1. Report to work ontime, in full uniform, neat appearance, groom must conform to standard.
2. On daily basis,before each trip, driver must check the vehicle and make sure it is totallyroadworthy and defect-free. With full compliance with traffic laws of localauthority, driver must use his own fine judgement to value the situation.
每日出车之前必须检查车辆的安全性,确保了解最畅通、省时的行车路线, 遵守本地的交通规则
3. Hotel driver hasfull responsibility of the cleanliness of hotel vehicle (both internal andexternal). Maintain fuel and oil levels,tire pressure. Complete inspection checklist as required.
4. Drivers mustprovide a high quality service and practise aggressive hospitality towards allcustomers. Driver must make sure the safety and comfort of guests is his/herhighest mission.
司机必须本着万豪对客服务精神为所有客人提供高质量, 热情,和安全舒适的服务
5. Pick up/drop off asrequested at specific location on time.
6. Drivers must befamiliar with traffic situation and road condition in Beijing. Must have a solid understanding ofthe destination list, be familiar with all requested places which is listed intraining packet. In addition, driver must know local areas and the way toquickly identify location of new places when asked for.
7. At any vehicledefect, accident and damage must be communicated to supervisor and managerimmediately. Driver would be charged at full responsibility if any delay ofcommunication occurs.
8. Driver shouldalways re-act quickly and efficiently to a job request in order to provide aspeedy service response towards request.
9.Non-trip time to cooperate with the daily work of the concierge