverage Manager, to establish a par stock for all bars and banquet. To conduct periodic checks of all par stock levels both at the operating outlets and at the Hotel stores. 综合考虑消耗量和季节性货源以及所需采购时间等因素,建立适量的最低存货标准。同时也与酒水部经理通力合作,设定各酒吧和宴会的酒水最低存量。并对酒店仓库和各餐厅酒吧的最低存货标准进行定期检查。 To establish inventory counts of operating equipment both at the Hotel stores and operating departments as per schedules established by the Financial Controller. 按照财务总监制定的盘点时间表,对酒店仓库和各营业部门的经营设备和用具进行全面盘点。 To assist the Financial Controller in the preparation of operating equipment inventory and breakage & loss reports. 协助财务总监完成经营设备和用具盘点表和破损和遗失报告。 To assist in the costing and pricing of all new menu for all food and beverage outlets, upon request of the Director of Food & Beverage. 根据餐饮总监的要求,协助完成所有餐厅酒吧食品,酒水新菜牌的成本计算和定价。 To monitor mini bar issues to pantries against mini bar revenues and determine extend of mini bar losses. 监控所有根据销售补充给各楼层仓库的客房小酒吧酒水,并确定客房小酒吧酒水的短少数量。 To maintain cleanliness of storage freezers and other stores to ensure good hygienic conditions and orderly arrangements of stock items. 保持冻库和其他仓库的清洁卫生,确保存货排列有序及其卫生标准。 To ensure that staff are routinely trained and have full knowledge of their respective job responsibilities. 确保所有员工都得到轮换培训,使他们完全了解相互间的工作职责。 To check on the accuracy of banquet billing based on Event Order received. 按照收到的宴会活动订单,检查宴会帐单收费是否正确。 To review the work of the F&B Cashiers to make sure that there are no irregularities and that the guest checks are priced in accordance with the current menus, and that no food is leaving the kitchen without being checked and priced. 核查餐饮收银员的工作,确定所有客人帐单都按现用菜单计价,没有不合规范的结帐发生,确保所有出品在离开厨房前已全部下单入帐。 To spot check at random: 对以下几方面进行随机抽查: The contents of bar set-up upon checking out of Hotel guests. 抽查住店客人离店结帐时的迷你吧内酒水存量。 The potential and actual sales of individual bars. 检查对各个酒吧的潜在收入和实际收入相比较。 The accuracy of outlet recipes and portions being served. 抽查各餐厅出品分量是否与食谱配料表标准相符。 VIP amenities and their respective costing, including food and beverage complimentary. 检查贵宾房赠送果篮和酒水是否与规定的成本标准相符。 Garbage cans and their contents. 检查垃圾桶内是否有浪费食品。 Par stocks in outlets and Hotel stores. Physical inventory of store items against perpetual inventory. 检查各餐厅和仓库的最低存货标准。将实际盘存数量与永续盘存数量相比较。 Market prices of food items being purchased to ensure that they are at the most competitive prices. 抽查食品的市场采购价格,确保是最有竞争力的价格。 The quality of food and beverage items being received to ensure that they match purchase specifications. 抽查到货的食品及酒水,确保与订货的要求和标准相符。 Butcher yield tables against standard recipe pricing tables. 检查粗加工出成率与标准食谱配料表是否相符。 Inventory turnover. 检查存货周转率。 Liquor issuing procedures and the use of outlet labels or rubber stamps. 检查烈酒发货程序,以及是否有贴(盖)上酒店或餐厅的酒标。 Beverage pouring brand consumption. 检查零卖酒的消耗量是否正常。 To prepare any other cost evaluations required by the Financial Controller or any department Heads concerned. Also to analyze major expense items. 根据其他部门经理或财务总监的要求提供有关成本评估,同时也对主要费用项目进行分析。 To attend F&B Meeting and any other required meetings. 参加餐饮部会议和其他要求参加的会议。 To substitute duties for his/her immediate sub-ordinate during her/his absence and therefore, to be fully acquainted with her/his job descriptions in order to carry out those responsibilities. 当下属缺勤或休假时,须替代他/她的工作,因此必须完全熟悉他/她们的职位描述以及工作职责。 Willing to work extended hours when required 可以在必要时加班 Perform other duties as request by the leader 完成领导安排的其他工作 Perform other duties as assigned. May also serve as manager on duty. 可能需对酒店的安全负责,确保将偷窃、犯罪和其它风险降至最低。完成其它分配的任务,可能需要担任值班经理。 QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS任职要求 Required Skills – 技能要求 Fluent English in writing, speaking & reading 英文听说读写流利 Knowledge in costing of food and beverage operation. 具有食品及酒水成本核算知识 Ability to coordinate with relevant department. 有协调相关部门的能力 Qualifications – 学历 Education: College above 教育:大专以上教育 Certification: Accountant Certificate 证书:会计师等级证书 Experience 经验 At least 3 year experience in international class hotel in a similar capacity 至少3年以上国际酒店相似工作经验
  • 阿坝州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 节日福利
    • 技能技巧培训
    • 晋升空间巨大
    • 惜才爱才
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Duties and Responsibilities工作职责: 1.To assist in implementing a system of control to avoid excessive cost by reducing waste and other losses without sacrificing quality. 协助贯彻执行成本控制体系,在不牺牲产品质量的前提下,通过减少浪费和其他损耗,避免成本过高。 2.To assist in identifying problems in the food and beverage operations early so that they can be resolved before they turn into major problems. 帮助尽早鉴别在餐饮营运中所发生问题的原因,以便在问题变得严重之前解决好。 3.To ensure that established policies are implemented in the following areas: 确保以下各部分的政策得到贯彻执行: ①Purchasing - Assist in the establishing and checking purchase specifications and periodically to review them to ensure that they are implemented; observe that competitive market prices are being obtained; participate in market surveys and make comparison of purchase prices with other Hotels. 采购部 - 协助建立和检查采购规范,并定期进行评估,以确保得到贯彻落实;观察是否获得有市场竞争力的价格;参与市场调查,并与其他酒店进行采购价格比较。 ②Receiving. 收货部 ③Storage and issuing 存货管理和发货 4.To assist in playing a positive and creative role in working with the F&B Department and to constructively assist in pricing, food testing and menu planning, as well as the actual control of the cost. 在与餐饮部工作配合过程中,发挥积极的,有创造性的作用,有建设性的帮助定价,试菜和菜谱选择,以及实际操作中的成本控制。 5.To ensure the establishment of records on a daily basis for both foods issued to the kitchen from the storerooms as well as perishable foods delivered directly to the kitchen. 无论是直发厨房的鲜货还是从库发放的食品,都必须确保在每日基础上做好记录。 6.To monitor slow moving stock items held in storage and highlight such on a timely basis; recommend methods and procedures to improve control of waste and losses within the Hotel and to investigate reasons for spoilage and wastage. 监控积压存货,并及时报警提醒;推荐改善控制浪费和损耗的方法和措施,调查损坏变质以及浪费的原因。 7.To perform a continually audit of actual food costs against potential costs by ensuring that standard recipe costing are updated; count and audit the inventories of all Hotel stores for pricing and quantity reasonableness. 在确保标准食谱配料成本及时更新的基础上,参考计划成本不间端的进行实际成本审计。对酒店存货进行盘点审计,了解价格和数量是否适当。 8.To work continually with the Executive Chef in the development of butchering tests, portion control and recipes. Generate system reports on sales analysis. 长期与行政总厨合作,开展粗加工出成率测算,份量控制以及标准食谱配料成本计算。并根据系统生成的报表进行销售分析。 9.To furnish the management the daily recapitulation of F&B issues, total value of storeroom inventory and sales analysis in the food and beverage operations. 为酒店管理层提供餐饮经营过程中的存货情况和销售分析,以及每日餐饮问题摘要。 10.To inspect and extend all store requisitions and transfers and call attention to any apparent over-issuing. 对所有仓库领料单和内部调拨单进行审核,并特别留意那些明显过多领料的单据。 11.To establish and conduct inventory schedules of all store items. Pre-printed Inventory List from the computer system will be used. 制定盘点时间表,使用电脑系统打印的预盘点清单对所有库存物品进行盘点。 12.To prepare monthly F&B Cost Report including reconciliation summaries. 准备每月餐饮成本报表和调整分析表。 13.To ensure update daily records of store issues and transfers made to various food services areas, bars and functions and other departments throughout the Hotel. 确保及时更新酒店各餐厅酒吧和宴会以及其他部门的领货记录和调拨记录。 14.To check all store issues and transfers for appropriate authorized signatures. 审核所有仓库领料单和调拨单都有授权人的签字。 15.To enforce a system of control over goods leaving the premises by ensuring that authorized Gate Pass for goods returned to suppliers, and also to maintain an Outgoing Record for equipment sent for repairs, and operating equipment for outside catering。 建立一套完善的物品放行强制制度,确保所有物品放行必须有授权人批准的“出门条”,如退还供货商的货品,员工自购物品或礼品,送去外修的设备,外租(借)物品和外卖用具等。并对须返还或收回的物品建立“放行记录”以便追踪。 16.To pre-cost all daily and function menus for the purpose of determining the proper selling price for the various items. 对宴会菜单进行成本预核算,以便对不同标准和要求进行恰当的定价。 17.To ensure that goods received by Receiving and Store personnel are checked for weights, quality and extensions. 确保所有收货部人员和仓管员收到的货品都仔细核查了重量,数量以及其他有关项目要求。 18.To check that all details on the invoice or delivery orders match with the Purchase Orders and other purchasing documents and that food are correctly received. 审核发票或送货单上的明细内容是否与采购申请单和其他采购文件相符,是否是所订购的货品。 19.To make periodic check of butcher shop areas to determine if fabrication and production are being maintained according to specifications. 对粗加工间进行定期检查,以确定成品和半成品的制作是否保持了制定的标准。 20.To ensure a breakdown of sales, food and beverage discounts, house-use checks and entertainment of the previous day has been received daily from Income Auditor and the correctness of computation of daily cost percentages. 确保所有前一天的食品,酒水折扣单,职员工作餐单和宴请帐单等都完整从收入审计转交成本部,以便正确计算每日成本率。 21.To verify the daily record of staff meals, inter-kitchen transfers, complimentary, etc. and allot proper credits to the respective kitchens. 复核每日员工用餐记录,厨房内部调拨单,免费赠送记录等,以便正确扣减相关厨房的成本。 22.To ensure that meat-tagging policy and procedures are implemented and followed through. 确保“肉签”管理制度被贯彻执行,并得到坚持。 23.To establish par stock levels of all store inventories with considerations for consumption and seasonal trends and purchasing lead times. Also in collaboration with the Beverage Manager, to establish a par stock for all bars and banquet. To conduct periodic checks of all par stock levels both at the operating outlets and at the Hotel stores. 综合考虑消耗量和季节性货源以及所需采购时间等因素,建立适量的最低存货标准。同时也与餐饮部经理通力合作,设定各酒吧和宴会的酒水最低存量。并对酒店仓库和各餐厅酒吧的最低存货标准进行定期检查。 24.To establish inventory counts of operating equipment both at the Hotel stores and operating departments as per schedules established by the Financial Controller. 按照财务总监制定的盘点时间表,对酒店仓库和各营业部门的经营设备和用具进行全面盘点。 25.To assist the Financial Controller in the preparation of operating equipment inventory and breakage & loss reports. 协助财务总监完成经营设备和用具盘点表和破损和遗失报告。 26.To assist in the costing and pricing of all new menu for all food and beverage outlets, upon request of the Director of Food & Beverage. 根据餐饮总监的要求,协助完成所有餐厅酒吧食品,酒水新菜牌的成本计算和定价。 27.To monitor mini bar issues to pantries against mini bar revenues and determine extend of mini bar losses. 监控所有根据销售补充给各楼层仓库的客房小酒吧酒水,并确定客房小酒吧酒水的短少数量。 28.To maintain cleanliness of storage freezers and other stores to ensure good hygienic conditions and orderly arrangements of stock items. 保持冻库和其他仓库的清洁卫生,确保存货排列有序及其卫生标准。 29.To ensure that staff are routinely trained and have full knowledge of their respective job responsibilities. 确保所有员工都得到轮换培训,使他们完全了解相互间的工作职责。 30.To check on the accuracy of banquet billing based on Event Order received. 按照收到的宴会活动订单,检查宴会帐单收费是否正确。 31.To review the work of the F&B Cashiers to make sure that there are no irregularities and that the guest checks are priced in accordance with the current menus, and that no food is leaving the kitchen without being checked and priced. 核查餐饮收银员的工作,确定所有客人帐单都按现用菜单计价,没有不合规范的结帐发生,确保所有出品在离开厨房前已全部下单入帐。 32.To spot check at random: 对以下几方面进行随机抽查: ①The contents of bar set-up upon checking out of Hotel guests. 抽查住店客人离店结帐时的迷你吧内酒水存量。 ②The potential and actual sales of individual bars. 检查对各个酒吧的潜在收入和实际收入相比较。 ③The accuracy of outlet recipes and portions being served. 抽查各餐厅出品分量是否与食谱配料表标准相符。 ④VIP amenities and their respective costing, including food and beverage complimentary. 检查贵宾房赠送果篮和酒水是否与规定的成本标准相符。 ⑤Garbage cans and their contents. 检查垃圾桶内是否有浪费食品。 ⑥Par stocks in outlets and Hotel stores. Physical inventory of store items against perpetual inventory. 检查各餐厅和仓库的最低存货标准。将实际盘存数量与永续盘存数量相比较。 ⑦Market prices of food items being purchased to ensure that they are at the most competitive prices. 抽查食品的市场采购价格,确保是最有竞争力的价格。 ⑧The quality of food and beverage items being received to ensure that they match purchase specifications. 抽查到货的食品及酒水,确保与订货的要求和标准相符。 ⑨Butcher yield tables against standard recipe pricing tables. 检查粗加工出成率与标准食谱配料表是否相符。 ⑩Inventory turnover. 检查存货周转率。 ⑪Liquor issuing procedures and the use of outlet labels or rubber stamps. 检查烈酒发货程序,以及是否有贴(盖)上酒店或餐厅的酒标。 ⑫Beverage pouring brand consumption. 检查零卖酒的消耗量是否正常。 33To prepare any other cost evaluations required by the Financial Controller or any department Heads concerned. Also to analyze major expense items. 根据其他部门经理或财务总监的要求提供有关成本评估,同时也对主要费用项目进行分析。 34To attend F&B Meeting and any other required meetings. 参加餐饮部会议和其他要求参加的会议。 35To substitute duties for his/her immediate sub-ordinate during her/his absence and therefore, to be fully acquainted with her/his job descriptions in order to carry out those responsibilities. 当下属缺勤或休假时,须替代他/她的工作,因此必须完全熟悉他/她们的职位描述以及工作职责。 36Willing to work extended hours when required 可以在必要时加班 37Perform other duties as request by the leader 完成领导安排的其他工作 38Perform other duties as assigned. May also serve as manager on duty. 可能需对酒店的安全负责,确保将偷窃、犯罪和其它风险降至最低。完成其它分配的任务,可能需要担任值班经理。 Job requirements 岗位要求: 1. College degree or above, major in finance or accountant qualification; Have more than 3 years of working experience in this position. 大专以上学历财务专业或会计师资格;具有本岗3年以上岗位工作经验。 2. Have strong management, communication, coordination skills and teamwork awareness. 具有较强的管理、沟通、协调能力和团队协作意识。 3. Integrity and honesty, with good professional ethics and quality, strong sense of responsibility. 人品正直诚实,具备良好的职业道德和素质,责任心强。
  • 成本控制经理

    成都 | 3年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 技能培训
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年终奖
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1、负责酒店食品、饮品成本报告,控制食品、饮品营业成本控制; 2、检查食品原材料采购供货渠道、收货程序以及原材料质量,掌握市场上原材料价格信息; 3、督促编制配餐卡,为制定销售价格提供依据,编制餐饮销售分析旬报,调整餐饮价,及时提供信息; 4、与厨房餐厅大堂吧沟通,提供成本信息,降低成本; 5、定期与采购部、餐饮部共同对市场价格进行调查、分析,更有效地控制进价; 6、负责编制每月饮食成本报告; 7、严格各种物品、食品、饮品的购入、验收、入库出库等有关手续和标准。 任职要求: 1、具有大专以上财务专业学历或会计师资格; 2、具有本岗三年以上工作经验,在成本核算岗位工作三年以上; 3、具有较强的管理、沟通、协调能力和团队协作意识; 4、人品正直诚实,具备良好的职业道德和素质,责任心强; 5、通晓财务核算流程,能熟练运用财务软件及办公软件; 6、根据酒店经营需要,有效进行科学的成本测算; 7、对财务各项指标具有一定的敏感力。
  • 宜宾 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 领导好
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-24
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Responsibility 岗位职责 Work under the guidance of the Chief Financial Officer, responsible for food and goods receiving control and inventory management, checking the warehouse status on time and timely feedback to ensure maximum profit. 在财务总监的指导下工作,负责食品及物品的收货控制和库存管理,按时核查库房情况并及时反馈以确保利益最大化。 Compare invoices, purchase requests, sales and compile cost and sales reports. 对比发票、采购申请、销售并编制成本与销售报告。 Spot check the implementation of purchasing, receiving, inventory, delivery work, and bar inventory. 抽查采购、收货、库存、发货工作的执行情况,及酒吧库存量。 Reasonable control of the amount of output to minimize waste and theft. 合理控制出品分量,将浪费和失窃情况降至最低。 Monthly food, stationery and general warehouse inventory. 每月进行食品、文具及总仓的库存盘点。 Implement internal standard control system and director checklist. 执行内部标准控制制度和总监检查清单。 Strict implementation of all internal control measures. 各项内部控制衡量措施的严格执行。 Focus on slow depletion inventory items. 关注损耗慢的存货项目。 Maintain standard stock levels and review them regularly. 保持标准库存量并定期审核。 Monitor and report any abnormal or out-of-standard costs. 监督并汇报一切不正常或超标准成本 Prepare monthly F&B cost control report and analyze variance. 准备每月餐饮成本控制报告并对差异进行分析。 Job Requirement岗位要求 Three years of relevant experience or an equivalent combination of education and relevant work experience. 三年相关经验或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。 Bachelor's degree in materials, cost management or related field. 具有物资,成本管理或相关领域学士学位。 Proficient in Microsoft Windows software, good writing skills. 熟练使用微软窗口软件,良好的写作技能。 Problem solving, reasoning, summoning, organizing and training skills. 具有解决问题,推理,号召,组织和培训能力。
  • 阿坝州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 节日福利
    • 技能技巧培训
    • 晋升空间巨大
    • 惜才爱才
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-13
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Job responsibilities岗位职责: 1. Be responsible for the cost accounting and control of hotel inventory materials, and regularly check with relevant accounts 负责酒店的库存物资的成本核算与控制,定期与有关帐目进行核对。 2. Prepare a cost calculation sheet for each kind of food and dish according to the consumption, so as to provide a basis for formulating the sales price. 对每一种食品菜肴按消耗量编出成本计算单,为制定销售价格提供依据。 3. Do a good job in the business communication between the food and beverage manager and the executive chef, and put forward suggestions for the improvement of the hotel's food management and control system. 做好餐饮部经理和行政总厨的业务沟通,对酒店饮食管理控制系统提出提出改进意见。 4. Regularly investigate and analyze the market price with the purchasing department and the catering department to control the purchase price more effectively. 定期与采购部、餐饮部共同对市场价格进行调查、分析,更有效地控制进价。 5. Carry out work inspection on the warehouse and receiving department, and strictly enforce the procedures and standards related to the purchase, acceptance, warehousing and ex warehouse of various articles, food and beverages. 对仓库、收货部进行工作检查,严格各种物品、食品、饮料的购入、验收、入库、出库等有关手续和标准。 6. Reduce the overstock of inventory, cooperate with the warehouse to summarize the overstock table of inventory materials every month, and try to use the overstock materials to reduce the cost. 减少库存积压,配合库房每月汇总库存物资积压表,尽量利用库存积压物资以减低成本。 Job requirements岗位要求: 1. College degree or above in finance, accounting and other related majors, with accounting qualification. 财务、会计等相关专业大专以上学历,有会计从业资格。 2. Have certain management, communication, coordination skills and teamwork awareness. 具有一定的管理、沟通、协调能力和团队协作意识。
  • 厦门 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 年底双薪
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 环境好
    • 领导好
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 01-23
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    • 投递简历
    岗位说明: 1、根据固定资产的规章制度,有效地组织及管理好酒店的固定资产及低值易耗品,确保所有的程序都是按照规章制度进行的。、  2、监控定购、采购、收货、储存和分发事务。估计最大和最小库存量,确定有效库存量。执行现场抽查 3、录入酒店固定资产清单。负责酒店固定资产根据部门的贴标。每年或在需要时对生产存货进行盘点。 4、确保酒店固定资产盘存数目与账面相符。  任职要求:至少一年以上五星级酒店财务管理同岗位工作经验 或五星级酒店收货工作经历优先。不符合条件的勿扰。
  • 成本+AP

    上海 | 3年以上 | 大专



    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-10
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    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、负责酒店的库存物资的成本核算与控制,定期与有关帐目进行核对、 2、编制配餐卡,对每一种食品菜肴按消耗量编出成本计算单,为制定销售价格提供依据。 3、做好餐饮部总监和总厨的业务沟通,对酒店饮食管理控制系统提出提出改进意见。 4、定期与采购部、餐饮部共同对市场价格进行调查、分析,更有效地控制进价。 5、对仓库、收货部进行工作检查,严格各种物品、食品、饮料的购入、验收、入库、出库等有关手续和标准。 6、减少库存积压,配合库房每月汇总库存物资积压表,尽量利用库存积压物资以减低成本。 【岗位要求】 1、财务、会计等相关3年工作经验。 2、具有一定的管理、沟通、协调能力和团队协作意识。 3、熟练掌握酒店会计的基本理论及实际工作方面的知识。 4、基本了解酒店所需各种物品的名称、型号、规格、单价、用途和产地。 5、了解同类产品不同共应商提供物资质量及价格差别。 6、熟悉酒店成本控制的方法,了解酒店物资消耗的基本情况。
  • 杭州 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日会
    • 技能培训
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 02-11
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    • 投递简历
    该岗位系蓝天伯瑞特臻选酒店职位,地点杭州萧山区人民广场地铁口步行范围。 【岗位职责】 1、负责落实和完善物资采购管理体系。 2、负责审核各部门的采购申请单,与仓库联络,确保不出现重复采购。 3、负责日常采购工作定期与材料会计、用货部门共同进行市场调查,开发货源。 4、收集市场信息,做到货比三家、优质优价优先,发现新产品,调整进货价格,报上级批准后执行。 5、负责做好采购成本费用核算,努力为酒店节约采购成本。 6、负责日常采购合同、协议的签署,对合同的执行进行管理。 7、负责对供货商的信誉进行调研。 【岗位要求】 1、大专以上学历,从事酒店物资管理和采购工作2年以上,具有丰富的采购知识和经验。 2、熟悉酒店采购物资及制度标准、采购程序和酒店内部控制程序。 3、原则性强,职业化规范度高,具有良好的团队协作精神,诚实可靠、品行端正。 4、熟练操作办公软件,优秀的执行力和采购流程整体把控力;有驾驶证会开车。
  • 财务主管

    武汉 | 1年以上 | 大专



    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 02-17
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责酒店的库存物资的成本核算与控制,定期与有关帐目进行核对、 2、编制配餐卡,对每一种食品菜肴按消耗量编出成本计算单,为制定销售价格提供依据。 3、做好餐饮部总监和总厨的业务沟通,对酒店饮食管理控制系统提出提出改进意见。 4、定期与采购部、餐饮部共同对市场价格进行调查、分析,更有效地控制进价。 5、对仓库、收货部进行工作检查,严格各种物品、食品、饮料的购入、验收、入库、出库等有关手续和标准。 6、减少库存积压,配合库房每月汇总库存物资积压表,尽量利用库存积压物资以减低成本。 【岗位要求】 1、财务、会计等相关专业大专学历,有会计从业资格优先考虑。 2、具有一定的管理、沟通、协调能力和团队协作意识。 3、熟练掌握酒店会计的基本理论及实际工作方面的知识。 4、基本了解酒店所需各种物品的名称、型号、规格、单价、用途和产地。 5、了解同类产品不同共应商提供物资质量及价格差别。 6、熟悉酒店成本控制的方法,了解酒店物资消耗的基本情况。
  • 黄冈 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 包吃包住
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-20
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.负责酒店的库存物资的成本核算与控制,定期与有关帐目进行核对. 2.编制配餐卡,对每一种食品菜肴按消耗量编出成本计算单,为制定销售价格提供依据。 3.做好餐饮部总监和总厨的业务沟通,对酒店饮食管理控制系统提出提出改进意见。 4.定期与采购部、餐饮部共同对市场价格进行调查、分析,更有效地控制进价。 5.对仓库、收货部进行工作检查,严格各种物品、食品、饮料的购入、验收、入库、出库等有关手续和标准。 6.减少库存积压,配合库房每月汇总库存物资积压表,尽量利用库存积压物资以减低成本。 岗位要求 1.财务、会计等相关专业大专及以上学历,有相关工作工作经验者优先。 2.具有一定的管理、沟通、协调能力和团队协作意识。 3.熟练掌握酒店会计的基本理论及实际工作方面的知识。 4.基本了解酒店所需各种物品的名称、型号、规格、单价、用途和产地。 5.了解同类产品不同共应商提供物资质量及价格差别。 6.熟悉酒店成本控制的方法,了解酒店物资消耗的基本情况。
  • 财务成本

    北京 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 包吃包住
    • 技能培训
    • 工龄补贴
    • 降温费
    • 外语补贴
    有限服务中档酒店 | 50-99人
    发布于 02-27
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    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、协助准备包含每日食品消费成本的食品和酒水报告,以及员工餐厅的成本。 2、协助每月食品和酒水盘点,以及每半年一次的营运物资盘点。 3、如必要时,参加每月食品/酒水和总仓物品的市场调查。 4、协助准备每月食品和酒水成本及制作相关的分类账凭证。 5、成本控制经理分配的其他工作、灵活的工作时间,特别是在月末和年末、及时,有效,友好地处理所有的要求和询问、确保正确的工作实践及该工作区域的安全不受危害,使得意外的风险和员工赔偿费用最小化、执行一切额外的工作,以确保酒店职能顺利运作 【岗位要求】 1、始终使自己的工作以顾客为核心,积极主动及时地对待顾客的需要和要求、承担个人责任并主动解决问题,清楚地与客户和同事沟通,以取得积极影响、自我激励和承诺,主动承担所有工作并抓住机会学习新的技能或知识,从而提高个人业绩。 2、对改变的要求能够灵活,快速并积极响应,包括要求的任何任务、通过展示对同事的合作和支持,以团队目标为追求,保持以团队为重点、提供意见和建议,以提高酒店的运营/环境程序、积极推销酒店的服务和设施给客人和酒店的供应商、执行所有义务和责任以确保工作中自身和他人安全、通过积极的态度提供礼貌和无障碍服务给客人和下属员工,始终保持愉快的工作环境。
  • 贵阳 | 3年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 午餐补贴
    • 年底双薪
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 人性化管理
    其他景区 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-04
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1、成本核算:负责各部门的成本核算,确保数据准确。 2、成本分析:定期分析成本数据,编制报告,提出优化建议。 3、预算管理:参与成本预算编制,监控执行情况,确保成本在预算内。 4、内部控制:完善成本控制制度,监督执行,防范风险。 5、库存管理:监督库存盘点,确保账实相符,减少浪费。 6、供应商管理:参与供应商谈判,优化采购流程,降低成本。 技能要求:熟悉成本核算、成本控制、预算管理等。 其他要求:具备较强的数据分析能力。 有五星酒店行业经验者优先。
  • 成本主管

    北京 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 领导好
    • 工作日三餐
    • 岗位晋升
    • 带薪年假
    • 人性化管理
    • 五险一金
    • 包吃包住
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 03-04
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1. 参与制定、修订并完善酒店的成本控制制度。 2. 及时编制部门耗用成本费用汇总表,进行成本、费用的分析考核,向领导提供成本变动情况和提出控制成本、费用改进意见和建议。 3. 督导下属按成本控制制度流程和标准进行核算,随时为加强成本管理提供有关成本核算资料。 4. 根据收集整理的各种核算资料和厨房制作的投料标准单,提出售品的零售价建议,制定标准成本菜单和标准售价菜单。 5. 按照权责发生制原则,严格区分本期成本与下期成本界限。 6. 按照公司规定的核算办法核算各厨房、吧台的原材料、调料、燃料的进价成本。 7. 认真核对请购单与采购部提供的原始单据是否相符、多所购原材料超请购单部分,应责成采购员予以退货。 8. 指导库管员做好月末盘点工作。认真核对各种账簿,做到帐帐相符、账实相符、账卡相符。 9. 根据直拨厨房的原材料收货单填制记账凭证,并按实际进价计算营业成本。 10. 根据厨房、吧台领用的原材料和库存商品填制记账凭证,并按实际进价计算营业成本。 11. 月末根据相符后的营业成本和其他有关资料计算本期营业成本率和毛利率,并对成本和毛利变化情况分析提出改进措施。 12. 负责公司分配本岗位使用的固定资产和低值易耗品的管理,做到帐实相符。 13. 协助上级做好本岗位安全生产和卫生防疫工作。 14.服从领导安排,认真完成领导交办的各项工作任务。 任职资格 1.学历和专业要求:大专及以上学历 2.资格证书:会计岗位从业资格证 3.经验要求:3年以上工作经验, 4.能力素质要求:具有较好的职业道德,遵纪守法,廉洁奉公,实事求是,具有强烈的责任心和事业心,较强的语言表达能力;具有较好的判断、分析问题与解决问题的能力;善于分析问题,思维敏捷,能迅速发现成本控制工作中的问题,并提出解决办法 5.知识与技能要求:具有一定的食品、饮料采购、保管贮藏、烹调知识;能熟练使用财务管理系统软件和常用办公软件
  • 普洱 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 带薪年假
    • 技能培训
    • 发展空间
    • 娱乐活动
    • 舒适住宿
    • 丰富员餐
    • 社会保险
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 03-07
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1. 分析餐饮报告、核算餐饮成本。 2. 对比发票、采购申请、销售并编制成本与销售报告进行核查;抽查采购、收货、库存、发货工作的执行情况,及酒吧库存量;每月对食品及粗加工进行测试来测定产出量。 3. 与行政总厨共同制定标准食谱成本细节。 4. 计算所有餐厅及宴会菜单所需采购成本,建立所有食品采购成本的信息。 5. 比较菜单的食品成本与售价,合理控制出品分量,将浪费和失窃情况降至最低。 6. 进行市场调查;检查已收货物的质量;确保物品的存储安全。                                                  7. 处理发票;核对货品定单及收货与发票是否一致;核对单位成本;计算标准食品和酒水成本。                                                    8. 与行政总厨共同制定食谱成本,编制各餐厅每月餐饮成本报告。 9. 监管存货情况,检查出库申请和库房收货,以查证库房记录是否正确,保持标准库存量并定期审核。每月进行食品、文具及总仓的库存盘点。 10. 监督并汇报一切不正常或超标准成本。准备每月餐饮成本控制报告并对差异进行分析。针对如何降低成本提出合理化建议。 11. 关注损耗慢的存货项目。 12. 定期将食品及物品采购价格与其他酒店作比较。   13. 监管收货情况。  14. 确保根据要求完成每日收货记录。确保验收货品和服务的价格、质量及数量符合已审批的采购申请单要求。定期地对收货程序进行检查及评估。 15. 执行内部标准控制制度和检查清单。确保各项内部控制衡量措施的严格执行。
  • 列表
  • 明细
  • 中国大陆0086
  • 中国香港00852
  • 中国澳门00853
  • 中国台湾00886
  • 美国001
  • 西班牙0034
  • 马来西亚0060
  • 新加坡0065
  • 泰国0066
  • 柬埔寨00855
  • 阿联酋00971
  • 卡塔尔00974



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  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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