The Front Office Manager is responsible for givingdirection to the entire Front Office, Bell Services, Concierge, and GuestServices departments. The Front Office Manager is responsible for continuallyfocusing on quality and contributing to hotel profitability through effectivecost controls. They must achieve guest satisfaction targets and team membersatisfaction goals. In addition, they are responsible for developing andtraining team members. Directs and co-ordinates the activities of the Front Office Department whichincludes Guest Service Center, Reception, Lobby, Hotel Entrance, Executive ClubLounge, Guest room assignments, mail and information, bell service.Alwayspresent and visible in the reception and lobby during busy periods , and is responsiblefor achieving the quality performance target which is above the average of thecompetitor hotels.前厅部经理负责管理和协调前厅部工作,包括前台,礼宾和预定及宾客服务中心等部门。前厅经理要始终关注我们的服务质量,通过成本控制实现盈利。必须达到客人的满意目标和团队成员的满意目标。同时负责员工的培训和发展,指导和协调前厅部的各项活动,包括宾客服务中心,前台接待,大堂吧,酒店正门口,行政酒廊,房间分配,信件邮寄查询信息,礼宾服务等。始终出现在营运繁忙的现场,并确保我们的服务质量标准高于竞争对手的平均水平。
Ensures thatapplicable operating procedures are implemented for the following:确保能以适当的运作程序进行以下操作:
1. Maximize room utilization and ensuring the correct room allocation.最大客房入住率及正确的房间分配。
2. Maintenance of the highest possible average room rate, by training staffand using upselling techniques.通过员工培训和销售技巧,维持酒店的最高可能平均房价。
3. Availability and condition of room is accurate and always kept current.客房的正常条件及可用性,并及时更新。
4. The utilization by all staff of the PMS Opera software system isaccurate and professional, and all staff are well trained.员工能准确和专业的使用前台操作系统,接受过良好的培训。
5. All reservation rooms are allocated prior to guest arrival, and all VIProoms are inspected and all concerned should be advised prior to guest arrival.在客人入住前,做好房间的分配,安排检查贵宾房间及有关贵宾的到达。
6. Group arrivals are organized and prepared prior to arrival, and managedsmoothly and effectively so that they do disturb the regular hotel operationand other guest arrivals.做好团队到店前的准备工作,并确保高效有序的进行,以免影响其他客人的接待。
7. Control of all room keys.钥匙控制。
8. Receipt and flow of mail and messages to ensure efficient methods andliaison between department sections and shifts.确保部门和班次之间高效地收发信件和信息以保持良好沟通。
9. Potential room control procedure and adequate explanation for thevariance.对可能发生的房间变动的控制并对变动做出解释。
10. Written daily reports to management relative to anticipated roomoccupancy, reservation pattern, expected check-in and out. 拟定有关预期客房入住率,预定模式,预期登记入住和结账的管理的书面报告。
11. Adequate daily staffing and appropriate working schedules to minimizepayroll costs.控制每天的员工人数与工作日程的匹配来节约工资。
12. Employment and training of staff in co-ordination with PersonnelDepartment.与人事部协作进行员工雇用与培训的事宜。
13. The promotion and aid in carrying our hotel employee relations policies,such as courtesy program, work performance records, vacations, etc.提升和协助拟定酒店员工有关政策,如礼仪计划,工作表现记录,假期,等等。
14. Effective probation and annual performance evaluation of staff.有效的员工试用期转正评估和年度绩效表现评估。
15. Presiding of daily Front Office meetings.主管前厅部会议。
16. The performance of other related functions that may be assigned.其他可能分配的相关功能的表现。
17. Well know CRT, fire and other emergency procedure, could manage relatedequipment.熟知酒店急救、消防和其他紧急事件处理程序,并会操作相关设备。
18. Implements guidelines, policies, and procedures for their operatingdepartments执行运作部门的方针,政策和工作流程。
19. Guides operations and establish a work environment to achieve goals andobjectives for quality and guest service指导运营工作,建立积极良好的工作氛围以实现服务质量的目标。
20. Manages performance issues,and takes the necessary action for poor results that arise within therespective operating departments.管理部门绩效,并采取必要的行动,以应对在各自的运营部门内出现的不良结果。
21. Is an integral part of the business team, attends all scheduled meetingsand contributes actively with proper preparation.作为业务团队中不可或缺的一部分,需要参加相关的会议并提前做好相应的准备。
22. Interviews, selects, trains, appraises, coaches, counsels anddisciplines departmental employees/managers according to company standards.根据相应的规定,面试,刷选,培训,评估,指导,建议,和管理自己部门的员工和经理。
23. Effectively communicates with team members.与团队成员建立有效的沟通。
24. Conducts a daily briefing with team members on current key activities.与团队成员分享每日重要的活动。
25. Responsible for managing Medallia and for providing the monthly qualityperformance reports, and following up the actions with the related leader.负责管理Medallia,提供月度的分析报告,与相关负责人跟进行动计划的落实。
26. Ensures compliance with local legal, security, health and safetyregulations.确保遵守当地法律、安全、健康法规等。
27. Anticipate and address guest issues and establish proactive processes topromote guest satisfaction.预测并解决客人的问题,建立积极主动的流程以提高客人的满意度。
28. Be an inspiration to all hotel staff to achieve luxury levels of performance.激励所有的员工以达到奢华的绩效水平。
29. Interacts in a positive way with other departments to ensure a luxuryguest experience.积极的与其他部门进行沟通,以确保客人的奢华体验。
30. Must be an example of the Wyndham Grand Values, brand standards, and achampion of grooming and appearance guidelines.确保成为温德姆品牌价值观,品牌标准及仪容仪表的典范。
31. Responsible for ensuring all Front Office team members fulfill theirtasks according to their Job Description and Operating procedures and policies,and for controlling the daily front office log book and submitting weekly tothe General Manager. 负责确保前厅部的员工按照各岗位职责说明书,工作操作流程和政策完成他们的工作任务,管理好前厅的工作日志并每周向总经理提交。
1. Minimumof 5 years front office interentional luxury hotel management experience.至少3年的国际品牌酒店前厅管理的工作经验。
2. Astrong understanding of operational controls, budgeting, forecasting, and scheduling.较强的营运管理,预算,预测和计划能力。
3. Strongoral and written communication skills.口头表达和书面表达能力强。
4. Abilityto train and develop team members.培训和发展员工的能力。
5. Abilityto work effectively in a team environment and take initiative.在团队中能有效的工作并积极主动。
6. Excellentorganizational skills.出色的组织能力。
7. Computerskills (Opera, word processing and spreadsheet).电脑操作能力(Opera系统,文字处理和表格制作)。
8. GoodEnglish and local Language skills .英语良好和掌握当地语言技能。
9. Musthave good working knowledge of Sales and Housekeeping operations and mustunderstand functions of and be able to co-operate with closely relateddepartments.必须有销售部和客房部工作经验,并且能与其他部门建立高效的合作。
10. Goodhuman relations is a must.人际关系良好。