§ 协助部门建立完善并且维护部门营运手册,部门营运手册应当反映出酒店政策和程序以及工作过程和标准。
To assist with the developmentand maintenance of a detailed Department Operations Manual that reflectspolicies and procedures work processes and standards of performance within theDivision.
§ 与餐饮部副总监和餐饮部总监密切合作准备和定期更新餐饮部预算,确保达到预算目标并且有效的控制成本。
To assists with the preparationand regular update of the Food and Beverage Departmental Budget, in closecooperation with Assistant Director of Food & Beverage and the Director ofFood and Beverage ensuring targets are met and costs are effectively controlled.
§ 参与制定年度市场营销计划,确定营销活动,以配合年度商业计划的完成。
To participate in theformulation of the Annual Marketing Plan to established a list of marketingactivities in line with the compilation of the Annual Business Plan.
§ 维护部门日志。
To maintain the Daily Log Book
§ 向餐饮部总监上交以下报告(如餐厅经理缺席,安排副理上交):
To submit the following reportsto the Director of Food and Beverage, in the absence of the Outlet managerarrange Assistant to do so:
- 每月餐厅报告
Weekly work schedule.
- 每月客用品消耗报告
Monthly consumption reports ofguest supplies.
- 假期安排
Vacation schedule.
- 预计培训
Training forecast.
- 酒水短缺 / 超额报告
Beverage shortage / overage report.
- 客人/员工事故报告。
Guest/staff incident report.
§ 根据营业状况排班,确保有足够的人手。
To plan the outlet weekly rosterand work schedules to ensure that the outlet is adequately staffed to handlethe level of business.
§ 根据使用状况和安全库存量申领客人用品。
To request guest suppliesaccording to consumption and established par stocks.
§ 维护部门信息板。
To maintain the outlet bulletinboard.
§ 参加每月餐饮部会议和每日运营会议。
To attend monthly Food andBeverage meeting and daily operations meeting.
§ 参加餐饮部总监主持的所有会议和简报。
To attend all other meetings andbriefings as directed by the Director of Food and Beverage.
§ 根据酒店规章制度和程序处理“失物招领”。
To report “loss and found” itemsin line with the Policies & Procedures.
§ 确保部门前场和后场区域干净、整洁有序。
To ensure that the outlet iskept clean and organized, both at the front as well as the back of the house.
§ 与餐务部和客房部合作,严格按照清洁时间表进行清洁。
To liaise and organize withStewarding and Housekeeping that the established cleaning schedules arestrictly adhered to.
Payroll& Productivity Management
§ 通过在整个部门内建立灵活的员工编制,实施高效的薪资管理/资源分配。这将依据一个灵活的员工基数(全职员工及临时工)、多技能及多任务的原则。
Exercises efficient PayrollManagement/ Resource allocation through the establishment of a flexibleworkforce throughout the Division. This will be based on the principles of a flexibleassociate base (Full Time & Part Time associates), multi-skilling andmulti-tasking.
§ 指导下属确保生产力水平满足凯悦酒店集团餐饮部运营手册的要求。
Directs subordinates to ensureproductivity meets the Hyatt Hotels Corporation Food and Beverage OperationsManual requirements.
§ 关注改进生产力水平及在可接受的指引下谨慎管理用品/薪资,确保所有设备的优化部署和高效能。
Focuses attention on improvingproductivity levels and the need to prudently manage utility/ payroll costswithin acceptable guidelines ensuring optimum deployment and energy efficiencyof all equipment.
§ 确保使用新技术和新设备以提高生产力。
Ensures new technology &equipment are embraced as to improve productivity.
§ 通过“灵活处理工作”(适当情况下)和简化工作流程,来回顾和不断探索所有员工的生产力水平改善。
Reviews and constantly seeksProductivity level improvements of all associates through the process of“taking work out of the system” (when appropriate) and through streamlining ofwork process.
§ 确保根据经营理念对部门进行高效地管理,根据标准始终提供礼貌、专业、高效和灵活的服务。
To ensure that the outlet ismanaged efficiently according to the established concept statement, providingcourteous, professional, efficient and flexible service at all times accordingto the established standards.
§ 在部门内凡事亲历亲为,始终在餐厅参与运营,特别是在工作繁忙期间。
To be a hands-on manager and bepresent at all times in the outlet, especially during busy periods.
§ 能够灵活并适应餐饮部不同部门和酒店安排的其它部门的岗位轮换。
To be flexible and adapt torotate within the different departments, sub departments of the Food andBeverage division or any others departments assigned by the hotel.
§ 根据部门营运手册中的服务标准,确保执行正确的营运标准。
To ensure that correct operatingstandards are adhered in order to achieve the level of service established inthe Departmental Operations Manual.
§ 为下属分派工作并定期检查工作表现。
To assign responsibilities tosubordinates and to check their performance periodically.
§ 确保部门以最大的接待能力接受预定。
To ensure table reservations aretaken properly in order to maximize the restaurant turnover.
§ 确保严格遵守所有运营设备和用品的库存量,保证餐厅的顺畅运营。
To ensure that the par stocksfor all operating equipment and supplies are strictly adhered to, and that theoutlet is adequately equipped.
§ 每月进行运营设备及营业用品盘点。
To conduct monthly inventorychecks on all operating equipment and supplies.
§ 协助控制运营设备及营业用品的申请、储存及仔细使用所有设备和物品。
To assist in controlling therequisitioning, storage and careful use of all operating equipment andsupplies.
§ 就每日准备、服务及菜单为员工召开班前沟通会。
To conduct daily pre-shift briefingsto associates on preparation, service and menu.
§ 在每日运营及质量方面与厨务部和其他支持部门密切配合。
To liaise with the Kitchen andother supporting departments on daily operation and quality.
§ 根据酒店既定的配方和程序,确保酒水的出品和服务。
To ensure that all beverageorders are produced according to the established recipes and procedure set forthe outlet
§ 控制物品申请、库存和酒水服务/份量。
To control the requisitioning,storage, and service/portioning of beverages
§ 确保适当的酒水库存,维护并记录酒水的报废和浪费。
To control appropriate beveragepar stocks are maintained and record any spoilage and wastage
§ 确保酒吧和周围区域始终整洁。
To ensure that the bar andsurrounding area is kept clean and organized at all times
§ 处理客人所有关于食品、酒水和服务方面的投诉、要求以及疑问。
To handle all guest complaints,requests and inquiries on food, beverage and service.
§ 确保部门严格遵守收银程序。
To ensure that the outletcashiering procedures are strictly adhered to.
§ 监督管理和检查部门运作和行政工作。
To supervise and oversee theoperation and administration of the outlet.
§ 确保宴会及会议服务顺利并高效的运行。
To ensure the smooth andefficient operation of Banqueting and Convention services throughout the resort.
§ 学习和评估营运和工作程序,向餐饮部总监或副总监提出建议。.
To study, evaluateoperation/procedure and suggest improvements to DOFB/Assistant.
§ 具有主人翁精神并确保客人满意。
To act as a host to the guestsand ensure their satisfaction
§ 检查下属的工作表现和仪容仪表。
To check work performance ofsubordinates and their grooming.
§ 在营业繁忙期间督导、检查并且协助下属的工作。
To supervise, oversee and assistsubordinates during busy period in the service.
§ 在每日运营方面与厨务部密切配合。
To liaise with kitchen crew ondaily operation.
§ 具备充足的菜单和设备知识。
To possess thorough knowledge ofmenu and equipment.
§ 和厨师长一起确定菜单、配方和菜单循环更新。
To work with Chef on the menu,recipes and menu cycle concept.
§ 向餐饮总监汇报会议、餐饮产品的差异。
To report deviations of theCatering and food and beverage products to the Director of Food and Beverage.
§ 充分理解并且执行部门营运手册。
To fully understand and adhereto the Departmental Operations Manual.
§ 根据部门营运手册中的工作计划和工序表完成任务。
To perform all tasks inaccordance to the Session Plans and Task Breakdowns from the DepartmentalTraining Manual.
§ 完全理解并且运用餐饮宝典20条的理念。
To fully understand and applythe philosophy of F&B Top 20’s.
§ 完全理解并遵守凯悦餐饮部愿景和使命。
To fully understand and adhereto Hyatt’s Food and Beverage Vision and Mission.
§ 通过参与管理,根据酒店制度和程序以及相关适用法律,对所有餐饮部员工进行紧密督导。
Through hands on management,supervises closely all Food and Beverage Service associates in the performanceof their duties in accordance with policies & procedures and applicablelaws.
§ 给具备能力和资源的员工委派适当的工作和责任,在培养和发展员工的同时确保营运标准和安全。
Delegates appropriately dutiesand responsibilities, to equipped and resourced associates, nurturing anddeveloping them whilst ensuring standards of operation and safety aremaintained.
§ 拥护和支持酒店的培训精神和以人为本的管理哲学,并和进修及培训发展部经理、会议宴会服务经理密切合作培养和发展员工。
Instils and supports theTraining initiatives and philosophies of the company and works closely with theLearning and Development Manager and Event Service Manager to develop a team ofmulti-skill associates.
§ 发展并协助针对提高技能和知识的培训活动。
Develops and assists withtraining activities focused on improving skills and knowledge.
§ 确保员工完全理解酒店的规章制度并遵照执行。
Ensures associates have acomplete understanding of rules and regulations, and that behaviour complies.
§ 监督员工士气并提供工作表现及发展的反馈。
Monitors associate morale andprovides mechanism for performance feedback and development.
§ 进行员工年度表现发展评估,提供真实和准确的回馈。
Assists in conducting the annualPerformance Appraisals providing honest and appropriate feedback.
§ 将指导原则及核心价值有效地传达给所有层级的员工。
Effectively communicates guidingprinciples and core values to all levels of associates.
§ 完全拥护和理解凯悦酒店集团以人为本的企业文化– 言出必行。
Fully embraces and articulates HyattPeople Philosophy guidelines – walking the talk
§ 主持部门会议并确保会议有计划、高效并以结果为导向。
Conducting regular departmentalmeetings ensuring all meetings are well planned, efficient and resultsoriented.
§ 按要求出席所有会议并作出贡献。
Attends and contributes to allmeetings as required.
§ 了解关于员工及行业关系的法律、法规,理解并严格遵守劳动合同和员工手册中的规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康、安全和紧急情况处理的制度。
Is knowledgeable in statutorylegislation in associate and industrial relations, understanding and strictlyadhering to rules and regulations established in the Collective Labour Agreement,Associate Handbook and the hotels policies concerning Fire, Hygiene, Health andSafety and Emergency situation
§ 礼貌而高效的处理客人和员工询问,对不能立即解决的投诉和问题进行汇报,并及时回馈和跟进。
Handles guest and associateenquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problemsif no immediate solution can be found, whilst feeding back a prompt follow up.
§ 积极参与员工福利、安全、发展及健康的活动,并给予建议、咨询和真实、恰当的反馈。
Take an active involvement inthe Welfare, Safety, Development and well-being of associates providing advice,counselling and truthful, diplomatic feedback.
§ 遵守当地法律,精通本部门相关法律并遵照执行。
To comply with local legislationand be conversant and act in accordance with any legal issues relating to yourdepartment.
§ 确保排班表和考勤准时上交。
To ensure rosters are posted andtimesheets submitted on time.
§ 与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的接触。
Maintains positive guest andcolleague interactions with good working relationships.
§ 始终展现负责的管理和行为,并以积极的形象代表酒店管理团队和凯悦酒店集团。
Exercise responsible managementand behaviour at all times and positively representing the hotel management teamand Hyatt Hotels Corporation.
§ 确保所有员工根据合约的雇佣条件、当地法规以及公司/酒店的政策与程序得到公平和一致的对待。
To ensure that all associatesare treated fairly and consistently as outlined in their terms and conditionsof employment, local legislation, and company/hotel policies and procedures
§ 按照要求参加培训课程。
To attend training sessions whenrequired.
§ 准时到岗,始终穿着正确的制服并佩戴名牌。
To report for duty punctually,wearing the correct uniform and name badge at all times
§ 确保高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。
Ensure high standards ofpersonal presentation and grooming.
§ 始终提供友好、礼貌、专业的服务并确保客人满意。
To provide a friendly,courteous, professional service and ensure guests satisfaction at all times.
§ 了解关于员工及行业关系的法律、法规,理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。
Is knowledgeable in statutorylegislation in associate and industrial relations, understanding and strictlyadhering to rules & regulations established in the Associate Handbook andthe hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health & safety.
§ 确保每位员工按照要求参加培训课程。
To ensure that all associatesattend the training sessions when required.
§ 确保每位员工准时到岗,始终穿着正确的制服并佩戴名牌。
To ensure that all associatesreport for duty punctually, wearing the correct uniform and name badges at alltime.
§ 确保每位员工保持高标准的个人形象和卫生标准,并遵守酒店和部门的仪容仪表要求。
To ensure that all associatesmaintain a high standard of personal appearance and hygiene and adhere to thehotel and department’s grooming standard.
§ 确保所有员工始终提供友好、礼貌、专业的服务并确保客人满意。
To ensure that all associatesprovide a friendly, courteous, professional service and ensure guestssatisfaction at all times.
§ 积极地交叉销售其他餐厅的餐饮。
To actively cross-sell otherFood & Beverage outlets.
§ 协助进行季度、半年、年度运营设备盘点
To assist in carrying outquarterly, Bi-yearly, yearly inventory of operating equipment
§ 根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。
Respond to requests to undertakeany reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by thehotel, industry & company.