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  • 阿勒泰 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 领导好
    • 管理规范
    • 美女多
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-27
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    【岗位职责】 1、必须对具有持续性的人员培训FSMS / HACCP和SOP’s的提高和改善保持关注 2、可能需要积极主动参加每日质量会议(每日厨师晨会、团队会议),以保持厨房运营持续地提高,达到目标和保持顺畅地交流 3、可以被要求进行外卖管理工作 4、可以被要求在厨房以外的地点完成工作 5、积极的学习和适当的改变 6、时刻保持对于同事和主管等一个专业和积极的态度,依据饭店的规则和员工手册的要求行为举止,确保部门的良好运营。 7、协调,组织,落实和参与对厨房所有FSMS / HACCP相关的管理 8、时刻保持自己纪律性和适当的操作。并且检查个人卫生、整洁的工服操作台的 整洁和卫生。向Chef汇报任何的卫生问题并采取适当的行动。 9、履行每日查看后厨区域和各自的部门 /10、与Executive Chef / Executive Sous Chef进行每周的FSMS检查,然后提交报告-落实行动 11、每月的FSMS记录-整理并提交个厨师长签字 12、申请年假/节假日休息必须经过行政总厨的批准 13、邮件的修复和工程部的维护-空调失灵,灯泡的保险丝等等 【岗位要求】 1、管理并指导员工 保持与酒店各个部门进行良好的沟通 2、与所有员工建立健全可靠的合作关系,帮助员工尽可能发展潜力 3、定期检查所有员工外表的清洁,让他们以自己整洁的外表和制服为荣。 4、制定并完善培训计划,主持培训课程。 5、评估培训及发展前景。 6、愉快和亲善地与客人打交道,做到能引导客人,友善,可靠,并以外交家的姿态服务与客人。
  • 阿勒泰 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 领导好
    • 管理规范
    • 美女多
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-27
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    【岗位职责】 确保执行酒店政策方针和公司的品牌标准。 对于认可的员工实施培训课程,进行全体员工的培训和评估他们的能力 提前意识到缺少服务标准的对客服务并及时制定发展计划,跟踪和执行改变 在工作中和下属员工沟通,维护已确定的政策和方针。 在用餐期间确保及时纠正错误的餐位。 保持操作台的干净和整齐。 和厨房保持有效的沟通。 为团队准备培训课题。 在培训中借助餐厅经理。 良好的工作氛围和下属员工良好的工作关系。 在团队中展现个人精神和严守时间。 问候客人,处理评论和问题,无论何时都要在用餐中提高销售关注收入。 向客人推荐菜单的食品和酒水,适当的为客人点单和服务食品和酒水。 维护良好的客户关系和提高个人的修养。 依据库存的要求来采购物品。 准备每周排班。 在经理缺席期间负责运营。 接受餐厅经理安排的其它工作。 为客人服务酒水和食品。 提出好的主意和建议在设计菜单和食品促销的时候。 实施培训课程和时间表格。 全面的食品和酒水知识。 熟练运用客人维护技能。 领导素能。 【岗位要求】 全面的餐饮服务经验和时尚的管理主义。 至少2年的餐饮运营经验。 至少2年以上的同岗位工作经验。 良好的运营和管理技能。 良好的仪容仪表。 积极主动。 团队有良好的沟通才能,监督和刺激员工的积极性。 良好的英文书面和口语能力。
  • 阿勒泰 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 帅哥多
    • 领导好
    • 管理规范
    • 美女多
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 03-27
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    【岗位职责】 1、摆放更换展示柜菜品菜牌,了解菜价和菜品供应,整理点菜夹,打扫区域卫生; 2、了解当餐提供菜肴的品种、价格、新增菜品,有无重点推销; 3、与厨房及时沟通,了解菜品供应数量,海鲜产品的新鲜程度,主动向客人介绍; 4、根据客人的人数,推荐菜品数量,规格,介绍新推出的菜品和特色菜; 5、根据客人的消费档次介绍相应的菜品,并介绍各种菜的烹调方法以及口味; 6、掌握各种菜式的制作过程,熟悉菜肴的口味,特色原料配料及营养价值。 【岗位要求】 1、接受过餐饮服务方面的专业培训; 2、了解餐厅和整个酒店的各种设施及使用情况; 3、具有一定的营养学和心理学知识,具有较强的促销能力; 4、服务意识强,性格外向,头脑灵活,工作认真、善于交际。
  • 阿勒泰 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 商业医疗保险
    • 带薪病假
    • 额外福利假期
    • 节日礼物
    • 提供免费咖啡
    • 周五休闲酒会
    • 工作周年福利
    • 岗位晋升
    • 国际化氛围
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09:55
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    概述: Overview: 根据酒店政策及要求,提供餐前布置准备、标准食谱以及所有与菜单相关的食谱准备,自助餐、鸡尾酒会、咖啡、特殊会议等所有相关的食物准备。 According to hotel policies and requirements, provide pre meal preparation, standard recipes, and all menu related recipe preparation, including buffet, cocktail party, coffee, special meetings, and all related food preparation.   *具体职位福利以项目规章制度为准,详情面试沟通。 主要工作职责: Core Responsibilities: •       根据危害分析关键控制点、法定卫生局规章制度以及酒店政策和厨房操作程序来准备、进展、提供服务和储存食物。 Prepare, process, serve and store food in respect to HACCP guidelines and Legal Hygiene bureau rules and regulations, in respect to hotel Policies and kitchen operating procedures. •       最大程度的细致、关注细节以及热情来生产食品。在调味、烹饪时间及技术、食物出品及口感上要格外谨慎。 Produce food with highest level of care, attention to details and passion. Take great care in seasoning, cooking timing and techniques, food presentation and taste. •       完全了解所有点心菜单的内容, 确保满足客人所有的特别需要。 Has a sound knowledge of all dim sum menu contents, and ensure all special requests by the guests are followed through accordingly. •       确保每道点心的份量、准备及装盘符合入厨单的配料或特别的要求。 Ensures that the portion size, preparation and presentation of every single dim sum dish are correct as recipe card stated or specified in the captain’s order. •       负责始终保持对所有的烧烤、调味汁及冷盘的高标准要求。 Responsible for up-keeping and maintaining a high standard of all BBQ, marinated items and Cold Dishes items at all times. •       负责将全部的烧烤配料、调味汁及冷盘存放在合适的条件下并很好的控制每日使用量。 Responsible for keeping all BBQ, marinated items and Cold Dishes in perfect storage condition and in perfect control of quantity for daily use. •       维持最高卫生标准和最高工作安全标准。 Maintain the highest hygiene and work safety standards. •       严格遵守酒店规章制度中的食谱标准、部分大小、传递以及食用时间、品牌标准。 Adhere to recipes standards, portion size, delivery and pick up time, brand standards where applicable as per hotel policies and procedures. •       能提供满足餐厅要求的食物,与厨房不同菜式分部灵活合作。 Be able to provide food in accordance to outlet requirement and maintain flexibility to work within kitchen section and department of different cuisines as per department need and training specifications. •       适当储存不用的食物以便最小化浪费和最大化食物利用。 Store properly unused food in order to minimize waste and maximize food rotation. •       确保所有收到的食物都满足卫生安全要求及规格。遵守合适的控制程序,确保收到的食物没有物理、化学危害或虫害,检查其质量、数量及温度。 Ensure all food items received meet hygiene safety requirement and specifications. Follow proper control processes, ensure not physical, chemical or pest contamination of received food, check quality, quantity and temperature of food received. •       协助主管和经理根据食品生产要求,检查和订购新鲜食物,以及及时订购干货。 Assist Sous Chef in checking and ordering fresh products and dry storage items are timely ordered as per food production requirements. •       根据酒店要求,准备并展示自助餐食物。 Prepare and present foods for buffets as per hotel requirement. •       支持主管和经理以确保及时的食品服务、准确的食用时间、自助餐布置和食用时间。  Support supervisor and managers in order to ensure timely food service, pick up and buffet set up timing are respected. •       确保食物在任何时候都以符合卫生标准的适当的温度出品和存储。 Ensure food is served and stored at the right temperature at all times in accordance to hygiene guidelines. •       确保任何时候工作区、自助餐区以及所有食物准备区域的干净。 Ensure working station, buffet station, and all related food preparation area are properly cleaned at all times. •       下班之前和上班之后彻底清洁厨房设备、工具以及区域。 Always clean and sanitize kitchen equipment, working tools, and working station thoroughly and with care before finishing duty and or starting a new work task. •       维持最高标准的个人卫生,并遵守酒店仪容仪表标准。 Maintain highest level of personal hygiene and respect hotel grooming standards. •       及时向主管和经理汇报破损、故障及不合适的工作条件以及工作障碍。 Report any breakage, malfunction, improper working conditions and working hazard to supervisor and manager immediately. •       采取行动排除危险,向上级或经理报告危险隐患。 Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors/managers of potential danger. •       坚持遵守酒店安全制度、紧急情况处理规定和程序。 Adhere to the hotel’s security and emergency policies and procedures. •       熟悉对财产安全、紧急救护和火警等处理程序。 Be familiar with property safety, current first aid and fire emergency procedures. •       执行上级交代的其他任务。 Carry out other tasks as directed by your supervisors.   要求学历及资质: Education/Certifications: •       高中学历以上, 1年相似岗位的工作经验 High school diploma or above, with 1 year of work experience in a similar position •       掌握不同菜式的全面烹饪知识 Master comprehensive cooking knowledge of different dishes •       适应灵活的工作时间 Willing to work extended hours when required
  • 阿勒泰 | 8年以上 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    精品酒店 | 1-49 人
    发布于 03-17
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    岗位职责 1、负责蒸制各种色点、花卷、饺类、糕品及各种半制成品,能够制作各种水果、花饼及薄饼。 2、早茶市供应的蒸制品种、糯米糕的包制,按要求、比例配制食品,控制食品成本。 3、及时向点心部大厨汇报本部的食品储存量,协助点心部大厨制订食品采购计划。 4、严格执行食品卫生法规,把好食品卫生质量关,搞好本区域的卫生,要求工具清洁,摆放整齐。 5、当日所剩点心制品按要求放入冰箱或指定地点,切勿生熟不分。 岗位要求 1、为人正直,有责任心。 2、有8年厨房点心工作经验。 3、身体健康,能吃苦耐劳。
  • 阿勒泰 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 商业医疗保险
    • 带薪病假
    • 额外福利假期
    • 节日礼物
    • 提供免费咖啡
    • 周五休闲酒会
    • 工作周年福利
    • 岗位晋升
    • 国际化氛围
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09:55
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    概述: Overview: 监管厨房工作,确保菜品质量及厨房其他方面维持稳定全都的高质量出品; 负责厨房日常事务协调管理,全面负责食品质量安全、生产安全、员工人身安全工作。 Supervise kitchen work to ensure the quality of dishes and other aspects of the kitchen maintain stable and high-quality production; Responsible for coordinating and managing daily kitchen affairs, fully responsible for food quality and safety, production safety, and employee personal safety work.  *具体职位福利以项目规章制度为准,详情面试沟通。 主要工作职责: Core Responsibilities: •       坚守岗位,做好本职工作,按时完成下达的生产任务。认真执行设备精度检验制度,确保修理质量,并对修理质量负责。 Follow with department duty roster and schedule complete assigned tasks timely. Implement the device accuracy test system earnestly, to ensure the quality of repairs, and responsible for the quality of repairs. •       在公司宾客体验经理的领导下,全面负责各厨房的工作,按时完成宾客体验经理下达的各项工作任务,并定期汇报。 Under the leadership of Manager of Guest Experience, fully responsible for the work of each kitchen, complete the various tasks assigned by Manager of Guest Experience on time, and report regularly. •       完成或超额完成酒店下达的各项经营指标(收入、毛利率、费用掌握、利润等)。 Complete or exceed the various operational targets set by resort, including revenue, gross profit margin, cost control, profit, etc. •       完成或超额完成顾客满意度指标,听取客人看法,处理顾客对菜品的投诉,了解销售情况。负责搜集顾客对菜品的反应信息,汇总并制定整改措施,不断提高顾客满意度。 Complete or exceed customer satisfaction targets, listen to customer feedback, handle customer complaints about dishes, and understand sales performance. Responsible for collecting customer feedback on dishes, summarizing and developing corrective measures, and continuously improving customer satisfaction. •       完成或超额完成员工满意度指标,做好员工思想工作按时搞好沟通,员工流失率、员工满意度、员工幸福感指数,员工沟通指数达标或优于指标。 Complete or exceed employee satisfaction indicators, do a good job in employee ideological work and communicate on time, achieve employee turnover rate, employee satisfaction, employee happiness index, and employee communication index that meet or exceed the indicators. •       负责厨房菜点供应和菜点质量,制定标准化菜谱,负责酒店经理一起制定菜品价格核算标准以便把握毛利率。 Responsible for the supply and quality of kitchen dishes, developing standardized recipes, and working with Manager of Guest Experience to establish the 'Food Price Accounting Standards' in order to grasp the gross profit margin. •       负责公司菜品研制和创新,在保持特色不变的基础上推陈出新,完成菜品创新指标。 Responsible for the development and innovation of the company's dishes, innovating while maintaining their unique features, and achieving the innovation targets for dishes. •       负责大型或重要宴会菜单的策划,现场督导和检查,对重大接待重要菜品要亲自参与制作。 Responsible for planning, on-site supervision, and inspection of large or important banquet menus, and personally participating in the production of important dishes for major receptions. •       依据不同季节,重大节日组织美食节,推出时令菜式,增加花色品种,以促进销售。 Organize food festivals based on different seasons and major holidays, introduce seasonal dishes, increase variety and color to promote sales. •       负责厨房各岗岗位职责、工作流程、工作标准的制定,并监督贯彻执行。 Responsible for formulating job responsibilities, workflow, and work standards for various positions in the kitchen, and supervising their implementation. •       负责对厨房定岗、定员、定编、定薪提出建议。负责核准厨房考勤,工资分配,并依据详细情况提出调整建议,合理布置人力及技术力量,统筹各个工作环节。 Responsible for providing suggestions on kitchen job allocation, staffing, and salary. Responsible for approving kitchen attendance, salary distribution, and proposing adjustment suggestions based on detailed situations, reasonably allocating manpower and technical resources, and coordinating various work processes. •       负责厨房贯彻管理制度,嘉奖细则制度。 Responsible for implementing management regulations and commendation rules in the kitchen. •       负责厨房员工的培训、督导、考核、晋升;定期实施技术培训,组织厨师学习新技术和先进经验,定期组织技术考核,每月对各厨师长进行考核评估。 Responsible for the training, supervision, assessment, and promotion of kitchen staff; Regularly implement technical training, organize chefs to learn new technologies and advanced experiences, regularly organize technical assessments and competitions, and conduct monthly assessments and evaluations of each chef. •       搞好厨房安全卫生工作,严格执行卫生法规和公司制度,预防安全事故和食物中毒的发生。 Ensure kitchen safety and hygiene, strictly enforce hygiene regulations and company policies, and prevent safety accidents and food poisoning. •       负责酒店厨房设备、设备维护保养,餐具破损率掌握在指标之内。 Responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of hotel kitchen equipment, ensuring that the breakage rate of tableware is within the specified range. •       检查厨房装备运转情况,厨具、用具、餐具运用情况,制定年度订购计划。 Check the operation of kitchen equipment, the use of kitchenware, utensils, and tableware, and formulate an annual purchasing plan. •       负责对各酒店海鲜池、冰鲜台、展现柜、点菜牌、菜点等点菜区域整体环境的布置指导。 Responsible for guiding the overall layout of the ordering areas such as seafood pools, chilled tables, display cabinets, ordering plates, and dishes in each hotel. •       依据各厨房原料运用情况和库存情况,审核厨师长提出的选购计划,定期检查原材料库存情况,防止变质短缺,把好质量关(重要原材料要亲自参与验收)削减损耗,降低成本。 Based on the usage and inventory of various kitchen materials, review the purchasing plan proposed by the head chef, regularly check the inventory of raw materials to prevent deterioration and shortage, ensure quality control (important raw materials must be personally inspected), reduce losses, and lower costs. •       负责竞争对手商业调查,对本行业动向要有敏感性,按时提出经营思路调整建议。 Responsible for conducting business investigations on competitors, being sensitive to industry trends, and providing timely suggestions for adjusting business strategies. •       定期组织厨师长会议,菜品研发会议,员工沟通会,参与公司总经理主持的管理例会和每月的员工大会,制定周、月、季、年度工作计划,写好每日工作日志并按时上交。 Regularly organize meetings with kitchen supervisors, food development meetings, employee communication meetings, participate in management meetings chaired by Director of Guest Experience and monthly employee meetings, develop weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual work plans, write daily work logs, and submit them on time. •       以身作则,关怀员工,奖罚分明,关键时间必需在岗,提高厨房员工的.凝聚力,并要求员工以高度的热忱和责任感,完本钱职工作。 Lead by example, care for employees, clear rewards and punishments, must be on duty during critical times, improve the cohesion of kitchen staff, and require employees to complete their duties with high enthusiasm and sense of responsibility. •       处理好人际关系,协调好与公司各部门的关系。 Handle interpersonal relationships well and coordinate relationships with various departments of the company. •       完成公司交办的其它工作和处理各厨房显现的紧急情况。 Complete other tasks assigned by the company and handle emergency situations in various kitchens.   要求学历及资质: Education/Certifications: •       大专学历以上,有三年以上从事厨房管理工作经验,已达技师烹饪厨师水平 College degree or above, with more than three years of experience in kitchen management, and has reached the level of a technician chef •       有较强的事业心、责任感和良好的个人素质。熟知烹饪原料特性,掌握原料质量鉴别与保管知识 Strong sense of career ambition, responsibility, and good personal qualities. Familiar with the characteristics of cooking ingredients, master the knowledge of ingredient quality identification and storage •       熟悉厨房生产的工艺流程,全面掌握菜肴生产技术,擅长中式菜肴新品的开发 Familiar with the production process of the kitchen, fully grasp the production technology of dishes, and skilled in the development of new Chinese dishes •       有较强的组织管理能力和全面的厨房成本核算和控制能力。有分析当地餐饮市场、调整适应市场的能力,具有食品促销活动的计划、组织和相应的培训实施能力 Strong organizational and management skills, as well as comprehensive kitchen cost accounting and control abilities. Has the ability to analyze the local catering market, adjust and adapt to the market, and has the ability to plan, organize and implement corresponding training for food promotion activities •       适应灵活的工作时间 Willing to work extended hours when required
  • 列表
  • 明细
  • 中国大陆0086
  • 中国香港00852
  • 中国澳门00853
  • 中国台湾00886
  • 美国001
  • 西班牙0034
  • 马来西亚0060
  • 新加坡0065
  • 泰国0066
  • 柬埔寨00855
  • 阿联酋00971
  • 卡塔尔00974



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